Translation: Razorace
Editing: Zeph
Proofreading/TLC: Selutu
Special Mention: Mousa4


Werewolf secret arts


Hao Ren observed the silver haired maiden in front of him while dumbstruck, the silver hair fluttered in the chilling breeze accompanied with the ambient neon glow emitted from her eyes. More importantly, that pair of pointy ears which made it difficult for others to look away from made Hao Ren almost unable to recognise that this was the r.e.t.a.r.ded Lily that he had just recently brought from the city centre if not for the fact that the facial features didn’t change.


However, it was indeed her — not only the facial features confirmed it, her attire also could also serve as proof in that regard.


At the moment, the surrounding wind was cold, the moon-light from above was cold, the clothes were cold, even the air breathed out was cold – Hao Ren felt himself almost freezing, but this abnormal chill conversely allowed him to maintain a clear mind, especially when the surrounding was filled with the conglomerated smell of blood so thick it couldn’t be dissolved. This strand of clarity was of more importance: he had to reorganise his common sense while staying alert of the surroundings, allowing a decent attempt at making sense of why one would meet the events of today in reality.


He no longer chattered loudly to Lily like before, perhaps due to the eerie surroundings making him lose the mood, or perhaps due to seeing Lily’s strange outer appearance he didn’t know what to start with. Objectively speaking, kemonomimi was indeed pretty moe, but G.o.d knows whether or not this kemonomimi girl had some setting where they underwent drastic temperament changes after transformation: Hao Ren was a hundred percent sure he could sense a primitive, b.e.s.t.i.a.l aura from her eyes. This made him tremble with fear; subsequently scenes from psychotic works made overseas started to scroll through his head.


As the surrounding chill and smell of blood further condensed, a thin layer of frost could even be seen on the surface of the small path, and no one knew from when the moon was dyed a faint red. Hao Ren, who only had a thin summer top on right now was already shivering more and more severely. However, Lily didn’t seem to be affected by it at all; she only sniffed forcefully, ears twitched a few times: “That cunning bat, covered her own smell using the stench of blood……. Landlord don’t stay too far from me, that flying a.s.shole specially acts at night, surprise attacks are their speciality.”


The “transformed” Lily carried a cool and distant feeling when she spoke. But upon hearing the contents of what she said, Hao Ren couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief: it looked like there was no major change in temperament so he even dared to start asking questions: “Lily, what is this? You……”


“I’m a werewolf,” Lily’s ears were even more erect than before, modal full of pride:
“Although I don’t know what happened but I just am a werewolf! Though before I always hid my ident.i.ty, this is the first time I’ve been seen…… *che*, getting tangled up with those a.s.sholes who can fly is not a good thing as expected.”


“Oh.” Hao Ren answered, honestly speaking the common sense he had built up since childhood perhaps could no longer be applied anymore, but just as he was about to say something in addition, Lily suddenly growled: “Coming!”


Almost at the same time as Lily’s voice faded, Hao Ren saw from the corner of his eyes the outline of the red moon flicker, thereafter a black dot enlarging from the lunar halo (figure of the moon), rapidly rushed towards him!


The black dot enlarged into a shadow, Hao Ren faintly felt that this shadow was probably not a bat, but rather like a humanoid figure wearing a mantle. However he had no more room to ponder, as the figure was in his face!


The muscles all over his body were already acc.u.mulating strength waiting to be released, ready to dodge at a moment’s notice. Finding himself the target, his first reaction was to dodge to the side, but just as he jumped forcefully to the side, that shadow pa.s.sed him with an empty dive which practically brushed against his hair.


The shadow did not hit the target – looked as though it was just about to hit the floor. Lily did not let this chance pa.s.s; in the moment that Hao Ren dodged she threw a swipe kick at the a.s.sailant, a simple and violent attack method. The start of the motion even produced a huge “ping” explosion from wind pressure, followed by dozens of consecutive “pipipapa” sound. Hao Ren could only see the silver-haired kemonomimi maiden as if transformed into a silvery white flash with speed matching the shadow using the most basic kicks and punches, began fighting against that hazy blob which resembled human form. No techniques or tricks were used, every punch and kick were straightforward; it was simple and crude but known for it’s effectiveness: the air distorted under the incomparably fierce punching and kicking attacks, creating ripples almost visible to the naked eye. However, that shadowy blob gradually fell into a disadvantageous position, finally it suddenly shrank into bat form and abruptly shot towards the sky – unexpectedly looked as though it was preparing to escape.


Lily’s final punch missed and by then the black bat already flew to the top of the wall. She scrawled in irritation, a threatening “Wuwuu[1]” sound similar to a jackal’s threatening howl was emitted from her throat. Hao Ren was very familiar with this sound – he lived in the old home in the mountains when young, and there were wolves during the night.


It was this behaviour!


But this was not the time to openly proclaim amazing, Hao Ren knew he was wrapped up in a disastrous event. If normally after you let him finish the novel or TV program, he could still mull over this miraculous experience full of antic.i.p.ation, however right now, he only knew that this was a moment of life and death: that bat only escaped to the air and didn’t leave. “It” was only circling leisurely at height, as if mocking the werewolf on the ground being unable to fly. Drawing out various contrails while flying, one moment an “s”, one moment a “b”……. [2].


Hao Ren knew, as long as the bat was still circling in the sky, he was definitely not safe. Even though the werewolf girl’s melee ability looked pretty strong, but clearly she couldn’t fly nor knew ranged attacks. More importantly, she was a r.e.t.a.r.d – if the bat rushed down at him again, Lily really might not be able to block it! What if this girl couldn’t react?


“Wuwu……” the threatening sound raging in her throat became more and more suppressive, the fur on her ears also stood on ends. Then she suddenly raised her head to face the moon, emitting a clean and crisp howl: “Aowuuuu—“


Just at the moment she raised her head howling, the bat in the sky dived headfirst, rapidly lunging towards Hao Ren. Hao Ren almost jumped immediately: that’s why this werewolf girl is a r.e.t.a.r.d! This kind of life and death confrontation and you’re still making some freaking “pose”!


But just as the bat shrouded in a ball of black mist was about to reach the side of Lily, Hao Ren suddenly saw the latter lift her wrist. Before making out what kind of object flew out, a wave of ear piercing howling could already be heard, the lunging bat only managed to turn into mist before being a.s.saulted fiercely, awkwardly escaping back to high alt.i.tude. Additionally, this time Hao Ren finally noticed what kind of object Lily was carrying in her other hand: that item had well defined perpendicular lines and had a chilling bright red colour which made people cower in terror. The item was indeed, a brick!


“Ha! Just you keep flying!” Werewolf maiden provoked loudly at the circling bat in the sky, “Don’t think I can’t deal with you only by growing wings! Starting from the day I knew I was a werewolf I have always been researching how to deal with a.s.sholes like you guys that can fly, I trained this handful[3] of “Pegasus Meteor Brick[4]” for a good five years! Come! Fight to your content!”


Hao Ren facepalmed: how come the legendary werewolf sure-kill technique was actually a brick throw? And it succeeded!


The bat in the sky must have been knocked pretty hard earlier, at this point it was tilting to and fro even while flying. Moreover, the surrounding scent of blood and cold fog also seemed to have receded along with it, clearly as a result of the bat unable to continue providing energy. “It” and the werewolf maiden stood off against each other for several minutes. Meanwhile, Lily can be considered to be fully reloaded as she took advantage of this opportunity to pick up another brick from the ground with blistering speed. Seeing this, that bat seems to finally be discouraged, circled one last time in the sky before it turned around and flew into the darkness of the night sky.


Lily didn’t miss the chance to beat the loser while they were down for even a moment. As soon as she could lift her hands, “sou sou” could be heard and the bricks on hand were all thrown out. Hao Ren couldn’t see clearly the trajectory of the two bricks, he only saw the bat’s silhouette tilt once again. Evidently, at least another brick hit home – the “Pegasus Meteor Brick” practiced for five years was reliable as expected.


However, Hao Ren was more worried about the bricks thrown by Lily’s final destination. This werewolf maiden had amazing strength; the initial velocity of the brick was probably comparable to a cannon sh.e.l.l….. One could only pray that this s.h.i.tty place being scarcely populated, no hapless soul was affected by this abnormal battle.


The a.s.sailant was repelled, the surroundings also returned to normal and the scent of blood disappeared without a trace just like an illusion. The slightly irritating heat of a summer’s night returned like a torrent, Hao Ren rubbed his nose and sneezed wholeheartedly: this temperature difference really could not be withstood by normal people and it looked like a cold was unavoidable.


He looked at the werewolf maiden from before, visibly seeing that head full of beautiful silver hair revert to the original short black hair, a pair of energetic wolf ears also disappeared. He clicked his tongue, but didn’t know what to say.


As r.e.t.a.r.ded as Lily was, at this moment she also felt that the atmosphere was awkward, but as if she predicted so already, or rather it can be said she had this premonition already, she only turned around to expose a somewhat awkward smile to Hao Ren, then bent down to carry the large suitcase onto her own shoulder, turning away prepared to leave: “Nei, landlord, I’m not renting the house……. You go home quickly. That’s right, don’t arbitrarily tell others about today, I will be very troubled.”


As she finished this sentence, Lily turned around to walk.


“Wait!” just when Lily had walked away for a few steps, Hao Ren finally recollected his thoughts: “Where are you going this late? Return with me, get your luggage sorted while it’s still early…….”


Lily turned around astonished, that pair of sparkling eyes under the night sky were full of confusion: “Why? You’re not scared of that flying a.s.shole coming again? That guy might be after me – I’m a werewolf, that guy’s mortal enemy.”


Hao Ren gritted his teeth, and finally laughed: “Because I’m[5] a good guy[6]!”


[Editor’s Note (Zeph): …A good guy, huh. (I bet he was just scared s.h.i.tless and couldn’t move…Yeah, that sounds about right…)]


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[1]: Wolf’s howl.↩

[2]: sb, internet slang for “傻逼”, which means r.e.t.a.r.d/stupid. Intentional pun by the author.↩

[3]: Author uses the word “一手”, translated literally means “single-handedly”. However in this context means “set technique”, for example: “一手厨艺” would translate to “set of culinary skills”. This is a pun since the brick throwing technique requires one hand.↩

[4]: Saint Seiya reference, Seiya’s finisher is called “Pegasus Meteor Punch”.↩

[5]: Hao Ren uses the term “Lao Zi – 老子” to refer to himself which makes him seem older which in term elevates his status against the person being spoken to, usually used to show-off confidence or act condescendingly/belittle the other party.↩

[6]: Recurring pun, good guy in Chinese “好人”, read phonetically as Hao Ren, same as MC’s name.↩

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