healed "What now, Master?"

Lambert smiled at Aura and raised his hand and gently placed it on her head. Aura stiffened from Lambert"s unexpected affection, but she almost immediately leaned forward for him to pet her more, her eyes glowing in a fervent light.

Lambert gave a good minutes worth of petting, rubbing her silky smooth white hair even teasing her ears with his fingers a bit and finished it with gentle caress to her cheek and giving her a teasing poke on her dainty little nose.

Lambert withdrew his hand which was quickly caught by Aura.


Aura spoke in a faint and quivering tone, she stared up at Lambert with watery half-closed eyes.

"T-thank you"

Aura gave Lambert a faint smile, her current appearance would send countless men into a stupor, birthing quite a few l.u.s.tfully desires.

Lambert gave Auras hand that was gripping his a gentle squeeze before letting pulling it free, he slowly stood up from the bed and walked towards the other one in the room.

An inaudible sigh of disappointment could be heard as Aura saw Lambert leave.

"For now we will get some sleep, Tosca, you will be sharing the bed with Aura"

Lambert arrived in front of his bed and took off all his clothes except the white boxers he was wearing, be it in any of his lives Alex could on sleep with a shirt on him and even long-sleeved pants would burden him and as a result, he never slept with anything on him except a pair of shorts.

His actions did not go unnoticed though, Aura was already drooling as she stared at his exposed muscular back, with strange words tattooed over its upper portion that spelled out, "Judgment" in a language that died out millennia ago, His left shoulder also boasting a templars cross tattooed onto it.

Tosca was also staring at his back, but her face was filled with curiosity as she stared at his tattoos, she could help but find them cool, though she did not know what the words on his back said she could still feel the divine might that it exuded and it left her breathless.

Lambert turned around to look at the two girls staring at him, he first nodded towards Tosca who was staring at his tattoos in curiosity, feeling relieved she wasn"t like Aura, but that could probably be because she was too young to understand these sort of things. He could only hope that she won"t, get "Infected" by Aura"s strange obsession with him.

Lambert then gave Aura a glance she was staring at him like an idiot, an absolutely gorgeous idiot but still an idiot, drool running down her chin from her mouth as her eyes wondered Lambert"s bare chest down to his abdominal muscles, his eight-pack was so defined it looked like they had mini eight-packs of there own.

If a woman that had a muscle fetish were to stare at him she would immediately pas out do to blood loss.

Lambert snapped his fingers a few times in front of Aura getting her out of her intense glare, she blushed a bit when she thought of what she did

"Stared enough"

Lambert asked, Aura face became even redder than it already was, but after a few moments she coughed then spoke out in a righteous tone, her words left Lambert speechless and helpless.

"Hmph, Who asked Master to look so handsome"

Lambert sighed after some time

"Alright you two goodnight"

Climbed underneath the covers of his bed and closed his eyes to sleep. Tosca and aura looked at him and then stared at each other with an indiscernible light flashing thought both their eyes.


In the other room.

"What do you think Masaomi?"

Cleria asked Masaomi as they sat next to each other on one of the beds.

"Don"t act dumb, about the situation and... you know"

Masaomi sighed as he sank into deep thought, only after some time thinking did he speak.

"Our situation was quite grim, if not for Mournomon coming to aid us, we would have been killed without a doubt. Lambert has also helped us this far, he has looked after us the whole journey and we have not come to harm this entire time. I believe that he is trustworthy, thought why either Lambert or Mournomon would help us... is a mystery"

Cleria nodded as Masoami sighed in confusion.

"Mhhh, I really wonder why they are helping us, I really can"t believe its because of this little trinket Mournomon gave me in return for knowledge on our devil transformation circles."

"We can only muse"

Masaomi smiled

"At least we are fine, both of us"

"About that, how did Lambert heal you, well I mean I know it was some sort of light magic..."

Cleria shuddered when she thought of the light that came from Lambert"s hand, although it was meant for healing, just feeling the purity of the light energy left her frozen, her entire body covered in a cold sweat. Composing herself Cleria continued.

"...It was just so effective, he healed you in almost an instance and there is no sign of any of the wounds existing."

Cleria closely inspected Masaomi again, but still came up with nothing"

Masaomi smiled helplessly, even he didn"t know what happened and it was his body that was healed, it was just too mysterious.

"I don"t know, but that is not the only thing shocking about his healing ability"

Masaomi said as he smiled at Cleria with a happy smile. Leaving Cleria confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Not only were all my injuries healed but even all the defects of all my past injuries are gone. I"m not only healed, I"m as healthy as I was the day I was born, no damage nothing even the impurity"s in my body was cleansed away, its like a rebirth!"

In the end, Masaomi couldn"t keep his excitement in check as he exclaimed with a loud and boisterous voice. Being healed like this could be counted as one of the most wonderful moments of Masaomi"s life, second only to the day he met Cleria.

Most would not truly understand what his rebirth meant, not only did it give him at least another ten to twenty years to add to his life expectancy it also allowed him to train even further even after surpa.s.sing his golden years of training, he has another chance to become even stronger at a very quick pace, this will allow him to protect himself better and most importantly protect his love.

Cleria smiled as she saw the excitement and figure burning in him said he was young man just entering his twenties.

"Come on, lets get to bed we have a busy day tomorrow"

Cleria said, but Masaomi suddenly jumped onto her, shocking her but when she saw the glint in his eyes she couldn"t help but blush a bit.

That night did not pa.s.s as peacefully as she had thought it would and she only got to sleep hours later with a content smile on both her and Masaomi"s faces.

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