(6) in mic. salt. --

(7) with carb. soda. --

(8) Special reactions. In a gla.s.s-bulb with bisulphate of pota.s.sa, gives the NO^{5}-reaction.

Mineral. Glauber-salt

Formula. [.Na][...S] + 10[.H].


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Fuses and gives off water having a neutral reaction.

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. Fuses, and is absorbed by the charcoal. The saturated charcoal laid upon silver gives the sulphur reaction

(4) in forceps. Fuses and colors the flame yellow.

(5) in borax. --

(6) in mic. salt. --

(7) with carb. soda. --

(8) Special reactions. Gives the SO^{3}-reaction.

Mineral. Glauberite

Formula. [.Na][...S] + [.Ca][...S].


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Decrepitates with the evolution of more or less water, and when strongly heated fuses to a clear liquid.

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. Fuses to a clear bead, then spreads out; the soda is absorbed and the lime left on the surface. Laid on silver, the fused ma.s.s gives a sulphur reaction.

(4) in forceps. Fuses easily to a clear gla.s.s, coloring the flame yellow.

(5) in borax. Fuses easily and gives the lime reaction.

(6) in mic. salt. As in borax.

(7) with carb. soda. As alone in charcoal.

(8) Special reactions. As in preceding.

Mineral. Borax

Formula. [.Na][...B]^{2}+10[.H].


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Intumesces with the evolution of water, and under a strong heat fuses.

(2) in open tube. --

(3) on charcoal. Intumesces and fuses to a clear bead more or less colored by impurities.

(4) in forceps. As on charcoal.

(5) in borax. --

(6) in mic. salt. --

(7) with carb. soda. Fuses to a clear bead, which becomes crystalline on cooling.

(8) Special reactions. Gives the boracic-acid-reaction.

Mineral. Cryolite

Formula. 3NaFl+Al^{2}Fl^{3}.


(1) in gla.s.s-bulb. Decrepitates slightly and gives a trace of water.

(2) in open tube. If heated so that the flame be allowed to play up the tube upon the mineral, flourine is evolved, which corrodes the interior of the tube.

(3) on charcoal. Fuses to a limpid bead, which on cooling becomes a white enamel. If heated for some time, it bubbles, gives off fluorine and becomes infusible.

(4) in forceps. Fuses, coloring the flame yellow.

(5) in borax. Dissolves to a clear bead, which is rendered opaque by a large addition.

(6) in mic. salt. As in borax.

(7) with carb. soda. Fuses to a clear bead, then spreads out on the charcoal, the soda is absorbed, and an infusible ma.s.s of alumina remains.

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