A Warrior's Path

Chapter 101

Haku looked towards Ringo.

Ringo " Not bad. You actually removed both of them."

Haku " You will be next."

Ringo " Hahaha, come."

Ringo charged her sword, lightning danced through Kiba.

Haku"s body merged with mirrors. He dodged the incoming attacks. Ringo couldn"t even scratch Haku, her attacks kept on missing.

" Ice style : Ice thorn "

Ice spikes emerged from the ground striking towards Ringo. Lightning covered her as these attacks closed in on her. Ice thorns collided with Lightning creating blinding light.

Beautiful specks of crystals floated down after the collision. Ringo looked around for Haku, lightning sparked around her. Suddenly her expression turned grim

" Not good! "

Huge Ice crystals floated above her, she watched as it descended upon her. Kiba sparked with terrifying light.

" Gotta hold on!! "

Eventhough lightning covered her body, these ice crystals were huge and too many in number. As each second pa.s.sed her lightning dimmed. Haku found a flaw in her defence, his hand produced an ice needle.

This one seemed different from the rest, it had a beautiful pale blue colour. Haku threw it towards Ringo.

Ringo felt tremendous danger from behind. She diverted part of lightning towards her back, this resulted her being attacked from the sides. Her right got torn off.

Haku"s needle pierced through her defence. Ringo couldn"t believe she got defeated. She watched as ice started to spread through her body.

Ringo " Good one baby."

Haku " Your time is over. Please rest well."

Ringo smiled " You know... you definitely are my type. Shame that I am dead."

Haku didn"t reply. He watched silently as Ringo got encased in ice. After finishing his opponents, Haku"s attention turned towards Zabuza and Kakashi.

Zabuza was fighting Mangetsu and Juzo. He had already Injured them numerous times but since they are Reanimation they kept coming back.

" Such a pain in the a**. These guys ain"t going down soon. What"s taking Haku so long? "

Among the three of them, only Haku"s Ice style possess restraining ability. Kakashi and Zabuza is aware of Haku"s strength, so they waited for him to finish his side.

Zabuza didn"t wait for long. Haku joined his fight. Along with Haku"s involvement Mangetsu and Juzo was taken care off.

Zabuza " Took you long enough."

Haku " Ringo was a bit th.o.r.n.y, Zabuza san."

Zabuza " Fine. Lets go see how Kakashi is doing."

Both of them went towards Kakashi"s battle. He was doing pretty good, Jinin and Kushimaru couldn"t touch him. His saber play countered every one of Kushimaru"s sneak attacks. Jinin couldn"t get the opportunity to use his hammer to punch through Kakashi.

Both sides were in a deadlock, without a seal master these guys will never stop.

Just as Kushimaru was about to go for another one of his sneak attack, Zabuza striked him from behind and send him flying towards Kakashi. Kakashi who saw the situation used his short sword to cut off Kushimaru"s head.

Haku came behind Zabuza and encased Kushimaru in ice.

Kakashi " Just in time."

Zabuza " You would have keeled over if we didn"t."

Kakashi " Maybe."

Haku shook his head when he saw them argue. He rushed towards Jinin

" Ice style : Ice Lance."

Several ice Lance formed behind Haku, he waved his hand and these lances flew towards Jinin. Seeing the incoming attack Jinin used his axe to crush them.

Don"t know when but Kakashi suddenly appeared behind Jinin and cut off his arm. The hammer fell along with this strike. Zabuza didn"t want to be outdone, his Kubikiribocho striked towards Jinin"s chest cutting him in half.

With this Jinin lost his battle capability. He lay down on the ground, dust swirled around his wounds as they restored him.

Haku got near him and placed his hands on his chest.

" Ice style : Ice coffin "

Ice spread through the point of contact and fully covered Jinin.

Zabuza " Kakashi, this won"t do. We need sealing masters here."

Kakashi " Don"t worry. Gai is on his way with someone. He should reach here soon, before he gets here we should regroup and guard these guys."

Zabuza nodded. If these lunatics gets out, it won"t be that easy to seal them again.

Kakashi regrouped with his Regime. He arranged for a few shin.o.bi to guard these ice crystals and told others to rest.

When it was almost night, Gai reached them. He had a youngster with him, this one had pale skin and had a big scroll behind him.

Kakashi " About time you got here. So is this the seal master."

Gai laughed " Haha, got delayed by those Zetsu. Yeah this guy is the seal master. His name is Sai."

Kakashi " Sai.... alright. Get ready Sai, we have seven Reanimations we need you to seal. "

Sai said respectfully " Yes sir! "

Kakashi waved his hands " No need to be that formal."

Sai got confused. Gai got near Kakashi"s ears and said " This kid was part of Root. He is not that familiar with people."

Kakashi understood what Gai meant. His eyes showed some pity towards Sai " Doesn"t matter. That darkness has been removed."

Sai was lead towards the ice crystals. He spread the large scroll on the ground and drew a tiger on it. Before Kakashi and the others eyes, the picture came to life. It bit the ice crystal and dragged them into the scroll. He did the same for the other Crystals as well.

Kakashi patted his shoulder " Good work. Rest up, we may still encounter more of these guys "

Sai nodded, he was tired after continuously sealing seven of them.


Mifune"s Regime

They had already come across Reanimations. Among them was Hanzo. Mifune had an old fued with him. They fought for a while and finally Mifune won. He was able to let go of his heart"s demon.

A few others were also present, like the sound four, couple of Kaguya clan members and among their enemies was someone alive. His name was Kimimaro. But he was different from the anime.

Since Orochimaru died, Kabuto left with him. He did many things to make sure Kimimaro wouldn"t die and finally he was able to come up with a method but this method will slowly eat away his consciousness and one day he will be nothing more than a mindless beast.

A single person confronted these people. She stood before them. This was Onoki"s granddaughter, the successor to his dust style


She looked towards her opponents " Gramps said I shouldn"t reveal my dust style unless necessary. But since i saw that guy during the summit guess it doesn"t matter now."

Onoki placed great importance towards Kurotsuchi, after all she was his granddaughter moreover his successor.

Kimimaro was like a beast as he attacked Kurotsuchi. The sound four and Kaguya clan members also joined.

Kurotsuchi yelled " All of you get back!. Seal masters be ready!! "

Kurotsuchi did a few hand signs

" Earth style : Land flip "

She placed her hand on the ground. After a few seconds, the ground began to rise from both sides and pressed against her attackers.

Kimimaro"s body produced white substance and covered him, the rest didn"t care since they were Reanimations. Dust flew everywhere. Few seconds later Kimimaro broke out from the ground, his body was completely covered with curse mark. The sound four and the rest also slowly restored from her attack.

With the whole Regime watching she began to float. Witnessing this scene Stone shin.o.bi got excited

" Hahaha! Lord Tsuchikage finally has a successor. Lady Kurotsuchi can use Dust style! "

" Yeah! With her Dust style we shouldn"t have too much problem with these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

" Of course!! "

The ninjas were excited, nothing could give them more courage than a strong ally.

Kurotsuchi placed her hand before her, White light slowly gathered before her body. This attack was atleast two times stronger than Onoki"s.

" Dust style : Detachment of the primitive world."

Her attack flashed towards Kimimaro and co. They couldn"t even dodge as they got reduced to dust. Kurotsuchi"s attack didn"t produce any Bang. Dust simply swirled where her attack went.

Onoki found out about her being able to use Dust Style a few days after Ryu left. This elated him, he taught everything he knew about Dust style to his Granddaughter. Much to his shock, his granddaughter also possessed terrifying amount of chakra. The one drawback of dust style was removed. How couldn"t he be excited.

Kurotsuchi turned her gaze towards the army of Zetsu " since I revealed my strength might as well go all the way."

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