Translation: Razorace
Editing: Zeph
Proofreading/TLC: Selutu


And Cat


Actually, during this moment, Hao Ren had thought about a lot of things.


He thought about the traditional virtue of Chinese nationals of grat.i.tude and benevolence, he thought about the patriots who gave up their lives for the cause and the truth, he thought about the first time he courageously repelled the cla.s.s bully that was after his chocolate during primary school, he thought about……okay, maybe he didn’t really think all that much, but he knew at least one thing: even though the girl called Lily in front of him was unbelievable, even though she “might” be an incredible piece of work, to the point of perhaps being not human, but she was not bad. Furthermore, she saved him just then – Hao Ren was a hundred percent sure, the “weird thing” which was one moment bat one moment humanoid had aimed the first attack at him, thereafter many times “it” focused on him, this was definitely not wrong!


Even though Hao Ren was only a normal person, but he was fairly confident even to the point of being proud about his intuition and calmness when in a crisis. Due to being clumsy since young, he had developed this characteristic from countless suicidal mistakes as well as the danger it brought – such as welding detonators and sawing light bulbs[1]. Even if it was a life and death situation just then, he still managed to sense that the “bat” was after him since the very beginning.


However, it was as if Lily didn’t notice this point. Perhaps she already had preconceptions; she wishfully determined that the bat was after her from the very beginning. This could probably be attributed to the fact that this girl was pretty r.e.t.a.r.ded……


Nevertheless, this self-proclaimed “werewolf” girl in front of him did save him once, Hao Ren couldn’t just leave her to herself. It was rural and spa.r.s.ely populated here; furthermore it was in the middle of the night. Lily as a foreign pers…… wolf here, would have to sleep on the streets without a place to stay. He couldn’t do something like that.


Of course he also considered the possibility of the bat returning once again [nana nana nana nana bat mannnn], however just like he had said earlier, he felt the bat was after him – then having Lily beside him might perchance be insurance. No matter how unreliable “Pegasus Meteor brick” was, it probably had more attack power than the rolling pins at home right?


The thought of it was perhaps disheartening, but having encountered the scenes which exceeded common sense, Hao Ren could only plan as such, ;he still had a lot of self-awareness.


“Let’s go, it’s already late,” Hao Ren ma.s.saged the pair of legs which were somewhat numb from the cold and led the way in front of Lily, “I still need to make you something to eat when we get back. That’s right, do you eat veg?”


He suddenly remembered the other party’s “werewolf” ident.i.ty and couldn’t help but ask as an afterthought. It could be seen from this that Hao Ren’s level of acceptance was pretty high.


“I eat anything!” Lily nodded happily while shouldering a suitcase over a hundred something kilograms, at a flying pace while walking beside Hao Ren. However she still realised after just a few steps, “You’re really not scared landlord? I feel when normal people run into this kind of thing, they must be scared. Have you seen ‘Abnormals’ before? Ok landlord you just relax, I won’t hurt people! I’ve seen many films, humans seems pretty scared of us……”


Hao Ren felt his brain hurting again: this girl’s nature was once again exposed: an overly intimate, lacking in thought, slow witted and further chatting non-stop r.e.t.a.r.d. He couldn’t answer too much all at once and could only sigh: “Ah……to be honest I’m still disorientated, wait till I get home to smoke and cool down a bit. Leave everything else till after we get back.”


As a result, Lily finally quieted down somewhat. They remained silent on the way back. Finally arriving at the White Rock road of legends they came to a stop in front of a seemingly aged but fairly sizeable two storey building.


The small building was situated at the end of this concrete and beyond it was the wilderness. The surroundings were also fairly s.p.a.cious, it could be defined as the boundary between civilisation and nature – as evidence to his youth, Hao Ren frequently used this kind of ‘hip’ way to describe his home and at least retained the ability to act stupid. On either side of White Rock road were similarly ancient and dilapidated residences, furthermore there were numerous two storey or even three storey structures. But more than half of them were desolate, void of light and sound, just like long abandoned haunted houses. More and more inhabitants had chosen to move into cities, .Hao Ren who lived at the end of the road could be said to be one of the few residents.


“Fortunately the streets lights were just changed, otherwise it really would be like a ghost street.” Hao Ren mumbled to himself.


“Ah, what ghost street?” Lily’s voice immediately came from the side, being a Canidae was not just for show, this hearing ability of theirs.


Hao Ren casually waved his hands to signal that he was just talking nonsense. Lily didn’t pay it any mind and only fixated on her own new home. The girl seemed to be fairly satisfied with this old rectangular stupid looking block of a building: “Umu [CN literal: En], nice place, not very noisy, few people in the surroundings so I won’t be afraid of getting seen through. Living in human society is really difficult ne~, always worrying about getting dissected as well as too many human swindlers. There’s no end to them once you start fighting em, it’s really a pain.”


As Hao Ren stepped up to open the door, he looked at Lily in surprise: “You are this strong, but all things said and done, you’re still scared of getting dissected?”


He was already somewhat impressed by Lily’s show of force just recently and felt that no matter what they said – werewolves, as a “legendary creature” were stronger than humans. However, he didn’t expect said person to drop lines such as “worrying about getting dissected”.


“That’s right,” Lily nodded vigorously, “I often watch films, humans like doing that the most, you all have the strongest antipathy. All the aliens in America are sent to be dissected and all of China’s aliens are tasted for flavour after getting dissected, it’s horrifying!”


Hao Ren decided to never seriously discuss anything with this r.e.t.a.r.d again.


Both of the locks of the anti-theft gating and door were aged. Only after expending considerable effort did Hao Ren successfully open them and enter. He conveniently switched on the light in the hallway then turned and beckoned Lily to enter.


Only after turning around to finish locking up the door did Hao Ren begin introducing the structure here: “This can be considered as the main living room. As this house was originally designed by my dad the layout is fairly innovative. It’s fine so long as you understand. The two doors on either side of the living room are your room and my room respectively and through the door there is a small aisle connecting to the kitchen and bathroom. Upstairs is the second floor [TL: duh], there are four empty rooms though no one is living in them yet, but you don’t need to worry about it. I’ll take you to store away the suitcase first – speaking of which, did you bring bedding or do you want to use ready ones from the house? My stuff here is pretty clean anyway, though girls tend to be particular about these……”


“Whatever, as long as I can sleep!” Lily exclaimed energetically and even reached to pat her own suitcase, “I didn’t bring bedding, this one case can’t possibly fit.”


Hao Ren swallowed all the unfinished words: it looked like this one here was not “an average” girl, she belonged to the bold type.


Lily didn’t let people help sort luggage and it was unknown if it was out of reservations as a girl or purely dying from hunger: she only ushered Hao Ren to quickly make food, while repeatedly reiterating that she would properly pay for meal costs. This somewhat made Hao Ren feel moved.


Arriving at the kitchen, he rummaged out ready-made dried noodles and some ingredients. Hao Ren hummed a tune while turning on the gas and then remembered the thrilling experience from tonight, thus he decided to take a smoke while cooking to calm down for a bit.


……Fortunately he realised at once before lighting the cigarette, he quickly lit the hob or else this novel would only have five chapters. [ED (Zeph): Breaking all kinds of walls o.O]


As he heard crashing and banging noises coming from Lily’s room, Hao Ren was guessing at just what in the world she had put in that strange suitcase. While cooking the noodles, he started to organise today’s events: looking for work in town went fruitlessly, he met a quick to familiarise girl while sleeping in the park and coincidentally found out she was his new tenant. Then, on the way back home, his normal life was shattered by the surreal phenomenon – werewolf, supernatural strength, near death experience, the experience within those ten minutes from just then had completely overturned his worldview from the last twenty five years.


What was the deal with that shape-shifting bat which carried the smell of blood and freezing atmosphere?


Hao Ren thought about it and exhilaratingly judged that perhaps it was the vampire of legends – after all there was already a werewolf beside him, if not in a love hate relationship against werewolves, then could it even be qualified as a vampire?


Though speaking of werewolves……the weregirl he met himself seemed kind of different from those of the legends. She didn’t appear to be ferocious, but rather quite moe…… just kind of stupid.


After thinking for ages without a clue, Hao Ren exemplified his excellent quality of nonchalance and decided to leave everything till after dinner. Lily looked to be an easy to get along with “werewolf”, and perhaps letting her explain to himself the situation might at least help when it came to rebuilding his common sense.


The noodles quickly cooked and Hao Ren carried this quick and filling meal to the living room only to find Lily sitting at the table face full of antic.i.p.ation. She even sniffed strongly upon smelling the aroma from the noodles and smiled brilliantly at Hao Ren. This feeling……how come it felt like a dog waiting on food?


The two people sat at the dining table. Lily already picked up the chopsticks as though she could not hold back any longer. Only then did Hao Ren suddenly remember something and quickly shouted at the direction of the staircase: “Roll down here and eat!”


Under Lily’s curious gaze, a black and white shadow agilely shot down from upstairs. Then in an extremely experienced manner dashed to Hao Ren’s feet and nudged against the surface of his shoes: it was actually a black and white kitten.


Hao Ren couldn’t make sense of the following events:


Lily, this ultra-high battle power werewolf, this just recently overturned his worldview werewolf, this which can already be considered “extremely mysterious existence” werewolf, jumped up from the chair the moment she laid eyes on the black and white kitten. She released a *chuu* and scuttled away behind the nearby sofa! [ED (Zeph): I guess we know what her weakness is now…]


Even her werewolf form was forced out!


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[1] Original text: “已经在无数次焊**锯灯泡的作死行为以及随之而来的危险锤炼出了这种品质”
This is a reference to a popular post on Chinese forums, depicting the four most insane (r.e.t.a.r.ded) acts as:
“四大绝: 焊雷管、锯灯泡、精修处女膜、火补避孕套”
This roughly translates to “welding detonator, sawing light bulb, hymen repairs, repairing condoms with fire.”↩

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