Translator: Cialaxis
Editor: Havion

It"s been about a week since I recalled my previous life"s memories in my new body.

Today, I plan to take part in a training course for Tamers that will be taking place in the neighbouring town.

As for how things turned out this way, it was due to the feudal lord, Carmel-sama informing me of its existence when he came to visit my place to give his thanks.

To be honest, as long as I have my previous life"s knowledge, there shouldn"t be anything that I can learn from this training course. Even so, I have decided to take part in the training course this time.

Since I may be able to obtain a clue that would shed some light on the indescribably strange treatment that Tamers are getting from everyone.

It"s reasonable to a.s.sume that the hint is hidden somewhere in the Tamers" place of education.

[Well then, I"m going off, kasan. [1]] (Varius)

[Please take care.] (Varius" mother)

I stored the bento using storage magic, taking out the Nimbus Cloud in its place and flew through the sky riding it.


[1…2…3………14…15.This time, there are 15 people partic.i.p.ating it seems. Well then, let"s go everyone — !] (Lecturer)

This is the meeting place for the Tamers training course.

The lecturer-in-charge this time is a middle-aged man, raising his voice with the tension of a primary school teacher.

Since the trainees — including me — are around the age of 10, he must be acting out of consideration for our age.

He is black-haired — in other words, a Tamer.

One can determine the profession of others even if they were to meet for the first time just by looking at their hair colour.

Black represents Tamers, Silver for Holy Knights, Healers" are pink…such was their condition, decided even before they were born.

Well, I can"t say for certain due to the existence of hair dyeing magic, but those who pursue battles of education tend to not dye their hair to make their positions easy to understand.

In this case, it should be fine to deem him a Tamer.

This time, we were a.s.sembled in front of a forest.

We will be entering the forest to look for magical beasts in order to learn in a real-live environment.

During the morning, the lecturer will be giving us a demonstration. Well then, let"s go and see what he"s got. 

Around 10 minutes after venturing into the forest, a single monster appeared in front of our group.

It"s a horned rabbit.

[Sensei~, don"t tell us you are going to tame such a thing~?] (Child)

[Show us something stronger to tame~] (Some other child)

Upon seeing the horned rabbit, the trainees other than me selfishly voiced their thoughts.

…..Well, yeah it"s true that since a horned rabbit could only achieve strength on the level of an unawakened lich even after awakening, there isn"t much meaning in taming it.

However, as this is nothing more than a [demonstration by the teacher], shouldn"t it be good enough?

While I was thinking about such things, the lecturer instantly killed the Horned Rabbit with a single hit.

….Well the children"s motivation are important as well, so that works too I guess.

[All right then, let"s wait here for a little while okay~!] (Lecturer)

Saying that, the lecturer began throwing pieces of the horned rabbit"s meat around the area. 

So it was a strategy to lure the other monsters in.

I feel that it would have been more effective to just crush some Beast Chips and spread it around… but well, I guess there was a budget cut or some other adult problem.

And so, it was around 30 minutes of waiting.

A different monster appeared.

A monkey-type monster called donkey-ape.

[Well then, I"m gonna tame the Donkey Ape now, so please watch carefully okay~?]

Said the male lecturer as he unsheathed his sword.

…..Hmm? What"s he gonna use the sword for?

I thought it was weird …for some reason, the lecturer started attacking the Donkey Ape using the sword.

….Really, what is this guy doing?

It doesn"t seem like he"s planning on using this second monster another bait…Moreover, this guy just declared that [he will tame the donkey ape], didn"t he?

On top of that, I felt a sense of discomfort watching the lecturer"s attacks.

Just by looking at his swordsmanship, this man has the ability to kill the donkey-ape in 4-5 hits.

Even so, I can"t seem to see any indication of the fight between the lecturer and the monster ending.

… What part of this fight requires such a struggle?

As I thought so, the moment the donkey-ape"s movements had somewhat dulled, the lecturer activated a single spell.

It"s the Monster Contract[2]> spell.

The donkey-ape received the spell and——a few seconds later, the donkey-ape repelled the spell. 

Well, of course that would happen.

There"s no way a monster would be emotionally attached to the man who attacked it.

The lecturer resumed his attack on the donkey-ape with his sword.

On top of that, he started firing a few offensive spells as well.

Finally, the donkey-ape is riddled with wounds.

While confirming its condition, the lecturer once again activated the Monster Contract spell.

This time, the spell was a success and the donkey-ape became the lecturer"s tamed beast.

[……How was that? This is the method to tame a monster. The trick is to『Constantly fight the monster while maintaining a certain level of superiority, making them understand the difference in power.』When you see an opportunity to make the opponent yield, that is the time where you should activate the contract magic okay?] (Lecturer)

[[[[[Okay~!]]]]]] (Trainees)

The trainees responded to the lecturer"s explanation without a shred of doubt.

……This is many times worse than I thought.

If I had to say…..rather than taming….. this is just plain monster cruelty.

In the first place, with the method the lecturer showed in making the monster yield, which essentially results in the monster not having any affection towards him at all, the chances of an [Awakening] succeeding is pretty much nil.

Among the conditions for [Awakening], the bonds with the tamed monster is the most crucial.

I wanted to say [This method is wrong!] right then and there but…well, the opinion of an 8-year-old would surely be dismissed as nothing more than the ideals of an oversensitive kid.

Anyway, the trainees would be taming monsters as part of their practical training from the afternoon onwards.

I will…with my methods — using the monsters" favourite Beast Chips — definitely tame a monster.

My persuasion, will begin with its results.

[1]: 母さん = Kasan = Mum
[2]: Raw text was 従魔契約

Extra Notes:
Just to clarify some terms that we have decided to standardised for the novel:
魔物 = Monsters (Previously “Magical Beasts”)
従魔 = Tamed monsters (Previously “Tamed Beasts”)
So the literal translation for the term in reference [2] would be “Tamed Monster Contract” but we shortened it to “Monster Contract” since that would be too wordy. We will maintain this convention until something else pops up that requires us to change it.

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