Absolute Duo

Chapter 30

The electronic sound started to ring beside my pillow to tell me it was time for my morning training.

After turning off the alarm and looking outside through the window, it was clear weather fitting for the beginning of the week.

I changed into a jersey easy for me to move in for the morning training and left the room without waking Julie up.


When I made a big yawn half-way through descending down the stairs, I could hear giggles coming down.

When I looked up, without any sign of sleepiness, a smiling girl in uniform even though it’s still early in the morning, was there with a dignified atmosphere around her.

“Fufu, you look sleepy, Kokonoe”

“Even though it’s this early in the morning, I think Tachibana’s the one that weird for being normal like usual”

“What are you saying? 6 hours of sleep is enough. Rather, I think you’re weirder for yawning in cla.s.s even though you sleep as much as me”

“It’s only normal to be sleepy after studying”

Tachibana descended the stairs while making an exaggerated sigh after she heard my answer.

I became worried since she was coming down with crutches and----

“Seriously, even though general subjects isn’t taken importantly, you should be a little bit more serious-----Wahyaaaa!?”

My uneasiness was right in the point (on the spot).

Around the remaining few steps, the crutch got stuck on the slip-preventer and Tachibana’s balance broke.

Immediately, the sound of *Bofuu* and the sound of the crutches falling to ground, broke the corridor’s silence.

Tachibana----was okay.

I immediately entered her landing point and stopped her at my chest.

“Are you okay, Tachibana?”


“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you didn"t get hurt. By this case, I guess it would be getting worse?”

“Fufu, that’s true”

Tachibana lifted her face while making a wry smile-------

We froze.

Our faces were close.

The weird situation of our faces being close happened before but, since I was supporting her by hugging her this time; this was similar to the kiss scene on the drama stage.


After a while of being stiff and silent, Tachibana was the first one that regained herself.

She quickly let go from my hands and separated her body but------

It would be okay if she was her usual self but right now, Tachibana’s leg was covered with a cast and was fixed so, it made her legs lack the freedom and………..


Her balance broke again and her body fell to the ground again.

“Watch out!!”

I immediately extended my hands.

It was originally a timing where I couldn’t reach her………but, I displayed my enhanced instantaneous force and grabbed the corner of her clothes--------reaching there was okay but, the part I grabbed slipped down.

*Doteeen* a flashy sound was produced when Tachibana fell down.

“So-sorry, Tachibana. Are you, O-kay……..”

Even though I apologized to her for failing to save her, I looked away the moment I saw Tachibana’s condition.

“I hit my knee but, it’s alright. My leg doesn’t hurt so, there’s no problem”

“No………There is a problem……”

“What do you mean?”

It seems she did not notice so, I pointed at the problem while looking away.

“Your skirt slipped down……….”


Tachibana’s eyes opened wide and she immediately moved her sights to her lower body.

Right when she was falling down, the part I grabbed was her skirt.

Thanks to that, her skirt slid down half way on her thighs.


I don’t know the exact color because of her stockings but, her dark underwear could be seen. It was different from the one with strings at the side that she worn during the seaside school (It’s not like I saw).

Incidentally, she was taking on a suggestive pose with her b.u.t.t thrust outwards.

This tragedy happened because of my instantaneous force enhanced by the >.

With a silver lining in the dark cloud, I was the only one that saw that appearance since it was still early in the morning.

Tachibana’s face turned red and she quickly pulled her skirt up to her hips.

“Fo-forget that!! I will forget it too so forget it!! Get it!?”

“I-I get it, I’ll forget. I’ll forget it but before that……….”

“Before that, what?”

“Can you give me one hit? I think that’s enough”

I asked Tachibana while hitting my own cheeks.

“I-I won’t do that. In the first place, that accident happened because you wanted to save me. Don’t tell me, it was intentional? If that’s it then I will have to punch you………”

“No no no, it’s an accident, it wasn’t intentional!”

However, I will get punched instead of hit if it was intentional huh………….

“Fufuu, then its okay………..With that said, forget it in one second, make it quick”

“Understood………….Well, forgetting it immediately is going to be tough”

Even though I did not seriously looked at her, that l.u.s.tful suggestive appearance and on top of that, her soft b.u.t.t worn by that adult blue underwear was burned into my memories instantly.

What’s more, Tachibana was a beautiful girl so forgetting this event immediately is going to be tough.

(…………If I said that then, I guess she will call me shameless or a pervert)

Judging by the experience now, that’s in the 120% ratio.

“Haaa………….I keep showing you my embarra.s.sing appearances………”

I exit the dorm like usual and right when we were heading to the opposite wide area; Tachibana dropped her shoulders and mumbled that.

“……….My b.r.e.a.s.t.s gets emphasized when you tied me up with bandages, you pushing your face onto my breast, me falling into panic when I saw a spider, and having you take off my stockings…………..”

“And, you often Dogeza[4b 1]”

…………Tachibana got even more depressed.

“G-get a grip. It’s true that you shown me a lot of your embarra.s.sing sides but, you also showed me a lot of good stuffs too you know”

“Re-really!? For example!?”

“Of course for example the results of your general subjects, the chain techniques you showed me on the > was amazing, you made strategies and led everyone during the > and you’re really concerned about your friends like the time you got angry from the bottom of your heart, at the enemy that tried to hurt Miyabi…………”

“I might be the one that asked it but, it feels embarra.s.sing to have that all raised up……….”

“There’s other too you know. Errrr----------“

I recalled back the memories of her scolding me for eating only meat and I averted my sights away from Tachibana by reflex.

“Why did you look away, Kokonoe!?”

Soon, it became time for breakfast and I went back to the dorm after rounding up my morning training.

“Oh yeah, It’s about Miyabi, it seems I managed to change her mood. Last night, she said I wonder if tomorrow would come faster. I asked her what happened but, she just replied she wanted to run and that’s about it. It’s good that she became positive but, I am a little worried if she becomes reckless from rushing things up to recover the stamina she lost when she was resting”

While making a wry smile, Tachibana looked happy and I was relieved from her report.

“Isn’t that normal for someone who is recovering from a wound or sickness?”

“That’s true. I warned her just in case but, I’ll be cautious so that she won’t overwork”

If I leave this to Tachibana who’s good at taking care of others, I think it’ll be okay and I became relieved.

We separated when we reached the front of the lounge after going up the stairs.

That’s because I wanted to head back to my room to take a shower to clean off the sweat, and I had Tachibana go the cafeteria.

Having washed off my sweat for 10 minutes, I headed to the cafeteria with Julie who waited for me and half-way through the trip, we stopped at the lounge.


That’s because we ran into Miyabi who came down from the upper floor to have breakfast like us.

“Good morning, Miyabi”

“Good morning, Julie-chan”

After Miyabi and Julie greeted each other, I greeted her too.

“…………Go-good morning, Miyabi”

Although I heard that Miyabi got a bit more cheerful, the confession problem hasn’t resolved itself yet.

That’s why even though I talk to her, it would only be replying back to greetings and our eyes will not meet------that’s what I thought but,

“Un. Good morning, Tooru-kun”


She did not look down or avert her sights away, and replied right at me while showing a smile.

“Is Tomoe-chan already at the cafeteria?”

“A-aah. Errr, she only looked at my morning training and did not sweat so she went on ahead. I went to take a shower so………..”

I got agitated from the unexpected response and talked a little faster.

“Yeah, you’re hair hasn"t dried yet. Please be careful so that you won’t catch a cold”

“I-its summer so I think it will dry fast”

“Fufuu, that’s true………ah, it’s going to be a problem if we stand here and talk so let’s go to the cafeteria”

[Okay] [Ja---]

Miyabi brought up the plan and we headed to the cafeteria by following behind her.

I looked at her back while feeling a big surprise, different from the one I had in my heart yesterday.

More importantly, her smile was different.

The smile she showed just now was completely different from the smiles she forcefully made during these past few days.

It was enough to make me feel that the atmosphere until yesterday was all a dream.

(I guess her mood really got better huh…….)

I understood that when I saw Miyabi just now----I was made to understand.

At this time, I locked away the weird feeling I had towards Miyabi in the depths of my heart.

On 3 O" clock, the 4th period was the commencement for the battle training ever since the seaside school.

Since the wounded students from the seaside school crossed over 2-digits, and since last week mainly focused on cla.s.sroom learning, it has been a while since we can move our body in training.

The training focuses on basic battle techniques like hitting and throwing; and would finally become >--------

“Okaaay, now then, make a group according to your >♪ After that, make a pair within the group and start the k.u.mite[4b 2] when I give the signal; then, switch places after 3 minutes”

By Tsukimi’s instructions, we separated into 3 groups.

My > group had at least 5 people.

Nonetheless, Tachibana was at the wall observing us since she hasn’t recover yet-----

“Tooru, will you spar with me”

“Tooru is going to be with me”

“Fuun, it’s obviously me if it’s fighting”

“Uwaaah, I"m so popular…………”

“Hahahaha, that’s nice Kokonoe. While you are at it, how about 3 vs 1?”

“I’ll get KO’ed in one minute!”

I made a comeback to Tachibana who joked.

(However, what am I going to do……..)

I looked at the 6 eyes staring at me------

“…….I guess I’ll pick Julie”


I picked the silver girl, my >.

“I’ll leave Lilith and Tora for later. Switching places after every 3 minutes would mean, I will have to fight everyone”

After following up with a sentence to the 2 that I did not pick, Tora agreed but------

“Being first has a meaning”

Lilith did not hide her dissatisfaction and pouted.

“………….Well, I’ll give it to you. I will be last”

“Fuun. I thought you would say that, the 2nd place has to be yours”

“You don’t get it. I will be the last girl for you”

(The meaning sounds different for some reason……….)

While listening to the conversation of the 2 of them who I did not picked, I send my sights to a corner of the battle s.p.a.ce.

Father up my sights was the > group----inside them, Miyabi was there.

(She’s going to team with Kibitsu huh. It looks like she’s laughing too so, I think I don’t have to be worried anymore)

And after I became relieved, Julie pulled my sleeves.

“Tooru, how is your body?”

“Hn? Let’s see-----I think 70% is okay”

I was recovering accordingly and judging by my situation now, I think it’s going to be okay to bring out that much of my strength.

When I asked Julie the same question, she also replied back with around 70%.

“Okay then, we will now start okay☆ >----Ready…………”

After Tsukimi’s announcement, *Pan* the group was matched up and after taking some distance----


Together with the start signal, Julie took an instant to jump into my attack sphere with a low posture.

(Is she planning to grapple me!?)

To an opponent who has their powers enhanced by the >, grappling skills are not suitable for a small body.

Because of that, Julie would focus on hitting in > but, she took a completely different action and I fell for it.

---but, that was in the decimals.

I immediately switched my consciousness, and performed a knee kick as a counter.

Even though she was wearing a knee supporter in the mock battle, it will be quite damaging if it hits. But that’s only if it hits.

The moment I performed the knee kick, Julie jumped up to the sky.

At the same time, as if to take away one’s forte, she performed a flying knee kick.

Of course, I will not eat that easily and blocked it even though it’s tough------however, I stumbled because my balance became unstable since the attack performed was a hit when I was in an unbalance state of standing in one leg.

At that moment, Julie gave a kick while she was still in air.

It was a kick from the left and right; as a finale, she performed a mid air spinning ax kick and that continuous attack did not give me any time to breath.

I blocked all of it and pushed back the last ax kick when I blocked it.

Floating up on the sky, Julie landed on the ground without any problem.

“………..Didn’t you say its 70%?”

“Ja---. It’s 70%”

“Unlike my 70%, that’s one annoying 70%...........but, it’s my turn now!!”

“Nai. I will not let you attack”

After saying that, Julie started attacking with her inborn speed. Her moves were not thinkable to be 70% of her strength. However, I know clearly that her full speed could not be compared to her current injured state but-----

(Even if she was at full recovery------she was faster during that time……..)

Yes, those movements I saw right when we were fighting >------

Together with a presence similar to an unleashed beast, I could not even see the tremendous speed Julie displayed.

(Just what was that………..?)

Since she was close to losing herself, Julie does not remember that presence herself too.

Although I was saved, I felt something dangerous from Julie at that time.

(It’s like----she was a silver wolf………)

I thought of that when I recalled back her Silver BlondeSilver hair fluttering during her fight and the presence of a wild beast around her.

It became night time and after having dinner, we rested and relaxed in our room-----

“1st year Kokonoe Tooru-----------your belongings have arrived, please come to the front door and retrieve them”

My name was called through the dorms broadcast.

“……….ah, it’s here”

I questioned it for a moment but, I immediately knew the reason why I was called when I heard the simple word called belongings.

“What got sent here?”

“Errr………..look forward to it”


I left Julie who was tilting her head in wonder and head out of the room to grab my belongings.

I headed to the front door on the first floor and after I received my belongings from the dorm parent, I quickly headed back to my room.

“Welcome back, Tooru. I was refilling another cup of apple tea; do you want to drink too?”

I nodded to Julie who was holding the clear pitcher with one hand.

“I’ll have half a cup”


I took out the content of the box in front of Julie, who was pouring out the cold apple tea taken out from the refrigerator, and *Toku**toku**toku*………such sounds were produced.

“This is the thing I bought”

“A mat…….?”

After seeing the mat I took out, Julie made a questioning face.

“Rather than me explaining, I think it’s better to experience it yourself. Julie, lie on this”


Even though she made a questioning expression, the silver girl quietly followed my words and lie down-----


She became surprised and opened her eyes wide.

“Is it cold, Julie?”

“Ja---, it feels cool and nice….!!”

I became satisfied when Julie nodded while lying down.

“It’s amazing, Tooru…..!! This is wonderful……….!!”

After getting up, Julie told me her pa.s.sionate impression with glowing eyes.

“These past few nights have been hot so it’s hard to sleep right? I tried investigating for things that would make you sleep easier and this magical mat turned up in recommendation so, I ordered this yesterday. I thought it would be nice if Julie can sleep easier with this”

Being born in north Europe, Julie was weak against heat, furthermore, because she’s bad with the cold air that released from the air-conditioner, there was a time she got a cold. Since then we have set it to normal temperature[4b 3] and have used an electric fan at the same time but, it still wasn’t enough to get rid from the heat.

With that said, it would be nice if this mat could fix her sleeping problem as much as possible.

“………….For me; that would mean, this is for me?”

“Aah. This cool mat is a present from me”

“I"m happy, Tooru…….!!”

After saying that, Julie grabbed my hands tightly.

“Thank you very much, Tooru. I am very very happy”

Even though her tone was not different from usual, her att.i.tude showed me about (just) how happy she was.

Being stared intently like this was somehow embarra.s.sing but, I feel happy to know that she’s this happy.

Julie soon left my hands and-----

“Let’s set this up quickly and sleep”

She said that while hitting the mat.

“It’s okay to sleep but, isn’t it a little too early?”

When I looked the time, I saw it was 1 hour faster (earlier) than our normal sleeping time.

“I am confident of having a sleeping problem from being very happy so, I have to sleep earlier or else I won’t get any sleep”

I was surprised that she was this happy.

---but, I was happy at her reaction and thought it was cute.

“Haha, I see. It might be early but, let’s go to bed”


Julie nodded and----

Placed the cool mat on the bed below and sat on top of it.

---furthermore, the s.p.a.ce below was mine.


At this time, my eyes saw a tail flopping around behind Julie. *It was my imagination.

“Tooru is able to have a nice and cooling sleep from now on”

While hitting the mat, the silver girl urged me.

“There is only one so, let’s sleep together”


“Let’s sleep together”

She said it a 2nd time.

“………….I get it. Let’s sleep together”


I steeled myself for the sleepless night after seeing Julie nodding happily and----

I ordered another magical gel mat the next day.

Part 2

A certain day close to the end of July----

Training ended like usual, and a small commotion occurred when we reached lunch time.

After a shower, Miyabi quickly returned back to the dressing room even though water droplets were still on her hair.

She opened her own locker and put her hands under her uniform which was folded nicely, a metallic feeling then------the device touched her fingers and that made her sigh in relief.

She immediately put the device around her neck and at that point, Miyabi finally noticed that her hair was still wet.

After taking some time to dry her hair, she started putting on her clothes and when she was doing so-----

“Hey hey, Miyabi-chan. What’s hat?”

Kibitsu, who was putting on her clothes on her left side, looked at the device.


Miyabi’s heart jumped and she quickly tried to hide it-----but, her posture was just too much and that made Kibitsu interested instead.

“If you try to hide it like that, I will be curious you know. Heeyy, please tell me what is that, Miyabi-chan”

At this time, more than half of the girls had finish washing their sweart, returning to the dressing room, and were putting on their clothes while having conversations with topics they liked.

Miyabi and Kibitsu’s conversation was one of them and no one stopped to bother about it but------

“I-I told you it’s nothing……!!”

The sudden shout silenced the dressing room.

Everyone’s sights focused on the owner of the voice------Miyabi.

“-------uh! Ah………”

Regaining herself, Miyabi noticed her voice getting rough.


To run away from the many sights directed at her, Miyabi ran out of the dressing room.

The remaining girls were so surprised that they could not talk.

“What happened?”

Coming back from the shower room, Tomoe asked about the heavy atmosphere in the room.

When she did that, a girl nearby told her that Miyabi shouted at Kibitsu and left the room.

”What happened, Momo?”

“U-un. Actually------“

Kibitsu explained that she went too far to make Miyabi show her accessory and that made her angry; Tomoe’s face got gloomy.

“Sorry Momo. Miyabi’s emotions are still unstable because of the problem during the seaside school……….”

“Uun, It’s because I went too far and asked……….”

Kibitsu swung her head while making a wry smile after Tomoe made her reply.

She knew that Miyabi wasn’t the only cla.s.smate that was mentally stable, ever since the >"s attack.

Even though they weren’t injured, it’s true that the students had scars in their heart from the last attack.

“It’ll be good if she gets cheerful soon. Miyabi-chan, and everyone else……..”

“That’s right………it will still take some time but, it will definitely turn back to normal. It will………….”

Tomoe wished so.

However, she had a complex feeling in her heart.

She did not realize that Miyabi, who she thought had already calmed down, was in a condition where she would shout out by impulse like just now.

But, there were still things Tomoe haven’t realized yet.

Tomoe haven’t realized that Miyabi got captured by an unimaginable darkness.

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