A Warrior's Path

Chapter 16

After Ryu left Rasa knew that the prestige of his village will decrease. He asked if there were any casualties and ordered to return to the village.

After a few days, news about a mysterious man fighting the Kazekage and winning spread through the land. Every village tried to gather his info but came up with nothing. Its like he came out of nowhere. All they knew is his name. They all tried to find more about him to recruit him to their village. After all kage level shin.o.bi"s are a great strength to any village.

Ryu was oblivious to this and was thinking who he should challenge next. Going to the mist was a hard " No " since that"s obito"s base. He don"t want to make any great changes to the original story other than saving a few people.

His options are Onoki, Raikage Ai, Sarutobi, Hanzo. These are the only ones he can find. The rest are rogue shin.o.bi. G.o.d knows where they are. He thought hard and chose to go with Onoki.

Ryu travelled towards the land of stone. During his travel he met many rogue ninjas but none going beyond Jounin level so he quickly ended the fight. From these fights he understood he needed a weapon. In his previous life he used fire arms as primary weapons and used a customized knife as support. In this one he decided to go with a sword.

Ryu has the ability to make any material he wants. He made an Adamantine Katana pitch black in colour with red colour in waves at its edge. It has a black hilt and guard with light gold patterns. The sword itself was quite heavy but to Ryu it was very light.

Ryu: Navii, Buy me the Basic sword stances.

Navii: Basic sword stance - 1000 EP purchased.

A bunch of information was transmitted into his brain. As Ryu travelled he trained in the Basic stances. Ryu asked navii whether it is possible to show his progress in these stances. Navii said it was possible since the system is a part of his soul and anything he comprehend is known by the system.

Ryu: Navii show me the progress for Basic Sword Stance.

Techniques: Basic sword stance(20%)

Ryu: Even after 3 days of training it"s only 20%. Guess it won"t be that easy.

If anyone traning in sword was to hear him,p they would strangle him to death. It takes years of dedication to just master these forms yet Ryu is complaining it"s not progressing fast enough.

On the sixth day he finally reached the stone village. Ryu checked his progress for the sword stance

Basic Sword Stance (45%).

Ryu nodded at this and looked towards the stone village. Unlike Konoha, the stone village wall are completely made of stone and every building inside the village is also made of stone.

Ryu didn"t want the same thing happened in Suna here so he decided to start with a bang.

"Fire Style : Great Dragon Flame Jutsu"

Ryu did a series of hand signs and did the jutsu. A Great Flame Dragon rose and fell a short distance away from the village gates. The stone shin.o.bi already sensed Ryu when he came. They were about to make contact when the man launched an attack.

The stone ninjas got ready for attack. Just as they were about to make their move they heard the man say : Get Onoki. I want to fight him.

These words startled the stone shin.o.bis and were thinking if there is anything wrong with his head. While they were thinking this, an Anbu silently attacked Ryu from behind. Ryu ducked the kunai thrust and did a back kick to the Anbu"s gut. The Anbu was blasted towards a tree. Without any delay another Anbu revealed himself and attacked ryu with a Jutsu.

Earth Style: Landslide flip.

The earth from both sides of Ryu flipped and fell on him. Ryu"s body emitted Lightning and he appeared behind the Anbu and placed a kunai on his throat.

Ryu: Move a muscle and you are dead. That also includes you too.

Ryu looked towards a rock a bit away to the right. Another Anbu emerged from the stone.

Anbu 3: The tsuchikage does not wish to battle you.

Ryu: And you can speak for him. Ryu smirked. it"s obvious that they know who he is, so they don"t want to risk the fight. Onoki should be aware of my arrival. So he wants to see what I would do. Fine, let me force you out.

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