NEWTON. _Meteor._ Encyclopaedia Britannica.

AIRY. _Gravitation._ A non-mathematical exposition of the laws of planetary motion.

STOKES. _On Light as a Means of Investigation._ Burnett Lectures. II. The basis of spectrum a.n.a.lysis.

SCh.e.l.lEN. _Spectrum a.n.a.lysis._

THOMSON (Sir W., Lord KELVIN), _Popular Lectures, etc._ Lectures on the Tides, The Sun"s Heat, etc.

BALL. _Time and Tide._ An exposition of the researches of G. H.

Darwin upon tidal friction.

GORE. _The Visible Universe._ Deals with a cla.s.s of problems inadequately treated in most popular astronomies.

DARWIN. _The Tides._ An admirable elementary exposition.

CLERKE. _The System of the Stars._ Stellar astronomy.

NEWCOMB. Chapters on the Stars, in _Popular Science Monthly_ for 1900.

CLERKE. _History of Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century._ An admirable work.

WOLF. _Geschichte der Astronomie._ Munchen, 1877. An excellent German work.


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