A Warrior's Path

Chapter 89

Ryu looked towards Kakuzu and Hidan. These two were hard to deal with, for others that is. To Ryu it"s just a matter of time.

While Ryu was checking his opponents they were doing the same.

Hidan " Oi kakuzu!! who is that pretty boy? "

Kakuzu " Shut up!! If you speak anymore I will kill you."

Kakuzu took out a book from his robes. He turned the pages until finally settled on one.

" Ryu Uzumaki, Wood style user, Seal master, Taijutsu specialist.....

He read out a series of information.

Kakuzu " He has got one of the highest bounties in the bingo book."

Hidan " huh? So we taking him out as well? "

Kakuzu " Yes."

Ryu saw how these two showed complete disregard for him but this didn"t anger him.

Ryu spoke to Chiriku " Chiriku san, take your students and retreat. As for these two..... I will take care of them."

Chiriku hesitated " But will you be fine? "

Ryu a.s.sured " Trust me. They aren"t capable to make me bleed."

Chiriku finally relented, he gathered his students and the other monks and retreated.

Hidan yelled seeing this " Hey Kakuzu!! your bounty is getting away."

Kakuzu " You deal with this guy. I will take care of that monk."

Suddenly a voice drifted to their ears " You know, I don"t know if your are that confident of your strength or just blind stupid."

Both of jolted around. Ryu stood behind them, he had a calm and relaxed expression as he looked at them.

Ryu " Why are you so confident that this idiot could hold me down? "

Hidan was angered " Why you!?! I am gonna kill you. You will make a great sacrifice to the almighty Ja.s.shin!!! "

Kakuzu also prepared for battle. He felt unusual danger when this guy suddenly appeared before them.

Ryu grinned " Are you game? "

Kakuzu moved first, his hand detached itself and attacked Ryu. But before his attack could reach, a tremendous force a.s.saulted him from his back. Kakuzu was blasted away, he crashed through a few trees before stopping.

Ryu now stood where he was. Hidan saw how Kakuzu was blasted away, he attacked Ryu with his scythe. Ryu ducked, he deflected Hidan"s weapon and palmed his gut.

Like Kakuzu, Hidan was also blasted away. Blood leaked from his mouth as he stood back up.

Kakuzu now looked at Ryu with a serious expression. He didn"t understand how he got hit but he knew it was pure speed. Ryu didn"t use any kind of s.p.a.ce technique, his body was now monstrously Strong, allowing him to move at alarming speeds.

Ryu " So still confident about getting my bounty. "

Kakuzu and Hidan didn"t bother to answer. Hidan charged recklessly towards Ryu, Kakuzu also fully unleashes his strength. Five aberrations now stood behind him.

Hidan tried to get Ryu"s blood. However his scythe couldn"t even get close to him. As Hidan moved in for close combat, Kakuzu used elemental attacks to try and distract Ryu.

Ryu deflected each of Hidan"s advances, he was sensing what was happening within this man"s body. A strange strength flowed within, not chakra but something else.

Finally Ryu decided to find out what it was, he dodged Hidan"s scythe and attacked him to his heart. Hidan spat blood as he was launched back. Kakuzu took this opportunity and attacked Ryu with a lightning attack.


Dust scattered everywhere as Ryu was. .h.i.t. Kakuzu didn"t let up, he continued to bombard where Ryu was standing.

Hidan was still alive " Hahaha, you can"t kill me. I am immortal. Now come, be my sacrifice for the almighty Ja.s.shin!!! "

A voice replied to his mad rambling " You have been trying to get my blood for some time. I wonder, why? "

Kakuzu was startled " Did he figure it out? "

Ryu " Do show me all your cards. Here this is what you wanted, right? "

Ryu used a kunai and cut his own thumb while coating a kunai with his energy. He withdrew a few drops and threw it towards Hidan.

Kakuzu stared " Idiot! Haha, He actually invited his own death!! "

Hidan raised his arms, Ryu blood splashed on his palm. He licked it. The moment he did so, his body turned black with white marking all over following his skeletal structure.

Hidan laughed madly " Hahaha, fool!! "

He took out a spike from out of the scythe as he said " Do you know how it feels like to lose each of your limbs!!?? It"s like this!! "

He stabbed his own leg, Kakuzu was waiting for Ryu to wail in pain but nothing happened. He looked towards Ryu and he was standing there still calm as ever.

" Impossible!! Did his Jutsu not work?? WAIT... NO!!! WHAT"S WITH THOSE EYES!!?? "

Kakuzu was horrified when he saw Ryu"s eyes, they were gold in colour. The colour was moving around his pupils constantly. Just by looking at those eyes, Kakuzu felt like a mere any before creation itself.

At this moment Ryu spoke " So that"s how your technique works. A decent one but worthless. "

Hidan was stupified, he yelled in disbelief " No way, no way!! How dare you defy the all mighty Ja.s.shin. Die! die! die! "

He stabbed his own body again and again to harm Ryu but it did nothing.

Hidan"s immortality is actually faith power. His body and soul are completely dependent on this source of strength. As long as this source was connected to him, he won"t die.

Ryu " Your invulnerability to any injury is just a a farce, and you say you are an Immortal?? Well then.... let"s try whether you can die or not."

Ryu"s body disappeared, he arrived beside Hidan. A black rod was in his hands, he pinned Hidan to the ground using this. Ryu poked each of his limbs using the same rods, thoroughly nailing him there.

Kakuzu wanted to help but his body didn"t move. Even when he faced Hashirama he didn"t quiver but seeing those eyes of this man before him brought out terror he never felt before.

Ryu " Chaos style : True fire "

A simple fire sparked to life. It had the same colour as any ordinary flame would have. Ryu placed this fire above Hidan"s body.

Before Kakuzu"s eyes, Hidan wailed. His body crumbled bit by bit. Each pa.s.sing second, his screams increased. After couple of minutes later, nothing remained. Hidan was burned to nothing. His body and soul completely disappeared from the cycle of reincarnation.

Ryu used his chaos energy to produce one of the true fires from creation itself, Pure Yang Fire. This kind of fire shouldn"t exist within this realm but then again Ryu himself was an anomaly.

He turned his gaze towards Kakuzu. When Ryu looked at him, kakuzu shivered. Eventhough he always threatened Hidan, he was incapable of killing him. But now this man before him easily took care of that.

Kakuzu didn"t think twice, he turned tail and ran. But how would Ryu let him go.

" You publicize everywhere that you once tried to a.s.sa.s.sinate Hashirama. You know, I don"t know the man personally but from what I know, you are still alive because he was too kind. If it was Madara you tried to kill, well... I wouldn"t be speaking to you now, would I? "

Kakuzu didn"t respond. That was indeed the case, Hashirama didn"t want to kill him and gave him a second chance at life.

Ryu chased Kakuzu, he tried to gain time by sacrificing a few of his heart"s. But it was of no use, Ryu just flicked a few shurikens with his chakra and killed it.

Finally Ryu caught upto Kakuzu, he only had one more heart left. If this one was also destroyed then he would truly die. With no other choice Kakuzu attacked Ryu in a last minute frenzy.

" Earth style : Skin Hardening"

His skin hardened. It got a dark brown shade to it. Ryu caught his fist and threw his over his shoulder. Before Kakuzu hit the ground Ryu kicked his head.

Kakuzu spinned in air and crashed heavily. His body was bruised all over, he could barely get up. Kakuzu was about to try and attack again.

" Dust style : Atomic Dismantle "

Before he could dodge, a white cube surrounded his body. He saw as his own body disintegrated and turned to dust.

On this day, the feared immortal duo

Kakuzu and Hidan, DIED!!

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