A Warrior's Path

Chapter 60

Days went by. During these days Ryu sparred with Neji a lot. He enjoyed hand to hand combat and who better than a Hyuuga. Neji improved very quickly, even without his eyes he is now able to locate chakra points, he has come a long way.

As for the other two, Lee could now go upto Eight times gravity and he always keeps it active. Since the bracelets gather energy from the air itself, he doesn"t need to supply chakra. Tenten has learned about thirty percent of the seals from the book Ryu gave her, her chakra was also steadily increasing but it"s miniscule. Guess that"s to be expected.

Naruto and Sasuke joined their training sessions very often and just like in the anime, Naruto clashed with Neji on their ideals while Sasuke competed with Lee in Taijutsu, only to be defeated miserably. Sasuke and Naruto had gained a good control over their Kekkei Genkai"s. But due to their lack in chakra control they aren"t able to bring out more power.

Naruto and Neji argued everyday, if Ryu wasn"t there they would have duked it out. Finally Ryu couldn"t take it and said " If both of you can"t agree on your ideals then fight it out in the Chunin exams."

Naruto asked " What"s Chunin Exam?"

Sasuke taunted " You wanna become Hokage without knowing the ranks of a Ninja. some Hokage you are gonna become."

Naruto was like a cat who got its tail stepped on " What did you say!??."

He was ready to pounce on Sasuke when Ryu said " Calm down you blockhead. He is correct if you want to become Hokage, atleast know the ranks a ninja have."

Naruto humphed hearing that. Ryu continued " There are five ranks for a shin.o.bi, Genin.. which is your rank, then Chunin, Special Jounin, Jounin, lastly Kage. Kage are the strongest and each village has a kage that watch over it. Ours is the Hokage."

Naruto"s eyes were shining when he heard that. His dream is to become Hokage so becoming a Chunin is a step closer to achieving it.

Naruto was excited, he asked " When is this exam? "

Ryu " It usually happens every two years after the last one and this year just happens to be the second year."

Naruto pumped his fist high " Alright!! I am gonna pa.s.s this test and become a Chunin."

This time it was Neji who sneered " Idiot."

Naruto " Huhhh!?"

Ryu smacked Naruto"s head lightly " Don"t jump on every word I say. Listen to the end."

Naruto held his head and looked at Ryu with puppy eyes. As a big brother and Akane"s son Ryu also was a bit doting. He calmed himself when he saw Naruto like that " Don"t lose your cool, don"t lose your cool.."

Ryu " cough.. cough...For a person to partic.i.p.ate in the Chunin exams he or she needs to be recommended by their Jounin sensei. Only then will you be able to enter."

Naruto " Oh!, then all I gotta do is ask Kakashi sensei to recommend me and the rest of team 7 to partic.i.p.ate, that"s great."

Ryu didn"t say anything further, he knew all the people present here would enter Chunin exams.

Sasuke had a fire burning inside his eyes, his deep hatred for Itachi made him push harder.

Neji touched his forehead that was covered by the Leaf headband, the death of his father and the fate of branch clansmen made him believe that everyone has a destiny that can"t be changed. Lee and Tenten were also excited.

Ryu watched them, he always loved Naruto anime not only because of the powerhouses in this world but also of its ideals and characters.

There is so much happening in this world that just makes you want to know more and if possible, be a part of it. Now that Ryu was here, he could see all of these and has a chance to be part of it.

Ryu left them to their machinations. He checked his sword t.i.tle.

t.i.tle : Sword Grand Master Level 3 (59Mtrs)

His progress in sword is not going well. This world mainly focus on chakra, so he needs to go to other worlds to become stronger.

Ryu was thinking " Haku is a Chunin level Ninja, but h e can"t partic.i.p.ate alone in the exams.

Well.... after Zabuza"s trial, I can get enough Jounin to recommend him to get Chunin rank."

As he was walking he saw a group of people coming across him. The lead was a male he had a beard and was smoking. Three kids were behind him. One with a pineapple hair, the next was round and chomping on some snacks and the last one was a beautiful girl. They were none other than Asuma and his team. Ryu only been back in the village for a few months so he didn"t get the chance to meet everyone from the story. And the time after he got back, he spend on training himself and others.

Ryu called out " Hey Asuma! "

Asuma was talking with his team when he heard someone calling, he followed the sound and found Ryu waving at him. Asuma was surprised but he walked towards Ryu.

Shikamaru and the others also found Ryu. Shikamaru knew who Ryu was but he was too lazy to care. Choji continued to eat while following Asuma. As for Ino...she was staring at Ryu. Shikamaru looked at Ino and thought " What a drag."

Ino was still staring, she thought" How can someone be even more handsome than my Sasuke. He ..he ..is soooo cool."

To any woman Ryu is a fatal weakness. He is good looking, has a complexion better than a baby"s and his eyes...they were so deep in colour that they just draws you in.

Asuma " Well, this is a surprise. I don"t see you that often in the village. Are you always on some missions? haha "

Ryu smiled weakly " Yeah, I do go out for some missions but most of the time I am training."

Asuma " oh, ok. Let me introduce you, this is my team. This is Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka."

Ryu smiled lightly " Nice to meet you."

Even the ever lazy Shikamaru was a bit dazed when he saw Ryu smile. Choji also stared. Ino was blushing hard. Her face was so red that it looked like blood might drip any moment.

Ryu was amused seeing their expressions. Asuma was also embarra.s.sed when he saw his team"s reaction.

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