Above All

Chapter 15 - Nether Devouring Flower (3)

Chapter 15 - Nether Devouring Flower (3)


"Is what the Great Elder Xie saying really true?" Giu Vermillion asked, his expression stayed the same but there were few hints of wavering.

"Yes." Xie Vermillion

The five elders gasped in surprised. They weren"t shocked about Arthur"s breakthrough but rather his speed of cultivation. Logically speaking, an average martial artist could break through the Superior Body Stage from the Vigor Stage with an interval of eight months with adequate resources. Anyone with the same resources but only took a month less to break through signifies a genius, any month lesser than that would be an extraordinary genius capable of succeeding the position of the City Mayor. However, there hasn"t been any records in the annals of history of someone breaking through Superior Body Stage. And Arthur, logically speaking, would take about a month at most if he really is on the verge of breaking through.

In that case, Arthur would become a Superior Body Stage martial artist from an average mortal in a bit more than 1 month!! The speed it took was five times much faster than an extraordinary genius!!!

Although it was only one small leap of a stage, it was still the sole five stage realm known by mankind so it was evidently a very important stage. So if that was really the case, then forget about giving most of the resources to him. They would forcefully make the current Patriarch resign and give the position to him. That was how exaggerated Jiu Vermillion"s words were.

The remaining elders sat in a daze for a while. They felt that all of this was impossible. However, they were considered good friends with the Patriarch and thus have a great understanding of his personality so it wouldn"t make sense for him to make a ridiculous story up, only to save face for his useless son—who is probably not useless anymore.

As a matter of fact, none of them have any hostility towards anyone, perhaps it was strengthened by the fact that their family is declining. However, as the old men they were who would be half-step in the grave in a couple more years, their offsprings are the only pride that they have left. That being the case, for a Patriarch"s son to be useless than an outer disciple was truly a disgrace for the Vermillion Family especially the Elders, thus they unconsciously and consciously released their disapproval and abhorrence towards Arthur.

"S-Should we call in that boy, Arthur?" An Elder said, slightly stuttering.

Silence still remained inside the hall. This wasn"t a simple breakthrough to the second stage of the Body Strengthening Realm anymore. It was now a huge matter for the Vermillion Family that might overturn the situation they are currently in.

Elder Giu spoke up, breaking the silence that lingered the room, "We should... we should not make any hasty decisions, respected Elders. That kid still hasn"t broken through the second stage which means that his talent is still not ascertained. If he can really break through before a month has pa.s.sed... then, the previous agreement will be his for the taking." Giu Vermillion trailed off for a few moments and added, "However, if a heavenly gifted genius is weak then he is no genius at all! In that case, all the young members of the Vermillion Family—should first have a compet.i.tion!"

Every elder looked at Elder Giu with brilliant eyes. This suggestion was indeed very apt. It would be a test for Arthur if he is indeed worthy. If he can keep up the rate of speed of his cultivation, then they wouldn"t hesitate to nurture him with all their wealth and effort. Having said that, if he was still beaten by the other disciples, then they would just abandon the thought and nurture a more useful candidate. Although it would probably be a pity, they do not have any other choices at the moment, they have to do whatever they can to keep their position.

Only Jiu Vermillion was slightly frowning over this. He was already convinced that Arthur would shock all the elders including Xie Vermillion, but it seems that he underestimated Giu Vermillion. Giu Vermillion"s son was the only Altering Bones Stage in the entire younger generation of the Vermillion Family, so it would only natural for Giu Vermillion to be taking pride on that.

At this moment, the still standing Great Elder Xie, spoke up again, "Very well. All is going to be what Elder Giu said. Anyone with a problem?"

All the Elders nodded their approval.

Xie Vermillion looked towards the direction of Jiu Vermillion, "Patriarch?"

Jiu Vermillion closed his eyes for a moment. Thereafter, he also nodded and said, "We will start once my son goes back, he is currently on an outside mission in a nearby mortal village dealing with some things."

Again, all the Elders looked at him, this time meaningfully.

"Once that child returns, we will immediately start the compet.i.tion for the young disciples!" Xie Vermillion

"Mn, all of you are dismissed!" Jiu Vermillion.


Still dazed and dumbfounded, Bai Fuah remained motionless. He carefully probed Arthur from head to toe and afterward, he took in a deep breath. The kid in front of him at the moment is indeed in the state of enlightenment.

It was different from the "enlightening state" of the Jade Family in White Alyssum City. The "enlightening state" of the Jade Family"s Patriarch is a unique ability to calm one"s mind to a certain degree, making them be able to read the movements of an opponent. However, enlightenment is something that is much greater than the latter. It is a state where the cultivator would feel his comprehension level heightened, meaning that his cultivation speed would be much faster than ever.

The people who can reach the state of enlightenment can be totally be numbered to zero. Which is why Bai Fuah was really astonished—no, flabbergasted at the sight of this.

"N-no wonder uncle p-put such great importance in him—he"s actually a genius!

"Such a person... Whose name I have actually forgotten, tch. I should go and tell the others to keep a distance from here lest they disturb him, such news would definitely bring glory to our city!"

Unbeknownst to everything around him. Arthur, nevertheless, was in deep concentration.

Bai Fuah mistakenly thought that Arthur reached the state of enlightenment when in reality, he was just scanning through the contents of the "Immortal Body Holy Scripture".

His soul was greatly shaken everytime he read a sentence of the "Immortal Body Holy Scripture". That"s because what is held within this technique was essentially an upgrade for Body Strengthening!

Besides the five fundamental stages of the Body Strengthening Realm technique, "Immortal Body Holy Scripture" states that there are actually supplemental stages that is much stronger than the fundamental stages.

"Holy s.h.i.t!"

Arthur couldn"t help but curse.

The amount of good luck that has befallen on his laps just kept increasing day by day.

Although he called it a supplemental stage, it can actually be treated as a whole new realm.

Based on the "Immortal Body Holy Scripture". Before a cultivator breaks through from the Body Strengthening Realm, it is ideal to start tempering their blood marrow to avoid a future weakness.

The "Immortal Body Holy Scripture" calls it——Heavenly Blue Marrow Tempering.

As expected, no one can temper their body without any external help. Thus, pills that are aggressive in nature are necessary to cultivate Heavenly Blue Marrow Tempering. Therefore, money would be undoubtedly burned as they go on the path of "Immortal Body Holy Scripture".


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