Absolute Duo

Chapter 3

Kouryou Academy------

In the northern part of Tokyo bay, there exists a reclaimed land that can only be accessed through a hanging monorail.

There are giant walls surrounding it with only one gate matching that size and a giant clock tower which could be seen soaring high to the sky from outside in the center of the vicinity.

The school building and the school dormitory inside was structured into an unfamiliar western style, and it felt a little strange to call it a school. Naturally, the interior design was similar; Me and Tora were heading towards the cla.s.sroom through the western corridor together and------


“What’s wrong?”

I leaked a small groan from the creak of my body; Tora did not let that get past him and looked towards me in doubt.

“I forced myself a little just now.”

The cause was the skill I used on Imari.

That was originally a skill that used muscles, but the reckless use of it with my middle-build body places quite a burden on my body even though it was just one shot. This skill was a double edged sword; on the one hand it holds absolute destructive power, but on the other hand I wouldn"t be able to move normally if I used it twice. When I explained this to him...

“I see. So that means you"re a novice huh?”

I’m astonished……..

“Don’t you have a kinder way to say it…………”


It was an immediate reply.

“Fuun. There is one question I want to ask regarding that technique; why didn’t you ever use that when you were training with me? …………Haa! Don’t tell me you were holding back when I was the opponent!?”

Tora pressed me with questions and I swung my head in panic.

“Don’t just scold me from your misunderstanding. That was something I learned just recently--------which means, it is something I acquired after I couldn’t meet Tora anymore.”

“………I see. It’s true you are not a stingy fool. …………Although you are an idiot.”

Tora made a smile but, that last part was none of his business.

(Well, I’ll just agree for the time being………….)

“Forget about that, it’s been a long time, Tora. I didn’t think I would meet you in a place like this.”

“Fuun, that’s my line.”

The nature regarding <>----the chance of being an <> was one in over a thousand people, I heard that during the inspection before enrolling to the school.

That is why, I didn’t think I would meet him in 
Kouryou Academy.

However just like I thought in the auditorium, it was somewhat rea.s.suring to know there was someone I knew here.

“Tooru. Just now during the entrance examination---------”

“Oh, it looks like that’s the cla.s.sroom.”

We finished walking through the long corridor, and reached the first year’s cla.s.sroom.

“Oh, sorry. What were you trying to tell----”

“You over there?”


Someone interrupted when I asked what Tora said.

When I looked over, there was a beautiful long haired girl staring straight at me.

(This girl………where have I--------)

In addition to her beautiful and yet cute face, she has an excellent style and felt like an adult although she was the same age as me. However, the characteristic part of her, was her atmosphere. Her figure was surrounded by a dignified air, and it emphasized her own existence.

“------------Uh! If I’m correct, you were sitting behind us during the entrance ceremony……………”

Yes, the girl that was talking to me right now was the girl that warned us to keep quiet in the middle of the entrance ceremony.

“Is there anything?”

When I asked her, the girl made a slightly complicated expression.

“………………No one would have thought there was such a traditional ceremony here. That’s why you should not feel down, and have the intention to head straight forward in this academy. I think that is the only way to look straight at her when the time comes.”

“Errr huh…………….?”

“Well then, I will excuse myself.”

Even though I haven’t understood the meaning of those words yet, she turned back and entered the cla.s.sroom.

“What was that about…………….?”

“…………Tooru. Your examination opponent-------- if I am correct, she was called Imari. She was saying, if you regret defeating her then work hard for her sake.”

“I see, so that’s what she meant……………….”

Maybe because she was sitting behind us, she probably looked at me and Imari talking together in a friendly manner.

That’s why, she probably took consideration in me, wondering if I was depressed.

“It’s okay, it’s because I already promised Imari. Thanks for the consideration, Tora.”

“Why are you telling me that for? Tell that to that girl.”

“That’s true. ----------By the way Tora, what was it that you wanted to tell me just now?”

“………………I don’t know. Anyways let’s go in. ……………..almost everything I wanted to say has already been said, how can I say that now, you idiot?”


I followed after Tora who suddenly turned moody for some reason, and entered the cla.s.sroom.


When I entered, the desks lined up in the room were not those personal use tables used in elementary and middle school tables, but instead they were ones with a wide width and were meant for 2 people to use.

We picked random empty seats nearby the entrance----------I thought sitting at the side was strange so, I decided to just sit at the back and wait for the homeroomHR to start.

All the new students had not a.s.sembled in the room yet----------it seemed a portion of the students were injured physically during the entrance exam and were in the middle of medical treatment------so, there was still time before things started.

The others did the same thing as us and sat somewhere random, there were some girls talking with others sitting nearby or guys who were sleeping already, everyone was doing everything as they pleased and were waiting for the HR to start.

But, because of a certain person showing up in the cla.s.sroom, a commotion occurred and------

Next, everyone lost their words.

“What is it?”

Towards the same situation similar to the one during just before the entrance ceremony starting, we looked towards the person standing at the entrance------

“That girl………..”

We immediately understood.

The person that got the cla.s.s"s attention was that silver girl.

“Do you know her?”

“No, it’s not like we know each other but……….”

Now that I think about it, Tora was sleeping when the girl showed herself in the auditorium.

“I saw her movements during the entrance exam, the way she carried her body and her swordsmanship was quite something I think.”

“Hou………. That’s one interesting girl.”

He made a fearless smile and looked like he was going to challenge her to match.

(This guy is still the same hot-blooded fellow………….)

After thinking that, I once again set my eyes back on the silver girl.

Same like what she did at the auditorium, she did not care about the onlookers from her surroundings and was slowly looking around the cla.s.sroom before--------those ruby eyes stopped at a certain spot.

On me.


Our eyes met.

(It’s just a coincidence right………..?)

And, the moment I thought that, the silver girl slightly moved her eyebrows-----


………No, she said it. That was my name. There was no mistake that is my name.

(Why does she know my name………….?)

That was the first question floating in my mind.

Naturally, I had no memories of knowing any foreigners.

(…………Wait a sec? I think she was looking at us in the middle of the entrance exam…………)

It’s not like I talked to her before, so I completely had no idea why she knew my name.

The silver girl was staring at me and started walking right when I was had many question marks popping in my head.

Chirint* together with the sound of the bells, her silver hair was swaying near her hips while being expressionless.

It was the exact reappearance of the auditorium------The only difference was the last part.


The silver girl got right besides me and stared at me for a while before--------making a nod with her head and sat on the chair.

On the chair beside me.

Even though there were many empty seats, she purposely chose the one beside me.

What’s more---------


She was looking at me with the side peeks for some reason. She probably planned to secretly look at me but, it was completely obvious.

“………………Hey, do you know her?”

“That is my line!!”

“Sorry, this situation was confusing…………..”

One day, a foreigner I have never met or seen before (and naturally even her name is unknown to me) suddenly starts calling my name, sits on the seat beside me, and in addition she is conscious of me by looking at me with side peeks----------I suddenly fell into such a situation and if there is someone that wouldn"t get confused of this situation then I want someone to tell me about that person.

Nonetheless, it feels uncomfortable being peeked at like that while unable to comprehend the situation.

“………He,hey, can I have a moment?”


*Chirin*. The moment I made up my mind and talked to her, the silver girl turned away in tremendous speed.


It turned to silence just like that. It seems she is planning to pretend she didn’t hear my call.

(There is no choice. I’ll just find a good timing to talk to her later………)

I made a small sigh, and amused myself talking with Tora about some boring stuffs.

Most of the commotion in the cla.s.sroom also returned back to normal when they saw us------



After a while, she was looking at me again.

(Seriously what is going on…………..)

While I was getting uncomfortable because of that, the students that had their wounds treated were entering the cla.s.s one after another.

Soon, after almost all the new students had a.s.sembled------

“h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo♪ Good work on the examination--☆ and congratulations on your enrollment to this school--!”

Suddenly, the sound of loud *Kara**Kara laughter appeared and a girl came into the cla.s.sroom from the opened window.

The room suddenly went silent and the girl stood at the teacher"s platform before striking a pose.

“Nice to meet you, I am Tsukimi Rito----♥ I am everyone’s homeroom teacher, so please treat me well for one year--! Cutting the formalities, just call me Usa-sensei okay--☆”

Everyone in the cla.s.s had no response. Rather, I should say we had no idea how to respond.

“…….Aryaryan, what’s wrong?”

The self-proclaimed homeroom teacher looked around the cla.s.sroom with a puzzled expression.

She drew a different kind of attention compared to the silver girl and she was too young to think that she was a teacher-------yes, most of us would agree if we were told that she was from our age generation and we would believe her to be our cla.s.smate if she wore the school uniform.

Most importantly, her outfit was the most unbelievable part after calling herself a teacher. No matter how I looked at it, she was wearing a maid uniform and with the addition of a rabbit ear hair band.

“Ha!? Are you all maybe fascinated by my cuteness? Iyaaa----, I thought I got used to these things quite well but, if all the new students are affected by it then I would be happy, awkward, and embarra.s.sed as expected♪”

The self-proclaimed homeroom teacher placed her hands on her cheeks and was swinging her head in embarra.s.sment but---------

“No, we were just taken aback…………”

“Oh I see, you all were just taken aback--------Wait, eeeeeehhhh!! You all weren’t fascinated!?”

She heard my mutter and raised a shocked voice.

“No matter how and where you see it, I don’t think you will be that conveniently received though…………”

“It’s because everyone was staring at me quietly♪”

(Is it really okay for this person to be our homeroom teacher……)

There was no mistake, everyone in the cla.s.s was thinking that at this moment.

“Tsukimi-sensei, please don’t make the new students uneasy.”

The one who spoke out our feelings was a male in his mid-twenties who walked into the cla.s.sroom normally from the door-----it was a male named Mikuni, who played the role of the facilitator during the entrance ceremony. Looking at his tall height and well-ordered facial features, [Hou………] there were sighs leaking out (luckily the males aren"t like that) from left and right.

“Aaree--? Mikuni-sensei, why are you here?”

“I am the supervisor for the new students" teacher. If you are going to play a fool then I’ll have you take another side.”

“It"s okaaay. I plan to ride on a boat so leave it to me♪”

“You’ll sink.”

“Well then, let’s reform ourselves and head to self-introduction shall we--☆”


Tsukimi-sensei completely ignored Mikuni-sensei’s come-back, and started talking.

“With that said, h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo I am Tsukimi Rito-chan. I am a young lady that has just graduated from this Kouryou academy this spring; I think I am very inexperienced but, I plan to do my very best so nice to meet you all♪”

(18 years old huh. No wonder she looks young-------wait, how about her teacher qualifications……………..)

I thought that but, asking for common sense in a school devoid from common sense itself was useless.

"Tsukimi-sensei has excellent grades amongst last year"s graduates so she has been specially selected to be a teacher this year. Leaving that character aside, there are no shortcoming in her abilities and skills so be rest a.s.sured."

We heard the following from Mikuni-sensei, and there were sighs of relief leaking out from everywhere.

“So“Somehow there was some very hurtful things in there but, everyone don’t mind that and lets progress efficiently okay----…………..Although I said that since today is still the first day, it will be just a quick explanation of this year’s schedule and the self-introduction☆”

“Before that, first off a warning regarding the 《Blaze》.”

“Ah, oh yeah oh yeah♪ Errrr you all must not manifest your 《Blaze》 without permission from the academy okay? I’ll be very angry if you bring it out as you like. That’s all--☆ Well then, let’s begin the self-introductory---♪”


Thanks to Mikuni-sensei, we were safely advancing inside the first day of HR-------

Although there was another problem.

Rather than calling it a problem, I should be calling it curiosity.

That is the--------silver girl.

The girl sitting beside was sending her mysterious gaze to me as usual and this turned into a problem for me.


If looks could kill people then I would have been easily killed about 100 times by now.

The students around me were in the middle of concentrating on the teacher"s platform while she was the only one looking at me. She was staring quietly at me. Continuously looking.

She most likely thought she has not been noticed yet but, a gaze was something that could be found out by the latter beyond the thoughts of the user.

At any rate, I have no idea why she was this conscious of me.

(Has she mistaken me with someone else……….?)


(But how about the name? Why does she know my name?)

“----------ming you.”

(I don’t get it!)

“You, the one dreaming on the third row from the front! Hey you, from behind the midget boy!”

“Who’s the midget!!”


Thanks to Tora’s shout, I noticed myself being called.

When I looked over at the teacher"s platform, Tsukimi-sensei bulged her cheeks and looked at me.

“HnMou----, you finally noticed? It’s your turn.”

“My what?”

“Your self-introduction.”


I could hear giggles coming from here and there in the cla.s.sroom.

I felt my cheeks getting hotter when I heard that before standing up.

“Kokonoe Tooru, nice to meet you.”

“…………….Kokonoe? Aah, you are that rumored boy!”


“There is a rumor in the staffroom. That there is an <> this year in the first year☆”

<>--------even though it was an unknown word to me, I could at least understand that it was something special.

The cla.s.s started having a commotion, and I became the center of attention again.

Inside the unsettled commotion, it was now the turn of another person for attention this time.

“Well then, next. The silver hair-chan besides you stands out a lot.”


The silver girl nodded and started her self-introduction.

“Julie=Sigtuna. Everyone, nice to meet you.”

Once again, the cla.s.sroom was wrapped in commotion. ………However, the implication was different from mine.

Naturally, my treatment was close to a rare animal. As for the silver girl-----------in Julie’s case, unlike her foreigner girl appearance, the fluent j.a.panese coming from her mouth was shocking.

However, Julie as usual didn’t care about the response from her surroundings and sat down.

And once again she side peeked and was looking over here---------


Our eyes met----------and the moment I thought that, she looked away.

But after some time pa.s.sed, she started peeking at me using side-wise glances again………….



Soon the student handbook, student cards and dormitory guidebooks were distributed when the self-introductions ended.

“Is it all distributed to the students huh huh? Each individual please read through the school and dorm regulations when you have time later and, if you don’t then I’ll scold you okay♪ Also, the student card is used as a credit card so please be careful not to lose it—"

“Hee, so that’s how you buy stuff…………”

It would seem this was the living expenses.

The credit limit for each month was 10000 yen, and a number of people got excited after hearing that.

“Okay, okay. I understand your feelings but keep quiet---. For the last part, I will explain about the special system of this school and the dormitory room separation before I end today"s talk, if you all want to make noise, do it then. First off, I want to talk about the special system though, it’s very important so listen to it properly---♪”

*Pan**Pan* Tsukimi-sensei clapped her hands together, and started talking about the so called special system.

“Our school exists a partner system called <>. You all should understand from the word partner though, two people will form one group and receive lessons.”

(…………<>? Just recently, I think I heard the same word from somewhere…………)

And in the middle of tracing back my memories, a question [Why is that?] came out from another student, and my train of thoughts stopped when Tsukimi-sensei started answering.

“When you graduate from here, you all know about the talk that you will be attached to the Dawnorganization’s peace preservation team right. You all will execute the missions normally in two man cells2 in one group or maybe in a team with more numbers than that.”

“……………Even though it will probably be impossible if we are told to be active in a team immediately after graduation, so "get used to it in our school", is that what you are implying?”

“That is exactly right. You sure get it Tachibana-san♪”

That girl that talked to me right before I entered the cla.s.s replied Tsukimi-sensei with a dignified voice.

“Now then now then, it’s regarding about the <> but, just like I said just now, both of you will be doing a lot of different types of lessons. So, regarding about that relation, I am sorry about the hurry but you will choose your official partner by the end of this weekend, so from tomorrow onwards good luck finding your partner to attend the cla.s.ses. Fiiiiiight----☆………..ah, by any chance if you can’t decide then we will pick one for you so it’s okay to rest a.s.sured okay---♪”

(Partner system------<> huh………. I’ll just team up with Tora.)

“…………So, the real part starts here---. Actually, after the <> is teamed up in this school, there is a rule where they will have to know each other deeply and pa.s.s time together as much as possible to strengthen their bonds together. Well----what I want to say is…………you will be made to share rooms in the dorm♪”

It’s true, that trust will probably be deepened if they are together for a long time.

Even though there is enough chance personality disagreements will appear, for this school that is devoid of common sense this still made sense.

(Hn, wait a sec………….?)

I had a question floating out towards that explanation.

“Err, I have a question.”

“Yes yes, the <> Kokonoe-kun, what is it?”

……………I wished you would stop calling me that way.

“You said the <> will be decided by this weekend but-”

“Fufu, nice question. Sensei is happy you noticed that~♥ Should I give you a nice pat in the head?”

“I refuse.”

“Puu~ that’s regretful. ……………..well then well then, pulling myself together and including the answer for Kokonoe-kun’s question, I will start talking about the room separation for the dormitory~♪”

*Chills*. The instant Tsukimi-sensei showed a smiling face, a chill ran up my spine.

It’s a premonition of something getting problematic.

Is that premonition by any chance-------true?

Tsukimi-sensei pointed her fingers to us, and put something worthless in her mouth.

“Until the weekend, we will have you all live with the current person sitting next to you--♪”


“Which means, together with the temporary <>. This is the school rule, so denial is useless, and no no"s are not permitted okay☆ Neee, Mikuni-sensei♪”

Mikuni-sensei silently nodded and made a sigh to Tsukimi-sensei who was making an “x-sign” with her fingers in front of her chest.

“Tha,that means……..”

“Good for you, Kokonoe-kun♪”

Tsukimi-sensei made a good job sign to me.

At first I didn’t understand her words but, I also guessed it by that one sentence.

Until this weekend, living together with the cla.s.smate sitting beside you would mean--------

“Yes♪ Your roommate is that silver haired beauty Julie-chan. Male 37, female 15, that is about the number of new students but, you are the only one living together with another girl. Kyaaa--- Lucky♥ ……………ah, yeah yeah. You will be kicked out of school if you have an illicit s.e.xual relationship so be careful. Putting it in easier words, if you do something that is hesitated to say in the herecla.s.sroom, and a 3rd roommate is made--------”

“Like h.e.l.l I’ll do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!”

Forgetting my respect to my superior, I shouted and stood up-----

Immediately right after, the cla.s.smates made an uproar after they got hold of themselves from my shout.

[Are you serious!?] [With that girl huh, that’s nice…………..] [Kyaa---, its living together, living together.]

“Wa,wait a second! No matter if it is the school rule, thinking in common sense isn’t this bad in a lot of ways!”

Inside the uproar filled with words they want to say as they like, I panicked and protested but---------

“…………………..do you think a school having an entrance exam during the school enrollment ceremony, and what’s more conducted a real fight is normal?”


The reply that came back, made my view in front dizzy.

I placed both my hands on the table, and looked over to my roommate until the weekend------and my eyes met with her ruby eyes again.

But this time she didn’t avert her eyes away----------

She looked towards me and lowered her head a little.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Ni,nice to meet you…………”

This was, the start of the cohabitation with me and the silver girl.



(Someone save me…………………)

The reason why I wished that was simple and clear, it’s because this was a complicated and yet inescapable problem.

Few hours pa.s.sed from the uproar in the cla.s.sroom.

After we were told about the dorm rules (Curfew and time for eating), we moved to the dormitory in the area and, was led straight to the cafeteria to quickly finish our dinner; right after that------

Inside the room a.s.signed, I was------standing there and staring with the silver girl, Julie.


(Please. Someone save me…………….)

Even though I wished once more, a hero who will break this situation wouldn’t appear.

Would Tora who was a.s.signed to the room next door, unexpectedly come here to play I wonder.

……………however even when I made such a light hope, it dispersed after hearing the slight shouting coming from the other side of the thick wall.

(Looks like he is not getting along with his roommate)

However right now, I have a problematic situation I raised myself instead of the room next door.


(This is a problem………………..)

No progress will be made if I kept silent even though I was thinking what to do, I then made a sigh and looked at Julie.

(Now that I take a good look at her, she does look like a bisque doll.)

Having a delicate body structure, well-featured face, transparent snow colored skin, ruby eyes, and the most characteristic part I have to say about her was her Silver blondesilver hair………….

All of it was harmonized together, and it was suitable to be called beautiful.

The word beautiful girl is probably meant to be used for this.

But, that was not all.

A black wing angel--------

Judging by the way how she uses those two small swords and how she magnificently she carries her body, she was not a normal girl.

(Where did she get such a skill----------wait, now is not the time to think about that)

First off I have to do something about this silence but………..

If I were to make a self-a.n.a.lysis, I think my communication skills are quite okay thanks to living in a house with a large number of people coming and going. I had quite some male friends in my elementary and middle school time.

But expected to the girl I just met today.......what’s more a foreigner, adding on I will be sleeping in the same room (important) together with her under the same roof until the weekend (currently Monday), on top of me being unable to read her thoughts (this is more important) because she was expressionless, I was in front of someone who one-sidedly knows about me, and I have no idea what I should be talking with her.

(Otoha was the only one I have a talking experience with a girl my age………………….)

………….I feel that a sister won’t be a reference in the first place.

(Let’s play it safe.........)

“Err, hey………..we are going to be living in the same room until the weekend so, why don’t we sit down for now?”

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