Absolute Duo

Chapter 25

Part 1

Miyabi’s face color changed immediately when she saw my shocked expression.

Even though she covered her mouth like, I’ve done it-----

It was too late.

“You heard it……..?”

I did not answer. However, that silence became the answer.

She dropped her sights to the ground, and continued her words; those words were either directed to me or to her own self.

“Ah, ahaha……….You heard………E-errr, I actually planned to say it with the wave sound to prevent you from hearing. After that, Tooru-kun would ask me what I said, and I would answer *Uun* nothing………then, I will tell myself to work harder than usual…………….and………it would be nice if it’s that……….”


Miyabi *Bikun* twitched her shoulders when I called her-----

She then slowly lifted her face.

“Errr-errr, Tooru-kun………..I want you to listen……..you might have heard this just now but……but even so, I want you to listen………..!”

Her face was so red that it could not get any redder but she continued staring straight at me-----

She told me what was in her heart.

“I love you………it might not have been long since we met but……..but even so, I love you. Ever since Tooru-kun told me that you would be lonely if I left………….I was in love with you……..that’s why……..that’s why, I really love Tooru-kun…..!!”

Even though the sound of the waves was echoing, that confession clearly reached me.

I-----was shocked, while at the same time I had somehow predicted this.

I thought of this possibility during the afternoon, when I went looking for sh.e.l.ls with Miyabi.

At that time, I rejected that possibility since Miyabi was bad with the opposite s.e.x.

However, when I recalled some events before now, there were some things I should have noticed.

Those some things happen during times she comes in contact with me. The image of her getting embarra.s.sed when our hands touch; that shy face when I nonchalantly told her to work hard and focus; those things started appearing in my mind.

All of it was forms of affection for me.

My heart changed from shock to confusion, and------to annoyance.

(How should I answer……….?)

My thoughts showed in my face------for an instant. It accidentally came out.

Not only was Miyabi uneasy, she was still looking at me so she did not miss that one instant.

It was already too late when I thought oh no----

*Tosaa* the sound of sand moving when the straw bag fell again.

Miyabi’s expression, changed to a tearful one in the blink of an eye-----

But she still tried her best to smile.

“Ah…….aha-ha…….As expected huh……..that’s true……even if I told you I love you………..it’s anno-ying……right………So-sorry……….!”


Miyabi started running on the beach.

I could not chase after her even though I called her name.


While standing frozen on the evening beach, I looked at her back gradually turning smaller and muttered.

After her figure disappeared by the rocks, I gathered the stuff scattered from the bag on the ground----

I picked up the heart-shaped stone last.

The memory I had of Miyabi smiling when I found this stone and gave it to her this afternoon seemed like it was from a distant past.

I destroyed that smile.


I clenched the stone.

Time won’t return even if I regret it.

It will never return.

Why did I get annoyed?

That’s because, I am an

I entered Kouryou academy with a secret goal in my heart called revenge.

All of it was to gain >.

In order to bring down my sister’s killer with my > which he judged was weak.

But, I gained back some of the days I lost 2 years ago in Kouryou academy.

Those warm, fun, and comfortable days.

But not everything that happened could be said to be good things.

I will gain >, find out the meaning of the word, and accomplish my revenge------

Doubt was born inside me; I who lived with only those wishes from that day.

I don’t want to let go of the warm days I regained.

However, I also can’t let go of my revenge which is counter to those normal days.

Normal and abnormal days----my heart was wavering between those boundaries.

Those wavers moved and the doubt slowly changed to fear.

It changed to the fear of my everyday life filled with happy laughter and peace, one day turning to that summer day; my past filled with anger, hate, and sadness.

I must not forget.

I must not let it sink deep into my heart.

That’s because I am an

(To have fallen……..for a guy like that……….)

How should I reply to the girl who told me her heart-felt thoughts while looking straight at me?

What do I think about Miyabi?

Although she is shy and quiet, it"s fun talking to her. I would get energetic whenever I see her work hard and she looks quite charming.

More importantly, her shy smile is so cute it"s bewitching.

There is no way I wouldn"t be happy that Miyabi shows her affection to me.

It"s also true that I have some affection for her.

But, but even so, I-----

I can’t throw away my revenge.

Around the time the sun had almost set, I returned back to the hall through the small path.

The main and branch school students were together in the hall getting started with dinner’s preparations.

“Kokonoe, you came back”

A girl in prep work-----Tachibana jogged to me and asked me.

“Where’s Miyabi?”

“Eh? Miyabi came back before-----don’t tell me, she isn’t back?”

“A-ahh………..this might be unlikely but, did she get lost?”

I thought it was still better if she got lost.

I distorted my expression and Tachibana’s face color changed.

“………….did something happen?”

“Sorry, hold this for me! I’ll go look for her!”

I pushed Miyabi’s bag to Tachibana and tried to head back onto the road I just come through, but my hand got grabbed.

“Wait, Kokonoe! I’ll go with you!!”

She might have guessed something when she saw my expression. Tachibana gave me a serious look.

At that moment, Imari and Miwa approached us because it seems they heard us shouting.

“What’s the commotion, Tooru, Tomoe? Ah-re, where’s Miyabi? -----you got separated…………as expected, it’s dangerous when the sun is down. Okay, we will go, both of you wait here”

“Noo, I will look for her no matter what you say”

Faster than me, Tachibana swung her head before continuing her words.

“I am Miyabi’s >. She is the precious partner I chose. Imari, it’s true that you are more informed about this island but, I can’t do something like sitting down and waiting. That’s why I am sorry, but I will go look for her! Let’s go, Kokonoe!!”

After handing the bag to Miwa, Tachibana ran to the small path and I chased after her.

“Wait! Wait up……….! Arm ba…………..! …………..!!”

Imari’s panicked voice, got cut off immediately and could not be heard anymore.

Inside the forest in the ending twilight, Tachibana who was in front turned to me and asked.

“Kokonoe, where did you separate with Miyabi…….!?”

“………….probably at the hill road where we separated with you guys. Around there”

There was no road other than the mountain ridge from the beach. Which means, Miyabi did not take the usual road and should be somewhere around the ridge to the hall.

“I see. Then let’s head to the mountain ridge first. From there, let’s search the spots which Miyabi would most likely get lost in”

There are quite a number of hard divergences from the ridge to the branch school and she had most likely mistaken one for the road somewhere.

It’s only natural since she was in a situation to lose her composure.

“You’re not asking anything huh”

“………….. You lost her even though you two were together. I know something happened, but I don’t know if it’s something I can pry into”

Tachibana might know Miyabi’s feelings.

No, thinking back carefully, Imari and Tachibana were the ones that created the circ.u.mstances to put me and Miyabi together. That’s why if anything happened, it was not strange if she predicted something.


“You don’t have to lower your head. More importantly, finding Miyabi now is our first priority”

Even though we looked down to the beach from the ridge as we were climbing down the slope, we did not see anyone.

Further up the beach-----the sun had sunk into the water horizon and the sky turned into dusk before we knew it.

On the opposite side----when we looked down from the caldera, we found out it was already quite dark.

Even if it was the afternoon, it would probably be impossible to find someone under the trees.

“We have to hurry. It’ll be more dangerous at night……..”

Even though she is an > I don’t think Miyabi in her current unstable state could make good decisions.

I heard that there are no big animals on the island, but it’s dangerous to wander around in the dark.

“There are 3 divergences that look like they would be easy to mistake as a way back………….then first, let’s go on the animal trail. That looks like the path we used------Hnn?”

“What’s wrong, Kokonoe? You’re not going?”

I stopped Tachibana who was about to climb down the forest from the ridge.

“Wait. Just now, that’s…….a shadow right…….?”

“A shadow……….?”

Further up my finger------I saw a human-like shadow on the cliff thrusting out from the seaward side.

I felt as if I saw something move at the edge of my view for an instant but, the shadow was already gone by the time Tachibana looked there.

“Let’s try heading there?”

It might be Miyabi.

Guessing my unexpressed intentions, Tachibana nodded before we ran to the cliffs.

“Should be around here”

After a few minutes we reached the cliff, but there was no one there.

“I think we made a mistake coming here, but something like slipping down is…………”

“Do-don’t tell me………”

From the shock------a nasty picture crossed my mind and we headed to the tip of the cliff.

While watching our footsteps, we peeked down the cliff and could only see rocky areas down there.

Even though we are >, it seems we won’t be able to reach the sea unless we make a long jump.

“She probably moved”

Tachibana peeked from behind me, but I agreed with her.

“What should we do? Should we head back to where we were before?”

“No, I think it’s better to look at the road around here leading to the branch building. Even if we head back, as long as there is a chance we missed her when we came here, I think it would be wasting our efforts”

If I think about the chance Miyabi might have been here just now, it’s probably better to move according to what Tachibana said.

I swung my head down vertically, and was about to leave the cliff.

*Jyari*. A giant shadow that appeared together with the sound of small stones getting stepped on was blocking our way.

Of course, it wasn’t Miyabi.

A familiar and yet unfamiliar giant male was standing there glaring at me with wickedness in his eyes.

“Long time no see, d.a.m.n brat. I was hoping to see you……..”

“Y-You are…….!!”

This guy, who was making a vulgar smile, was unmistakably the guy that intruded in the >. Of course, along with the face, he had a characteristic battle suit and a.s.sault rifle in his hands; the memories of 2 months ago vividly returned.

“……….Kokonoe. is this man perhaps…….”

“Aah, it’s that guy”

I nodded to Tachibana without moving my sights from the man. Even though it was the first time she met this man, she probably guessed who it was since she heard it from me and Miyabi.

“Why are you here…….!?”

“My mission, you should know that if you use your head a little. But, my role is already done”

“-----!! Did you do something to Lilith!?”

“Keh, no. this time, it’s a different target than that Bristol rampaging horse……………wait, you’re going to die now anyway so, it’s not your problem”

*Perori* the man brought out his tongue and licked his lips in a foul manner.

“Seriously, that’s one heck of a bad guy line from movies. Since you talked that much, how about telling me what the content of the mission is”

Tachibana whispered to me who was speaking bitterly.


“I know. We have to get through somehow. We are at a complete disadvantage if this goes on”

It’s probably impossible to avoid battle since he appeared specifically in front of me.

We are at the edge of a cliff. Meaning, we are at a disadvantage before things even start.

We will probably be in serious trouble if we don’t at least get rid of the terrain issue.

“Be grateful, you d.a.m.n brat. I came to this southern island a few hours back purposely just to beat the s.h.i.t out of you”

“I’m not happy at all to be popular with you old man…….”

The man was not showing any weakness even though we were talking. The gun was normally just aimed at us.

His hatred of me was probably boiling, but it seems he was calm in battle aspects. He probably lost to me before because he made light of me during our last confrontation.

“Your face is still annoying as usual. But, what are you going to do in this situation? Destroy the ground again? I think it’s a nice experiment to see if the > would die after hitting the rocks from a few meters above the ground! Gyaahahaha!!”

His disgusting laugh echoed throughout the area.

“Answer me this. Were you the one here just now”

“…………Idiot. It"s not my duty to answer you”

He made a mocking expression.

But, since his reaction was slow by an instant, I understood that the shadow I saw before was not this man.

That shadow was Miyabi like I thought huh.

(I guess its good luck that Miyabi did not meet up with this guy……….)

I changed my frame of mind here. I"m still worried about Miyabi, but it will be dangerous if I don’t focus on this man.

“Tachibana. I will charge in. it’s the same basic strategy we did during the time with Lilith. But, it’s impossible to block all the a.s.sault rifle’s bullet so-----“

“Understood. I just have to be your support right”

Even if I didn’t finish my sentence, she immediately guessed the rest of it. I once again thought Tachibana is one trustworthy comrade.

“Well then…………time for you to die, d.a.m.n brat”

The man released killing intent and distorted his mouth; he might have imagined our deaths.

His trigger finger moved-----

*Gagagagagagaga*!! Together with ear piercing gunshots, the bullets were released with killing intent.


*GiKikii*!! Tachibana’s > turned into a tornado and averted the bullet’s path, although some bullets got through, most of them were blocked by my >.


It’s normal for the man to be shocked.

That’s because most of the bullets got put down with only 2 >.

We might get some injuries but, it’s far off from critical hits.


I aimed at his discomposure, and lowered my body while preparing my > before charging at him.

The man is probably a veteran soldier as expected. He immediately regained his composure, and prepared his gun-----but, there was an attack obstructing him from pulling the trigger. The >’s metal drip hit the guys hand and made him drop the gun.

“Y-you little b.i.t.c.h……!!”

His anger burst and the moment I jumped into the man’s chest area-----

“Idiot, I purposely lured you here!”


The fist I thought connected got dodged, and it hit the air.

“Judging by the previous match, my physical abilities are now higher because I became >-----that’s what you probably thought right, you d.a.m.n brat……!!”

It probably occurred the same time he dodged. There was a knife being held in the man’s hand.

A blade slashed----from below to upwards.

Even though It was a close dodge, I got punched when my balance collapsed.

“I already know you got stronger. That’s because, I have been looking at you brats these past few days in detail!! But, we are also done adjusting the >!! Hyahahahaha!!”

I received more punches when I was wobbly and the knife came falling as a finale. Even though I immediately prepared my > and blocked it, I immediately took an uppercut to my jaw.


As if to change places with me who got blown to the edge of the cliff, Tachibana stood in front. Tachibana and the man exchanged attacks while defending in close combat. The > would avert the knife, the sickle would cut the air, and she would ward off his giant punches with Juuhou[3G 1]. His giant body floated up for an instant------and got slammed to the ground.


“………….Too naïve!!”

Disregarding the fact he got slammed hard to the ground, the man stood up immediately and at the same time released a kick with his log-like legs. Tachibana got blown away even though she guarded it.

“That was a mistake. I never would have thought you would retaliate that way………”

Tachibana landed without falling down but, the arm she blocked the kick with was limping downwards.

“Kuh, Tachibana……uu……..”

Even though I tried to head out to stop Tachibana from fighting with her injuries, my view shook and I fell to my knees.

The jaw attack shook my head vertically and that caused a cerebral concussion.

“Kukuh………nice look you got there. Stay quiet like that. I’ll beat the s.h.i.t out of you while giving you a pain you have never imagined before.”

He licked the knife and made a disgusting laugh.

“……….This is a crisis huh”

Judging by Tachibana’s tone, I know she was feeling disadvantageous.

She probably calmly a.n.a.lyzed the situation by my condition and the wound on her chest.

“You can try running you know? But, that’s if you can do it”

There was no place to run. The man made a scornful smile at your completely disadvantage situation.

“………..okay then, I’ll do that”


Faster than his words, Tachibana turned her heels around and ran to me.

“…………..Kuh, d.a.m.n it!!”

The man looked surprised but, he immediately picked up his gun after guessing Tachibana’s intentions.

“Kokonoe, we are jumping!!”

Running towards me, Tachibana did not slow down and hugged my body----

Inside the bullet storm, we reached the edge of the cliff and------

We jumped into the sea.

“-----E………Konoe…..Wake up, Kokonoe…….”

There was the sound of a helicopter rotor pa.s.sing through.

I could hear a weak call mixed with that sound.

(Wh-where is this……..? What was I……..I was searching for for Miyabi and……)

Inside my cloudy conscious, I wondered why I was lying down on a place like this.

When I came to, I was laying on top of a rock.

“-----! Oh yeah, that guy! And Tachibana……….Kuh…….!?”

I felt pain on my head after I raised my upper body when my memories became vivid, and I felt a damp sensation when I touched my head.

“Sorry………….I injured you…….”

Someone talked to me, and I noticed Tachibana lying down on the rock nearby for the first time.

“This is just a scratch, don’t worry about it. It’s a little sad I lost my parka”

We fell a few meters down to the sea after jumping from the cliff.

We rode on the wild waves and it seems I lost my parka when I hit the rock several times; I was currently not wearing anything on my upper body.

“Haha, I did something bad to you………”

When I say thanks in a joking manner, Tachibana made a weak smile.

“It’s thanks to Tachibana I am alive like this. I am really thankful”

Even if we continued fighting just now, we would probably be tormented by that guy since I could not move because of a concussion and Tachibana could only use one hand because of the injury.

That was why; I think Tachibana’s choice to retreat immediately was a good one.

“More importantly, Tachibana are you okay?”

Tachibana probably lost a lot of blood in the sea.

She looked like she was in pain, but showed a firm smile.

“Fufu, of course. I am somehow-----Fuu, Guh…..!!”

Half-way in her words, Tachibana’s expression distorted into pain.

She got a palpation after she said no; it seems the shoulder she got hit by the man got dislocated and there were some spots hurting because she slammed into some rocks.

“Your ankle has the worst injury. I think it’s broken. I can fix it if I have cloth but………..”

I am worried about Miyabi but, as long as there is no way to tell what that man would do next, we have to get back to the branch school as fast as possible.

That’s why I have to perform emergency treatment for her fast but, I don’t have the cloth needed to fix her leg.

“Kokonoe, I am okay……leave me and-----“

“Don’t be stupid. How can I leave a girl alone out here”

It seems he might be injured too, but there was a possibility that guy might still be around looking for us.

Also, I can’t leave Tachibana out here.

“………….Tha-thank you, Kokonoe……..”

“It’s a normal thing to do so don’t thank me”

More importantly I need cloth or something close to it.

I looked around to look for something that got washed ash.o.r.e so I can use and-------

“…………..Ko-Kokonoe. Errr, if it’s a subst.i.tute for the cloth……….. You can use my…..…”

“Eh? I use what from you?”

Since the word got erased by the sound of the waves, I could not hear what I should use at all.

When I looked at Tachibana’s face, she was making an expression as if she was having issue trying to say something.

“Li-like I said…….. St-st-strip off my l-leotard and use it…………”

“I see, your leotard. I get it!”

Its elasticity and length was enough. I had no objections using it as a bandage subst.i.tute.

“…………….strip your----leotard?”

I regained my senses here.


“I-I have no choice right! I can only use one arm even if I want to do it myself, and my body hurts whenever I move…….”

Thinking about the injuries on her shoulder and body, it’s true that her words are correct but-----

“T-that’s why, I want you to strip off my………leotard with……your hands……..”

She looked dazed half-way through her words.

Maybe Tachibana was clear on what she was suggesting for me to do right now.

“Thi-this is a treatment done because of this emergency situation. You should know that too……..!”


But even so--------*Gulp*.

Although I have no time to be thinking weird stuff now.

Even I know Tachibana does not mean it in any weird way when she brought up the suggestion.

But even so, Tachibana’s suggestion was enough to slam me into a vortex of nervousness.

I could clearly see her cheeks blushing in the dusk.

Of course, it goes for me too.

“F-faster…………….will you strip it off for me……….? I-if possible, do it gently…….”

“That’s what I’m planning but………tell me if it hurts okay……..?”

“I-I get it……….”

“Okay then…………I’m stripping it off”

I made up my mind and slowly put my hands into her skirt.

Tachibana looked away from me and stayed silent but-----


She twitched her shoulders when I placed my fingers on her leotard’s waistband.

After I pulled away my fingers in surprise, Tachibana looked at me meekly and apologized.

“So-sorry. Continue……..”

I nodded and placed my hands on the waistband again before starting to pull it down slowly.

“Can you lift your hips a little higher?”

“Hnn………Hah, nnu………li-like this……..?”

I made her slightly lift her hips but, it hurts my heart to see her breath roughly.

But since I had no choice of stopping here, I started pulling down the leotard again----and half-way, my finger got caught on something.

“What? Strings……?”

“---------!! Wa-wait, Kokonoe! Pl-please don’t pull any further, that’s my…………under……..”

Her voice turned softer as time goes even though she was behaving fl.u.s.tered.

(My under………?)

Judging by this situation, I tried thinking the rest of the words and----


I let out my voice when something comes to mind. When I did that, Tachibana saw me noticing and looked downwards in embarra.s.sment.

“Uaa, E-errr. Ah-no, Ta-Tachibana is like an adult so, I think those are good, un!”

“Wh-what is good, you sh-sh-shameless fool! Don’t imagine anything weird, limit those perverted thoughts!”


Even though I was trying to help, I got scolded back.

(My mouth is the one causing disaster huh……….)

While reflecting on my mistake, I vow to pull her leotard down silently from now on------I planned to vow but.

“Fuu…………Hnn, ah…………..Nuuuuu……….A-ahh, Haaan………Kokonoe, your fingers are, haaa……..”

“P-please stop with the weird sounds…………”

As expected, I just had to tell her after she leaked puffing breath.

“Don’t call it weird……..! I can’t help it since your fingers have been touching my thighs and its ticklish………..I am just bad with tickles………!”

Either it was anger or troubled, Tachibana was showing one of those expressions.

“So-sorry………Errr, I am continuing”

While feeling awkward, I started pulling down her leotard again.

“Hnn, Haaa………..a,Hnkuh………..Fuaa-a-a-aaaaa………”

In the end, I could not help but touch her legs with my fingers and although Tachibana pressed her mouth with her hands to resist it, she could not aviod those charming breaths until the end.

Thanks to that, I felt as if I couldn"t look at Tachibana’s face straight on for a while.

“-----Okay. done with the fix. Let’s hurry to the branch school”

Not long later, the emergency treatment to fix her legs and other injuries was done so I carried Tachibana.

“This is the second time I"ve carried Tachibana like this. Please don’t go wild like last time?”

“Carry……..!? Do-don’t say something weird!! Uu, ouch ouch………..”

“I-I don’t mean it that way so stop rampaging!! Anyway, let’s go. It will be wobbly but bear with it”

“U-umu……Kokonoe……err, Thanks……….”

“Don’t worry about it. Okay, let’s hurry!”

I started running, with full power towards the branch school.


After a few steps forward, I could not help but to stop my legs.

That’s because I found a familiar parka washed ash.o.r.e at the rocky area.

I wouldn"t have had to use her leotard.


“How should I say this……..sorry”

“Don’t say anything, Kokonoe……..”

We crossed the mountain ridge and after we left the forest path I continued running toward the branch school.

It was clear that there was a weird air wrapping the island.

Even though it was night already, I could hear the birds making noises.

Something was happening.

Although I didn’t know what it was, I continued running while an uneasy feeling was in my body-----


I stopped my leg at the sudden scream that sliced through the darkness.

“Kokonoe, that’s……..!!”

We both immediately realized who the owner of that scream was.


Part 2

Reversing the time to when Tooru and Tomoe were at the mountain ridge.

“Excuse me”

A staff member brought the ponytail girl into the office Sakuya and Lilith were in.

“What’s wrong?”

Since there was an emergency at the main school, Sakuya was irritated without it being shown in her face.

However, the anger was mixed into her voice and both people that entered the room got overwhelmed for an instant.

(Ahaha………it’s hard to think that you"re 10 years old)

Even though Imari thought that of the girl in front of her, she immediately composed her feelings and proceeded with her business.

“I am sorry. One student from the main school got lost in the forest and has not came back yet. I apologize but can I borrow a terminal to use?”

When Tooru and Tomoe ran out, she tried telling them about the armband signal device but her voice did not reach them. Imari did not chase after them and told the problem to a staff member immediately; that’s why she went there to receive permission to borrow the terminal which acts as a receiver.

“…………..understood. We will prepare it”

Although Sakuya was thinking why of all times in her mind, she changed her mood and ordered the staff.

Left there, Imari felt the uncomfortable feeling in the room.

The owner and the previous visitors did not open their mouths and the air there was heavy.

Regardless of the fact that she holds the highest authority in the academy, Sakuya was still a young 10 year old genius.

Another was a girl wearing a butler outfit.

The last person was the > user and has another name called >.

Imari did not have many chances to talk with Sakuya so she had no idea what she’s like.

Even though Sara talks a little, she has seen her swear her loyalty to the gold girl.

Lilith was the only one there that she had spent any time with these past few days and somewhat understood about.

Although she is a little selfish and follows her own pace, she basically has a frankly sociable personality and because of that, she has a good relationship with the other students. She’s a beauty and although she knows it, she would not boast about it. She probably was confident about herself. She was so relaxed that it was unthinkable she was the same age as Imari.

And one more thing------She does not hide her affections for Tooru at all, regardless of the surroundings.

That all was Imari’s observation of the 3 people she can see.

(I wonder if they were talking about something serious……..?)

Something had happened judging by their atmosphere, but Imari would never have come to the conclusion that the main school was being attacked.

Within the silence, Imari glanced towards the gold girl.

Because Imari would often come in contact with Tooru, she would talk to Lilith too; and although she likes her personality, it was hard to open her mouth there as long as the others wouldn’t do so.

Lilith finally broke the silence there.

“……….Imari, who got lost?”

“Ah……..Err, it’s Miyabi. Tooru and Tomoe are looking for her now”

“I see. That’s so Tooru”

Imari felt the room atmosphere turned a little lighter when she saw her smiling outside.

Immediately, the staff member that went out of the room came back with the terminal in his hands.

“Thank you very much. If you would excuse-----“

It was too early to say excuse me and bow her head down.


*Gattann*. Lilith suddenly ran to the window and looked out with a stern expression.

Imari decided to cancel her thoughts for leaving the room temporarily when she saw her expression and quietly looked at the situation there.

“……………we got hit. I never would have thought they would come using HALO……….”

High Alt.i.tude Low Opening[3G 2]----AKA, HALO.

A descending method which consists of jumping out of the aircraft flying at a height of 10000 meters, and opening the parachute after reaching 300 meters above ground. Infiltrating in a distance that even Lilith could not perceive their presence, it seems the island was swallowed into chaos.

On the other hand, many of the students preparing for dinner in the hall noticed the abnormal situation when they heard the sound of parachutes opening. Even though everyone pointed at the night sky and saw something falling down, only a few of the students there realized that it was a HALO.

This would be included in later curriculum but at the current point, since this was a technique not taught to them yet, it was only normal for them to say they didn’t know.

However, it was different for the teachers and staff who had graduated from Kouryou academy. They immediately noticed it was a HALO and judged that an unscheduled abnormal situation completely irrelevant to the beach school training was happening.

Intruders started landing one after another. They all had the same mechanical designed battle suits on, helmets covering their face leaving only the mouth and were holding a.s.sault rifles.

Even though the students couldn"t understand what was going on, none of them moved and they continued staring at the intruders until----- Bullets were fired along with muzzle flashes.

Screams appeared one after another-----and what’s more, those were from comrades they trained together with every day; the students fell into a panic.

Everyone was running around screaming and many of them ran away without any shame or honor. The box filled with ingredients got kicked down; the campfire used for cooking was trampled, and they ran away pathetically thinking of their own safety first. Even though they received > training, they were still trainees. There were only a handful of people there with the will to fight.

A small teenager within that handful----Tora held his > and was glaring at the men.

“It’s you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds…….!! Fuun, I will now repay my previous debts!!”

Within sparks of flames, Tora, his > Tatsu and the teachers confronted them.

He jumped into the attacker’s chest area and made it a melee fight after slashing with his blade. Since the enemy’s comrades were in chaos, the attackers stopped using their guns to avoid shooting their own people and close combat became the main focus in the battle.

Tora’s fighting makes it hard to think he is a trainee.

(…………..mu? That’s-------)

Within the chaotic battle, Tora noticed the girl standing frozen at the edge of the hall with a scared expression----it was Miyabi.

He also saw one of the guys in battle suits approaching her.


Tora started running when he saw Miyabi running into the forest with the man chasing after her.

“…….Fuun, she sure loves to cause trouble”

Leaving a tsk, Tora disappeared into the dark forest too.

The team sent by > was trampling over the hall with overwhelming power.

Even though the teachers and staff were putting up a good fight, the situation gradually turned disadvantageous.

The students thought they would be killed.

Under the situation where most of the students were starting to fall into despair from fear------

There was only one person there with a smile.

“Kuhah, Kuhahah……….! Oi oi! That sure was flashy, huh oi! I didn’t hear that these visitors were coming. I didn’t hear it but………it’s d.a.m.n interesting!!”

Wearing a rabbit hairband, a teacher with her youthful visage remaining was there laughing.

Her blood was boiling at the battle that was starting.

“There are a lot of things I want to say like, what the h.e.l.l are you doing to our brats, or how dare you do that to Doryo but oh well. Anyways, I get to go serious after such a long time……!!”

The rabbit-ear girl-----Tsukimi Rito swung the > in her hands.

One guy in a battle suit nearby jumped out of her range and dodged it-----was what he tried to do.

The blade separated and suddenly extended its range.

The attacker could not avoid Rito’s attack and his blood splashed all over.

Rito’s > was not a >, but rather it was a >. 2/3 of the sword’s body connected with a metal steel line separated into several blades and was used as a whip------this was one of the things she did not show Tooru and the others during their fight.

“Kuhahahaha! Ora ora ora, bring it onn!!”

The insane rabbit was hopping under the moonlight.

One attacker after another fell each time she swung her sword.

“This woman is on a whole different level, be careful! Unlike the brats, you can kill her!”

Ordered by the leader, the attackers scattered and started shooting at Rito after taking some distance.

Although Rito was a > which is a >, not only was she outnumbered by the attackers with powers incomparable to normal people-----(What’s more they are even stronger compared to 2 months ago), they also have guns at their disposal.

Even though she knows she won’t lose, it was true that the damage would increase if this goes on.

While dodging the bullets and hitting them down with the >, Rito clicked her tongue.

“Seriously, how annoying…….but, Mr d.a.m.n gla.s.ses not appearing even though I am causing this chaos would mean-----it’s okay if I use it right?”

Having pa.s.sed her time in the hall, Rito has no idea Mikuni had already left the island and was heading to the attack occurring in the main school.

But, since there were no orders given for this kind of situation, she decided that it was okay and----shouted.


Rito’s > which is called a destruction type released its real power by the >.

A change-----

The attackers were overwhelmed at that appearance and loosened their triggers.

They doubted reality and were wondering if the scene they were looking at was an illusion.

The > Rito was holding was only 1/3 of the sword’s actual body.

Then, what happened to the remaining 2/3? ------The answer is on top of Rito’s head.

Further up the hand she was holding up to the sky, the blades were forming a circle and rotating as if it was like a snake biting its own tail. After they saw the ring-formed blades floating 3 meters off the ground, the veteran solders (Attackers) felt a chilling sensation at their backs-------

Rito made a wicked smile.

“Well then, time to get crazy with the moon rabbit!!”

After getting trampled one-sidedly, the Kouryou academy swiftly moved to counterattack because of Rito’s >.

The blades moved continuously slashed and slammed at the attackers one after another by Rito’s commands.

“Amazing……… I didn’t know > had that kind of >……..”

Imari was the one surprised when she saw the battle in the hall from the office. Lilith stopped her saying that it’s better not to head outside and she remained there looking at the situation outside the room.

If Imari was in the hall, she would not know if she could remain this calm.

With a window frame between her and the scene, she could be somewhat remain calm while looking at the scene in front of her.

“I knew this from the data but, it’s still amazing”

“The low accuracy is a flaw in the crystal though”

Lilith mumbled,and Sakuya responded to her comments.

However, it was true that there was no more trustworthy existence than her in this current situation.

But-------even after conditions of >’s weakness, Rito’s battle-loving trait, and the violent firefight piled up on top of one another, one more new danger occurred.

*Dozunn*……….!! A sound and tremor of a small explosion echoed from the corridor.

“Wh-who are you all!!”

Immediately, shouts from the staff standing-by outside the room turned to sound of blades clashing.

“…………..Ya-re Ya-re. Both the main school and outside were diversions huh”

In the main school attack, they made a situation there to make the strongest ally - Mikuni leave the island-----

In the branch school attack, they pulled the attention of the remaining strong ally - Rito outside away from them ------

With a small time delay, the intruders moved to their true target.

Everything was on top of the enemy’s palm.

“Sakuya, you head underground. The staff there can operate the boat right? Sakuya please follow them. Imari, bring Sara with you to the outside. I’m sorry, but you need use the window to exit”

“I understand. I leave the rest to you”

Sakuya took a glance at the gold girl who gave out the orders, before leaving one sentence and disappearing into another entrance with a staff member. There were stairs behind the door and it was connected to an emergency evacuation pathway.

“What do you mean by leave the rest to you…………what are you going to do, Lilith?”

“I am obviously going to hold them off here”

As long as they have no clue as to what the attackers real intentions were, Lilith’s top priority was to let Sakuya get away.

If she was the target, then she thought that everything would end if she turns the tables here.

Sara was surprised at Lilith who made a big swing with her Yellow Topazblonde hair while making a very natural smile.

“Ojou-sama!? No way, if ojou-sama is going to stay, I am-----“

Lilith faced to the ponytail girl from her perplexed butler.

“Imari. It’s going to get annoying for you but please. Also------please tell the situation to Tooru. You have the terminal so you should able to find him in this situation”

“I-I understand!”

Even if she brings Tooru here, the battle situation here would not change much. Everyone would say that, if they saw the collapsed staff members who incidentally were > like Tooru.

---but, Lilith was different. She knows Tooru would do something about this.

Imari could feel her thoughts and made a firm nod.

“I’ll find Tooru and bring him back”

“I’ll be expecting that. I think the preparation for teatime would be over if you take your time though”

After seeing Lilith make a wink with one eye to her, Imari made a small smile and carried Sara out the window before running into the chaos outside.

“Okay then………”

After seeing them off, Lilith slowly turned around.

In front of the gold girl, the door opened and-----

A teenager with arrow-like eyes was standing there with his subordinates.

“Sorry but, you’re not getting through”

“Fufu, well looks who we have here………..it’s unexpected that you would be the one taking the role of stopping us, Miss Bristol. I am greatly honored to see you. My name is >----Pleased to meet you”

Lilith frowned at the unpleasant feeling coming from the polite but rude att.i.tude.

“Okay, Miss Bristol. I apologize after just meeting you but, we have to bring the > to >-dono. We did not receive any orders to invite you this time, so please move away from there; it will be a great help if you make this quick………..”

A gunshot echoed and a hole was formed in the floor.

“I won’t say it twice. I already told you, you’re not getting through”

“This is a disappointment but, we can"t just agree with you here and go back”

“Then prepare yourself and come at me. I already charged up my energy to protect that cute girl today”

After making a wink, Lilith pointed her gun to the gang.

“I guess I have no choice”

Offer declined-------but, the teenager never thought the offer would be accepted in the first place anyway.

Matching >’s words, the 3 men standing behind him stepped out.

Under the watchful gaze of those arrow-like eyes, a 3 vs 1 battle started.

Since the room was not that big, Lilith chose to use the > like a club. It’s disadvantageous for her to handle several opponents like that but even so, she would sometimes shoot bullets and cleverly take advantage of the walls and office tables to prevent the 3 of them from attacking at the same time.

“How magnificent. You sure have the stuff to back up your t.i.tle > as expected”

The enemy-> expressed his admiration at the sight of her magnificent footwork and the blocking of his blade with the >.

“------nonetheless, we don’t have the time to dawdle around like this.”

>’s priority was to execute his mission.

That’s why it was obviously necessary to stop wasting time with Lilith, and prevent Sakuya from running away-------so he had prepared a gun in order to finish this quickly.

It was the gun that caused that loud explosion that could be heard throuout the office-----a grenade launcher.

A moment before he pulled the trigger, Lilith noticed >’s posture and got shocked.

“uhhh!! That isn’t funny!!”

Immediately, the door blasted open together with a loud sound and the building shook.

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