A Thief's Bravery

Chapter 3: Paradise

Sorry for the long pause.

Chapter 3: Paradise

Dr. Zhao couldn"t help but glance at Xiao Yu"s face. Her look made him a bit ashamed. However, it made she felt his plain and simple face was somewhat handsome. How many unknown stories he had hid? How much hardship his life has gone through in the end?
"Dr. Zhao, are you a volunteer?" Xiao Yu finally recovered from the feeling of being ashamed and asked.

“Yes, I am a volunteer from the medical college, come here for an internship.” Dr. Zhao said, began to take medicine from the cabinet.

The high-level students of the medical sciences have a bright future. Xiao Yu nodded and did not ask any more.

Touching Xiao Yu"s skin, Dr. Zhao"s fingers could not help but tremble. Her heart was always calm, and she looked at the scars on her back. When she applied the medicine, her heart was very calm and touched the wound. She was a little scared that she would hurt Xiao Yu.

“It"s hurt, so it"s OK for you to shout it out.” Dr. Zhao said, her hands were unconsciously lighter.

Xiao Yu smiled faintly, did not say that this pain is not a thing for Xiao Yu, but Dr. Zhao"s cold but slippery fingertips touched Xiao Yu"s skin, making Xiao Yu"s face slightly hot. .

After finishing appplying the medicine, she tied the bandage for Xiao Yu. Dr. Zhao took a sigh of relief. The lanky finger wiped the sweat on his forehead. This is probably the most difficult time in her practice.

Xiao Yu put on his clothes and smiled politely at Dr. Zhao and said, “Thank you.”

“You"re welcome, pay more attention when you go home, keep the wound clean.” Dr. Zhao shouted.

“Yeah. Dr. Zhao should also be careful, those two guys may come to trouble you again.” Xiao Yu said with some concern.

“Do not worry, I have practiced some martial arts when I was in the army. Two or three people can"t be my opponent.” Dr. Zhao said easily.

Xiao Yu is a bit stunned. Seeing that Dr. Zhao"s is quiet, it"s not like being trained or coming out of the army. Xiao Yu remembers the white-handed hand on his right wrist, maybe she didn"t bluff.

“Goodbye.” Xiao Yu said, got up and walked out.

“Goodbye.” Dr. Zhao said, watching Xiao Yu"s back disappear at the door and sighed. She has seen too many misfortunes since she arrived in the slums.

Out of the hospital, Xiao Yu looked at the sky. Now it is afternoon, she should be out of school. Xiao Yu walked home.

Open the low wooden door, Xiao Yu walked to the small and crowded kitchen, began to cook rice, and was busy.

The door slammed open, and the cheerful figure of the rain drove into the wooden house.

“Brother, I am back.” His sister cried sweetly and crisply, and then exclaimed, “Yeah, it seems to be the taste of roast duck, brother, are you making a fortune today?”

Heard her words, Xiao Yu couldn"t help but smiled wryly. In some level of meaning, he really made a fortune.

“I receive the salary today.” Xiao Yu said, his right hand unconsciously touched his nose. “Come on.”

Seeing Xiao Yu"s habitual movements, Xiao Yu"s eyes stunned, brother, you know, you will not lie at all. The expression of Xiao Yu"s eyes just flashed past, sweet smile: "Yes. Long live my brother, there is a roast duck to eat this evening. Oh… really fragrant. Right, brother, guess what I brought to you today."

“What?” Xiao Yu asked, looking at the rainy and lively look, Xiao Yu"s mood was better.

“Hey… the universe invincible super game helmet, debut.” She took out a light blue game helmet from the bulging bag. This game helmet is similar to the safety helmet, but the structure is more precise and full of electronic equipment.

Even the most common game helmets is worth 10,000 RMB. How can she pay for it? Seeing the game helmet, Xiao Yu"s face sank and he asked: "Where is this from?"

“Brother, you have to apologize, you actually suspect that your sister"s game helmet is illegal. I"m very angry, and when I"m angry it"ll bring very serious consequences. ” She placed her hands on her thin waist, glaring intensely at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu nodded helplessly: “Well, this big brother apologize. Now, can you tell me where the game helmet comes from?”

“This is the game company"s sales promotion in our school. Every student can get a student certificate. This is a novice game helmet. It can only be played for one month. After one month, the game helmet must be returned. So your sister took one.” She took the game helmet and shook it, and raised her face with pride.

This company is really pervasive, this is also a marketing tool. They were coincident that fter a month of trial, who can return the game helmet? Who won"t to buy it?

To be a professional player, this thought has been circling in Xiao Yu"s mind. Do I have that talent? But when think about his status, Xiao Yu sighed.

Looking at Xiao Yu"s expression, his sister vaguely knew Xiao Yu"s thoughts: “It is better to be a professional player than to be a good one. Brother, I believe you can.”

“In view of the excellent performance of Comrade Xiao Yu"s breadwinner, now awarded a comrade Yu Xiao"s game helmet, which encourages him to hope that Comrade Xiao Yu will continue to work hard.” She put the game helmet into Xiao Yu"s arms.

“What about you?” Xiao Yu asked.

“This comrade should study hard, go up every day, and be an excellent successor to socialism.” Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Looking at her cute look, Xiao Yu smiled and pinched her nose.

“Bad brother, pinching my nose, my nose is being pinched off by you.” She snorted and said with dissatisfaction, but she loved Xiao Yu"s relatives in her heart. This is a habit that Xiao Yu couldn"t change it.

Xiao Yu glanced at the light blue game helmet in his arms, and his mood was raging. Is this life?

Night falls.

Xiao Yu was lying on the bed, but it was over and over to sleep.

The rain lying next to Xiao Yu suddenly turned around and turned his face to Xiao Yu.

“What"s wrong, go to bed early, you have to go to cla.s.s tomorrow.” Xiao Yu looked down at his sister.

She flatned his mouth, and there were some tears in her eyes. She got into Xiao Yu"s arms and said, “Brother, I saw Aunt Wu today. Are you fighting again?”

Xiao Yu opened his mouth, but did not say anything. From childhood, the number of times he took home with injuries was too much.

Xiao Yu sighed with a sigh of relief and suddenly found himself wet on the chest.

“Your tears have wet my clothes.” Xiao Yu pinched her ears.

“You deserve it, who told you to fight all day.” She pulled Xiao Yu"s clothes, wiped the tears on her face, and then raised her face slightly.

“This girl…” Xiao Yu couldn"t help but laugh. “Well, my brother won"t fight in the future, let"s go.”

“Oh… you said it countless times.” She quieted down and lay down beside Xiao Yu, his hand on Xiao Yu"s arm.

Looking at the white fice, remembering the bitter and the suffering of her over the years, Xiao Yu said with a bit guilty tone: “This big brother apologize to you, this big brother is useless.”

A string of crystal tears slipped from her face, and then she turned and whispered in the mouth: “I fell asleep, I did not hear anything. Bad brother, you try to make this cute little sister cry.”

Two days before the game opened, Xiao Yu put on the game helmet. In addition to playing games, this game helmet is also a computer. Xiao Yu wants to use this time to try to understand the game-related information, and other games. It is also a good time to prepare for the release.

Wearing a helmet, there was a light screen computer in the void, which Xiao Yu once experienced in the computer store.

Xiao Yu searched “Legend of Enzes”, and immediately appeared tens of billions of search results. Xiao Yu clicked on some of the more important ones and looked at it. There is no game content of Legend of Enzes. Most of them are speculations by the players about the game. The mouth of the company was shut really strictly, they had not revealed any wind.

In playing games, Xiao Yu can be said to be a completely newbie. In the past, he only saw others playing. Fortunately, the current games are all virtual games, and there is no complicated operation.

Since there is no content related to Legend of Enzes, it is necessary to make up for the knowledge related to the game. Xiao Yu thinks, and starts to browse the various knowledge related to online games on the network and watch the cla.s.sic battle video on the network. .

After wearing the helmet, the brain will be in a state of sleep, so player didn"t have to worry about the problem of insufficient rest. Xiao Yu is hungry and eager to learn the knowledge related to the game on the Internet.

For two days, Xiao Yu did not leave the helmet. Xiao Yu keeps reminding himself in his heart that he is not coming to play in the game, he has to become a professional player! To be a professional player, the requirements are much higher than the average player, having to pay a lot of hard work than the average player, the performance in the game is at least better than the average player.

On March 25th, he watched the time. At 7:55 in the evening, there was still a five-minute left, Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

Time pa.s.sed quietly, Xiao Yu lit up a dazzling white light, couldn"t help but feel excited.

“It is said that in the distant chaotic era, the G.o.d of Creataion El Sid created this continent. He named this continent Enzes. In the language of G.o.d, it means ‘paradise". From that day, the Enzes continent has become a paradise for all kinds of intelligence beings. From here, staged an epic tale of countless heroes…”

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