Everyone was silent, they understood the thought of retreating in the face of such a ma.s.sive army, but with three small numbers they could easily outmaneuver such a large force, so was there a need for such urgency?

"Uh...Old man, what"s wrong?" Kahn asked.

Lambert a.s.sembled his thoughts for a moment before giving an explanation.

"The princess has...taken action...the number is there combined armies."

Realization dawned on the others, there faces became somewhat pale. Just who were these princes? well the answer was simple they were the worst possible opponents there was in this war. Each of them had strength greater than a grand paladin and even equal to saints. For all of them to have mobilized was a frightening prospect.

"Even so, we can easily outrun such a ma.s.sive army, what"s there to worry about?"

Lyeecia asked as she looked at Lambert in confusion.

"If I am correct...we are being flanked...while the main army is coming at us...they will most likely send a smaller unit to intercept us and keep us...keep us from escaping."

Benicia became alarmed when she heard this.

"Then we"ll depart immediately, Lyeecia, spread the word, were making an expedition retreat, leave anything not essential. What are you waiting for, move!"

Lyeecia immediately left, followed by Khan, when he left they could clearly hear his boisterous voice echoing over the camp.

"Pack up ya lazy bunch o" fossils, were running away so only take the important stuff, like yah diapers!"

Benicia could only sigh, while Amen smiled wryly, as they heard Kahn shout, thought crude it was effective, every veteran immediately got up and packed evrything needed, by the speed they will be ready in less than half an hour.

Benicia and Amen snapped back to attention as Lamberts voice ranged from behind the table.

"Greed... fastest demon prince...he is most likely to flank us...with his cavalry."

"Then we will send a group to stall the approaching army and the flanking cavalry while the majority escape"

Benicia said as pain flashed in her eyes at the thought of sacrificing some of there members. Amen could only close his eyes when he heard her, he could not deny that that was most likely there the only choice.

"I will be among the intercepting members." Amen declared as he opened his eyes in resolution, he was no cowered, none of them were. He will fight for the lives of the rest of his brothers to the best of his capability and even sacrifice his life if needed.

"That...will not be needed"

Lambert spoke as he drew their attention, Benicia looked at him hoping he had a better alternative.

"I... will face the approaching army...should be able to stall them for some time...Benicia..."

"Absolutely not!!!"

Benicia interrupted lambert as she yelled, a clear distraught in her eyes as she thought of lambert facing an army of over a hundred thousand by himself.

"Lord Saint, there is no need for you to sacrifice yourself, we brothers and sisters are enough!" Amen spoke hurriedly as he could not hide his anxiety. Lambert was their pillar, they could not lose him no matter what.

"An do what...look as they sacrifice there lives for an old...caught*...old man half a foot in the grave!"


Lambert yelled in anger before breaking out in a coughing fit, shaking both Amin and Benicia not expecting him to become so angry.

Benicia stepped forward to help the coughing Lambert but he raised his hand causing her to stop in her tracks, after some more time he finally composed himself as he looked at Benicia and Amen with a strick look.

"I will intercept...the the main army...no discussion."

Tears fell from Benicia"s eyes when she heard him, she knew nothing she did will be able to change his mind.

"You stubborn old fool, go die than for all I care!!!"

She yelled as she stormed off out of the tent, leaving only Lambert and Amen. The later looking at Lambert with sad eyes, his voice filled with an audible tremble.

"My...my Lord S...s"

Amen could not even continue, he lowered his head as his body trembling, he could face the threat of death and not blink, but this... this was worse than dying himself.

"Do not be saddened...Amen...rejoice...for I will die a death...befitting a warrior...for that is what I am... I do not wish to rot behind some desk...slowly dying...if my death could save you all...I would gladly sacrifice myself"

Lambert said as he smiled faintly at Amin, amen lifted his head and stared at Lambert, then he turned around and left the tent. Lambert sat behind his desk for a while longer before he slowly rose from his seat and walked towards one side of the tent.

He looked at a large piece of white plated armor stored on a manikin, he placed his hand on the armor and slowly traced the marks on it, marks left by blades, arrows, claws and anything else that was thrown at him.

"The last fight, huh?"

Pulling the armor from the manikin, he slowly donned it himself. Standing in the mirror Lambert looked at himself from under his long disheveled gray-white hair.


He looked at the familiar appearance in the mirror, one that brought back memories of the past, a past where he too fought in battles and shed blood on the field.

Making sure he is fully armored Lambert stepped out of the tent only to stop dead in his tracks, standing before him was a group of giving or take four hundred men and woman, each an old veteran, a hardened fighter.

They all looked at Lambert with sad eyes, some of the woman and emotional men even had tears running down from there eyes.

Lambert stared at the familiar faces in front of him, he smiled at them with the warmest smile he had given to anyone in several decades as he spoke with a more jubilant tone.

"Brothers and sisters! A dark shadow hangs over us, I will take the lead and obstruct it, you all have but one job and that is to get to Ford Blight Bell, only then will you be safe, I want all of you to reach it or so help me I will strangle you when I see you in the realm of light!"

The Paladins all straightened up after hearing him, he had not spoken like this in years, and hearing him gave them strength.

"My Sword"

Lambert said, the Paladins parted as they created a path, within the path came Benicia, her red eyes stared at Lambert in unwillingness, she carried a wooden box in her hands.

"I will leave them to you," Lambert said as he reached out his hand, Benicia opened the box and revealed an ordinary-looking longsword sheathed in an ordinary sheath. It looked no different than any common weapon.

Lambert took the sword witch vibrated slowly when it came into contact with him as if greeting him.

With sword in hand, Lambert gave Benicia one last look before he walked towards the north, the direction in which the demon army was approaching. The paladins slowly opened up for him to let him pa.s.s in between them.

As he left the camp he could hear them sending him off.

"Glory to the PURGE!!!"

"Glory To The SAINT!!!!!"

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