(4) in forceps. --

(5) in borax. The roasted mineral gives a zinc reaction, and sometimes a slight iron reaction.

(6) in mic. salt. As in borax.

(7) with carb. soda. As alone on charcoal. Moreover colors the flame blue. The fused alkali gives a S reaction on silver.

(8) Special reactions. --

Mineral. Red oxide of zinc

Formula. [.Zn].


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. --

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. In the reducing flame forms a thin incrustation of oxide of zinc on the charcoal.

(4) in forceps. V.

(5) in borax. Generally gives a manganese and slight iron reaction in addition to that of zinc.

(6) in mic. salt. As in borax.

(7) with carb. soda. On charcoal, forms a thick incrustation of ZnO.

(8) Special reactions. With carbonate of soda and nitre on platinum foil gives manganese reaction.

Mineral. Electric calamine

Formula. 2[.Zn]^{3}[...Si] + 3[.H]


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Gives off water and becomes white and opaque.

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. --

(4) in forceps. V.

(5) in borax. Dissolves to a clear gla.s.s, which cannot be rendered opaque by the intermittent flame.

(6) in mic. salt. Dissolves to a clear gla.s.s, which becomes opaque on cooling. Silica remains insoluble.

(7) with carb. soda. With carbonate of soda alone is infusible. With 2 parts of alkali and 1 of borax fuses to a gla.s.s and sets free [.Zn], which incrusts the charcoal.

(8) Special reactions. --

Mineral. Calamine

Formula. [.Zn][..C].


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Gives off CO^{2} and becomes opaque.

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. As the red oxide. Sometimes also gives a lead incrustation.

(4) in forceps. V.

(5) in borax. Gives a zinc reaction and frequently an iron and manganese reaction.

(6) in mic. salt. As in borax.

(7) with carb. soda. Forms a thick incrustation of zinc, sometimes also of [.Pb] and [.Co].

(8) Special reactions. Dissolves with much effervescence in cold acid.


Mineral. Native bis.m.u.th

Formula. Bi.


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. --

(2) in open tube. Fuses and is converted into a yellow oxide.

(3) on charcoal. Fuses to a bead and incrusts the charcoal with oxide.

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