Within the Lobby of the Hotel, Lambert was quietly sitting in one of the chairs while reading a book.

Aura was to is right sitting quietly and patiently like a proper lady we all know she isn"t. Tosca was swinging her legs from her own chair while humming a tune, her eyes were vibrant and she had a smile plastered on her face, much different from the girl she was before.

"Light Scriptures", was the name of the book Lambert was reading, he had read the book dozens of times but never grew tired of it, it after the book that contained the experience of all the Saints to ever live, they would write down there own understanding of the light sharing it with all the members of the order

Lambert himself had contributed to the book and wrote his experience and understanding the light within. After every new saint writing within it would be compounded and published by the order as the next volume of the book, only difference in the book is that the entry of the new saint.

Saint was a t.i.tle given to the most powerful grand paladin of each grand Order. The Light grand order"s saint was called The Holy Saint, the Fire grand Order"s saint was called the Infernal Saint and so forth.

Reading the book was a form of relaxation to Lambert, he would also scribble down some comment on the pages or conjectures to some of the previous saints understanding. He would even sometime directly scrub away a certain sentence as to him what that saint wrote there was bulls.h.i.t.

Lambert has reached the pinnacle of understanding of the light to the point of being one with it, his light was even stronger than Aura"s alight elemental, which should be impossible but the proof was there. Lambert himself had no idea why this was so but he didn"t really care anyway his affinity with the light had saved him many times so rather than be skeptical he was grateful for the gift even if he had to sacrifice some...things...to obtain it.

While reading Lambert would also glance every now and then at the Yokai girl standing at the counter in the hotel waiting for customers. He had felt her gaze more than a few doesn"t of times and not just that also her attempting Youjutsu to probe them. Going over Lambert nothing happened but when the Jutsu touched Aura it quivered and immediately retreated unfortunately Aura already set her gaze on the poor Youkai girl.

The youkai girl was currently sweating bullets under Aura"s gaze v, she just casually probed the group since they seemed a bit strange, the little kid was somewhat special having a smidgen of manna in her, the old man was ordinary but when she probed the white-haired woman she was so terrified she almost fainted, the woman had an astronomical amount of manna in her body and the strange thing was there was no life force just the manna that shined in splendor.

She immediately knew that she screwed up so she canceled her jujutsu but it was too late, she had garnered the attention of the woman and could only curse her bad luck, only a being of the ultimate cla.s.s would have that kind of power and she just went and garnered such a beings ire.

Aura was about to stand up but Lambert raised his hand stopping her. He then slowly rose from his seat and walked towards the Youkai girl. She was of course very relieved when she saw it was normal if the not buff old man and not the Ultimate cla.s.s white-haired woman.

She was a bit curious why the ultimate cla.s.s woman would listen to a normal old man but didn"t think any further than that as Lambert has already appeared in front of her on the other side of the counter.

"Can I help you, sir"

The youkai girl asked, her smile somewhat weird.

"Well, I believe I should be asking you that, it was you that was haphazardly probing myself and my two companions."

Lambert"s voice immediately made the yokai girl freeze not expecting the old man to call her out in the open, it was actually a bit insulting to probe others as it was an infusion of there privacy, the fact that Lambert was speaking to her in such a friendly tone was already unexpectantly nice outcome, others might viciously scold her or worse just outright attack her something she thought the silver-haired woman was about to do.


Her face was a bit red as she had a guilty look on her face, not only did she not get a scolding she was spoken to with such a kind tone, this immediately put Lambert in her good books.

"Ah, I believe you were stationed here to watch out for strange occurrences and guests. As this is the youkai territory they should keep tabs on everything, no"

Lambert spoke again his voice still calm and gentle but his words immediately made the girl freeze. She was stomped, how did this normal person know so much, but after seeing his kind but knowing smile she felt a chill run down her spine.

"Not normal!!! Not normal!!!" she screamed in her mind as she felt a heavy pressure by staring into his eyes.

After composing herself for a bit she looked at Lambert with newfound respect in her eyes, she had nothing to prove it with but she felt that this old mand that seemed to be nothing more than a mortal was even more terrifying than the silver-haired woman, she had no idea how right she was.

"My name is Hoko, Pleasure to meet you and Sorry"

Hoko said as her fox ears behind the illusion dropped a bit, something even Lambert found adorable.

"Well Hoko, a pleasure to meet you too, please don"t mind me and my companions. Even if you have to report us to your superiors please let"s them know that I mean no harm to your people and am simply making a small stop before continuing my journey. I still have a charge to protect and lead somewhere safe and would like to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Hoko nodded information before excusing herself and running off to report this information immediately, one or possibly two Ultimate cla.s.s beings wasn"t a small thing and the information should be immediately handed over.

The other employee just stared in confusion as Hoko ran of not understanding what happened to make her run off like that, he gave Lambert a suspicious look which Lambert ignored and returned to his seat waiting for Masaomi and Cleria to com down.

Not long and two figures came downstairs.

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