Absolute Duo

Chapter 23

Part 1

On the sea 180 km southeast of Tokyo, on an island that"s blocked from the public------

The 2nd morning of the seaside school came to greet us.

“Fuwah, Ah…………”

“Fufu. You look tired, Kokonoe”

“That’s because yesterday was tiring”

I exited the tent without waking Julie up and Tachibana laughed when I headed to the meeting spot while yawning. Unlike me, it seems Tachibana was already completely awake and giving out her usual dignified atmosphere.

I left the hall lined up with the tents to avoid waking everyone else up and headed to the forest path reaching from the branch school to the harbor.

Maybe most of the animals living in the island were still sleeping, but I could occasionally hear the sound of birds chirping; basically it was very quiet. The air in this untouched island smells nice and after I took a good sniff of the clear air into my chest, the morning just like what I go through in the main school started.

“Okay then, let’s begin from the first like usual. Start”

Tachibana urged me and I started the training like normal.

I made a stance first and it was a basic move where I only can move my back feet.

I then moved to the next 8th style basic move and advanced forward while changing my step in leg’s axis just like what Tachibana taught me. This technique of sometimes turning around or half around coupled with the technique of turning to the opposite direction was the combination I used to throw Imari when I fought her on the first day.

The last was the middle line--------I started the Tachibana style Himonho technique which consists of me turning around Tachibana without showing most of my body"s vital points.

I’ll be honest and say that this training is plain, but it"s because I know how important the basics are that I concentrate and repeat it. And I found something out because I was concentrating, and that’s--------

“Hey Tachibana. Now that I have a good look, your hair is really beautiful”

“Buuu!? What are you saying all of a sudden!?”

“It’s not all of a sudden you know. I touched Julie and Lilith’s hair last night. Both of them had different hair types but, both of them were beautiful”

“S-so what does that have to relate to my hair”

Maybe she thought I was teasing her because Tachibana voice was angry while her cheeks were slightly blushing.

“Recently, you are the one I have been seeing the most compared to everyone else. And since there was that hair conversation we talked about, my eyes went there for some reason and I just thought it looked pretty”

“More than everyone else!? Bu-but if that’s the case then Julie is more than me right!?”

“Tachibana joins me in morning training everyday like this and I had to turn around you the whole time when I am doing the Himonho right. In terms of being together longer, it would probably be Julie. But, it feels as if Julie and my shoulders are lined up and we would see the same thing so……….most of the time we would be looking at the television”

“I-I see, more than Julie too huh………..”

The conversation changed from hair to Julie before I knew it. Why is that………..

“Anyway, I just thought Tachibana’s hair was beautiful when I saw it. It’s not like I was making fun of you, I am really serious about it”

“Eh, ah………Fu-fumu…….err, Tha-thank you…………”

While fiddling with her hair by twirling it around with her finger, Tachibana said her thanks.

I relaxed knowing that she understood that I seriously said that and was not teasing her.

“Ah, that’s right. Can I touch your hair since we"re on this topic?”

“------!? Eh, uaa………….we-well, I don’t mind…………”

After receiving Tachibana’s permission, I tried touching her long black hair.

Her glossy hair was smooth and it was completely different from Julie and Lilith’s hair.


“Wha-what is with that reaction”

It seems it was ticklish, and Tachibana who was shutting her eyes tightly, opened one of her eyes and asked me in doubt.

“Iyaaa---,I just thought it feels soft and nice. A girl’s hair really is soft huh. My hair is just plain hard. Want to try touching?”

“Fu-fumu. Then excuse me------“

After hesitating for a while, Tachibana timidly touched my hair.

“It’s hard right?”

“I-I think it’s not that hard for mentioning……..”

*Touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch*

It"s taking too long.

“………..Tachibana. It’s ticklish and, how long do you plan on touching?”

“WaHyaa!? Yo-you did not say anything so, I lost the timing to stop”

I got scolded.

It seems it was my fault but, I can’t seem to agree with it………..

“Mo-more importantly, let’s start training again………..ah, iyah, stop for a moment. You can stop doing the Himonho”

“Hn? Then what should I restart with? The thing you taught me only reaches here”

“Umu. That is why I am thinking of advancing to the next stage”

“Is it okay? It"s only been 2 months since I started learning you know”

Even though I can smoothly perform the walks and body movements that I first learned it was not at the level where I can put my chest up proudly and say I mastered it completely.

When I asked whether is it okay to go to the next stage with this hasty knowledge------

“It"s okay. It’s true that grasping the basics is important and the thing really needed is not to understand the surface techniques but rather to grasp the true nature of it. In order for that, the next most important thing is to gain experience. If you don’t get it then you won’t be able to grasp the nature, right?”

Of course, Tachibana sums it up by telling me continue what I learned before when I have time, before making a smile.

“Okay let’s begin. First, please thrust your hand forward. Next make a circle with the hand you thrust forward-----“

Like this, she started teaching me a new move and I secretly made a relieved sigh since luckily, there was no close body contact this time.

Hard training continued for the rest of the 2nd day of the seaside school.

Not only was there the battle training we usually go through in the main school, but we would also get survival training and rock climbing using the islands terrain with traps set up.

In this tough training we would not escape getting hurt if we didn’t concentrate, and since the contents of the training usually came with dangers we went through the every day without relaxing.

4th day-----

A different kind of training started today compared to the other days.


I was dripping in sweat while running deep inside the dark forest even though it was the in the afternoon.

The temperature today was the highest among these past few days and it was quite tough.

(Tsk, this is unexpectedly one thought out training…………!!)

The content for the afternoon training was-------a game of tag.

I doubted my ears and thought it was a joke when Tsukimi announced that but, now that the event started I realized the contents of the training was just as hard as the training until now. I could not continuously run fast since I have to maintain my concentration in this terrain filled with obstacles such as tree roots and rough trunks on the ground.

On top of that, I was made to carry a doll filled with sand for 7 kilometers. Following that context, it seems the concept was to bring the VIP we secured and escape from the spot.

The ones running were the main school group; the catchers are mostly the branch school group. However, it feels like we were getting chased by hunting dogs because the branch school group has lived in this isolated island and has repeatedly done this training.

As long as this is a game of tag, we are bound by the rules of no attacking the catchers, so we had to hide and scatter about. The winning condition was to get to one of the goal points set at several spots in the mountain ridge.


“Found you, Tooru!”

The catcher was Imari and she appeared in front of me.

“Kuh, you came here before me huh”

“That’s right. I got contacted that Tooru was aiming for here”

She displayed the power of the wireless cellphone only limited to the catchers’ magnificently.

“Seriously……………I am happy in the sense that you keep aiming for me to this extent”

“------uh!? Y-you’re wrong! It’s not like I purposely came chasing Tooru, it’s just that you were nearby me!!”

*Wa**Wa* Imari swung her head and swings her ponytail.

“A-anyway! This is game over for you, Tooru!”

After saying that, Imari kicked the tree trunk.

She glamorously kicked the ground, rocks, trunks and branches; it was the moves she showed on the first day.

Since it would be defeat the moment the catcher touches me, this attacking pattern is the most annoying one.


“Don’t think the same method would work every time, Imari!!”

I grabbed the tree vines and concentrated at the direction Imari was going to jump to.

Before immediately-----


Imari’s scream echoed throughout the area.

“………Tooru you pervert. Tooru you lecher. Tooru you beast”

After the game of tag ended and I was in the middle of heading back to the western building-----

Several abusive words came from Imari who is glaring at me.

“Like I said, It wasn’t on purpose…………”

“Even though it was not on purpose, it is still a fact that you saw my panties”

At that time, I made a ring with the vines and threw it to Imari the same time I dodged her attack and when she landed, I aimed the moment she landed and hanged her upside down when I pulled the vine; the trap I learned yesterday was a success.

But, it was also a fact that I caused Imari to have an embarra.s.sing experience.

“Si-since I was the only one who saw it, so it’s considered a safe right? Also, I ran immediately after confirming the trap worked so I did not see much…………..”

“Who was the one that said [Hahaha, how naïve Imari. I have already seen through that attack from last time-----Towaaah!?] before running away with a red face?”

She poked my cheeks.


“Fuuun? I wonder if I should add up the debts while you"re reflecting on this…………….ah, now that I think about it carefully, you did touch my breast on the first day so that makes it 3 debts. Also, not only do you have a super cute > called Julie, you get to sleep with her in a small tent at night so that makes it 4 debts. Next, since you were so flirty with that beautiful blonde fiancée of yours, so the total debts is 5”

“Wait wait. I know I was bad until the 3rd one but, the 4th and 5th one has totally no relations to Imari’s debts at all”

“You found out huh♪”

I made a sigh while making a bitter face at Imari who brought her tongue out.

“Well, forget that for now, I might have said this on the first day but it seems I did not see it incorrectly. Your moves are completely different compared to the entrance ceremony 3 months ago. Just what kind of training did you go through until you could make those types of movements?”

“Ahaha, thank you. I have been training really hard every day, ever since I came to the branch school. I would be made to climb steep cliffs with only my hands, or get thrown off of those cliffs………….fufu, the life at the main school sounds like fun……………”

Imari’s eyes looked like the eyes of a dead fish half-way through.

“Honestly, it was so tough that it made me want to run away, you know? But, I guess it’s okay since I got to surprise Tooru this much. Fufuu♪”

She turned around once before making a cheerful smile.

If she can make this expression, then she can probably clear any trials in the future.

---It was at that moment I thought that.

“Aaah, it would be nice if I could be together with Tooru-------uun, wi-with everyone in the main school forever”

Imari showed a lonely face even though it was small.

I understand her feelings really a lot.

We will separate again once this seaside school ends.

The main school group will return back to the Kouryou academy while Imari and the rest will remain on this island.

It’s not like we won’t ever meet again, but it still feels kind of lonely.

“…………..I think so too. I would really like to be with Imari more too”

“-------uh!! Wh-why is it only limited to me!?”

“Hn? Imari is the only one in this spot right now”

“…………….That’s right. Tooru has that kind of personality. Haa………….”

Imari made an exaggerated sigh for some reason.

When the sun set and the sky turned dark, it became time to start preparing our meal.

Ever since the 2nd day, the students have been made to cook for themselves as part of the training. Of course, we were required to make our side-dishes on our own along with the main course.

It took some time since we were completely exhausted from the afternoon training, but it was quite fun cooking while everyone was being lively.

At the same time, I saw an unexpected ability that I had not known until now.

While peeling a potato, I send a look to the girl standing in front of the kitchen with an ap.r.o.n on.

Over there, *ton**ton**ton*………….Tachibana was moving the kitchen knife with a good rhythm.

However, Tachibana wasn’t the only one showing unexpected traits.

“Is this much enough, Miyabi?”

Like that, Tachibana called out to Miyabi who was doing other preparations.

“Errr…………I think it would be better if it was a little finer”

“I see, understood”

Tachibana started moving the hand holding the knife again.

Without a break, Julie called out to Miyabi this time.

“Miyabi. I finished cutting the eggplant. What should I do next?”

“Yes, errr, can you cut the carrots to bite-sized this time?”


Julie threw the vegetable to the air and cut it into pieces in an instant like a scene from a manga.

On the other hand, Miyabi was still getting called out to------

“Miyabi-chan. Is this much taste enough? It seems a little bland---“

“Hnn…….*Zu**zu*…………Let’s see. I guess we should add a teaspoon of salt since it is a little bland. If it still tastes bland after that, please put in half a teaspoon more”

*I understand* Kibitsu said that before heading back to her post.

“That’s a face showing that you are surprised no matter how many times you see it”

While peeling the potatoes along with me, Tora lifted his face and spoke.

“Aah. I feel bad to Miyabi, but I feel she isn’t the type to be standing in the center of everything”

“Fuun, I agree on that point”

The event that caused Miyabi’s current position occurred yesterday.

At first, the center position for the preparation of meals belonged to Tachibana and Imari for the main school and the branch school respectively, but yesterday night, a particular group failed in their seasoning, causing the air to go gloomy. Since they were completely exhausted and the food they made------the big fun after their training, was a failure. It was only normal for the air to go gloomy at that point.

Miyabi was the one that changed that atmosphere in one go.

“Ma-maybe we can change the taste a bit………..maybe……….”

After mumbling that, I pushed Miyabi’s back and brought her to the food that had failed.

Miyabi confirmed the taste of the failed food before, starting to add the flavoring in.

She then fixed the smell with herbs and within a few minutes she changed the taste of inedible food to------it’s not that it was wonderful, but it became something manageable.

Today’s situation was because of that result.

(I have no talent huh………….)

The girl who abused herself like that on the very day of enrollment.

However, that was not true. That’s because, no matter what Miyabi thinks about herself, she was currently being relied on by everyone.

When I looked at her working hard in the position she was being perplexed in, I naturally made a smile.

“…………..Tooru. Grinning while staring at a girl is a little disgusting you know”

“----!? I-it’s not like I was grinning……….wait, Ouwahh!?”

Thanks to the lack of composure caused by Tora’s comment, I dropped the potato I was holding.

Even though I went to pick it up, I accidentally kicked it like a ball (as I was panicking) and the potato flew even further away.

“Wa-wait for me---!”

“What are you doing you idiot…………”

I chased after the potato while hearing a tired voice behind me.

I picked it up at a small dark path slightly far away from the hall----and I stopped moving the moment I raised my face.

That’s because a girl with her dark hair tied into two sides and in a gothic dress was standing there.

“Go-good evening, chairman”

“……………you look like you’re having fun, Kokonoe Tooru”

“Yes, well……….”

“It is a good thing”

The chairman made a small giggle.

“Tomorrow is the last day you will receive training on this island. Please be careful not to get injured”

She then started walking with her a.s.sistant Mikuni-sensei who was following her like a shadow.


I should be considerate and say my thanks before lowering my head and returning to Tora.

However, I realized something when I heard the chairman"s words.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“N-no, it"s nothing much-------there’s no way huh…………errr. I misunderstood the chairman before. So I am very sorry”

I took a deep bow.

“Ahra, what kind of misunderstanding did you make?”

“Do you remember the conversation we had during the >?”

Yes, the chairman nodded and I continued my words.

“I thought the chairman was a heartless person at that time. I thought you were someone……..that is able to perform that cruel exam and play with someone"s future calmly without any disturbance in your heart. But when I came to this island and found out that Imari-----the people that failed the exam were enrolled here, I found out I was wrong. I felt that when the chairman apologized to us at that time”

The chairman swung her head and made a soft smile.

“Kokonoe Tooru. It is your right to comment on what kind of a human I am. However, I do accept being a heartless person. That’s because, I think it is only normal to eliminate you all by the tough trials that I will be preparing from now on”

That was something normal for the leader of the academy meant to nurture capable people wanted by the Dawn organization.

But I can’t think her thoughts are heartless because of that.

It was our wish to be in Kouryou, so it was very natural to drop people who are unable to bring results there.

“Chairman. To chairman, I-----“

“Oh my, Tooru. Are you going to confess your love here? That’s what you should be doing to me, right? I think this is impossible, but does Tooru have a loli fetish?”

Lilith was the one that interrupted my words.

I thought her glowing Yellow Topazblonde hair from the light coming the hall reaching this small path was beautiful for an instant but, now wasn’t the time for that.

“Don’t make any weird misunderstandings. I am just------“

“The person herself is calling herself heartless, isn’t it okay already? It’s only normal for peoples" opinions to differ”

“That is completely correct, Lilith=Bristol…………..that is the case, Kokonoe Tooru. Do you get it now?”

I think that’s true.

I did think that" but I had a strong urge to tell the chairman that it was not true and was about to open my mouth------

“You should stop now. This girl may talk like this but; she is actually a shy person. Seriously, she isn’t honest at all”

Lilith whispered into my ears.

It was however not a soft voice because it was quiet here so, it reached the chairman"s ears too.

“…………..Mikuni, let’s go”

Unable to hide her dissatisfaction, the chairman frowned a little before walking away.

“Have a good day, Kokonoe Tooru. I will be expecting much from you, from now on”

The chairman left those words for last and left for the western building with Mikuni-sensei.

I was left alone with Lilith there, and-------

“*Giggle*. The part of her running away is because she is unable to retort; that bulls-eye still makes her a child”

“…………….hey. No matter if you are the >, I think it’s bad to anger the chairman”

“Oh, isn’t that cute”

Lilith did not show any signs of reflection at my tired reply.

“Leaving that aside, I got shocked when I found out Tooru had a loli fetish”

“You know it’s all wrong after hearing the whole situation, so which mouth is it that"s saying you"re shocked?”

“Of course, with this mouth”

Lilith linked her arm with mine before looking at me and touching her red lips with her finger.

I thought back to the moment those light red glossy lips kissed my cheek and *doki**doki* my heart started pumping hard-----,but I quickly unlinked our arms before she found out about it.

“O-okay then, I have to get back to Tora or else I will get scolded”

“Hnn mouu. Oh Tooru! Wait for me!!”

When I got back to Tora with that blaming voice coming behind me, it seems he saw me as I was running away from her and again [What are you doing, you idiot………] a warm greeting was waiting for me.

Since it had been established that today was the hottest day of this summer, it was hard to sleep at night.

Nonetheless most of the students had fallen asleep before the date changed, because we were exhausted from the training; I was one of those students, but……….

“………….you have me, and you still sleep with this girl in this small place every day, oh Tooru-----Hn moouu”

I felt my name get called and my consciousness got a little clearer.

“Well then. I have to prepare to sleep”

(What………is this……..? Julie’s sleep talking………? Well, forget it……)

Even though I could hear the rustling sound, it did not beat my sleepiness and my consciousness started to sink again.

“Hn, it’s a little embarra.s.sing like this. But I can’t sleep if I don’t do this………….I know, if I do this then………………un, problem solved. Good night, Tooru………….*Chuu*”

In the brink of my consciousness getting cut, I could feel something touching my cheeks.

Who knows how long had pa.s.sed since then------

“Hnn……it’s hot……….”

I could hear Julie’s mumbling in the dark.

The rustling sound that I could hear next was probably because she took off the bed cover of her sleeping bag.

Although I could feel Julie squirming around, it turned quiet not long after and I once again lost my body to the sleepiness.

I knew it was still dark outside even though my eyelids were closed, and I could hear the sound of birds chirping.

Mixed in with those chirpings------


My name was suddenly whispered into my ears.

“Tooru, I love you………”

I completely woke up when I heard those sweet whispers next.

(Wha……!? Ju-Julie!?)

It wasn’t only those sweet words. Julie was holding my arm tightly as if to show her behavior.

Her soft and those voluptuous bulges were pushed onto me.

(Uwah, wait, eh, soft, wait, if she clings onto me, her breast will………….Ah-re?)


What did you ask? It’s obviously the soft object touching my elbow.

“Hnn……….it’s tea time Tooru………”


The moment I realized it wasn’t Julie’s voice, I raised my upper body.

“Ah, ah-re?”

I turned around and tried to confirm the owner of that voice but, another problem was added into the confusion.

My vision is dark. The dark I was experiencing was pure darkness and rather, I can’t open my eyes in the first place.

(What is this? A blindfold…….?)

After I touched my face in panic, there was a cloth tied around my head to hide my sight.

While having a huge amount of question marks popping in my head, I took off the blindfold to find out that it was quite bright outside.

(Just what is this?...............wait, more importantly, whose voice was------“

I became speechless when I turned around.

No matter how many times I see this situation, I would still remain speechless regardless.

That’s because there are 2 beautiful girls sleeping in this tent.

What’s more they are completely naked.


I was exactly by definition speechless when I saw both, the silver and gold beauties not wearing anything at all.

I get it for the silver blonde girl----Julie.

She probably took off her clothes because last night was especially humid.

But I have no idea why the Yellow Topazblonde hair girl------Lilith is here.

I could guess that she sneaked in but, I can’t guess why she was naked.

“Nuu………….Tooru……….Good morning………..”

Maybe she noticed me waking up; Lilith scratched her eyes while raising her body.

When she did that, *tayun**puru**puru*…………..her 2 bulges made a big jiggle and it was probably the nature of a sad man to automatically look at it.

(No no no no no no, don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t, must not look------!!)

Even though I covered my eyes with my hands in panic, that overwhelming fleshy appearance has vividly been burned into the back of my eyelids.

It was the revival of the G.o.ddess of love and beauty that was told in the legends-----

I received an attack that could make me hallucinate like that forever from the gold girl.

“Lea-Lea-Lilith!! Why are you naked!?”

I’ll leave out the fact that she sneaked in.

“What do mean by why………….I can’t sleep unless I take off my clothes……….”

She probably hasn’t slept enough. She answered my question while dozing off.

“Ah…………..you can’t, Tooru…….you must not take your blindfold off………….it will be embarra.s.sing………”

Then put some clothes on and sleep, was what I thought but, that might be something she won’t give up doing.

“I get it. I get it already so put on some clothes……..!!”

“Mou, I have no choice……….”

*Bafuu*. After nodding, Lilith once again lay on the bed and started sleeping again.

(Just who is the one having no choice………..)

Julie slowly woke up this time just when I was completely tired from waking up.

“Good morning, Tooru……….”

“Aah, Good morning, Juli------“

(Wait, I must not look there too------!!)

Different from Lilith’s certain fleshy part; hers were not jiggling at alllllll.

However, her Silver BlondeSilver hair, Snow whitewhite skin and that magical fairy-like appearance told in fairy-tales has been burned into my eyes.


Julie was completely oblivious to my confusing troubles------it was probably on the level where it would not be over exaggerated if I called it a war and was making a dazed expression while tilting her small head.

“La-last night was hot. I understand that. But it"s morning now. That’s why put your clothes on!!”


*Bofuu*. While nodding, Julie lies back on the mat again before starting to sleep comfortably.

(No seriously, why are you going back to sleep………)

I made a sigh deeper than the sea to the 2 beauties sleeping comfortably.

At that moment-----

“Kokonoe, are you awake?”


My heart skipped a beat when my name was called from outside the tent.

I did not need to confirm who it was----it was Tachibana. My morning training is still being continued in this seaside too, and she would come to wake me up if I was late at the promised time.

“Are you still sleeping?”

“I am awake! I am awake so!! I will go out soon so wait there!!”

When I called outside with a voice soft enough to avoid waking Julie and Lilith, and [I understand] was replied back.

(Tha-that was dangerous……)

I placed my hands on my chest which was beating really hard while recalling Tachibana shaking my shoulders when she came into the tent yesterday morning to wake me up from oversleeping.

If I was still sleeping just now, and she came inside-------

(I don’t want to think about itttt…………!!)

I felt a chill at my back.

“Julie, Lilith. Put on your clothes when you wake up”

[Ya--……….][I get it, mouu……..]

I used the sleeping bag and placed it on top of them as a replacement for the bed cover before heading out while carefully preventing Tachibana from knowing the inside situation.

“Good morning, Kokonoe. It’s a refreshing morning today”

“That’s true………it really is comfortable morning……..”

“…………….your expression doesn’t match your words at all though”

“Don’t mind it………….”

Around the time for breakfast preparations, we wrapped up the training and I headed back to the hall with Tachibana.

Mid-way-------my stomach growled and it was mixed with the birds chirping which could be heard from the forest.

“Fufuu, your body is far from being full”

“If you understand that, then let me eat more meat-------“


She answered immediately with a smile.

When I dropped my shoulders in disappointment, my stomach made a big growl again as if to conspire with my actions.

Since my stomach started *Guu**guu* growling as if to show my dissatisfaction, I made a bitter smile and-----

“Puu…………hahaha. Kokonoe, your timing is just too good; it should have a limit, Fufu,hahahaha”

Tachibana might have reached her own limit because she grabbed her stomach while placing her hand on her mouth while laughing hard.

“It’s not that funny. Also, look in front when you walk or you’ll hit a branch”

The place we are walking right now was a promenade used as a shortcut from the woods to the hall.

It"s just like an animal trail and since there were branches extending to our face level everywhere, we could meet a painful experience if we didn’t look in front properly.

“I won’t do something that dumb-----Puwahh!?”

There is a dumb girl who received a painful experience in front of me.

Not only did Tachibana hit the branch, she panicked because a spider nest got stuck onto her.

“Hyaaaaaa, Koko-Kokonoe. Tak-take it off, please………..!”

“I get it. I’ll take it off immediately so stay still”

I nodded and made a small wry smile at Tachibana who was begging for help while moving restlessly to get rid of the spider nest on her face.

“So-sorry………err……the main thing is not on me right?”

“Main thing? Aah, the spider huh, nope it’s not on you”

Tachibana let out a relieved breath when she heard my reply.

“You bad with it?”

“……………we-well, it’s embarra.s.sing but, yeah”

“It’s not embarra.s.sing you know? Everyone has something they"re bad with”

(…………….like Tachibana during meals)

Not knowing anything about the sentence I swallowed before it came out, Tachibana became bashful.

“I-It’ll be a big help if you say that------but, please keep it a secret from the others okay? .............well, Miyabi found out on the first day itself though”

“I get it………..okay, everything is off-----ah”


Just when I stopped my words mid-way, Tachibana opened her eyes wide.


Tachibana noticed that riding on her shoulders and her face turned into a stiff expression.


“O-oi Tachibana!? Where are you going------Oi, wait! I’ll take it off for you!!”

Tachibana shouted and started running, before I chased after her in panic.

“Fyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa don’t comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

It might be something said to the spider but, it"s rather confusing for the one chasing her.

“------!! Dangerous!”

The moment Tachibana was about to slam into a tree, I caught her hand and pulled it strongly.

--But, It was too strong and *Bofuu* Tachibana’s face was buried into my chest.


“Sorry. Are you okay?”

“A-aah, sorry……………Spi-spider!!”

Although she regained her composure for an instant from the impact when she buried her face in my chest, she was almost close to panic again.

“Wait, calm down!”

Tachibana hugged me tightly and I grabbed the spider and tossed it away.

“I took it off already so calm down”


With her usual dignified atmosphere gone somewhere, Tachibana looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

While nodding, I pointed at the spider walking on the gra.s.s and Tachibana took a big sigh.

“Uuu………I showed you something pathetic………”

“It’s okay. Just like what I said just now, everyone has something they are bad with. Also, thank G.o.d you weren’t hurt”

“Kokonoe……………*giggle*, that’s true. I have to thank you for that”

When I smiled at her while saying there was no need to be embarra.s.sed, Tachibana softened her expression.

My heart pounded a little the moment I saw that soft smile which was different from the usual.

(Uh, your face is too close………..)

Since the situation occurred just a few moments ago, it seems Tachibana had not realized that she was being hugged. If she realized this, there would be no mistake she would call me shameless or perverted.

When I was about to let go before that happened; this happened when I was about to separate our bodies-----


An intruding rustling sound appeared together with a soft voice of a 3rd person.

The person standing in front us when we moved our sights there was-----Miyabi.

“I-is that so. A spider huh…………you were both hugging each other, so I was close to making a misunderstanding in shock, ahaha…………..”

After explaining to Miyabi why we were hugging each other, she quickly believed our story because it seems she knew Tachibana was bad with spiders.

“I’m ashamed………”

Tachibana who said that had her cheeks blushing a little.

“………..That’s nice”

“What is?”

“Fuee!? Errrrr, well, a spider got onto my shoulders too just now so, errr, neh”

Meaning, she had run with full strength just like Tachibana and it dropped off somewhere before she knew it.

She probably thought I would take it off for her if I was nearby.

“However, it seriously is a life saver you believed it immediately”

I nodded beside Tachibana when she made a relieved sigh.

“Seriously. If it was the other way around, you would be shouting shamelessly before running away”

[The other way around………?][What do you mean?]

Both of them asked me back together.

It seems the sentence was not complete and the meaning was not clear to them.

“I was referring to the a.s.sumption that if I was hugging Miyabi, and we were seen by Tachibana instead”


“I-I-I, so-so-something like that, errrr, spider, where is the spider………….!?”

“Kokonoe! Wh-what kind of perverted things were you thinking about……!!”

“………….it’s just an a.s.sumption”

I made a sigh to the both of them who were panicking even though I said it was an a.s.sumption beforehand.

“Oh yeah, why are you here this early in the morning Miyabi?”

“I was coming back from my morning run”

“I see. You are still continuing that even though it’s the seaside school”

“U-un………..That’s because I would be late by one lap from Tooru-kun if I don’t work hard”

“Haha, you can’t be careless at all”



Tachibana made a curious face at our conversation. Her reaction was probably normal since she didn’t know I told Miyabi that I wouldn’t be running with her in the mornings for a while.

“B-by the way, does Tooru-kun have any plans for tomorrow since it’s a rest day?”

Miyabi changed the conversation; she might have felt sorry for Tachibana who was unable to join in the conversation.

There is no training tomorrow, the 6th day, and it was a day given to us to move around freely.

Nonetheless, I have nothing special planned so I told her I was thinking of just resting.

“If that’s the case then why not come with us? I invited Imari and the rest last night but, I think it’s more fun if there are more people if we are going to play anyway”

“Aah, okay. But where are we going?”

There were no game facilities on this island and the only places here were the branch school and the harbor.

Just where are we going to go in an environment like that.

“What are you saying………..it’s summer now. What’s more the sea is surrounding the island. Meaning, it’s obvious that we would be playing at the sea”

“………….now that I think about, the sea is a good place to play”

We were made to swim with our clothes on the first day, run on top of logs floating in the sea, and were made to have a > with our lower bodies submerged, so the sea had completely turned into a tough training spot for me.

“Well anyways, I understand. Is it okay if I invite Tora and the others?”

“Aah, I don’t mind”

Like this, we pa.s.sed through the promenade right when I filled in tomorrow’s schedule.

When we got back to the hall, there were some students awake who were already cleaning up their tents.

“Alright, I have to go around waking the people who are still sleeping”

It was a very Tachibana-like announcement. As expected from the chairman-----which I am secretly calling her-----she still goes around waking everyone up, not only in the dorm but during the seaside school too.

“I have to wake Julie up too”

Julie’s and my tent was still up nearby and the Silver BlondeSilver hair girl could not be seen in the hall. She was probably still sleeping since she didn"t sleep much last night.

“Kokonoe. Even though you live with her normally, I think it’s a problem looking at a girl’s sleeping face. I’ll wake her up instead”

“I get it. Then please”

Honestly, I have something against that but, I’ll follow Tachibana’s will.

“I’ll go clean up the tent”

“I see. I’ll leave that to you, Miyabi”

Leaving those words, Miyabi went back to her tent and we went back to my tent.

“But even so, it’s quite rare for Julie to oversleep”

“It was a hot night last night. She couldn"t sleep until it became late because it was that hot”

“I see. I am a little reluctant to do so but, it’s time already”

Replying back with an I have no choice, she stopped in front of the tent.

(Ah-re? Am I forgetting something………………………………………..)

“------uuuh!! Tac-Tachibana waittttttt!!”

My shout was useless and Tachibana opened the tent entrance.

What could be seen across Tachibana’s shoulder were the color silver, gold and also-----skin color.


Tachibana froze.


She kept quiet.

[Nuu……..is it morning already, Tooru……..?][Fuwah, ah…………what is it, you sure are noisy…….]

Both of them woke up when the morning sun shined inside and they looked at us with tired eyes.

Tachibana regained her consciousness and----shouted.

“Koko-Kokonoe you, Pe-per-Perverrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttt--------------!!”

Part 2

The 5th day of the training had ended.

The training camp with the alias of a seaside school ended today.

It was a completely free day on the 6th day (which is tomorrow) and even though they were still unable to leave the island, the students had been pardoned to do whatever they wanted there.

Heading back to the academy would probably be enough to allow them time to relax, but the reason for giving them a rest day on the island had the same simple meaning as giving candy to a child. Especially for the main school, there were quite a lot of students who had gotten excited when they heard that they were headed to a seaside school located on a southern island.

During the night before the final day everyone was excited for-----

There were several girls gathered in the cafeteria.

Julie, Tomoe, Miyabi, Kibitsu and one more person were from the main school.

Imari and three other girls were from the branch school.

There were a total of 9 girls there snacking on candies while talking.

They were the group that had gotten the closest in those 5 days of training.

The conversation started with what they should do tomorrow, but then it changed to a very ordinary topic.

It was getting late into the night and------

“Neh neh, what do you think about the boys in the main school?”

The moment the branch school girl------the > user Miwa said that, the students from the main school got excited.

---that’s what she thought but, only one person responded from there.

The people that did not respond-----Julie, Tomoe, and Kibitsu made an expression as if they had no idea what she meant. Miyabi twitched her shoulders for only an instant, but luckily there was no one that noticed that.

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s about, is there a boy you are thinking about, Tomoe”

The other main school girl guidedthe discussion here and Tomoe nodded as if she understood.

“……………Fumu. If you say it’s just thinking about, then it’s going to be Tora or Kokonoe I guess”

6 girls excluding Julie and Kibitsu reacted to Tomoe’s words.

“Both of them are strong. To me------mu? What’s wrong, everyone?”

6 girls excluding Julie and Kibitsu reacted to Tomoe’s words again------rather, they collapsed.

“Ahaha……….It’s that so-called girl talk and the standards for it are love talks………..”

Tomoe turned red when she realized it was a misunderstanding after hearing Imari’s explanation of the topic while making a wry smile.

“Sorry, I just thought………”

After some of them laughed at Tomoe’s reaction, one girl from the branch school opened her mouth next.

[There are a lot of cool guys in the main school right? Like Izumi-kun. Judging by the failures we have in the branch school, it’s an envious thing] [It’s better to be careful around him since he likes girls]

[Ah, I think I’ll pick Tora-kun. He is small and cute] [But isn’t he kind of scary?] [I will definitely pick Tatsu-kun! Guys with muscles are awesome] [[[No way]]]

When anyone of them brought out a boys" name then, someone would *kya**kya* react back nosily.

“Let’s see…………I guess for me----it would be Tooru”


Several people reacted when Imari said Tooru’s name.

[Like I thought. I kept thinking you were suspicious somehow. But I kind of understand, Kokonoe-kun is quite handsome] [Agree] [He lacks muscles though] [Ignore]

“You’re wrong. It’s not because of his face but rather, I could get along with him. It’s easy to talk with him, and I mean very easy"

Miyabi got worried when she saw Imari smiling while talking.

She listens to the conversation quietly while her heartbeat was increasing.

“Well, us branch school students have no idea when we would meet the main school students again once the seaside school ends, so I will avoid having a serious relationship. More importantly, I have something I have to do no matter what”

“Ah, that’s so cruel. Imari has something more important than me………..”

“Ahaha, don’t worry, I love you the most in this world♪”

Miyabi relaxed seeing Imari replying back to Miwa who was being playful.

Having the appearance that could make her eyes open wide even though she is the same gender, the beauties Julie and Lilith are normally around Tooru. What’s more, Tomoe who was a beauty with an adult atmosphere around her has been closing in the gap using the morning training recently.

Miyabi thought she had no way to oppose if Imari, on top of having an appearance with nothing to criticize, and who has a cheerful and refreshing personality joins into that group.

That is why it was normal for her to relax.

Having completely no faith in herself, Miyabi didn"t know she was quite popular with the guys. [The number 1 girl I want to protect ] [The breast of the girl I want to bury my face in Number 1], she has 2 magnificent t.i.tles.

“Speaking about Kokonoe-kun. Miyabi-chan likes him too, right?”


Kibitsu was the one that made a devastating comment with a dazed tone.

Naturally, Miyabi became the center of attention.

“Mo-Mo-Momo-chan!? I-I-I-----“

“That’s because, you often talk about Kokonoe-kun. And you’re really close with him right”

Kibitsu had no ill intentions. It was probably because of her absentminded personality that she said the things she was thinking about. There were times good things happened because of that but; the words she said right now did not make Miyabi happy at all.

“He is a f-friend. I-I-it’s true I think he is easier to talk with compared to the others though……….!”

“Is that so?”

“Un, un……….!”

*Puun**puun* Miyabi made big nods but-----

“……….Iyah, everyone noticed that already Hotaka. Rather, your att.i.tude is so obvious”

Everyone’s sights moved back to Miyabi immediately when the main school girl mumbled that.


“I-is that so, Miyabi……?”

The person closest to Miyabi at this spot but who at the same time was completely oblivious to Miyabi’s feelings to Tooru------Tomoe asked back with a shocked expression.

“Ah………..ah, uu………..err……… …………….”

At last Miyabi"s face turned red, before hanging her head down silently.

That reaction was the same as confessing the truth and even Tomoe figured that out.

“I see, Miyabi likes Kokonoe……”

“Ahaha. I guess I was right”

“U,uu…….errr, Momo-chan. Please keep it a secret from Tooru-kun…….”

“Uun, of course”

“Kokonoe’s > and roommate must not be forgotten in this. Was there anything you wanted to say when you heard that, Julie?”

Everyone’s sights focused on Julie when the main school girl said that.

Julie who became the center of attention-----


She was sleeping.

Almost everyone there was close to falling off their chairs when they saw her dozing off.

“Ahaha…….it’s about time to go to bed”

Imari made a wry smile. After she continued the sentence by telling everyone to head back to their tents since there was still tomorrow, several of them made unsatisfied and reluctant faces but still nodded.

Tomoe headed out of the cafeteria while pulling Julie who was still in a mid-dreamland state.

After that, Kibitsu, Miwa and the others headed out. Miyabi and Imari were walking behind all of them.

“I somehow felt that was that case, but it’s just like what I guess after all”


“Fufu. I understand those feelings very much. If I managed to go to the main school, I would most likely………..uun, I would probably fall for him"

Miyabi had a startled face when Imari declared that.

“I said this just now too but, I could get along with him and he is easy to talk with, I also think his personality is good……………and, I think this may be unrelated but, it’s true that he is quite cool”


“It’s okay; you don’t have to look that uneasy. This was also something I said just now, but I have something I need to do no matter what, compared to love”

Imari felt her chest hurting a bit after finishing her sentence and told herself it can’t be helped and to come to terms with it.

There might be a day when she might regret this choice.

However, Imari decided to end her feelings for Tooru secretly since she had no time to be all lovey-dovey in order to fulfill her wish.

“E-err……Is it okay if I ask what Imari has to do……..?”

“Ahh………Hnnn……….well, I don’t mind I guess. In exchange, please keep it a secret from Tooru okay?”

While wondering why Tooru’s name came up, Miyabi nodded.

“I need money. A lot of it, neh”

Miyabi got shocked at those vulgar words which could not be topped any more.

Although she was shocked, she waited for the next sentence. Even though she had known her for only few days, she thought there should be a reason why someone like Imari would say something like that.

“My family works in a small factory but, how should I say this, managing it is a little tough. We are often told that it’s better to close it, but my father and the workers there are working hard because they don’t want to close the company that my deceased grand-father worked so hard to build up. My sisters and I love our grandfather very much, so we agreed to say no to shutting the company down and often think about ways to help them somehow”

“Ah…… so you became an > for that……?”

“Bingo♪ Originally I thought of finding a job once I graduated middle school. My parents rejected that but I wanted to do something------and suddenly on a certain day, a member of the Dawn organization came over and told me about the Kouryou academy”

Because of those circ.u.mstances, Imari decided to go to Kouryou academy.

If she joined the dawn organization after graduating, it would probably be possible to gain an income large enough to reorganize her family factory. Also, after some negotiation with the academy side, most of the money provided monthly from the academy will be sent back to her house.

“So that’s why………. Now I understand why you told me not to tell Tooru-kun……….”

“Looking at Tooru’s personality, he would probably be very worried about it even though he knows it won’t be a problem since I am in the branch school. So, please keep this a secret between us”

Imari placed her index finger on her lips and smiled.

Miyabi followed her and smiled too.

She smiled while harboring respect for the girl the same age as her with strong beliefs in her heart.

“So with that said, becoming stronger is more important to me than love, which makes me a sad muscle-brain woman………..that’s why Miyabi, there are other people you should be more worried about than me”

Even though 3 faces popped up in Miyabi’s mind, Imari was actually referring to Lilith. That’s because she has seen her show her affections to Tooru several times already regardless of the public gazes.

Tomoe can be said to have a good relationship with Tooru but she looks like a friend and although Imari was shocked about Julie having a > relationship with him at first, she could somehow understand their actual relationship in just a few days.

They believe each other and although their distance was close, her feelings are no different than those of a family’s.

That’s all; leaving Tomoe out, Imari’s judgment at this point could be said to be generally correct.

--Of course, she doesn’t know what kind of changes would happen in the future.

“Well, Tooru is probably the strongest enemy. How should I put it, he is kind of dense or off-topic………….”

After seeing Imari sigh, Miyabi made a wry smile when she thought of several events that came to mind.

“Good luck, Miyabi. He won’t notice if you don’t step in more”

Miyabi nodded, when Imari winked one eye.

“I-I will work harder………….errr, Imari-chan…..Thank you”

“You’re welcome. Miyabi, Fight♪”


Half an hour had pa.s.sed since the girls headed back to their respective tents after the love talk.

Most of the students had turned off their lights and started sleeping.

Tomoe and Miyabi’s tent was wrapped in darkness too but------

“……..Miyabi. Are you still awake?”

“………….Uun, I am”

“No err……….i-it’s about the conversation just now. Err………..it’s about Mi-miyabi liking Kokonoe……..”

“U-un….it’s real I guess…….”

Miyabi’s nod could be felt in the darkness.

“I see……….”

Tomoe admits that she is not sensitive to love related feelings.

Even so she could only be shocked when she found out that her friend, who she has been eating and sleeping with for 3 months, was having affections for the closest guy-friend she had.

However, now that she has calmed down somewhat since some time has pa.s.sed since she found out, Tomoe thought of confirming it again.

“Work hard, Miyabi. I’ll cheer for you”

“Eh…………? Ah…………U-un…….I’ll do so, but………”

After hearing Tomoe’s words, Miyabi made a crisp answer-----

“Is it really okay……?”

She asked on the verge of puzzlement.

“About what?”

“U-uun, nothing at all. Ahaha………”

Repling back with a curious tone, Miyabi swung her head despite the darkness.

“------? Well forget it. Anyways, you can call me if there is something you need help with. Although, it has to be within my limits okay”

“Unn………thank you, Tomoe-chan”

“Umu……….however, don’t expect good strategies from me okay? It seems I am also slow regarding love”

Miyabi giggled at Tomoe’s self-evaluation. Tomoe also laughed with her.

Not long later, both of them ended their talk after saying good night until tomorrow.

In the darkness, Miyabi vividly recalled the conversation she had just now.

(Was it just my misunderstanding……..?)

By Miyabi’s judgment, she thought Tomoe should have a considerable amount of affection for Tooru.

But judging by Tomoe’s tone, she could not perceive any of those feelings on her end.

That made Miyabi feel relieved.

That was because she clearly understood the charms the girl Tachibana Tomoe had since she was close to her.

(I shouldn"t be relieved yet. There is still Lilith-san and Julie-chan…….I have to step in more, just as Imari-chan said……..Fight on, me……..!)

Miyabi clenched her fist tightly and vowed to work a little harder from tomorrow onward.

Although her eyes were closed, Tomoe’s back was facing Miyabi and was still unable to fall asleep.

(…………..Miyabi likes Kokonoe huh. Why didn’t I notice that before………..)

She could agree in a lot of ways once she recalled some events.

Tooru’s name often comes from Miyabi’s mouth, and she has few memories of her ta

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