Absolute Duo

Chapter 38

The night before the next day in the summer break that won’t last even for one week.

Kibitsu Momo was in the cla.s.sroom instead of her own dormitory room.

“Found it. I am sorry but, I found it”

She took out a printout from inside her table and told it to the security guard that followed her.

The printout she was holding was her summer break topic she forgot to bring back.

Anyone would think that she didn’t have to go to take it at such a late time but, she has a small situation for the reason.

Momo who was planning to go home tomorrow, knew very well that there is a possibility that she might forget about the topic’s existence again if she comes to pick it at the morning. For her, who has a carefree personality, she has forgotten many things in a daily basis and it isn’t rare for her to borrow textbooks or notes from her roommate friend.

But, she couldn’t borrow the summer break topic as expected so, this is the reason why she gave a visit to the school at night.

In a normal sense; going to the school at night might feel scary.

That’s because deaths appeared in the fight with the > just one month ago.

However, many people would come out from the building regardless if it’s noon or night since the > research facility is under Kouryou academy’s school building. Naturally, Momo thought that no one would get angry if she turns on the cla.s.sroom or corridor light if she told the office workers in the receptionist stationed at the school entrance.

Luckily, since a security guard volunteered to follow her, Momo was able to head back to her dorm without going through any fear.

“Thank you very much. Good luck surveying”

After thanking the security guard who followed her until the entrance, the girl started walking while looking up at the night sky with sparkling stars.

At the same time------

On the rooftop of the clock tower located in the middle of the academy, an > and >------people who transcends humans were confronting each other.

The >-----> gave off 4 red glowing wings behind his back to allow him to float in the sky.

“External weapon----I will show you the power of the >!!”

“Kuhah, this is interesting! That’s one over exaggerated name but, don’t disappoint me okay!!”

The >----Tsukimi Rito shouted and swung the > she was holding. The countless blades connected by a steel wire attacked the teenager with whip-like movements----but, it was just a greeting and the slash ended only as a test-run.

After dodging the blades which were connected to a higher position, > made a crazy smile.

“Fufuu, you need not to worry. I will definitely satisfy you………but, that’s as long as you don’t die before I bring out everything of the >!!”

To respond to the teenager’s words-----half of the 2 wings behind him turned into a grip with triggers.

The wings turned into guns.

While holding the wing with an underhand grip, the moment> pointed the muzzle at the tip of the wing towards Rito, light bullets were shot out the instant he pulled the trigger.

But, Rito showed a swift move that’s unthinkable on the roof with bad foothold, and dodged the light bullet.

The dodged light bullets burst and gouged a hole the same time it was shot into the roof. Even without losing its power, she would receive big damage depending on the place he hits.

“Just how long are you planning to look down on others!!”

While dodging the light bullets with low posture, Rito performed the counter attack. She bended the > and operated the blade to slash diagonally. Even if he twist his body to dodge the attack-----

“It’s already in my predictions!!”

With dodging already calculated in Rito’s mind, she maneuvered it again with the handle and the weapon with the name of the snake displayed its real value.

Immediately, the blade that pa.s.sed him bounced up and attacked at the teenager again.


Even though > responded painfully, only a few of his hair flew into the sky since he was unable to dodge the second attack.

“Kuhahaha!! I still can go!!”

Rito moved her hands again.

The tip of the > extended to the moon above and devoured >’s head after falling down----was what should have happened.

*Gakiiin!!* The 3rd attack-----was deflected by the blade emitting light.


>’s gun created a red light blade and he swung it to deflect Rito’s attack.

Immediately, the red light glow emitted by the remaining 2 > at >’s back increased------and charged at Rito with a power enough to make her concentrate even though she has confidence in her speed.

Without giving Rito any room to breathe, > mode changed > to a sword from the gun and get into range.

The red blades held in both of his hands, attacked her from below and the side to reap her life.

Rito took a step back to dodge the upward slash and used her > to block the side sweep.

It was all good to that point but, Rito was thrown towards the roof since she was overpowered.

A normal person would suffer serious injuries and she was falling at a height where she might lose her life if things go bad------

But, Rito twists her body mid-air like a cat and landed without suffering any injuries.

“Kuhah, interesting! Now you’ve done it!!”

Wings that hold explosive charging power which allows him to move freely in the sky------

When the wings are in his hands, he is able to freely change the mode to a gun for mid-range and sword for close-range-----

After seeing both of his abilities, she looked up at the tower with a blood boiling body stimulating expression because of her battle loving personality------but, after an instant, she opened her eyes wide.

It was so that Rito could catch > pointing the gun at her after he reconverted the sword back to the gun in her view.

It was so that she can see him concentrate light at the muzzle which was different from the other shots he performed until now.

That’s because, the wings in >’s hands turned back into gun mode and he pointed the muzzle at Rito.

That wasn’t all; light was concentrating at the muzzle unlike the firing rate he was showing until now.

(This is bad, something is coming!!)

After seeing the concentrated light, her intuition filled with acc.u.mulated battle experience was telling Rito to not stop at that spot.

Without opposing her intuition, she took a big leap away and at the same time-----

> pulled the trigger and two red convergence beam were shot.

The fired red beam, pierced into the spot Rito was just standing and gouged it out; after a slight pause, an explosion occurred.

Rito got pushed by the explosion and sound and fell on top of the lawn, dirtying her clothes in the process.

If she were to stay put then, she would probably be considerably damaged by the explosion even if she manages to dodge the red beam.

“Fufu, you have good judgment skills for dodging that”

> praised Rito for choosing to dodge immediately.

“Don’t Fufu me. Like heck that will hit me! Forget that, you just ripped my handmade petticoat!! Now I have to sew it all over again!!”

During the exchange on the tower roof, she may not have gotten touched by the red blade but, she was unable to avoid the slash from downwards causing her clothes to get cut. Her skirt and the petticoat inside was sliced upwards just like what she cursed about, revealing her thighs.

But, Tsukimi may look carefree but, she was quite shaken at the Ether cannon inside her heart.

(G.o.d d.a.m.n it, if he keeps shooting that nasty one then there will be casualties in the brat’s dorm if I mess up!! if have to guide him southwards somehow-----)

Right when she thought to that point, Rito laughed at her own thoughts.

(Kuhah, to think I of all people would worry about someone else……….i guess I’ll complain to that nice guy------no, I’ll tease him and embarra.s.s him!)

The face of her favorite boy floated in her mind and Rito made a small smile.

“For that, I guess I’ll end this already!! Come one, open your eyeb.a.l.l.s nicely and see this!! In the first place-----“

Rito *Pan* hit her exposed thighs.

“You can look at this you know!! Though, you’re dead the instant you see it!!”

Rito raised the > to the sky and released the real > of her >.

“Devour to death---->!!”

The blades surrounding her started spinning in high-speed and drew a circle.

In front of the circlet blade that while slice anything it touches, > was making his usual light smile while telling her this.

“So that’s the real > of your >………..I want to have fun was what I was thinking but-------I don’t have much time left so, let’s end this quickly!!”

Part 2

Until that time, I was in my room with Julie and Tora attending to the summer break topic that will start tomorrow.

Normally, Miyabi and Tachibina would be here but, it’s different for today.

Its summer break starting from tomorrow but, since we are allowed to go back even today, everyone else except us has left the academy during the evening.

Since me and Tora are going to visit Otoha’s grave tomorrow, we decided that it would be the day we head back.


The remaining silver girl has no plans to go back since she says that the trip to her birthplace takes too long.

(Even though she really wants to go to her mother and get pampered………..)

Only I know that the girl with Silver BlondeSilver hair has a spoilt and lonely side.

When I looked over to her, she was not moving her hands and looked blanked; maybe she was stuck at her topic or she recalled back her mother in her birthplace.

Julie suddenly looked at me.


Of course, we ended looking at each other since I was still looking at Julie.


“………..why are you two looking at each other silently”

The 3rd part Tora was the one who broke the silence.

“I have something I want to say but, Tooru was looking over her so………perhaps, you have something to say?”

“Eh, ah…………..no, I was just wondering why your hands stopped from just now”

“I was thinking about the topic I am about to talk now”

When I was asked her what’s up with her, she replied back that she has a request.

“Can I follow you two tomorrow too?”

“Follow…………meaning, you want to come with us to Fujisawa?”

*Chirin* her bells rang when the silver girl nodded.

“I want to go greet Otoha-san. If possible, I want to report to her that I am teamed up with Tooru as my > and have normally been taken care of by him”

“Err………I don’t mind but--------“

“Fuun, why not? Otoha is probably curious on what kind of person is the > protecting her unreliable brother’s back”


Those were harsh words but, it’s true that I have been causing Otoha to worry so I have nothing to reply.

“W-well, I don’t have any problem since Tora say’s okay. Also-----Otoha probably prefers it to be livelier”

“Ja--. Thank-----“

The silver girl could not finish her thanks.

It’s because the time came.

*Zuzuuun*………!! The dorm shook at the same time they heard an explosion-like sound outside and caused the window to make *Katakata* sounds.


3 of them gasped and immediately ran to the window to check outside-----

“Tooru, that’s………..!!”

Julie pointed to the clock tower and raised her voice.

A red flame could be seen around the tower.

Even if I concentrate, I could not distinguish what was happening because it of the darkness of the night and the distance.

But, it’s only natural to have a bad feeling if I recall the events that occurred in this one month.

The feeling was pushing me and I had to jump out of the room.

There was a commotion inside the dorm. At the corridor and lounge; students were looking at each other anxiously at the entrance and etc. Half-way when pa.s.sing by them, a broadcast indicating [An unconfirmed explosion has occurred within the area, please stand-by in the dorm for further orders].

After ignoring the broadcast and jumping into the night ----I saw it.

It’s not that tall to call it the night sky but, I saw 2 beams spread to the ground from the sky.

And the explosion a slight pause later at where the light went.

“Tooru!” ”Tooru, that’s…….!!”

At that moment, Julie and Tora who were following me got closer to me.

“Yeah…………someone is fighting!!”

My feelings changed to conviction.

The > with sharp eyes popped up in my mind.

“Both of you----“

“Nai, have you forgotten that I am the > that will protect your back?”

“Fuun. I might not be your > but, I can’t leave this problem to an unreliable fellow like you to handle alone”

I judged that it’s useless to try to convince them by the will in their immediate reply.

“…………..i understand. From the explosion we saw, it looks like it’s going to be quite dangerous. Please be careful”

“Ja--, let’s go!” “Fuun, no need for the needless worry!!”

After hearing their reply, we dashed.

With me at the front and Julie with Tora following------

3 of our voices mixed under the moonlight.


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