A Warrior's Path

Chapter 26

Shisui finally accepted reality. He knew the darkness of his clan but he still hoped for better. Now he painfully realised that his is beyond saving. He could only sigh at their fate.

Ryu was checking the items inside the system shop for something he saw awhile back. It has no practical use for him but that isn"t the case for others. He finally found what he was looking for

" Bone Restructuring Pill ".

Ryu has no use for this pill as he has his Transformation Jutsu. His Jutsu is different from the normal one as it creates something like a fake body around him which is permanent unless he realeases the jutsu. He bought it from the system and gave it to Shisui.

Ryu: Take this. It will allow you to restructure your bones. Once you change your appearance it will stay like that for years unless you take the antidote.

Shisui was surprised by his words. He took the pill. It looked like a food pill except it was greyish white. After examining it for a bit he swallowed it whole. It tasted bitter. No change happened to Shisui even after Ten minutes.

Shisui: Nothing"s happening.

Ryu : Give it time. The medicine needs to travel through your whole system and merge with your bones. Ryu repeated what navii told him. Shisui nodded. After Thirty minutes he felt his entire bones go soft.

Ryu: Shisui san! quickly use your chakra to change your facial bones.

Shisui did as he was told. He slowly made his chakra cover his face and used it to mold his face. Thirty minutes later a completely different man stood in front of Ryu. He was a bit taller than Shisui, he still had short hair but his face was completely different. He can be considered good looking but not like before, this time his looks can be attributed to his mature face.

Shisui: That took long enough. Now all that matters is my Chakra signature. How do we conceal it?

Ryu: we won"t conceal it. Just think about it, you see someone walking around without a hint of chakra but you still get a strong vibe from him. Now THAT would be suspicious.

Shisui: Then what are we going to do?

Hearing his question. Ryu took out a bracelet that had runes in its inner side. He gave it to Shisui

Ryu: Wear this. To anyone you know or knows you, they will sense a completely different chakra signature.

Shisui took the bracelet and wore it on his right arm. He felt his chakra being covered by something like a layer of skin over flesh. Now he understood what Ryu said.

Ryu: I will send you out of the village. After a day or two come back through the entrance. The village will definitely try to find out who you are. Use your Genjutsu to make them believe you are someone taught by my grandfather.

With their future plans set Ryu teleported Shisui out of the village and went home. He checked his World points and found it increased by Eight thousand. He was surprised. As navii has told him before the world points are rewarded based on the influence a person has on that world or if it influences the life of a large number of people. He didn"t expect Shisui to be so important.

Like they planned shisui entered the village after 3 days. He put everyone on the scene in a genjutsu, making them believe he was an unaffiliated shin.o.bi trained by an Uzumaki elder. He went to Ryu"s home and introduced himself as Akio, a student of Akane"s father. They found it hard to believe but then again her father was never there for her growing up. The only love he has shown over the years was when he sacrificed himself to buy his daughter and her family time to escape.

She was still suspicious but when Ryu got along well with the newcomer their heart relaxed. Some rare Uzumakis has the ability to sense people"s nature, Ryu was one of those kind. Seeing Ryu being intimate with him Akane and Hiro relaxed.

Hiro: Akio, where are you going to stay?

Shisui: I was planning to stay at an inn.

Ryu suddenly spoke up: We have a spare room here, you can stay there. Right mom?

Akane and Hiro were startled at Ryu"s sudden suggestion. Ryu looked at his parents hopefully. Seeing their son"s eyes they had no other choice but to agree. Ryu volunteered to show Shisui his room.

After they entered the room Shisui asked doubtfully : Why didn"t you let me put them in a genjutsu?

Ryu : Shisui san they are my parents. Sure, they don"t know the truth about me but i don"t want to manipulate them.

Shisui suddenly started respecting the kid. He smiled and said: Drop the san. We are friends, aren"t we?

Ryu: Of course Shisui.

A few days later. Late at night, at the front of the Uchiha Police Force a man suddenly appeared. He started killing the Uchiha"s one by one taking out the entire military force of Uchihas.

The far side of the village was eerily quite. Bodies were everywhere creating a scene out of h.e.l.l. The civilian side of the Uchihas were completely ma.s.sacred.

Inside a j.a.panese styled mansion, a man and women was in sitting in seiza. A man holding a blade stood behind them.

Itachi: Father..mother..

Mikoto: We know itachi.

Itachi slowly raised his sword.

Fugaku: Promise me this Itachi, take care of Sasuke.

Itachi"s hands shaked. Tears were running down his face. With a firm voice he said

" I will ".

Fugaku: Don"t falter itachi. Compared your pain ours will end in an instant. This is what you chose. Our ideals may differ but...i am truly proud of you.

Itachi cried. With shaking hands he held his blade towards his parents

Fugaku: You truly are a kind child.

Itachi drove his sword through their bodies. He watched as they fell. After sometime Sasuke came rushing inside yelling and was paralysed seeing his dead parents. Itachi was standing near there body.

Sasuke yelled: Nii Chan why did you..why did you kill mom and dad.

Itachi: Foolish brother, Mangekyo Sharingan.

Itachi"s Sharingan flared and took on a three corned pin wheel shape. He punched Sasuke"s gut causing him to puke and left. Sasuke gathered all the strength he can muster and went after Itachi. He yelled at him asking why he killed the clan

Itachi showed his Mangekyo and said: Their death was necessary for me to obtain these eyes. If you hate me and want to kill me, come before me with these same eyes.

Sasuke lost consciousness after he heard his words. Itachi left the Uchiha compound. He met with Danzo and warned him to never touch his brother.

Tonight was one of Konoha"s darkest moments. The next day the village woke up to hear the death of the Uchiha clan by Itachi Uchiha.

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