Translator: Cialaxis
Editor: Havion

Translator is back! Previous chapter has some minor corrections so feel free to check it out!

The day after the Tamers training course.

Today, I decided to have an earnest conversation via telepathy with Caucasus.

Caucasus is my first tamed monster since my reincarnation.

The most important thing now is to deepen our understanding of one another, and establishing an emotional bond.

[Hey Caucasus…just thought I"d ask, do you have any lingering attachments towards the forest where the Millenium Tree was?] (Varius)

[Lingering attachments…huh. It is not that there are none.] (Caucasus)

The environment that a tamed monster is in would naturally be completely different from what it was before it was tamed. It is especially important to ask about, and get to the heart of the matter regarding their lingering attachments towards the place it was in before.

[Regarding that matter, would it be all right for me to know about it in more detail?] (Varius)

[Yeah. I…if possible, I wanted to settle the score with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hercules before I left the forest.] (Caucasus)

[Heracles, huh. As one would expect from a Caucasus.] (Varius)

The Heracles in question, is a monster called the Hercules Manakabuto[1]. A beetle-type monster similar to Caucasus, as well as the only one among the beetle-types who is endowed with battle prowess rivalling Caucasus.

By the way, it"s true that Hercules lives in that forest as well. 

However, in the event where both of them are awakened, Caucasus would actually be a level stronger than Hercules and as such, I would still have brought back a Caucasus.

[In the past, I contended with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hercules over the Millenium Tree. In the end, we were evenly matched and the battle ended in a draw. From then on, me and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hercules lived in the Millenium Tree on a monthly rotation.] (Caucasus) 

[I see] (Varius)

I appeared before Caucasus when it was his turn to live in the Millenium Tree.

[Well, the situation with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hercules was resolved by meeting halfway after all. Even if this me continued to live there, it is not known whether the score will be settled with the situation as it is. However…this me am definitely of the mind to settle things one day.] (Caucasus)

[Oo~][2] (Varius)

How do I put it…what a beetle-like life story.


Wait a second. Isn"t this a good chance to push for an Awakening?

[Caucasus. There"s something I"d like to ask. …If you were able to obtain power far surpa.s.sing Hercules, would you want to receive that power?]

[Fu…stop joking. This me, wish to be spared from false hopes that would only lead to disappointment. Even you, Varius, do not possess such power, right? 

I see. 

[Spared from disappointment] huh.

In a sense, that statement would mean… [If that was true, I would desire that power.]

Well generally, saying empty words like [please believe me] to persuade him would probably be impossible.

In my previous life, in order to deal with emergencies, I would always have enough materials required for a single monster"s Awakening stored in my storage magic.

That…to think that the day it would actually be useful come in such a fashion.

[….Varius? What is that? Surely you are not saying that it is a tool used to bestow power?] (Caucasus)

[Indeed it is.] (Varius)

I lined the awakening materials — which I took out from the storage magic — up and faced Caucasus once more.

[Listen closely. I will be using the awakening materials lined up here to awaken you.] (Varius)

[Awa…..ken?] (Caucasus)

[Yeah. Once you undergo this, you would become so strong that your once-worthy rival, Hercules, can"t even begin to compare. But for that to happen, you would have to become one with me in heart, this magic will not work if you do not believe in me.] (Varius)

[Hm…..m] (Caucasus)

[You, even when you were awoken by me, you didn"t think that you would get to taste such a delicious item, did you? …..Once more, just once more is fine. I want you to believe in a miracle.] (Varius)

[……Well..If you insist, but just this once you hear?] (Caucasus)

[Thank you.] (Varius)

…….Preparations are in order.

[Well then, please move over here.] (Varius)

I urged Caucasus, and have him move over to the center of where 6 awakening materials were placed.

After this….is just casting the magic.

[Oh Qilin[3]……may thou grant us the blessings of power!] (Varius)

I chanted.

As I did so… the 6 awakening materials began emitting a dazzling light, enveloping Caucasus. The lights" colors repeatedly changed into 7 colors in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple…until finally the lights died down, and the 6 awakening materials that were on the ground disappeared.

—–The Awakening was a success!

[How is it Caucasus, the feeling of that new power?] (Varius)

I asked Caucasus while barely containing my excitement.

[….Wh,wh,wh,what is this overflowing power! Right now, more so than Hercules, no matter how strong the foe, this me do not feel as if defeat is possible at aaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll!] 

Probably due to his excitement, Caucasus"s wings starts buzzing noisily as he flies around, displaying his emotions.

What a relief. It seems that he is satisfied with the results.

Well, there"s no way anyone would be unsatisfied after receiving such unparalleled power.

[Varius. I[4] want to test this power out at once. I shall go hunting for a bit, look forward to iiiiit!]


That Caucasus, he just flew off somewhere.

Even though I decided to have an earnest conversation with him today.

Oh well, he awakened ahead of schedule anyway, so this works too.

I could chase after him using the Nimbus Cloud but…yeah, that would be thoughtless of me.

Since I"ve been told to wait and look forward to it, I shall do just that.


That evening.

I was filled with the urge to question Caucasus about what exactly has he hunted.

Because throughout the day, I have been feeling an unimaginable amount of power surging into my body.

That power is unmistakably the growth Caucasus obtained from subjugating monsters, the master that is me would not mistake what I have seen flowing into me.

The fact that I have experienced such a huge growth would mean that Caucasus had hunted down some large game.

A short while later, I see Caucasus returning.

And…I could only be shocked at what I saw trapped between those horns.

…..Oi Caucasus.

You, why the heck would you start off by hunting something like a wyvern?

It seems like we have a lot of discussing to do.


[1]: Raw text was ヘルクレスマナカブト (HeRuKuReSu MaNaKaBuTo). Kabuto being a rhinoceros beetle. The word “Mana” in front is just indicating that it has magic properties. By the way, Caucasus is OoKuwagata, which means “Large Stag Beetle”
[2]: Just a sound one uses to acknowledge a statement.
[3]: For more info:
[4]: Caucasus referred to himself as 俺 (O-Re) instead of 我(Wre) here which is the typical masculine/rough way of saying “I/me”.

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