A Warrior's Path

Chapter 98

Kabuto who was controlling the Reanimated kages frowned when he saw how easily the shin.o.bi alliance took care of them.

" Third Raikage and Second Mizukage have already been sealed. Those two..... there is something wrong with their eyes. Especially that girl, her Byakugan seemed to be evolved or a variation. Gotta be careful with them."


Gaara was fighting his father. Sand gathered from every corner as it contended with Rasa"s Gold sand. Rasa"s kekkei genkai allowed him to extract gold from deep within the earth.

Huge tides of sand and gold collided. Many rock structures were submerged under this intense collision. Gaara stood atop his sand and hovered above. He showed the capability of a commander, as he was fighting Rasa he also surveyed the situation regarding the other fights.

Rasa " Gaara! You should focus on your fight."

Golden sand emerged right beneath Gaara as it attacked him. But before it could get close sand covered him. Rasa was shocked when he saw this, his eyes showed a rare emotion.

Gaara was now far stronger, He placed his hand forward and did a grabbing motion. Sand surged from every direction and submerged these golden sand. Rasa"s gold sand couldn"t keep up.

Ultimately they swallowed him, before he was completely sealed away Rasa spoke

" Gaara... I have never been a good father. But never think that you were not loved, your mother.... she loved you more than anything.

That sand is proof of it. It will never allow any harm to befall you, it will always protect you. That sand is your mother.

She have always loved you and she will always be with... protecting you.

Live well Gaara.

And..... Sorry "

Sand engulfed him completely. Seal tags covered the entire sand and sealed him.

Gaara stood there crying, sand took the shape of a women as it embraced Gaara"s figure. He muttered " I know father. Thank you."

He quickly regained his composure and looked towards Onoki. His battle with Second Tsuchikage was still going. Gaara flew towards him to give a.s.sistance. Neji and Hinata did the same.

Lord Mu was flying while throwing out Justsu towards Onoki. Dust style was a kekkei totai, it"s power was off the charts.

Gaara found an opportunity and attacked with his sand but it couldn"t touch Lord Mu.

Onoki spoke to Gaara " Lord Mu is a sensor, it"s not easy to get a drop on him. We need to coordinate if we want to land a strike."

Neji and Hinata also got into stance. This time Neji"s eyes showed some changes, his eyes that were pupil less had a cyan dot in its center.

Hinata spoke "Neji nii san, don"t. They can beat him."

Neji"s eyes returned to normal, he frowned " Lady Hinata, then how should we take care of that person. Even with both of them we don"t know when they will seal him."

Shikamaru walked upto them at this moment " She is right Neji. Don"t reveal your cards to your enemy prematurely."

Neji " Yeah right. Is that the reason you are just standing here without fighting or are you just lazy?."

Shikamaru said with a straight face " Of course it is. I don"t want to show my cards just yet."

Neji disdained Shikamaru when he heard that. Hinata chuckled hearing these two bicker. During their training years Neji and Shikamaru always trained together with Ryu, this brought them close as best friends.

Shikamaru " Don"t worry. With these two, That mummy will be sealed soon."

Neji " Hope so."

Onoki was getting tired, he was old. His body couldn"t keep up with his mind. Lord Mu on the other hand was a Reanimation, his chakra was endless, unless you seal him, he can"t be stopped.

Lord Mu " Onoki, you can"t beat me like this. You are old."

Onoki unexpectedly smiled " I know but.... I am not alone. Gaara!! Now!! "

Sand erupted behind Lord Mu " So they got me to get close to a stone structure. That Gaara kid hid a lot of sand behind this structure, not bad."

Sand submerged lord Mu, Gaara hastily placed several seals all over the sand.

" Sand style : Grand Mosaouleum "

A huge Sand pyramid was formed as it covered Lord Mu. Seal tags connected with each other and sealed him.

Onoki asked panting " Did we get him? "

Gaara " I think so."

Neji suddenly yelled " Gaara watch out!! "

Lord Mu was floating behind Gaara with a cylinder shaped energy attack.

" Dust style : Detachment of the primitive world! "

Onoki couldn"t get to Gaara on time. His face paled when he thought of the consequences of that attack but even after a few seconds nothing happened.

Lord Mu was still floated there with that attack in his hands " Why can"t I move!!? "

Gaara and Onoki were stunned, they couldn"t understand what happened but didn"t have time to dwell on it. Onoki blasted Lord Mu backwards.

Gaara used the same technique as before and sealed him. He looked at Onoki and asked

" How was he able to get out of the seal? "

Onoki replied " My bad boy. I forgot about lord Mu"s ability, fragmentation. This ability allows him to split his body, not like a clone. However there is a serious drawback, his powers will be halved as well.

Anyway he is sealed now. I am more interested in why he didn"t attack you? "

Gaara showed puzzlement as well "I don"t know either."

Onoki " Then let it be. We should march forward and join the others."

Gaara nodded, he ordered everyone to move forward. That"s where the next battle is, he split part of his forces and let Shikamaru command them.

Now the immediate threat has been removed, so they need to provide a.s.sistance to other fronts as soon possible. Shikamaru led his team and split away, Hinata followed him while Neji continued to march with Gaara.

Shikamaru led his troops to the next front but before they reaches their destination. Zetsu attacked. Shikamaru promptly ordered everyone to split into a few man team and attack.

His tactic was simple, instead of attacking individually he ordered everyone to form three man formation and attack. This way they will be able to attack and defend at the same time.

" Everything"s going well but.... too well. I get this feeling that something"s not right. What is it? "

He surveyed the battlefield for clues but got nothing. Shikamaru may seem lazy often but when a situation arises he will try his best.

He continued to surveyed his surroundings. As the battle went on, from the corner of his eyes Shikamaru saw something, he saw one of his allies getting killed by another.

" Not good!! "

He charged in fast, striking that man. The others saw how he acted, some of them were about to ask the situation when they saw the man Shikamaru attacked get up. His body changed becoming a Zetsu.

Allied shin.o.bi were shocked when they witnessed this.

Shikamaru frowned " This just got th.o.r.n.y."

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