Absolute Duo

Chapter 7

A night before the >.

The comfortable time after taking a bath has already turned into a daily thing--------

Like usual, we were drinking apple tea while watching television.

“It looks delicious, Tooru.”

“That’s true. It would be nice if I can eat that even once.”

When I agreed with her at the local gourmet being shown on the screen, Julie made a wondering face and asked.

“Tooru has not eaten it before even though it is a j.a.panese food?”

“Aah. I never went to Kyushu before.”

I was supposed to go to Kyushu on my middle school trip but, since my mental state towards my daily life changed greatly during that summer, I didn’t go.

If it didn’t change, I would not seek > and come to Kouryou then---------

I would probably not be pa.s.sing time with Julie like this.

(The reason for coming to Kouryou, huh……………)

When I thought about that, the question that arose on the first day after enrollment once again came forth.

The question of, why did Julie enroll into Kouryou.

Leaving her country, and coming to the deepest part of the east while holding anxiety----------what’s more to a very special background school, a battle technique instruction school.

That was not all.

Once that question came across my mind, the feeling of wanting to know got bigger and bigger but---------

(This isn’t something I should be asking out of curiosity…………..)

I controlled myself using the same reason as the last time.

It might have a circ.u.mstance she doesn’t want to be asked.

More importantly, I came to Kouryou with a circ.u.mstance which I don’t want others to know.

“Tooru. It should be time to go to bed.”

When I was absent minded and thinking, I was urged by Julie.

When I looked over to Julie, she was already sitting on the lower bed before I knew it.

(As expected, this is nerve wrecking………….)

I was still resisting the action of sleeping together with a girl in the same futon.

But, Julie in question did not show any nervousness at all.

I was not treated as a male but rather like a father-like existence so if I say this is natural then it is only natural but…………..

Being trusted sounds nice but, somehow it was a complex feeling.


“A,aah. Let’s sleep then………….”

The lights were turned off and we entered the bed.

Inside the darkness wrapped in silence, I thought as an ending I called out to Julie.



“Let’s do our best tomorrow.”


“Okay then, good night Julie.”

“Good night, Tooru.”

Julie clung tightly to me.


It has already been something done every time but even so, I was so agitated by this action I couldn’t get used to, and not long after, my consciousness lost to the drowsiness and fell into the darkness.

The night cleared out----------and the curtains of the > unfolded.

“Tooru, it’s almost time.”

Staring at the clock tower which could be seen from everywhere inside the academy, Julie muttered.

Near evening on the next day, about the time > was going to start, just beside the outer walls surrounding Kouryou------we were standing-by on the place we drew by lottery.

The other >s were also doing the same by standing-by around different places in the academy, and were impatiently waiting.

Towards the event that is going to happen, when I was wrapped in an uplifting feeling------


The bells of the clock tower announced the start of the > inside the academy.

“Let’s go, Julie!”



Our voices piled up and the > danced.

At the same time when a > appeared on my right arm, and > appeared on both Julie’s hands, we started running.

But, it’s not like we have no plan.

Advancing straight ahead, and if we encounter other > we crush them head on.

(I never thought Julie would go with my plan---------no plan.)

Towards my plan which only consists of a risky advance, Julie did not hesitate and nodded.

She said, [I will choose a difficult road in order to become stronger……….I also think we should go with that].

To agree with my thoughts, we might really be compatible with each other.


I took a side glance to Julie running beside me.

In order to become stronger-------Julie certainly said that.

(I wonder why Julie wants to become stronger?)

But that question disappeared when we found our battle opponent from far away and we plunged in.

The time was around 6 o’clock, and the view was getting darker upon that time.

On the present time, we crushed 6 groups of >s and were in the middle of searching for the next opponent.

At this point, there were opponents that would receive a frontal match, and some pretending to be defeated and finding a chance to strike.

There were some that grouped together with the difference in power so, there were seriously various tactics taken by each >, it turned into a format close to real battle with the future unpredictable.

At the present time, the hardest opponent was the Kigami & Izumi but, after they were disturbed by Julie’s speed, the match ended with me giving a single strike.

The remaining strong ones are Tachibana & Miyabi, and Tora & Tatsu these two teams.

“If I think there is less than 1 hour then, it is a pain to look for an opponent.”

“There seem to be a lot of >s that have dropped out so, it is something that can’t be helped.”

“Do you think it is a good idea to confirm places we have never been to?”

“The opponents are moving too, so it will be difficult.”

Naturally, there were >s that didn’t move away from their spot.

The teams’ conscious about an advantageous position should be like a spider waiting for its prey to get caught in its net.

“Let’s head to the school building for now.”

“Ja----. There is a route through the auditorium from the front and the opposite side from here but, which one should we go with?”

“From what we can see, there is no one in the front so, let’s go around the opposite side.”

Julie agreed with my plan and right after we started moving to the opposite side of the auditorium-----

“O-ya, Kokonoe-kun and Sigtuna-san. Looks like you are doing well in winning.”

Mikuni-sensei appeared from the auditorium and talked to us.

“Ah, thank you for patrolling, Mikuni-sensei.”

In case the students get hurt during the >, there were few people including Tsukimi-sensei and Mikuni-sensei patrolling.

“No no, this is also my job……………..and, now it isn’t the time to be talking nor overemphasis, both of you please continue the >.”

[Yes, please excuse us] [Please excuse us]

I bowed lightly, and jogged towards the other side of the auditorium together with Julie.

………………..we didn’t notice Mikuni-sensei making a light smile towards our back.

This was what happened when we were taking side glances in the pa.s.sageway connecting the auditorium and school building together.


When I jumped aside from the splitting air sound, a flying something pierced a hole to the ground in front of me.

“You came, Kokonoe, Julie.”

Together with a dignified voice, Tachibana showed herself and retrieved the something she shot at us.

*Jyarii* a rustling sound of metal. The thin iron rings reflected the evening sun and it was a weapon with a drip shaped weight attached on its tip, the >----------that was Tachibana’s >.

Normally, the combination of a weight and chain weapon is to restrain the opponents or entangle their weapons, its sub-weapon image is strong. In reality, it pierced a hole into the earth like just now, and it holds a power enough to crack my skull if it hits my head.

“What a dangerous greeting, Tachibana.”

“Fufu, I shot it so you could avoid it so, forgive me for that much. More importantly, I was about to give up when I thought it was impossible to have a match with you two when the time became only an hour.”

“That goes for me too. Looks like my love call got through.”

“Aah, like I love you!? Wha-wha-what are you saying suddenly!? ………….kuh, to think you would use words to confuse my heart, how cowardly!!”

“Huh? Confuse your heart? What do you mean?”


“Hey, what do you mean, Tachibana?”

“Shu-shu-shut up! Let’s fight with good grace!! Tachibana style 18 arts, Tachibana Tomoe……….here I come!!”

Hyun, that sound appeared and when I thought the metal drip rotated, immediately right after Tachibana’s hands become blurry--------

The metal water drop cut through the air and was heading this way.


Even though I dodged it almost at the same timing with Julie’s shout, the metal drip scratched me and plowed down the tree behind me like that.

“It has some power but------it’s okay, it’s just a scratch.”

“Fufu, that was a nice dodge. Several people got hit with only this and ended.”

“We finally met, so I can’t have it end in an instant, right?”

Although I talked so much, I was having cold sweats in my mind.

(If I hadn’t avoided the vital points then it seriously would have been a one-hit kill. The gap is 6 to 7 meters………?)

Although it is a breath distance thanks to the > , it was hard to make sure from that happening with only a slight movement of her wrist. On top of that, since the gap is wide, it is clear entering her chest area is going to be a pain.

(This is going to be hard……….also------)

“What happened to Miyabi? Are you planning to fight us without your partner?”

“Fufu, didn’t you make a prediction?”

(As expected a strategy huh…………)

She is probably lurking around somewhere to ambush us.

Coming to the front lines with an irregular weapon like the >, means Miyabi’s > is probably not a type meant for head-on combat.

(…………I didn"t think Miyabi would fight head-on in the first place anyway.)

“Well then, why don’t we start going-all out now.”

“Aah, let’s go! Julie!”


All 3 of us moved at the same time.

I and Julie dodged the incoming metal drip by separating to the left and right and immediately dashed towards Tachibana.

The important thing here is not getting put between the opponents. Tachibana’s sight was reflecting both of our images while, attacking us to dull our judgments. A blind spot attack from the other side will make the decision to cope faster from the viewable side as long as it has been predicted.

“Fuu, I have already predicted your movements!!”

*Jyarii*-------the rustling sound of the chain. At the same time Tachibana sights were on Julie.

But the metal drip was heading towards me.

At the same time with me stopping my legs to block the metal drop with my >, Tachibana jumped into Julie’s chest area.

Surprised, Julie’s arm was grabbed and thrown up to the air just like that.

Even though Julie landed easily by twisting her body, Tachibana once again took distance.

“As expected from you, Tachibana.”

“Tachibana style 18 arts have various martial arts pa.s.sed through. Sword skills, jujitsu, arrow skills, and many more-------”

“……….This is troubling”

> for distance, and jujitsu for close-combat-------just like what Julie said, there is nothing more annoying.

“Okay, I am going to keep going, Kokonoe, Julie!!”

The attacking metal drip pierced the ground one after another. That attack, launches and pull backs were fast, therefore we couldn’t grasp the timing to enter her chest area.

However, the situation is getting poor for her since it is a one sided defense battle. The opponent still has a plan----------as long as Miyabi is still waiting, we can’t let Tachibana get the pace here.

“Julie! > throw!”


A short instruction. But that is all it needs to get through. Julie who moved to the side in an instant, followed my instruction and reached right behind her.

“A blind?”

*Chyarii* that sound appeared, and the > shook. She was planning to make a counter-attack from looking at me and Julie’s movements.


To replace the signal, I called Julie’s name------and made a front roll.


Having her predictions overcome, Tachibana made a surprised voice.

It was not from my movements. It was because she saw the > thrown at me and pa.s.sing through the top of my head.

Although she was attacked off guard, she still evaded the flying sword.

But, Julie who was in mid-air performed a slash attack at that moment. It was something that only belongs to Julie who has two of her most trusted weapons, and it was the attack that made me suffer defeat on the 4th match conducted after school on Monday.

However, I can say it was expected from Tachibana.

*Jigiin*! She somehow blocked the swung down blade with the bundled up chains.

But, that was the limit of being alone.

By the time I got up, I was already in her range.

Together with a strong shout, I made a mid-level punch and pierced towards to Tachibana’s stomach.

However it was too shallow……….! Right before it hit, the hit point was decreased because she slightly twisted her body.

But even so, she was blown away for a few meters but, at the same time with Tachibana standing up--------

“Kuh………..! We are retreating for now, Miyabi!”

After shouting, she jumped into the school building.

She probably decided it was not the situation effective to use the ambush, or is this is a strategy too-----------------------

“Julie, we’re chasing!”

Without even thinking about it for an instant, we chased after Tachibana when we got the chance of winning, and dashed into the school building.

At the end of the corridor that was turning darker, we saw Tachibana kneeling down there.

Although it was shallow, it looks like she got some damaged on her.

“We’ll end this.”

Julie prepared her >, and filled in the distance.

Looking at that, Tachibana raised her face------and showed a smile.


As if to respond to that call, a thunderous roar echoed from behind us.

The cla.s.sroom wall was destroyed and a shadow dashed out to the corridor from inside the enshrouding dust------It’s Miyabi.

“Sorry. If I don’t get hit at least once, you would probably think it is a trap and won’t chase me. Okay, this will end it! Tachibana style-------Style of the big snake!!”

This time it wasn’t the snap throw she used until now but a full strength full throw hitting the walls, the ceiling, and floor, the metal drip was springing around and approaching.

The reason for entering a narrow area like the corridor was also to use this.

And also------Miyabi was charging straight forward behind us.

“Tooru-kun, Julie-chan, be prepared--------!!”

In her hands she was holding a giant lance------->. Just like the name it is a lance originally meant to be used by a knight on a horse, and she was charging towards us while holding it with her enhanced arm strength. Even though it is a giant weapon that will make a huge chance completely if it misses but, it is extremely hard to avoid it in this narrow s.p.a.ce.

(So this is what she meant……!!)

It took me this long to remember the conversation I had with Miyabi. The words Miyabi said about needing stamina in order to use her >. If I knew she was planning to use a >, then I would have agreed with her.

The prediction that it is a much trickier > for an ambush was an unthinkable wrong conclusion. Using a giant weapon like > as a ambush is completely out of my predictions but, it could be said to be a proper strategy in the point of attacking us off-guard.

(What should I do…………!?)

The current situation is exactly, a lion in front and a wolf behind.

The moment I thought a quick decision would definitely determine everything----------

“Tooru! I am counting on you!”

As soon as Julie shouted, she charged into the attacking >.

Not even taking a single glance behind us, and with all her trust towards me--------*Chirin* she left behind the sound of the bell. That’s why I made a vow towards her back, and shouted.

“Julie! I will------protect your back!!”

I turned behind, lowered my hips and prepared my > towards the charging Miyabi.

“I-I am coming, Tooru-kun!!”

Will I be blown away or will I block it---------!!

*GyaRiii*!! The > and > clashed.

“I-I won’t lose!! I………..will show you the results of my effort! To Tooru-kun! That’s why, that’s why I will not loseeeee!!”

A direct battle between strength. The tremendous impact, I was pushed by that power and was about to be blown away.

(Kuh, heavy……..!!)

The results she gained from running, has certainly turned into Miyabi’s flesh and blood.

As proof, that impact was transmitted to me, and even when I stood firm while pushing back, I was moving backwards.

*Mishi**mishi* the > creaked and even when my feet became slightly floating from the pressure--------

(But…………….Like h.e.l.l I will lose!!)


*Zun*!! I slammed my floating feet and crushed the floor.

In an instant, there were cracks coming from the floor to the wall, and at the same time I stopped moving backwards.


No matter how much strength she put into it, towards me who was not moving like a mountain, Miyabi distorted her face---------

“Haa……………I can’t put any more strength………..”

Soon, at the same time with the pressure disappearing, Miyabi made a wry smile while falling on her b.u.t.t.

“The results of your effort, I have seen it. You were strong, Miyabi”

“Ah…………Th-thank you for praising me, Tooru-kun……….e-errrr. I, will continue running even more from now on. And, I will become even stronger then, so……………..”

“Aah. Work hard. I look forward for the next match”


Part 2

Just a few moments after Tooru’s battle concluded--------Tachibana Tomoe was feeling fear at the silver girl heading towards her.

At that figure dodging the > which was attacking according to the word freely, and closing in the distance.

Yes, Julie did not parry with her >, and was dodging all of it.

There was cold sweat flowing down Tomoe’s back.

Towards that movement that crosses over common sense, Tomoe found out the real meaning of the other name black wing angel which became a rumor during the entrance examination.

(I knew she was not serious during the > but, to think it was this much!!)

The gap was filled. Now, the only problem was the time when the >’s black blade would reach her body.

(Julie, you are strong. Maybe even more than the current me…………but------)

“I can’t lose! In the name of Tachibana!!”

Tomoe hardened her resolve and headed out for the final battle.

Launching the > towards the stomach as a target.

When she aimed at a part which moves little and is hard to defend, it was parried by the swords.

But, that was what Tomoe was aiming at.

She controlled the parried metal drip with her fingers and the moment she aimed at that small body from behind------------

*Gikiin*………….!! The sound of metal clashing echoed and Tomoe’s eyes opened wide in surprise.

Julie parried the metal drip with her left sword, in order to thrust her right sword towards Tomoe.

“It’s checkmate.”

“That last attack…………did you predict it?”

“I felt the spirit of not giving up at any cost. So I thought there will definitely be a plan.”

“Fufu, magnificent, to think you were still calm until the end…………today is my complete defeat.”

In the next moment, the blade made a line flash-------and Tomoe slowly collapsed.

Part 3

“Good work, Julie.”

“Ja----. Tooru too, good work.”

While Tooru was replying back to Julie who was making a small smile with a smile, he was astonished of Julie’s judgments from just now inside his heart.

(In just that instant, she saw through many points of her opponent.)

If it is Julie then none of it would be a problem for her but, it was clear her close-combat style has bad compatibilities with Tachibana’s > which is mid-ranged.

But, at the same time there was that happiness regarding leaving her back to him.

“Well then. Okay, we will be going so; can I leave the rest to you?”


Tachibana lost consciousness from Julie’s attack and was currently being looked after by Miyabi. She doesn’t look injured but, because of that, towards the >-------he had no choice but to be shocked at its properties is unable to injure a person once again.

(Judging from the time, one more match is the limit. If possible, I want to have a go with Tora but……………….)

That moment that face was floating in his mind-------his thoughts were interrupted.


From the upper floor, Tora’s shout echoed.

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