Alex was sitting on a couch in the living room watching some television while finishing his breakfast of two eggs on toast and two pieces of bacon.

"Are you ready Alex, come on let"s go", said Anne coming out of the bathroom. Alex turned to her chewing the last piece of bacon but immediately spit it out when he saw her tire, choking a little before squeezing out some words, "Are...are you really going dressed like that".

Anne looked down at her clothes in confusion, she was wearing a very tight top that was sticking to her figure accentuating her already large "a.s.sets" and leaving her stomach bare for everybody to see coupled with her extremely short jean shorts and boots she didn"t really look appropriate.

"Yeah", she answered finding nothing wrong with her outfit. Alex just stood up, took a deep breath to calm himself, Anne was already a very beautiful woman but with her outfit, well you could just say that she oozed s.e.x appeal.

"Alright let"s get going", said Alex as he followed Anne out of the apartment, she locked the door and they went down the stairs together. They were situated on the third floor so it didn"t take long for them to reach the ground. Anne walked out of the apartment building and with a bounce in her step, and another place, she called a cab, causing quite a few cab drivers to come screeching to a holt, a quicker thinking driver immediately parked next to her.

The young cab driver almost fell out of his seat as he got up ran around the cab and opened the door for her. Alex that just walked out of the building couldn"t help but facepalm, he could see where the driver"s eyes were but chose not to comment but follow Anne into the cab through the door the driver so "graciously" opened for "them". Alex could see the sparkling eyes of the driver dim when he followed Anne into the cab.


The driver got back into the cab and with a caught to clear his through he asked "Where to?", to which Anne gave him an address and off they went. Sitting in the cab, Alex thought of what they were going to do today. Their plans were simple, buy him some clothes.

Since he got "rescued" by the ship all he had to wear were some old and tattered clothes that the captain gave him, so after getting settled in Anne decided that they had to go shopping for some clothes so that he wouldn"t look like a hobo.

Alex had asked Anne about her job but apparently, she had gotten leave after a long voyage on the ship. She would usually spend her day lounging around at home and going to the gym now and then, so she was happy to have some company. Alex also asked about her relatives which turned out to be a rather sour topic seeing as she didn"t have any, having grown up in an orphanage getting into a good college only because of her school grades.


Alex was broken out of thought by some humming, turning to its source he saw Anne looking out the window. Seeing her smiling face in the reflection of the window, Alex couldn"t help but think, "She is cute and all but this part of her is really creepy, but I guess it"s just who she is, a weird girl with a big heart."

"What", Anne asked Alex having fought him staring at her, "Nothing, just trying to figure you out," Alex said with a smile. Anne turned towards him and asked, "What"s there to figure out? It should be me trying to figure you out seeing as I know nothing about you except your name and that you have a house in j.a.pan", she finished with an accusing voice. "And knowing almost nothing about me and only knowing me for a few day"s you invited me to your home?". Alex said while giving her a faint smile while continuing, "I can only conclude that either you are a very dumb or have a big heart, my money is on the second half."

Anne couldn"t help but blush a little hearing what Alex said, although she wanted to refute she couldn"t find anything to say so she just remained silent. Suddenly Alex"s face turned stern as he spoke, "I appreciate your kindness and wished the world had more people like you, even so, don"t go inviting anybody to your home before you truly get to know that person", Anne just smiled at his warning and said, "I know that, but I could tell from a glance your not the bad sort."

Alex just looked at her for a while before sighing, "I"m not as good as you think" said Alex and stopped talking, Anne just gave him one last glance before turning her attention to outside the window.

The cab finally stopped outside a clothes shop, getting out of the car Alex walked around it and opened the door for Anne, gaining him a beautiful smile from the girl and a jealous glare from the driver.


The store wasn"t high-cla.s.s and Alex preferred it that way since paying too much just for some clothes wasn"t his style and to make it worse he wasn"t even paying for it. Entering the stoor Anne quickly found a clerk to help them find some clothes for Alex, and to his dismay, she demanded that he try on every piece of clothing and show her how he looked in it. Then it was her turn to choose some clothes and he had the pleasure of having her model for him.

After a few hours of pure torture, Alex finally left the store with bags of clothes. Seeing as it was already midday and s feeling a bit peckish Anne decided to eat out for lunch. Heading a famous fast food store that started with an "M" and had a clown as a mascot, they got themselves a table and started looking through the menu to see what to eat while waiting for a waiter to come and take their order.

Not having to wait long a waiter arrived and they both ordered a burger and a soft drink. The food quickly arrived and they chowed down. Finishing his food Alex looked towards Anne and chuckled, "What?" Anne asked finishing her meal. Not saying anything Alex suddenly leaned forward across the table, much to Anne"s surprise, and with a napkin cleaned some ketchup that was on her cheek.

"There," said Alex while getting up and ignoring the glare of a red-faced Anne. Anne followed after Alex after realizing that her glare couldn"t burn a hole through him. She paid for the meal at the cashier and they exited the store. Alex looked towards Anne and asked, "So, where to next", Anne thought for a moment before deciding it was probably time to go back home.

Hailing a cab, they went back to Anne"s apartment.

Entering his room, Alex threw out the bags of clothes and grabbed a boxer short and heading to the bathroom to take a shower while thinking, "Two can play at that game". Entering the bathroom he locked the door and took off his clothes revealing his perfectly built body. He wasn"t bulky but no one would underestimate his strength when looking at him.

After taking the shower, Alex dried himself off and just put on the boxer before exiting the bathroom heading to the living room. Hearing somebody coming, Anne looked up from the television only for her face to turn red. Using all her willpower she pried her eye"s from his muscular body before asking in a bashful voice, "What are you doing, put on some clothes". Alex smirked and answered, "Nah, I"m good. It"s not like I"m naked or going out."

"That"s not the point, I don"t want a half-naked man walking around in my apartment," Anne yelled while staring at the television to distract herself. "And I don"t want to keep seeing your b.o.o.b"s threatening to jump out of your top every time you walk too fast or your left but check peeking out from your jean overly short jean but I guess we will both just have to live with it". Alex retorted with a smile while crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

Anne looked towards Alex in shock hearing what he just said but immediately regretted it as her eyes locked on to his six-pack. After recovering she finally looked him in the face and caught his bemused smile, shaming her even further. "Fine, I"ll wear less revealing clothing, happy.", Alex gave a triumphant smile and went to his room to put on a shirt.

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