Above All

Chapter 9 - Arthur Vermillion Is Dead...

Chapter 9 - Arthur Vermillion Is Dead...


The medium built man finally snapped to his senses as he turned towards Arthur. Earlier when he discerned the ident.i.ty of Rose Jade, he completely disregarded Arthur and paid very attentive to the words that Rose Jade might say.

This was completely understandable, one was the patriarch"s daughter of the powerful Jade Family whilst the other is a good-for-nothing son of the declining Vermillion Family"s patriarch. If it was only Arthur who came here, he would casually show him a bit of respect but Rose Jade"s limelight completely overshadowed Arthur. It was very evident to whom he would pay special attention to.

"P...Please forgive this l...lowly man"s att.i.tude towards Young Master just now.", the medium built man said, his face suddenly flashed a hint of worry. His shop became distinguished ever since it was established in the city, so he definitely haven"t made any foolish business mistakes. The Jade Family"s halo has been too bright recently. Prior to this, his usual demeanor and keen eyesight that could differentiate people from whom he could offend and could not has been blinded.

Arthur withdrew his cold gaze and voice and carefully instructed the medium built man the ingredients that he wanted. Everytime Arthur finished reciting an ingredient, the medium built man would nod and kept his smiling face all the time. All of the ingredients that Arthur recited were very common herbs that it can be practially be found by anyone if they put in a little bit of effort.

When Arthur Vermillion finished saying all the ingredients, Rose Jade gave him a muddled look saying "Why didn"t you just pick them on your own?". However Arthur only returned a smiling face saying "I have money, why would I do that?". After that, Rose Jade only helplessly laughed.

When the medium built man returned, he was holding a plastic holding the ingredients that Arthur bought. Arthur also gave the money to the medium built man.

Just as Arthur was about to turn his head back and leave, a resounding laughter that echoed throughout the shop: "HAHAHAHA!", both Arthur Vermillion and Rose Jade simultaneously turned their heads towards the source of the voice.

It was precisely Pao Bluan! The one who mercilessly stomped on Arthur face two days ago. Behind him are two servants staring at Arthur disdainfully and on his right is a blue-clothed man who has an indifferent expression plastered on his face. Arthur"s face twitched a bit when he recognized who this man was... Luke Bluan!! He is the Bluan Family Patriarch"s eldest son and the elder brother of Pao Bluan.

When the medium built man saw them, he immediately scattered away from Arthur Vermillion and Rose Jade"s front and said to them: "S..S...So its Young Patriarch Luke Bluan and Young Master Pao Bluan. I thank these two Young Dragons for granting these l...little shop of mine your presences...", the medium built man had his back running with cold sweat when talking to them.

When Arthur and Rose Jade arrived, the customers around gave Arthur a momentary glance, but when they recognized who Rose Jade was, they immediately stopped what they were doing and gave her a respectful bow. Now however, when Luke Bluan appeared, the atmosphere turned tense almost subsequently and after giving their respectful bow, some of them even left the shop frantically.

The fear that they showed does not come from Luke Bluan"s background or his talent. What caused this fear is his personality! Although he"s calm on the surface, you will never know what he will do in the next moment! There was a rumor that he deliberately took half a life of a compet.i.tor in a friendly compet.i.tion! Yes, friendly compet.i.tion!! This was also the reason why Arthur"s face twitched, although he"s not scared of him, he doesn"t have the strength to contend with him.

Pao Bluan ignored the words of the medium built man and faced Arthur: "Did the Vermillion Family got robbed of all their money? You are actually buying gra.s.ses that people step on everyday! HAHAHAH!", his roaring laughter immediately dispersed a bit of the tense att.i.tude that came from Luke Bluan. The two servants behind him also laughed loudly.

"This Young Master suddenly had an interest towards the materials you bought. Come here and give it all to me right now." Pao Bluan said with mockery and equanimity.

Facing Pao Bluan"s mockery and unreasonable request, Arthur Vermillion"s face did not even flinched. He only took a look at the ingredients in his hand and looked at Rose Jade meaningfully. Then they started walking towards the exit of the shop.

"Arthur! You dare disobey the Young Master"s order! Come here this instant!"

"Did you hear him?! Get over here right f.u.c.king now!!"

Arthur"s calmness disappeared and a trace of fury can be seen on his face. He slowly strode towards the direction of the two servants. This action greatly pleased Pao Bluan and the two servants behind him: "Heh! So you are indeed scared of this Young Master. Good! Come here a little faster..."

Pao Bluan slowly extended his right hand, ready to receive the plastic bag that was holding the materials but his face suddenly distorted afterwards.

Arthur raised both of his arms and with his hands on a fist manner, he slowly turned it over raised his middle finger directed respectfully towards Pao Bluan"s face and the two servants.

"YOU!!!" Pao Bluan and the two servants almost shouted in unison. Both of their faces red and atleast five bulging nerves appeared on their forehead. It was also at this moment that Luke Bluan showed a hint of emotion in his indifferent face.

"You"re courting death!" Both the servants and Pao Bluan raised their fists towards Arthur. The rage and fury in their face can be clearly seen.

At this moment, a green light suddenly appeared in front of Arthur and stopped the simultaneous attack of the three. The two servants and Pao Bluan both fell on the ground while gnashing their teeth: "Rose Jade! What is the meaning of this!!"

Rose Jade didn"t reply, she only overlooked the three of them and sneered. Arthur stepped up front Rose Jade and said: "So the Bluan Family is only this much and nothing more.", Arthur heaved a sigh and silently shook his head.

"Arthur! You weren"t even the one who stopped us yet you act so daringly! You better kneel in front of this Young Master and..."

"Shut up!" Before Pao Bluan could even finish his sentence, a cold voice interrupted him that gave everyone chills. It was Luke Bluan that spoke, glaring viciously at him.

"I... I..." Pao Bluan wore a face that as if he"s been wronged. His entire face was red and his teeth almost fell from gnashing it.

Luke Bluan only coldly snorted at him and turned to face Rose Jade: "This Junior Sister... my idiot brother was indeed in the wrong so I must ask on behalf of this idiotic brother to forgive him."

Almost all the customers dropped their jaws to the sequence of these events. But they still tried to suppress their emotions from showing it to Luke Bluan.

Rose Jade thought for a while before turning her head to Arthur. Arthur slightly nodded to her and smiled.

"Since Senior Brother Luke asked, then considered this matter like it didn"t happen."

"Then I must thank Junior Sister Rose for this favor!"

Afterwards, Rose Jade and Arthur left the store with leisure while the customers around were still discussing the events in a low voice.

When the two of them finally left, Luke Bluan"s face changed drastically, from the humble face of a scholar to a vicious demon of h.e.l.l. The surrounding customers also stopped talking and didn"t even dare to breath to loudly.

"This matter, all of you will forget it..." Luke Bluan carefully looked in the eyes of all present and added: "Otherwise, you might be the one forgotten..."

All of the people present felt their hair stand when he finished speaking. After that he left before Pao Bluan and the two servants followed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they all simultaneously thought: "Arthur Vermillion is dead..."


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