A Warrior's Path

Chapter 51

The training continued. Everything was the same as in the original story, Naruto met Haku, Inari slowly changed seeing the conviction and strength of Naruto. He understood what kind of life Naruto had and how he overcame each obstacle to get to where he is right now.

A few days later....Team 7 escorted Tazuna to the bridge. Ryu stayed back to protect the kid and his mother. Gatou sure was one despicable man. Some time after they left two thugs of Gatou came to Tazuna"s house.

Ryu saw them and got down. He walked towards Gatou"s men. One of them said

" Huh..isn"t he one of those ninjas? "

" Yeah. Just kill him already and take the woman "

Both of them drew out their weapon and attacked Ryu. He dodged them easily and twisted their hands to stab their own swords through their heart.

" How..""

" Imp.. Impossible "

After taking them out Ryu got back to the house and saw Inari look at him with awe. He chuckled and said to his mother " Since those thugs have been taken care of, I will go to the bridge. Don"t worry about your safety "

He placed a Shadow clone without them knowing and left. He already sensed Kakashi and the rest make contact with Zabuza. Kakashi fought Zabuza, Sasuke and Naruto were fighting Haku and Sakura protected Tazuna.

Haku was really strong. He countered every one of Naruto"s move and dodged Sasuke with ease. Ryu already awakened Haku"s physique, now her control over ice and it"s strength is atleast twice than shown in the anime.

Ryu observed the fight from a distance. Haku actually developed a technique to create ice needles as strong as steel. Even her Ice mirror technique was improved. " He truly is a genius. To create and improve techniques like that... unbelievable. "

Kakashi was having a heated battle with Zabuza. They were also keeping an eye on the other battle. Zabuza learned from his mistakes. This time he was actually pushing Kakashi but not for long. As a ninja well known for his a.n.a.lytical abilities he found a few flaw in Zabuza"s attack pattern. The battle can go either way.

Haku trapped Sasuke and Naruto inside the Ice Mirror technique. They were hurt very badly. Naruto used all the Jutsus he knew but were ineffective. Haku"s Ice needles also had the ability to freeze a small part of the body where they pierce. Naruto was stronger than Sasuke so he could still react to Haku"s speed inside the dome. He blocked most of the needles that were aimed at Sasuke. Naruto looked haggered and he hada lot of ice needles piercing his body.

Sasuke saw how Naruto blocked the attacks. While he may not show it outside, he considered Naruto as a friend. Seeing him get hurt like that made him angry and helpless. Unknowingly he awakened his Sharingan. He was surprised when he felt his sight become clearer. He knew immediately that he awakened his eyes.

Haku also saw this. He understood that it will only get harder to finish these two, moreover Sasuke could now see Haku"s attack.She decided to lure him out by attacking Naruto.

Naruto was on his knees panting when he heard the wind whistling. He looked up to see tens of needles come at him. He couldn"t move, this was the end so he closed his eyes. Even after a few seconds nothing happened. Naruto opened his eyes only to see Sasuke in front of him with dozens of ice needles piercing all over his body and blood flowing out.

Sasuke " Try to move....idiot "

Naruto trembled when he asked " Why? I didn"t ask you to protect me "

Sasuke " Don"t know..My body just moved.. "

Sasuke fell after saying that. Naruto Caught him. Sasuke " Don"t die idiot ". He closed his eyes after saying that.

Naruto never had anyone from the beginning so he never knew what it was like to lose someone. Seeing Sasuke like that, Naruto raged. His chakra flared, the ground trembled. Kakashi and Zabuza both felt the changes.

" Aaaaaahhh...."

Naruto released loud scream. Several wood came from below breaking the ground and shattering the ice mirrors. It kept attacking Haku. He dodged to the best of his abilities but still got hit. Naruto still had a bit of his sanity, he only disabled Haku.

Zabuza was shocked. Kakashi took this small window when he was dazed and got an attack in. Zabuza"s arm was broken. He summoned his hound dogs and held Zabuza in place. He made a few hand signs

" Chidori "

Kakashi"s hand was clad in lightning. He charged towards Zabuza. Haku saw this " Looks like I might be useful one last time ".

He charged forward and got in between Kakashi and Zabuza. It was too late to stop the attack. Just when Kakashi"s hand was about to pierce Haku a hand held down Kakashi"s Chidori.

Ryu " I thinks that"s enough."

Ryu"s hand was also clad in lightning as he caught Kakashi"s Chidori. Kakashi backed off

" What do you mean? "

Ryu didn"t reply instead he looked at Zabuza " You know...Gatou was planning to kill you after you take care of us "

Zabuza was startled " And I am supposed to believe you? Do you really think I am an idiot? "

Ryu " Yep. Otherwise who would trust a sc.u.m like him "

Zabuza"s veins bulged when he heard Ryu reply. Ryu continued " You don"t need to believe me. Just wait and see. Gatou is going to reach us with his men very soon and I bet he is here to take care of you and Tazuna "

Zabuza would never blindly believe anyone. But he is still experienced enough to understand when someone is lying and Ryu isn"t. He decided to wait.

Ryu was surprised when Zabuza agreed readily. Anyway he didn"t care. Ryu turned to Naruto and Sasuke, both of them were unconcious. Ryu went to Sasuke first and checked his condition. Sasuke just fainted due to exhaustion and blood loss. Ryu blocked the blood flowing out from his injuries. Next he moved to Naruto, the kid awakened wood style. Ryu waited for two years and finally his bloodline has made connection with Senju Genes.

After waiting for sometime, Gatou came with all his men. He was surprised to find no one fighting but he could still see signs of fighting.

Gatou smiled viciously " Zabuza, I no longer require your service. You can forever rest here "

Zabuza thought " So the kid was saying the truth ". He looked at Ryu " So....we are not enemies anymore "

Ryu " Yep.that"s why I have a preposition for you. Zabuza, surrender to the leaf village "

Zabuza was startled but said without hesitation " Impossible. I am a rogue ninja moreover you can"t make any decision for your village "

Kakashi chipped in " I wouldn"t be so sure...Ryu is a wood style user "

Zabuza was confused when he hear that but then a second later he was shocked when he realised the implications of having that style. As the first Hokage..Hashirama was respected and revered by the villagers even to this day and now someone having the same abilities as him has emerged within the village. Ryu would be respected just for that.

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