[Footnote 20: "Les chefs des vieillards m"avoient souvent parle de leurs ancetres, des courses qu"ils avoient faites, et des combats qu"ils avoient eu a soutenir, avant que la nation put se fixer ou elle est aujourd"hui. L"histoire de ces premiers Creeks, qui portoient alors le nom de Moskoquis, etoit conservee par des banderoles ou chapelets,"

etc.--_Memoire ou Coup-d"Oeil Rapide sur mes different Voyages et mon Sejour dans la Nation Creck,_ Par le Gen. Milfort, pp. 48, 229.

(Paris, An. XI, 1802).]

[Footnote 21: "We burned all we could find of them," writes Bishop Landa, "which pained the natives to an extraordinary degree."--_Relacion de las Cosas de Yucatan_, p. 316. For a discussion of what was destroyed at Mani see Cogolludo, _Historia de Yucatan_, 3d Ed., Vol. I, p.

604, note by the Editor. The efforts which have of late been made by Senor Icazbalceta and the Reverend Canon Carrillo to modify the general opinion of these acts of vandalism cannot possibly be successful. The ruthless hostility of the Church to the ancient civilization, an hostility founded on religious intolerance, could be proved by hundreds of extracts from the early writers.]

[Footnote 22: Boturini"s work is ent.i.tled _Idea de una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional fundada sobre material copioso defiguras, Symbolos, Caracteres, y Geroglificos, Cantares y Ma.n.u.scritos de Autores Indios_. Madrid, 1746. The fate of his collection is sketched by Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg, in the introduction to his _Histoire des Nations civilisees de Mexique et de l"Amerique Centrale_, Vol I.]

[Footnote 23: The following extract from Ixtlilxochitl sums up the native authorities on which he relied for the particulars of the life of the last prince of Tezcuco, and merits quotation as a bit of literary history:--

"Autores son de todo lo referido, y de los demas de su vida y hechos los infantes de Mexico Ytzcoatzin y Xiuhcozcatzin, y otros Poetas y Historicos en los a.n.a.les de las tres cabezas de esta Nueva Espana, y en particular en los a.n.a.les que hizo el infante Quauhtlazaciulotzin, primer Senor del pueblo de Chiauhtla; y asimismo se halla en las relaciones que escribieron los infantes de la ciudad de Tezcuco, Don Pablo, Don Toribio, Don Hernando Pimentel y Juan de Pomar hijos y nietos del Rey Nezalhualpiltzintli de Tezcuco, y asimismo el infante Don Alonso Axiaicatzin Senor de Itztapalapan, hijo del rey de Cuitlahuac, y sobrino del rey Motecutzomatzin."--Ixtlilxochitl, _Historia Chichimeca_, cap. XLIX.]

[Footnote 24: In the celebrated library of J.F. Ramirez, were two folio volumes, containing 1022 pages, ent.i.tled _a.n.a.les Antiguos de Mexico y sus Contornos_. They included, besides various Spanish accounts, 27 fragments in the Nahuatl language, some translated and some not. The t.i.tles of all are given by Don Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, in his valuable and rare _Apuntes para un Catalogo de Escritores en Lenguas Indigenas de America_, pp. 140-142. (Mexico, 1866.)]

[Footnote 25: _Memorial del Pueblo de Teptlaustuque, en la Nueva Espana; en que se refiere su Origen i Poblacion, i de los Tributos i Servicios, antes i despues de la Conquista; todo pintado, i M.S._ En la Libreria del Rei. Antonio de Leon i Pinelo, _Bibliotheca Occidental_. The district of Tepetlaoztoc belonged to Tezcuco.]

[Footnote 26: "Don Gabriel Castaneda, Indio princ.i.p.al, natural de Michuacan Colomocho en la Provincia de Mejico. Escribio en Lengua Megicana, _Relacion_ de la Jornada que hizo Sandoval Acaxitli, Cacique y Senor de Tlalma.n.a.lco, con el Sr. Visorey Don Antonio de Mendoza en la Conquista de los Chichimecas de Xuchipila, 1541."--Beristain y Souza, _Biblioteca Hispano-Americana Septentrional_, s.v.]

[Footnote 27: For testimony to this interesting fact see _The Maya Chronicles_, Introduction, p. 28, note.]

[Footnote 28: _The Books of Chilan Balam, The Prophetic and Historic Records of the Mayas of Yucatan_. By Daniel G. Brinton, M.D., Philadelphia, 1882. Reprint from the _Penn Monthly_, March, 1882.]

[Footnote 29: _Library of Aboriginal American Literature_, Vol. I, p. 189. (Philadelphia, 1882.)]

[Footnote 30: An intelligent appreciation of the linguistic labors of Pio Perez was written by Dr. Berendt, in 1871, and printed in Mexico.--_Los Trabajos Linguisticos de Don Juan Pio Perez_. 8vo.

pp. 6.]

[Footnote 31: _Disertacion sobre la Historia de la Lengua Maya o Yucateca_. Por Crescencio Carrillo. Published in the _Revista de Merida_, 1870.]

[Footnote 32: A fine ma.n.u.script of Vico"s work, as well as a number of other productions in Cakchiquel, by the missionaries, are in the library of the American Philosophical Society, at Philadelphia.]

[Footnote 33: Tecpan At.i.tlan is a village on the sh.o.r.e of Lake At.i.tlan, in the province of Solola, Guatemala.]

[Footnote 34: Don Domingo Juarros, _Compendio de la Historia de la Ciudad de Guatemala_, Tomo, II pp. 6, 7, 12, 16, et al. (Ed.

Guatemala, 1857). A copy of Tzumpan"s writings is said to be in a private library in the United States.

The native Cakchiquel writers were also the authorities on which Father Vazquez depended, in part, in composing his history of Guatemala. He gives a partial translation of one, beginning the pa.s.sage: "Los Indios de Zolola dizen en sus escritos," etc.--Fray Francisco Vazquez, _Cronica de la Provincia de Guatemala_, Lib. III, Cap. x.x.xVI.

(Guatemala, 1714, 1716.)]

[Footnote 35: Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg, _Bibliotheque Mexico-Guatemalienne_, p. 142. (Paris, 1871.)]

[Footnote 36: _t.i.tulos de la Casa de Ixcuin-Nehaib, Senora del Territorio de Otzoya_. Guatemala, 1876. 8vo. pp. 15. Reprint from the _Boletin de la Sociedad Economica de Guatemala_.]

[Footnote 37: _Las Historias del Origen de los Indios de esta Provincia de Guatemala, traducidas de la lengua Quiche al Castellano_. Por el R.P.F. Francisco Ximenez. 8vo. Vienna, 1857.]

[Footnote 38: _Popol Vuh. Le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de l"Antiquite Americaine, avec les livres heroiques et historiques des Quiches_.

Par l"Abbe Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg. (Paris, 1861.)]

[Footnote 39: _The Names of the G.o.ds in the Kiche Myths of Central America_. By Daniel G. Brinton, M.D. 8vo. pp. 37. (Philadelphia, 1881.) Reprint from the _Proceedings_ of the American Philosophical Society, 1881.]

[Footnote 40: Boturini, _Idea de una Nueva Historia de la America Septentrional_, p. 115.]

[Footnote 41: Cabrera, _Teatro Critico Americano_, p 33.]

[Footnote 42: _American Hero-Myths_, pp. 213-217. (Philadelphia, 1882.)]

[Footnote 43: On this Qquichua MS. see Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, _Tres Relaciones de Antiguedades Peruanas_. Introd. p. 34.]

[Footnote 44: _Relacion de las Costumbres Antiguas de los Naturales del Piru_, printed in the work last quoted, p. 142, note.]

[Footnote 45: "En cabildo de 29 de Julio de 1692, el capitan Don Antonio de Fuentes y Guzman trajo a esta sala siete peticiones escritas en cortezas de arboles."--Francisco de Paula Garcia Pelaez, _Memorias para la Historia del Antiguo Reyno de Guatemala_, Tom. II, p. 267.

(Guatemala, 1852.)]

[Footnote 46: _O Selvagem. Trabalho Preparatorio para aproveitamento de Selvagem e de solo por elle occupado no Brazil_. Rio de Janeiro, 1876.]

[Footnote 47: _Notes on the Lingoa Geral, or Modern Tupi of the Amazonas_, in the _Transactions_ of the American Philological a.s.sociation, for 1872.]

[Footnote 48: Boturini, _Idea de una Nueva Historia_, etc., App. pp.

57 et seq.; Didacus Valades, _Rhetorica Christiana_, Pars Secunda (Perusia, 1579); Gemelli Carreri, _Giro del Mundo_.]

[Footnote 49: Stephens, _Travels in Yucatan_, Vol. I, p. 449 (London, 1843).]

[Footnote 50: _Relacion de las Ceremonias y Ritos de Mechoacan_. The MS. of this work, in the Library of Congress, does not contain the Calendar which the author, in the body of the work, promises to append; nor apparently does the copy in Madrid, from which the work was printed, in Vol. 53 of the _Coleccion de Doc.u.mentos Ineditos para la Historia de Espana_.]

[Footnote 51: _Pintura del Gobernador, Alcaldes y Regidores de Mexico.

Codex en Geroglificos Mexicanos y en lengua Castellana y Azteca._ First published at Madrid, 1878. A specimen of the map, "Carte Geographique Azteque," is given by Professor Leon de Rosny, in _Les Doc.u.ments Ecrit de l"Antiquite Americaine_, p. 70 (Paris, 1882).]

[Footnote 52: Stephens, _Travels in Yucatan_, Vol. II, p. 265, gives a Maya map of Mani. A more complete study of the subject is that of Carrillo, _Geografia Maya_, in the _a.n.a.les del Museo Nacional de Mexico_, Tom. II, p. 435.]

[Footnote 53: _Silabario de Idioma Mexicano, dispuesto por el_ Lic.

Faustino Chimalpopocatl Galicia, Mexico, 1849, 8vo. pp. 16. Second edition, Mexico, 1859, 8vo. pp. 32. Also _Epitome o Modo Facil de Aprender el Idioma Nahuatl_, 12mo. pp. 124, Mexico, 1869.]

[Footnote 54: _Elementos de la Gramatica Megicana_, por Don Antonio Tobar Cano y Moctezuma. Written about 1642.]

[Footnote 55: _Confessionario Mayor y Menor en Lengua Mexicana, y Platicas contra las Supersticiones de Idolatria, que el dia de oy an quedado a los Naturales desta Nueva Espana_. Ano de 1634. Mexico. A copy of this scarce volume is in my library.]

[Footnote 56: Dr. Couto de Magalhaes remarks: "Como o nome indica, este missionario devia ser algum mestico que, com o leite materno, beben os primeiros rudimentos da grande lingua Sul-Americana."--_Origens, Costumes e Regias Selvagem_, p. 62 (Rio de Janeiro, 1876). In 1876 M.

Varuhagen published, at Vienna, a _Historia da paixao de Christo e taboa dos parentescos em lingua Tupi_, written by Yapuguay, an extract, apparently, from the volume mentioned in the text. The edition was only 100 copies.]

[Footnote 57: C.F. Hartt, _On the Lingoa Geral of the Amazonas_, p.

3, in the _Transactions_ of the American Philological a.s.sociation, 1872.]

[Footnote 58: _Tah-gah-jute; or, Logan and Cresap. An Historical Essay._ By Brantz Mayer. (Albany, 1867.)]

[Footnote 59: _History of the American Indians_, pp. 52, 63.

(London, 1775.)]

[Footnote 60: James Howse, A Grammar of the Cree Language, p. 11.

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