A Warrior's Path

Chapter 53

The team continued their journey, along the way Ryu taught Naruto some basis wood style Jutsu. His bloodline just awakened, it"s not even close to the purity Ryu has. As for Sasuke..while they travelled back he tried to bring out more of his kekkei genkai. By the time they reached the village gates Sasuke was able to get a basic control over his plasma style. The gate gaurds saw the team but were shocked when they saw the person behind them.

Zabuza was famous for his silent killing techniques, he was listed as one of the most dangerous rogue nin in the bingo book. Kakashi saw the gaurds shock and explained Zabuza"s surrender to the village, he then said to his team

" We will immediately report to the Hokage. Ryu... explain what your plans are for these two to the Hokage and also about Naruto and Sasuke. "

Ryu nodded. The team headed towards the Hokage"s office. Zabuza was recognised by the Anbu"s surrounding Hokage"s office. They barred him entry into the building.

Ryu " It"s fine. He is not a threat "

The Anbu"s backed off when Ryu stepped in. They knew of Ryu"s capabilities and his ident.i.ty. The team walked into sarutobi"s office.

Sarutobi was sorting out his daily paperwork when an attendant came in to inform about team 7. He told her to bring them inside.

Ryu, Kakashi, Zabuza and Haku entered while Naruto and the other two stayed outside. Sarutobi was shocked when he saw Zabuza but as a war veteran he regained his composure. Sarutobi had a bitter smile when he looked at Ryu.

Ryu " Don"t look at me like that. There were circ.u.mstances. "

Sarutobi looked at him dubiously "Really? "

Ryu " if not then why would I do this? "

Sarutobi said without a second of hesitation " To give me a heart attack."

Ryu almost smacked the old man when he said that but then thought about Naruto and Sasuke " Considering what I am about to tell him it does makes sense. "

Ryu " Old man, Zabuza is willing to join our village "

Sarutobi got serious " Ryu, Zabuza is a rogue nin from the Mist village. If we accept him that will cause conflicts among our villages "

Ryu " Right now, their village should be at the final stages of their civil war. They wouldn"t even have time for us..... moreover from what I heard the people who revolted against Mizuki Yagura is slowly winning."

Sarutobi was still hesitating, Ryu " Also..... Haku here is the last surviving member of the Yuki clan known for their Kekkei Genkai " Ice Style " and a Genius to boot."

Sarutobi stared...he looked at Haku like a treasure. Any type of Kekkei Genkai is rare and coveted by all villages. But most importantly Ryu said he is a Genius. For someone like Ryu to say that...

Sarutobi " Well...since it"s like that, I guess I can make some arrangements for you two "

Ryu scoffed " Old man you don"t have to act like you made some kind of hard choice. Haku is the last member of his clan, through him his clan will again prosper and the village will become stronger "

Sarutobi was irritated " You brat, couldn"t you keep your mouth shut? "

Ryu shrugged " Now..about Zabuza.. "

Sarutobi thought for a bit " He will be put under observation for a month. If he behaves then it"s not impossible to become a leaf ninja "

Ryu agreed with his arrangements. Now all he has to do is to tell the old man about Naruto and Sasuke without him getting a shock.

Ryu " Old man before I tell you something I need you to understand that I am not doing this on purpose "

Sarutobi faintly felt something " What? "

Ryu took a deep breath " Naruto awakened Wood Style and Sasuke awakened his Sharingan along with a new Kekkei Genkai "

Ryu said everything in a single breath. Sarutobi was shocked to his core. He thought " When did a super rare kekkei genkai like the wood style become this common ".He knew something was up.

Sarutobi eyed Ryu " Brat tell me how this happened. Don"t even think about lying "

Ryu knew he couldn"t get out of this " I purified his bloodline. What happened to me happened to him "

Sarutobi stared " You purified his bloodline? "

Ryu " Yes "

Sarutobi " And when did you plan to tell me this? "

Ryu " When the occasion came."

Sarutobi facepalmed when he heard that. He trusted Ryu unconditionally so he didn"t mind him not saying anything but each time he did know of something, it nearly gave him a heart attack. It"s not that he is not happy, on the contrary he is extremely happy but sometimes that can also be a problem.

Ryu " I have already taught Naruto some basic wood Jutsus and also Sasuke some control over his Plasma style "

Sarutobi sighed but he looked happy " Looks like the next generation is gonna surpa.s.s. Anyway for now let them stay at your house."

Ryu " Wait..why my house?"

Sarutobi " You brought them, so you also have some responsibility."

Ryu was stumped for words, the old man really knew how to take revenge. Ryu " Fine, I will take them in until they can get a house for themselves "

Sarutobi nodded. With that team 7 dismissed. Ryu took Zabuza and Haku to his home. On the way

Ryu was serious as he said " Zabuza, in my house you have to be absolutely careful of two things..Never ever mention my mother"s age and don"t ever ruin her garden under any circ.u.mstance."

Zabuza was a bit daunted hearing that. He marked those words.

Akane and Hiro were home just enjoying their day when Naruto burst inside.

Naruto " Aunt!! I am back ! "

Akane and Hiro was surprised when Naruto came in. Akane smiled gently " Welcome back. Where is your brother? "

Ryu"s voice came from outside " I am here."

Akane saw Ryu come in with two people. One was a fierce looking man with bandages covering his lower face and the other was a boy that was prettier than a girl.

Ryu introduced " Mom, this is Zabuza and this is Haku. There is some problems with their ident.i.ty so I was wondering if they could live here "

Naruto also chipped in " Can they aunt? pleeease "

Akane di not object as long as Ryu and Naruto is fine, as for Hiro....he trusted Ryu in his judgements so everything was fine.

Akane " Where will they sleep? "

Ryu " I will make adjacent rooms at the back of our house "

Akane nodded. Ryu proceeded to create the rooms. The room was echoing with Naruto"s voice as he explained about all that"s happened. Akane was about to smash Zabuza"s head in but Naruto restrained her and said it was ok. She was sad when she heard Haku"s story. Her maternal instincts kicked in, she held onto Haku and said to live at their house for as long as he wants. Haku felt warmth when she said that.

Ryu was finished with the room, he came inside to see Zabuza sit at a corner while Akane held onto Haku while Naruto explained his adventure. It was at this time when Shisui came in, he stared when he saw Zabuza. As a shin.o.bi Shisui is familiar with the names in the bingo book. Zabuza also saw Shisui, he didn"t recognize him but Zabuza"s instincts screamed " Danger " when he saw Shisui.

Shisui looked away and asked Ryu " How the heck did this happen?"

Ryu sighed when he saw the number of people in his house increase. He said exhausted " I"ll explain ".

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