The entire hall went silent for a moment as the man shouted those words with rage. The Adventurers around started distancing themselves from the epicenter of the dispute, not wanting to have anything to do with it. Which is the smart thing to do, considering almost everybody in the room is armed to the teeth.

The crowd cleared away from the source of the commotion, selecting a place to perch and observe. Far enough to avoid being accidentally attacked, but still close enough to listen in and get a good look at the action. The density of people at the centre thinned rapidly, unblocking my view and revealed a few people ready to rumble.

I glanced at the direction of the potential brawl and froze in recognition. An Elven woman stood there calmly across six men who, for some reason, seemed awfully p.i.s.sed at her. She wore her usual perfectly fitted leather armor with her auburn hair tied neatly in a braided bun, staring them down (she"s shorter than them, so up?") with deep amethyst pupils. One of the men stood forefront, presumably their leader, who was clad in pelted armor seemed to say something to Sigrid. I saw her lips move, giving her reply, which in turn infuriated them even further. I couldn"t hear what they were saying, so I decided to inch closer to catch their conversation, Lia followed me closely behind.

I arrived at the front and just as I was about to listen in to figure out what was happening…

"YOU STUBBORN B*TCH," the thuggish Adventurer howled and pulled out his axe. The other five men who stood behind him did the same, taking out their blades and blunts.

I covertly materialized my soulblade inside the empty scabbard I bought at the market, ready to ambush them when they strike. Not very gallant, I know. But then again, only an idiot would openly stand beside Sigrid and relinquish the advantage of a surprise attack.

A young Adventurer squeeze through the crowd from my opposite side and strode into the center, brazenly standing right between Sigrid and the angry six men. Combed browned hair shimmering with too much hair gel. Glaring them with arrogance and snapped, "You call yourself men? Shamelessly ganging up on a helpless lady like that?"

I slapped my forehead because I recognized him. Vargo. The noob Adventurer who got soccered by Gallagher at the rank-allocation-test back then.

"This ain"t none of your business kid, scram before I give you a taste of my axe," the leader said.

Vargo scoffed, "How dare you? Don"t you know who I am?"

Everyone gave a shrug and his face turned red.

He harrumphed and crossed his arms, "I guess you wouldn"t, seems like you"ve been living under a rock after all. Allow me to enlighten you ignorant fools, I am Vargo Vanelli, heir of-"

An axe swung on Vargo, about to decapitate him. A shortsword came between the axe and his neck, the surprise caused him to involuntarily yelp. Sigrid grabbed Vargo by the scruff and pulled him back. She brought him over to her side and with a blurring kick, sent him flying a dozen meters away across the room. Landing exactly in front of the crowd, who then dragged his limp body to safety. I arched my eyebrow, feeling a sense of dejavu.

The thug chief dashed and brought his axe down on Sigrid, taking her one on one. I resisted my urge to a.s.sist her. Deciding to go in only if more than one person charged at her, making use of their focus on Sigrid as my window of attack.

She easily dodged the attack and stabbed him underneath the armpit with a sloping angle upwards, and twisted. He screamed in agony, dropping his axe on the ground. He turned to Sigrid with rage in his eyes and grabbed her blade with his other hand, holding it in place.

She kicked him at his knees from the side, breaking the joints and forcing him to keel. His weight driving the blade deeper into his flesh. He screamed again, this time louder.

Everyone in the room winced at the sight, including me.

Sigrid pulled out her blade and knocked him out with the hilt of her shortsword. She stared viciously at the other men holding their weapons stupidly. Ready to inflict unpleasant bodily harm upon them. But instead of charging in simultaneously after seeing their boss being done in by Sigrid, they simply dropped their weapons and avoided eye contact.

She snorted and wiped the tip of her bloodied blade on the unconscious man"s fur armor and sheathed her blade. She walked away from the scene, parting people like Moses as she left the building. Only then did the other five men rushed to their boss and helped carried him to seek immediate medical attention.

I pursed my lips and nodded in approval. n.o.body messes with Sigrid.

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