A Warrior's Path

Chapter 40

Ryu looked at the three Jounins he was going to fight. Asuma was pretty good but not at Kakashi and Guy"s level. While he was checking the Jounins they were doing the same.

Kakashi had a serious expression, Asuma was confused why three Jounins were arranged to fight a single kid, as for Might Guy...he just shouted " This is youth ".

Ryu was amused to see Guy. Come on, the man was just funny in the series and the strongest in Taijutsu. He really wanted to fight Guy and compare their techniques.

Sarutobi: Now that everyone"s here, lets start. We will be conducting a special test for Ryu Uzumaki to become a Jounin. Any questions?....then start

As Sarutobi said start, the three Jounins take three positions. Asuma used long range attack, Kakashi provided support while Guy came in for Close Combat. " Looks like they planned this out " Ryu thought.

He dodged Asuma"s attack but was sneaked one by kakashi, he countered using his own but Guy came from behind

" Eight Inner Gates "

" First Gate: Gate of Opening "

" Second Gate: Gate of Healing "

" Third Gate: Gate of Life "

Guy"s body glowed a bit green and his skin turned red. He directly opened three gate. Ryu got into stance and blocked Guy"s attack. The other two were still an annoyance, so he created two wood clones to stall them. Ryu then looked at Guy, his battle intent soared. Guy noticed this and his also increased.

Guy and Ryu collided, they both exchanged dozens of punches before Guy yelled

" Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain "

" Fifth Gate: Gate of Limit ".

Ryu readied himself as he saw Guy opening upto the fifth gate. Guy"s speed went up a notch, he appeared beside Ryu and kicked. Ryu dodged it and counter striked.

They were moving so fast that blurs could be seen all over the training grounds. Guy was the strongest combat master Ryu has ever seen. Each of his moves were precise and strong. Moreover he has quick reflexes. Ryu was excited, this was the type of battle he liked the most, going fist to fist.

Guy was feeling the toll of opening five gates. " I need to finish this quickly ". He made a horse stance

" Sixth Gate: Gate of View "

His strength increased again, green vapour was emitting from his body and his skin turned red. Guy made some distance between them and punched the air continuously, each of his punch created a ball of flame and launched it towards Ryu.

Ryu watched as a large number of fire came at him. He knew Guy was able to light the air on fire due to how fast he was punching. Ryu made a few hand signs

" Fire style: Great fire Annihilation ".

A large amount of fire was spewed out of Ryu"s mouth as they collided these fire b.a.l.l.s. Just as Ryu was done, wind approached from the side of his head. He ducked and used the lightning technique to create some distance.

Might Guy with his sixth gate opened is very dangerous, if he gets a strike in...that would break a bone or two. Ryu didn"t want to use ninjutsu against someone like Guy, that would be disrespectful towards a warrior. Ryu used his own body to take in and counter Guy"s attacks.

Their battle left the training ground in shambles. Kakashi and Asuma were having a hard time coping with his clones. His clones used the lightning technique for movement and Wood style for restraint. Asuma was sweating to just barely hold on. Kakashi was a bit better since he was stronger.

They both saw how intense the battle between Guy and Ryu was, they want to help Guy but this d.a.m.n clone was preventing them.

Guy was reaching his limit, he didn"t want the fight to end like this, he made a resolution

" Seventh Gate: Gate of Wonder "

He opened another gate, the last gate before the Gate of Death. His body turned more red, veins were bulging on his body and more steam of green vapour was emitted. He took a stance and attacked

" Hirudora "

A large White tiger head was formed and headed towards Ryu.

Ryu"s right arm produced wind tornados that spinned at crazy speed. He clenched his fist and drew back his arm to his gut. He gathered his power, compressed it and punched

" Gale Fist!!! "

A large fist impression was made out of air and it collided with the tiger head. Both attack contended against each other for dominance. In the end both dissipiated. The attack was a tie.

Guy was dead tired after that attack and he also got the backlash from the Hachimon Tonko. Ryu rushed and held his shoulders to keep him from falling down.

Guy: Why didn"t you use any Strong Ninjutsu?

Ryu replied with a serious face : That would be disrespectful towards someone like you. I wanted to win you in close combat. You are the strongest Taijutsu master I have ever known.

Guy laughed and raises his fist only for it to hurt: Haha. This is what youth is!!!

Ryu and Guy looked towards the miserable duo, Asuma and Kakashi. They were both being chased by wood and Ryu"s clones. Ryu dispelled the clones. Seeing that Ryu won Sarutobi announced

" Ryu Uzumaki has pa.s.sed the test for Jounin. From this day forth he will be a Jounin of the village hidden in the leaf."

Kakashi, Guy , Shikaku, Asuma and Sarutobi congratulated Ryu for becoming a Jounin. Ryu talked to Sarutobi and made a request, that he wouldn"t be put in charge of a Genin team.

Ryu bid farewell and went home. While walking he thought about how Naruto is going to pester him and got a headache.

Like he thought, the moment he got home he was got bombed with a lot of questions. He simply told them he pa.s.sed and he needed rest and quickly tried to go to his room. Like Naruto is easy to dump. He followed Ryu and pestered to tell him about the fight.

Ryu sighed at his fate and started telling him about his fight. He noticed three heads sneaking from a corner, listening to what he was saying.

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