"Please don"t go yet", Lady Gremory held Lady Sitri"s hand as they stood right outside the Gremory residence, Lady Gremory had tears in her eyes as Lord Gremory tried and pull her away from Lady Sitri. Mournommon could only hold Lady Sitri by her shoulder to stop her from moving forward and hugging Lady Gremory, which she had done about twelve times before and they had to say goodbye all over again.

"Why are women so emotional, it was fine in the beginning but get ahold of yourself!" thought Mournomon as he pulled Lady Sitri back. "You"ll see her again, no need to be that dramatically", Mournomon said, he had to pull her away from the Gremory residence.

"I don"t want to leave!!!", Lady Sitri cried as Mournomon pulled her, Sona who was nestled in Lady Sitri"s arms looked at her mother strangely. "Let"s go", Mournomon said sympathetically.

"Heartless", Lady Sitri screamed.

Mournomon just ignored her and kept pulling her away, ignoring the screams he heard from the Gremory mansions direction, "Be strong Zeoticus", Mournomon thought.


An hour later.

The trio of baby, devil, and dragon got onto a train and was currently heading back to the Sitri residence, Lady Sitri hadn"t spoken a word since they had boarded the train, she sat down on the bench inside the room in the train and stared off into oblivion, Mournomon was standing off to the side peering out the window and watched the landscape as it pa.s.sed by.

After who knows how long Lady Sitri finally stirred with a sigh, she spoke. "I apologize that you had to see such an unsightly me, Mo. I hope you understand that Venelana and I have known each other for centuries and have been close sisters ever since we first met, it"s hard not seeing her for so long and having such a short reunion is not enough to make up for the time we missed."

"It"s perfectly fine, it was just a bit... shocking, to say the least", Mournomon said with a wry smile as he thought of the crazed Lady Sitri.

"I guess I will just have to wait until next time Zeoticus is of for Venelana to come and visit me", Lady Sitri said sadly.

Mournomon couldn"t watch any further so he quickly thought of a way to cheer her up, the train was about to stop at a station when something came to mind, "Let"s get off at the next stop, I might have something you would like.", he said.

"What?", she asked confusedly and Sona gave Mournomon a look that made it known that she didn"t know what he meant.

"You will see", Mournomon said as he smiled mysteriously.


A few kilometers from the station, the trio stood in an open s.p.a.ce.

"Ok, now what did you want to show us", Lady Sitri asked, she looked at Mournomon with a face that was interpreted that she better not be disappointed.

Mournomon said nothing and walked forward, Lady Sitri wanted to say something but before words could escape her mouth it closed shut and her eyes opened as she saw a shocking sight, little Sona"s mouth was wide open as drool fell from it.

Mournomon was slowly growing taller as he walked forward, the few scales on his body grew more, his head was adorned with two extra pairs of horns growing from it as they curved backward. Before long what stood before them was no longer the Mournomon they knew but a ma.s.sive dragon, it"s black scales shine purple in the light.

Mournomon looked at Lady Sitri and spoke, "We"ll get on", his gruff voice causing the ground to quiver slightly. Lady Sitri could only stare at him dumbly, she had no words to speak, what stood before her was one of the most majestic sights she had ever seen, Mournomon stood six hundred meters into the air and was about a thousand meters long, though not the largest dragon to ever exist he was larger than most, towering above all of creation.

After a long time of silence Lady Sitri finally composed herself, " Mo, wow!" she said expressing her surprise, "Get on", Mournomon said to which Lady Sitri moved forward like an excited little girl, spreading her wings she flew onto his back and sat down, her face was full of excitement.

Sona has been staring at Mournomon the whole time in wonder when Lady Sitri sat down on his back Sona wriggled from her arms and stood on Mournomon"s back, her hands caressed his scales as stars shined in her eyes, "Pretty", she said before Lady Sitri grabbed her and held her close, "You can go now", she said.

With a laugh, Mournomon beat his wings sending them into the air while rupturing closeby trees from the sheer pressure, not long after they were gliding through the sky of the underworld. Mournomon had used some of his aura to surround Lady Sitri and Sona as to not allow them to get hurt or feel uncomfortable from the wind pressure or any other factor.

"Wow, said Lady Sitri as she sat on his back, if she wanted to she could walk around on it since it was quite broad but decided to just sit and enjoy the ride, Mournomon"s speed far exceeded that of the train as he had long overtaken the train and shot past it his appearance, blurry to all that looked at him.

"Woohoo" yelled Sona from Mournomons back as he flew forward breaking the sound barrier multiple times. Explosions ringing out. "Faster, faster" the little girl yelled and Mournomon complied letting out an earth-shattering roar as he beat his wings, his roar spreading out causing the sky to dim and the earth to shatter, luckily there was no one around or they would be dead or worst wishing for death.

And with a few more bangs he exceeded the sound barrier a few more times. Lady Sitri was now standing on his back and looking a the world around her which became a blur. Not long after everything became clear again and she could see her home not far in the distance.

As Mournomon landed in front of the Sitri mansion they could see all manner of guards lying pathetically on the ground, somewhere pa.s.sed out and others were crying pathetically.

"Oops", said Mournomon as he retracted his aura, Lady Sitri flew from his back and transformed back into his human form. "So, how was it", he asked.

"Amazing", Lady Sitri said enthusiastically before talking in a somewhat downcasted expression, "Just a bit quick".

"Of course, but we took a few detours as to not harm any innocents", Mournomon said as he pointed at the direction that came from.

Lady Sitri not understanding what he meant took a look and her face went pale, there was a line of destruction as far as the eye could see, the tree"s uprooted and the earth broke apart.

"It would be best not to go that fast anymore", Lady Sitri said

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