"So be it"


Sorkin got ready to fight alongside Mournomon but just as he was about to give his warcry he fell to his knees. A most dreadful aura fell onto him, it took all his power just to stop him from being face-planted into the earth. With a lot of effort, he moved his head to stare at the Sitri Guard only to find them smashed to the ground unmoving or unable to move.

Sorkin looked over at Mournomon and found him standing there as if nothing was happening but Sorkin soon found a dark red flame covering Mournimon"s body, it was this flame that made him feel so overwhelmed. "Monster", was the only thought Sorking could think of to describe Mournomon, he could easily tell that Mournomon was equal to an Ultimate cla.s.s devil and that was more than enough for him to thank G.o.d for his blessing, "Agrr!" which in turn gave him a splitting headache.

Just as the guards were reaching there limits the aura vanished, but they made no effort to stand back up.

Sorkin could only feel the pressure but since he wasn"t the recipient of the aura"s might he didn"t know the psychological attack it gave. The aura was imbued with endless sorrow and resentment, as the aura descended on its victims it would crush them with its pressure while feeding them sorrow. The aura will bring up all there memories and fill them all with sorrow, if not stopped the victim will forever be drowned in sorrow never to awaken again.

Making use of the sorrow to weaken your defenses, resentment will seep into your heart and soul ravaging it from the inside until nothing was left. Under this aura, one"s last thought was of endless resentment and one"s only memories boundless sorrow.


"My name is Mournomon, I have come to speak with the head of your house", Mournomon"s voice spread out entering the ears of the guards, his voice was like salvation as it brought light back to there dead eye"s and reason back to there madness.

The first to move was the leader as she slowly lifted herself off the ground, her body was shaking all over and her face was pale. She stared at Mournomon, her previous anger, and arrogance nowhere to be seen, only a deep sense of fear.

"Now, would you so kindly lead me?", Mournomon asked them, but the tone he used made it clear to the Guard leader that he would not take no for an answer.

A cheerful voice suddenly entered everybody"s ears, "Oh, so you"re the one bullying my people of house Sitri". Mournomon looked towards the source of the voice, a girl looking to be in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin-tails. She stared at Mournomon with her beautiful pink eyes.

Mournomon stared at the girl for a few seconds, "Serafall Leviathan", was the only person Mournomon could think of while looking at the devil in front of him if her physical characteristics didn"t make it obvious then the ma.s.sive amount of power he felt in the girl quickly obliterated any doubts he had.


"A pleasure lady Leviathan", Mournomon gave Serafall a nod in respect, she smiled at him as she landed in front of her guards, "And what"s your name big guy," she asked looking at Mournomon with a curious gaze, this was the first time seeing a dragon in human form. Though most may not be able to figure out that Mournomon was a dragon, she had seen far too much not to.

"Mournomon", he said under her gaze not affected at all, "I have heard of a new hair to the family being born and has brought a gift.", Serafall"s pupils slightly contracted at the mention of her sister, which was the new heir born to the house of Sitri".

She stared at Mournomon warily, "What gift", all her cheerfulness gone with the wind as she spoke seriously, only something to do with her little sister could make her so serious.

Mournomon saw her change of mood and immediately knew why even after so long he could still remember the love this girl had for her sister. "Fear not, I mean you nor your family any harm, thought my reasons for wanting to meet the little one is, unfortunately, something I cannot make clear I can only pledge that I would never harm her."

"And how did you know it was a she?", Serafall asked but it sounded more like order as she raised her guard against Mournomon.

Mournomon could only sigh as he saw that the discussion was going nowhere, "Lady Leviathan, I can unfortunately not tell you how I know this, I can only hope you trust me." Mournomon said as he stared her in the eyes, he didn"t try any magic or anything and only wished deep within that she would believe him.

Serafall stared at Mournomon, looking with deep caution into his eye"s, she would have attacked long ago but something held her back, this dragon could have easily killed the Sitri guards but didn"t, he could have easily lied instead of saying he can"t answer her which made him seem even more suspicious, but what really stopped her was an indescribable feeling she felt, it was like a sixth sense and it told her that she couldn"t win against this dragon if they were to fight or more precisely go all out.


After a long silence, Serafall closed her eye"s and when she opened it again and her cheerful mood returned "Ok, Momo-chan", she said, turning around she skipped over to the other guards checking to see if they are ok.

Mournomon"s left eye switched when he heard what she called him but decided against arguing with the overly cheerfully devil, turning to face Sorkin Mournomon smiled at hi and Sorkin felt that it was the most horrifying thing he ever saw, it was also the last thing he ever saw as he was embraced by darkness.

Serafall immediately turned around ready to defend herself when she felt the sudden movement behind her only to see the headless body of the devil that followed Mournomon fall to the ground while his head soared high into the sky only to land after a long time.

"Apologies lady Serafall", Mournomon quickly started to explain after he saw how she reacted lest he makes her raise her guard against him again." I would rather not have such a being into your residence, you may feel free to search his clothes for further information but let just say I found this one and his group planning something unsavory, I ended them and had this one lead me here. Since his use has reached its limit I find no reason to leave him alive to cause more harm."

Serafall said nothing but had one of her guards search the body of the dead Sorkin, he returned with a lot of paper"s to her which were detailed report"s about guard shift"s of House Sitri as well as other cla.s.sified as well as personal information about her residence her family and herself.

"Where?", Serafall asked Mournomon once again completing dropping her cheerfulness. Mournomon could easily figure out what she was asking, "About a few hours flight that way", Mournomon said pointing in the direction of the place where he slaughtered the rest of Sorkin"s men.

"I"ll have people check it out, please follow", she said, giving Mournomon one final glance before heading to the Sitri residence, Mournomon followed her as the Sitri guard warily watched him leave.

"Alas your death was the least useful thing about you Sorkin", Mournomon said as he thought of Sorkin.

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