A Warrior's Path

Chapter 67

Ryu returned after saying his part.

Neji respected Ryu but that alone isn"t enough to make him change his ways.

The next match was announced

" Lee Vs Gaara "

Lee was excited, he did a few poses before jumping down.

Hayate " Let the ninth match begin."

Lee rushed to Gaara,

" Konoha whirlwind."

Lee did a roundkick to Gaara"s head but sand sprang up and blocked it. Lee retreated, he saw sand pouring out of the gourd behind Gaara.

" So he uses the sand from that gourd for defence "

Lee tried to get close, but every time the sand blocked his path.

Kankuro commented " No one can harm Gaara, the sand will always guard and protect him."

Temari smirked " He isn"t fast enough to harm Gaara."

None of Lee"s attack connected. Finally Gaara was able to corner Lee but at the last moment he dodged.

As he was calculating his next move, Gai shouted " Lee, Remove it."

Lee heard Gai, he saluted and said " But sensei, you told me to only use it when i wanted to protect something."

Guy gave a thumps up " I don"t care, I allow it."

Lee smiled brightly. He removed the two bracelets he was wearing.

Temari taunted " Removing a bit of weight won"t help you."

Ryu had an evil smile on his face.

Lee threw the bracelets toward Guy. He jumped up, Gaara followed his movements but Lee disappeared from his vision.

Suddenly an attack was blocked inches away from Gaara"s face.

Temari and Kankuro were shocked " Impossible!! How did he get that close to Gaara."

Lee advanced, he kept on attacking from all sides. Gaara couldn"t follow his movements, he could only react after his sand blocked an attack.

Temari shouted " How is it possible?! How did he get so fast all of a sudden!?"

Kakashi explained " That bracelet Lee removed.... it has a complicated seal that allows it to increase the gravity around its wielder.

Lee had it upto 8 times the normal gravity. So it isn"t a surprise his speed spiked when he removed it."

Kankuro and Temari were scared when they heard that. If what Kakashi said was true then that bushy browed guy was walking around with that much strain on his body. They couldn"t imagine what kind of lunatic would do that.

Guy with pride " Lee is a person who has no ability for ninjutsu or genjutsu.

But he didn"t give up, he trained harder than everybody else. He vowed to become a ninja despite all that.

His path as a Ninja was harsher than anyone but that"s why... he will win."

Ryu added " Lee knew the difficulty that lies ahead but he still chose the path of a Taijutsu specialist.

A Taijutsu specialist is strong but compared to a Ninja who is adept at Ninjutsu..... they are weak. Anyone who takes this path is fated to be someone mediocre.

From the time of first shin.o.bi upto this point only two people were able to become truly strong enough to challenge any kage using only Taijutsu.

You can imagine the odds, thousands of years pa.s.sed since the first shin.o.bi was born and yet only two people became successful. The odds of a Taijutsu specialist becoming as strong as a kage is bleak.

And yet, Lee chose this path, he didn"t drown in self loathing. He trained like a lunatic, he pushed past his limits, he defied his destiny.

His resolve to push forward is what makes him a Splendid Shin.o.bi. "

Naruto, Sasuke Sakura ..... everyone hearing this looked towards Lee,. Their gaze contained respect.

Respect towards someone who challenged fate itself.

A Ninja always tread the line of life and death. To go forward with courage despite knowing the odds is never an easy choice, especially in Lee"s case.

Temari and Kankuro were silent, they couldn"t believe what they heard. Just by using Taijutsu, that guy did what no one has done before.

Lee was moving around Gaara, striking at every flaw but the sand kept on blocking. Lee got even faster, the sand couldn"t keep up.

Lee " Now "

He kicked Gaara to the head and this time the sand couldn"t keep up. Gaara was. .h.i.t, his cheek had a cut.

Seeing Gaara take a hit Kankuro solemnly said " This isn"t good!"

Naruto " Ya got that right, dattebayo."

Kankuro looked at Gaara, his face showed worry. Temari was the same.

Gaara slowly stood up, his face crumbled as sand fell off.

Naruto " What the h.e.l.l!?"

Kankuro said " Gaara usually has his sand to protect him automatically but once any attack bypa.s.ses it, there is sand armour as a second defence.

That"s Gaara"s absolute defence, no one has ever breached it."

Naruto " It doesn"t have any weakness!?"

Kankuro " No, it"s the opposite. it"s full of flaws."

Lee a.n.a.lysed his options, the only way to do any damage is to do Lotus. He untied the bandages around his arms. Lee created a trail of smoke as he circles around Gaara.

He got behind him and kicked Gaara towards the roof. Lee binded Gaara with the loose bandages around his arms. Gai prayed for it to work.

Lee caught Gaara from behind " Secondary Lotus!!"

Both of them spinned in the air, before spamming towards the ground head first. The ground cracked as they landed.

Lee struggled up, he looked towards the crater. As the smoke cleared, Lee saw a sand clone of Gaara lying there.

Gai " When!?"

Kakashi " When you closed your eyes. A split second when Lee binded him, Gaara switched with a sand clone."

Lee was panting, even with all the training he did, his body was still not able to take the heavy strain of a forbidden technique.

Gai was solemn when he saw this, he looked at Lee as he recalled the past. He saw how a weak boy with no talent aspired to be an excellent ninja.

Lee didn"t have talent like Neji, he was not able to do any ninja techniques but.... he truly tried his best.

Gai saw himself in Lee, so he took it upon himself to train him.

Battle continued. Lee tried his best to dodge the waves of sand coming at him. But his body was aching all over. He looked towards Gai and saw him smile.

That was all it took for Lee to make a decision. Gaara"s attack closed in on him.

Naruto yelled " Bushy brows!!"

But at the last second Lee dodged.

Naruto was delighted " His movement is back to normal."

Lee smiled as he faced Gaara, he took his stance.

Sakura was astonished when she saw Lee smile as he dodged " He is smiling while cornered."

Gai replied with a smile " The lotus in Konoha blooms twice."

Sakura " Huh? What does that mean?"

Kakashi was startled when he heard that, he asked " Gai, did you....

Gai " Yes."

Kakashi paled " What a disaster. So he is able to open the Eight inner gates and do the primary Lotus. Tell me, how many gates can he open?"

Gai replied " Five."

Sakura, Neji, Naruto and the rest were confused. Inner gates? Primary Lotus?

They had no idea what they were talking about. Sakura couldn"t help but ask " What"s this inner gates?"

Gai " Eight inner gates is a forbidden technique. It takes off the limiters placed on a human body."

Kakashi took off his headband revealing Sharingan. He checked Lee"s body as he explained " The Eight gates in a human body are Opening, healing, life, pain, limit, view, wonder, death.

Opening of each gate releases tremendous amount of energy, it increases your strength by many fold, granting the user strength that surpa.s.ses Hokage but it also puts the body under huge burden.

A person who opens all the gates will die That"s why it"s a forbidden technique. I didn"t think this lunatic would teach that to a Genin.

Gai!! I won"t interfere in your matters but there are limits. I have lost faith in you!. "

Gai looked cold as he replied " What do you know about him?

He wants to prove to everyone that he can become an excellent Ninja even if it kills him.

That"s why I want him to become strong."

Gai looked at Lee.

Lee was dodging Gaara"s attacks. He gained some distance and crossed his arms over his chest.

Gaara " Whatever you do is useless. The next attack will finish this."

Lee " Yes. The next move will end this. Gai sensei..... watch me.

Third gate : Gate of life open."

Lee turned red. Veins bulged all around his body, he said " To abide by and protect my way as a ninja."

Kakashi " He is about to attack."

Gai smiled " Not yet."

Lee took a horse stance, he yelled inside " Fourth gate : Gate of Pain open!!"

Kakashi paled when he saw this " To open the Fourth gate at this age, hard work alone is not enough.

What a Genius!!

Lee "Aaaaaahhhhhhh...."

He moved. The ground beneath his feet cracked sending dust and rumble everywhere.

Gaara couldn"t dodge as he was send flying. Lee followed him, delivering attacks midair but Gaara"s sand armour still blocked Lee"s attacks.

Lee " Sand armour again. Then how about this,..."

He looked at Neji " This was meant for you but.... I will make you see it"s power

Fifth gate : Gate of limit Open!!"

Lee"s body released even more energy. He vanished, appearing before Gaara and punching his gut.

This punch sent Gaara towards the ground, his armour almost broken. Lee grabbed his waist band and pulled Gaara towards him.

Lee " This will be the last attack!

Primary Lotus!!."

Lee punched Gaara with all he had, pummeling him towards the ground. Dust covered the entire stage, rumbles flew everywhere.

The dust slowly settled, Lee looked towards Gaara, he was aching all over but still held on without fainting.

After the dust cleared everyone was shocked. Gaara used his gourd as a cushion when he was slammed. He couldn"t move but had a crazy expression as he used his sand to attack Lee.

Lee was able to dodge the attacks but he was too tired. As each second pa.s.sed, Lee"s speed decreased. Finally Gaara found an opportunity and caught Lee.

Gaara Growled" Die!!. Sand Coffin."

Before the sand could tighten it"s grip, Ryu moved. He dispersed the sand. Gai also came down.

Gaara saw this and was reminded of his family, their betrayal, he asked " Why? why would you save him?"

Ryu smiled " He is my friend."

Kakashi " Lee has lost"

Hayate was about to announce the winner " Winner Gaa.." he looked behind Gai and Ryu.

All of them were shocked to see Lee standing up in his stance. Gai " Lee... it"s over. you did we..."

He didn"t finish as he saw Lee"s condition. Not just him everyone drew in a cold breath when they saw Lee"s condition.

He had already lost consciousness!!!.

Gai cried as he said caringly " Lee, it"s enough..... you are already an excellent ninja."

Kakashi was overwhelmed " What a will!! To stand up on instincts! "

Sasuke looked at Lee"s state, his gaze toward Lee only contained respect. Not just him everyone respected the boy who stood proudly on the stage.

A boy with no talent as a ninja, a boy who was scorned, a boy who was laughed at.

Ryu had a wide grin on his face, these are the kind of people he appreciated the most.

" Lee..... You Truly are a Splendid Shin.o.bi."

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