Absolute Duo

Chapter 41


On the night I remade my vow of the > with the silver girl-----

Right when I was asking about things I felt odd in the story I heard in the afternoon; I ended up asking back the word that I never heard before.

This question was regarding about how Julie controlled her > and what is it.

“Even though I awoke the > 4 years ago, my body and mind could not keep up with the >”

An > require the mental and physicality to match the > but, in another way to put it; it’s basically a safety system placed for the > of the stature.

But, there exists no > for the > and naturally, there’s no safety system working. By any chance the mind and body is weak; the person will be swung around by the > over their limits and there are times that the person might end up crippled; that’s what she heard from professor Tsuk.u.mo it seems.

“If I kept that up, my body or mind or both might end up breaking soon. But, Professor Tsuk.u.mo had a way to control the >”


It seems that the nano-machines originally worked as a way to control the > and it’s created so that the body can be trained by already existing machines. Judging by the fact that the physicality increase exponentially along with the >; it’s true that it’s much more practical that way than to prepare specialized units.

“And that worked on Julie huh”


Even Professor Tsuk.u.mo would not have imagined that the development of the > would save an RealEll awake even though it’s a system created for the FakeExceeds.

But, it’s not like its perfect.

It has been unlocked depending on her surroundings up until now but, Julie has forcefully released the limiter in the battle and in the seaside school with sheer willpower.

That’s normally impossible but, Julie says that the > does not completely work on her-An >.

Maintaining the condition that she unleashed it once before, she explains that she has unlocked the > to the point of > by unleashing it again in the last fight.

(………>. If that exists then, it will explain that but-----no, that’s not something I should be concerned about. More importantly----)

I focused back on Julie and asked.

“Is your body okay, when you unlock the >?”

“Ja--. My mind and body has grown in the past 3 years”

“I see. That’s great”

While nodding, I snuck a peek because of a thought that took my interest.


I looked towards the silver girl’s modest bulge.


Luckily, Julie did not understand my gaze and tilted her small head so, I quickly changed the question.

How many people know that Julie is an >, how are we going to explain to the others regarding her > released state.

“Only a few numbers of people know including the chairman. For others, it seems that they were told that I had gone through a special sublimation for an emergency”

When we were talking like this; the night gotten deeper and-----


It was getting closer to light off and Julie started to look kind of restless.

When I started wondering what she was peeking it, she was looking at the clock and-----

I made a speculation based on how she’s waiting for something anxiously.

“……….Julie, I have something to ask………..”

“What is it, Tooru?”

“You’re thinking of sleeping together tonight?”

“------! Amazing. It’s amazing you knew”

Judging by the fact that I have been in the hospital for these past few days and the event that happened today; I was able to predict this.

“……..is it okay?”

She looked at me with full expectations and I had to answer her while patting her head with a wry smile.

“Aah, of course”


Julie looked happy.

It was okay until to this point.

“By the way Tooru. Let’s sleep together twice a week from now on”

A crazy remark came together with her happiness.

“Wha!? What’s with that all of a sudden…”

Even though the condition was “If Julie was very lonely” until now, we would sleep together once a week but; I lost my composure when she suddenly told me to increase the time.

“You said that you will support me if I feel lonely. And, to share the happiness together”

(I think it’s more embarra.s.sing than happy for me!?)


She started at me and made me feel troubled------

“………………I guess it’s okay”


I ended up nodding due to failing in refusing.

In a semi-forced way, it has been decided that we will be sleeping together twice a week but, I felt one kind of anxiety (?).


(it won’t increase from now on right?)

That’s the case it seems……….

“Then, let’s go to bed”

“Y-yeah, okay………….”

After I nodded powerlessly--------


Julie climbed up to my bed and sat down without any hesitation.

“Here you go”

She spread her hands and took a “Come, fly into my arms” pose.

“……….what do you mean by here you go”

“No matter how lonely I feel, it’s unfair to keep relying on you”

“No, we don’t have to do it now……..”

“Here you go”

It was at this moment that I felt like I got stuck in a sticky situation.

The day pa.s.sed by as we go through two layers of tough trials called heat plus training.

The information of the destruction of the > was told by the academy and it calmed the academy down a bit; our lifestyle returned back at the same time with that but--------

Us; the first year were still depressed.

The reason was known.

Tsukimi wasn’t back.

(She’s quite the mood maker though she’s like that………)

The person who looks the most depressed was Kibitsu who was at the spot.

She’s been depressed recently and although Miyabi and Tachibana were cheering her up, it’s probably going to be hard to regain her liveliness before Tsukimi get back.

(Looks impossible for a while………)

Although I heard her life was spared, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s serious injuries.

Even now she’s probably still in the emergency ward; and the moment I was daydreaming beside the window------

An impact came.

It wasn’t a mental impact but a physical impact at my back.


And since it was quite strong, I was pathetically flipped over before I ended up making a 大shape.

(Wha, Whaaaat!?)

The answer was outside the window.

The familiar looking rabbit ear head bands + maid clothing definitely belongs to-----


“h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo♪ Those who felt lonely because sensei was no here, raise your hands☆”

[Oh, White Usa-sensei!] [Long time no see, White Usa-sensei♪] [Y-your panties……]

While sitting on the window frame with one knee rose, taking on a pose that gives full exposure of her panties; Tsukimi send her voice inside with the usual cheerful tone.

“And so, I’m back♪ This is the complete return of Usa-sensei, V☆”

“What “V”!!”

I stood up while shouting in anger before pointing at Tsukimi and shouted again.

“Don’t kick someone’s back right when you got back!! And, I can see your panties so conceal it!!”

“Iyaaaaan, Kokonoe-kun you pervert☆ It’s not that my panties can be seen, I. am. Showing. it♥


“I’ve been away for a while, so this is masturbating material gift for you………….”

Don’t look so serious when you say that.

“You’re the same as usual……….you say complete return but, that eyepatch----“

I pointed out the part that looked like a battle scar.

“Ah, This? It looks cool right. As a memorable gift for leaving the hospital, this is the Usa-maid cosplay chuunibyou version”

………..i was stupid enough to worry.

“Well more importantly”

“What is it?”

After making a big sigh, I looked at a girl.

“If you’re doing so well then isn’t it okay if you contacted Kibitsu at least?”



Kibitsu looking at Tsukimi opened her eyes wide------

“S-sensei………..i am, so glad…….uu, *hicc*…….Fueeeeeeee………….”

She started crying.


On the other hand, Tsukimi looked awkward and walked closer to Kibitsu.

“Sorry to make you worry, Momo. But well, I am doing just fine as you can see so, relax. Okay?”

Even though Tsukimi brought Kibitsu’s head to her chest to make her relax, Kibitsu then raised her voice and cried.


“Stop crying, okay? Please stop crying……….ahh, d.a.m.n it, Oi >! Do something about thissssssssss!!”

It seems that Tsukimi is bad with this kind of stuff and is actually showing off a rare panicked appearance.

Although I do feel bad for the crying Kibitsu, most of us in cla.s.s (Including me) were laughing out loud while looking at Tsukimi.

At this moment, the 1st year cla.s.sroom has regained their liveliness.

Lunch pa.s.sed and about the time we were finishing our meal-----

“Okay, we are going out, >!”


In response to Tsukimi who appeared out of nowhere and said something weird, I replied back with a jaw drop.

“Huh? The heck is with that. When are we going out to celebrate my recovery?”

Cla.s.ses ended by noon and I know that there is an empty s.p.a.ce after noon but-----

“Why must i…………”

Though I mumbled that, I saw 2 girls standing behind Tsukimi----Miyabi and Kibitsu.

Maybe caring for Kibitsu, Miyabi had lunch together with Tsukimi today and was looking at me with a wry smile.

“Ahaha………the conversation kind of ended up to going to Death New LandDNL……………”

“Death New LandDNL!?”

The person that got lured by the destination was the Yellow blonde girl.

She has been going there once or twice per month ever since she transferred here so it’s easy to know that she will react.

“Kuhahah. You get it quick, Ojou-sama”

“Tooru is going, and it’s Death New LandDNL; there’s no way I won’t be joining”

(Why am I already included………)

1 hour later----

In the end, I had no choice to join and was standing right at the entrance of Death New LandDNL.

“There are a lot of people as expected”

While saying that, Lilith looked around.

With the gold girl leading the way, Tsukimi+Kibitsu, Miyabi+Tachibana, and Julie+me; the male to female ratio of familiar faces has reoccurred again like the event at the beach.

Of course, we invited Tora and Tatsu too but, they rejected this time too.

Tora-[Why must I celebrate that woman’s recovery].

Tatsu no longer mind that he was almost killed by Tsukimi but, he said Tora would get noisy if he joined.

From that situation, I ended up being the only guy that jointed.

(However, this line up really stands out huh………..)

Somehow, they stand out.

What’s more, they really really stand out.

Of course for the fact that we are being the center of attention, I could hear never ending guesses that there is a photo shoot for an idol group------(Probably because everyone was wearing the same uniform).

“A-aren’t we kind of being looked at”

Tachibana said out the same comment I was holding inside me, including Miyabi standing in front.

“Fufuu, that’s because Lilithshe stands out”

(I think you stand out too, Tachibana)

Compared to Lilith and Julie, she does take a step back from flashiness but, her flowing black hair, dignified atmosphere and arranged face, enter the realms of favorable beauty.

(Miyabi too……….)

I think she’s cute and would stand out.

…………….i’ll keep what stands out inside my heart.

And another person that does not lose to Lilith in getting attention was the Silver BlondeSilver hair beauty standing beside me.

(-----wait, huh?)

When I took a glance at Julie, I found out her cheeks were blushing.

It somehow feels like she has a fever.

“Julie, are you feeling sick?”

She wasn’t like this during lunch time so I asked her in concern-----


After a slight pause, Julie swung her head sideways.

“Really? You look kind of blank you know…………”

“………………..i think it’s because I was feeling a little pumped up”

“Perhaps, you’re looking forward to this?”

After a nod, I could see a glow inside Julie’s eyes now that she stated that out.

“Then, let’s have all the fun we can get today”

“Ja---♪ “

“Okay, let’s not waste time and keep on going. After sticking with the basics, we will go to the attractions everyone suggested by sequence. Once we finish a lap, we can discuss where to go on at that time”

When we entered the park, Lilith suggested a plan on the attractions that we are about to go to.

Since its a good plan, no one rejected the idea and the plan was commenced.

The basics that we are about to go are the 3 jet coasters and everyone told their own request to Lilith after the basics.

“Errrr, first we head to the lightning strike, next the Crazy Tea Party, next off is the looping----Uuun, we need something moderate and relaxing before……….”

While mumbling the name of the attractions and its details, Lilith was not only thinking about the nearest course but also one that is friendly to us.

After seeing her like that, Tachibana opened her eyes wide.

“………You’re amazing Lilith. I think this is impossible but, did you remember everything?”

“I guess I do remember?”

Last time, we went around the attractions without any hesitation too.

(It was tough at that time…………)

Going around was tough too but, thanks to Lilith linking our arms the whole time, something soft kept touching my elbow and that was the worst torture time for a teenage boy.

When I was recalling back the last time I came to the park----

“What’s wrong, Kokonoe? Let’s go already”

“Eh!? I-it’s Tachibana’s arm this time………..!?”

After Tachibana talked to me--------I panicked while looking at her chest in reflex.

“Arm wrestling? What are you saying at a place like this? Everyone already started walking so; we’ll get separated if you daydream”

“Ah……….i-I see. Sorry, hahaha…………”

Luckily, Tachibana misunderstood my words and looked at me, who made a weird comment.

After laughing to play it off, I stepped forward to chase after everyone who walked off.

A situation occurred when we were waiting for the first Jet coaster.

“Er-err, Tooru-kun. Can I sit beside you for the ride?”


I hesitated to answer Miyabi’s request.

It’s easy to reply yes.

But, since I know of her feelings, I was wondering if I should answer her expectations or not.

Miyabi then, looked through my mind.

“Tooru-kun. You don’t have to care about whether or not to answer my expectations. But if you have even the slightest feeling on wanting to ride with me, it would make me happy”

“………..I-I get it. Then let’s get on together…………”

My back got pushed------more specifically, I ended up being pushed by Miyabi who took a step forward and I agreed.

“Ah……ehehe, thank you Tooru-kun”


“Wait just a second there, Miyabi”

The gold girl interfered there.

“It’s obvious that I’m the one sitting beside Tooru. Of course, this includes the whole day”

“N-no wayyy………..i want to ride with Tooru-kun too………….”

“Sorry. But sadly that’s the case”

“Nai, I think Miyabi is okay. I don’t mind if it’s me or Tomoe too”

“You keep quiet”

The 1st “DNL compet.i.tion for me” event begins.

Of course, their suggestions would not come to equal grounds, which ended up increasing the uproar.

If that’s the case then, this conversation would naturally end up being heard by the people around us.

“Kuhahah, right now, all the males nearby are feeling p.i.s.sed, >”

“I want to go with Sensei”

“Ou, no problem there. Then, let’s ride it together”


Even when Tsukimi’s teasing came from behind, the war did not end.

Forget that, my arm was being pulled from different directions and Julie was hugging me from the front for some reason.

The surround male customers were piercing me with [Get torn apart] glares--------but, I was in the situation where my mind could only half-consciously know that.

(So-soft objects are taking turns to touch both of elbows here!?)

*Yuyuun* when I get pulled to one side.

*Boyoyon* when I get pulled to the other side.

Both of sides were soft and springy and the pulling was getting stronger as time pa.s.sed------

“*Cough*. Stop right there. I understand each requests but, you lot are causing trouble to the surroundings by being noisy”

Tachibana stopped the girl’s fight.

“I have a suggestion here. Let’s decide who he sits with using Rock paper scissors okay?”

“Oh, that’s a good one”

“NICE” when I was praising Tachibana’s heavenly voice------

“Bu-but that means that there might be a chance that we might not get a turn to ride it with Tooru-kun right…………?”

“Mu…………that’s true”

Tachibana’s expression turned cloudy at Miyabi’s designation.

“…………If it’s like that, we have requests we told Lilith right? At that time, the person that made the request gets to choose who to ride it with?”

“Fumu, that’s a fair and good idea but----anyone rejecting this?”

No rejects came up as expected and the game began immediately to choose the grouping.

“Scissors, paper, stone”

After Tachibana’s talk------it has been decided that I ride it alone.


I got a little teary since I had to ride the jet coaster alone at the front.

……..also, all the male customers were looking at me with very satisfied smiles.

The next attraction is Tea cup Julie requested.

Since the maximum capacity is 4 people, we separated to 2 groups and this time, I won’t feel sad anymore because I get to ride the cup with Julie and Miyabi.

“Ehehe, we are together this time, Tooru-kun”

“Yeah, I am so happy to be together”

“Eh? Ah, R-really?...........Fufuu ♪ “

(Being alone like just now was tough……..)

When I recalled back the event, the staff closed the cup entrance.

[YoShaaaaaa, Let’s spin!] [It has not started yet!]

I could hear the other group’s voice from the other cup they rode and it suddenly made me think of something.

“Hey, Miyabi. This is about controlling the Tea cup but, we have that problem of who requested this attraction so, I think we should leave it to Julie……..”

“Ah, Un. That’s okay”

“Then this is decided. Julie, you’ll be controlling”


The silver girl replied back with a small tilt with the head at my suggestion.

It looks like she’s seriously saying that.

“Perhaps, you never rode a Tea cup before?”


It seems that she picked this ride because she got interested by the word [Spinning spinning tea cup].

“Once the song starts, the cup we are riding on will spin if you spin the handle in the middle. If you spin it to the opposite side, the cap will only spin to the other side”

“………..Looks interesting”

After explaining how to control, the silver girl nodded.

Together with the melody, the whole ground started moving and we are now able to control the cup.

“You can spin it, Julie”


Spin………………Spin Spin……….the cup started to spin.

Julie then spun the handle to control.


It’s hard to know by her expression but, I could tell that she’s having fun by the atmosphere.

…….and, at that moment.

[Spin Spin-----! The scarlet cyclone of Fugaku means me!] [Sensei, my eyes are spinning] [Tsu-tsukimi-sensei, aren’t you spinning a little too hard!? And, what the heck is Fugaku!?] [A game center on a bridge made of boats! Kuaaahahahaaaaaaaaaa!! Spin Spin, this is the big revolution of a flower petal-----!!]

*Spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin*--------------!!

“You are spinning too much; you’re spinning too much hey!! Listen to what other have to says, you stupid rabbit------!!”

Loud screams could be heard from the cup which was spinning at a speed that can form a b.u.t.ter mix.

“I feel sorry for Lilith and the others but, i am thankful for this grouping………..”

“Ahaha………th-that’s true…………”

It was only a brief time I could pat my chest.


Suddenly, I heard Miyabi’s voice which sounded like she saw something scary.

I looked towards her thinking what happened----and understood.

Julie’s eyes glowed.

Her gaze was following the cup being ridden clearly by the other group.



The silver girl made a big nod when I talked to her in panic.

“We will go in full power too”

*Spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin*--------------!!


“………it was the opposite huh”

“Yeah, opposite!”

“Ja—♪ “

Julie turned the handle to the opposite direction.

[Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-----------!!] [Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa------!!]

After 1 and a half minute.

The long yet short nightmare ended when the tea cup stopped.

“To-Tooru-kun……………the world is spinning……..”

Due to our semicircular ca.n.a.ls damaged, me and Miyabi could not even stand up and was just dead tired inside the cup.

But as for Julie------“


She’s in a good mood…………

(A-as expected from someone who spins regularly……….)

While looking at her small back walking away without any problems, I recalled how she fights.

The scene of how the silver girl dancing around with eye blinding speed; apparently, she has extraordinary sense of balance.

“Okay………let’s get off too, Miyabi……….”


While wobbling around, I stood up because I was in front of Miyabi so-----


The moment I got off the cup, my knee’s collapsed.

“To-Tooru-kun, look out……….!”

The moment my view got slanted, Miyabi grabbed my hand.

---But, Miyabi’s knee also collapsed too.


Miyabi who did not let go of my hand and ended up losing her balance.

The moment I pulled her hands and carried her into my chest-----

We ended up falling down together.

*Gon*……..! a dull sound appeared and pain started flowing at the back of my head.


The impact made my head got woozy and I let out my voice in reflex.

“A-are you okay, Tooru-kun!?”

Miyabi’s worried voice came to me.

“Y-yeah…….more importantly how about you Miyabi? Are you okay?”

“U-un. I am okay thanks to you------“

Miyabi’s sentence suddenly stopped.


After I opened my eyes while calling her name since I was wondering what’s wrong, I found Miyabi’s face at a distance where our nose might touch.




“S-s-sorry, for dragging you in too…….!”

“U-uun. All I did was not let go of your hand…….”


“Errr………l-let’s go”


After urging Miyabi to get up, our wobbly legs settled down.

But, it seems that my rampaging heartbeat won’t be settling down any time soon.

After we head outside, Lilith’s group looked like a pile of corpses.

[Kuha, haha……spinning, spiiining………] [Uu…………I feel sick……..] [Sensei……….i can no longer……..] [Tomoe, here] [So-sorry, Julie……….]

After we got off the attraction stage, we found the other 4 person group in groggy stage.

In this disastrous scene, Julie handed over juice to Tomoe that she bought nearby.

“I knew this would happen………..”

“I-I think it’s a good idea to take a short break………..”

No one rejected Miyabi who said it with a wry smile.

………..i think the more correct term is “Can’t say anything”.


Julie noticed us at this point and talked to us.

“You were quite slow”

“Haha, I fell down……..”

I made a wry smile and nodded when she asked if I was okay.

“It’s okay if that’s it……by the way, the attraction here was very interesting……!”

With her excitement not cooled down yet, Julie held both her hands at her chest and I could feel her enjoyment from that att.i.tude.

“Y-yeah………….but, it’s a little surprising that you don’t know what a tea cup is. Aren’t there any amus.e.m.e.nt parks in Gimle.


*nod**nod* Julie nodded before opening her mouth.

“In Gimle’s amus.e.m.e.nt park, there are only attractions consist of logs and ropes in the forest so, the whole thing here feels really new to me”

(Julie, that’s field athletics……..)

I retorted in my mind.

“Okay then. Let’s rest around here until everyone can move”



When I called her name because she did not reply-------

“If that’s the case then let’s ride it once more”

While looking at the tea cup with glowing eyes, Julie made a crazy sentence and------


After a few minutes, my shout echoed in the blue sky………….

When we were able to move, we took our time with relaxing attractions to recover our energy before heading to the Gun action and the looping ship-----

Next off, we decided to ride the Sky river ride Tachibana requested.

Just like how it’s described, it’s a rubber boat flowing down from a 30 meter high in high speed.

The round rubber boat has a maximum capacity of four so, me, Tachibana and Tsukimi were sitting on one but-------


“Don’t look so unwilling. It’s hurtful”

“It’s not like I am unwilling or anything. It’s just that, a trouble might occur------not that, it’s just that I am together with someone that might cause trouble…………..”

“Kuhahaha ♪ Correct there, > ♥”

“Don’t say correct!!”

I immediately retorted to Tsukimi who took on a cute pose while using her bad mouth tone.

“There there, Kokonoe. Both her hands are restrained and I don’t think Tsukimi-sensei would cause something to happen though………”

There is no safety belt in the rubber boat so we have to hold on the grip inside for the whole ride.

I feel that letting go will cause falling off the course due to irregular spinning and bouncing.

“No, there is enough possibility that Tsukimi can cause something even in that state”

“Kuhah. You have terrible trust issues, Oi”

“That’s one nasty way to put it”

“Well, just give up and get on already”

After she took a pose of wanting to kick my back, I made a sigh while getting onto the rubber boat.

“Osshi, took your neighbor seat ♪”

Oh c.r.a.p. She sat beside me since I was the first one to get on.


I moved to the other side and sat at a position opposite Tsukimi-----but, Tsukimi moved again and sat beside me.

I moved to the other side one more time but the result was the same.

“What are you doing? You will cause problems to the back if you don’t sit down already”

While making sense, Tachibana entered the ride and the unproductive game of chase ended.

As a result, Tsukimi was sitting at my right side while Tachibana is in front-------(We just have to stop her before she does something)------the rubber boat we were riding on suddenly start flowing.

“Fufu, this slow rotation is enough to have fun with”

Tachibana said this when the boat was rotating around irregularly.

I recalled back the nightmare of the Tea cup and *You got that right* agreed with her but------ “To, uwaaaah!?”

Suddenly, *Boing* the boat bounced.

I got attacked by the feeling similar to the float inside an elevator and the ride immediately started to slide.

“That was surprising………”

“Fufu, that was quite a surprise”

“Yeah. It was quite a thrill thanks to the float just now”

After Tachibana happily replied my “Surprise”, the rabbit ears looked towards us.

“Kuhah. Sorry for jumping in the fun but, now’s the hyper fun time from this point on ☆”


My cautiousness turned on when I saw Tsukimi move really fast.

But, Tsukimi’s unexpected action has found its way through my cautiousness.

Tsukimi released one hand from the grip-----

“Here we go ♪”


She pinched Tachibana’s skirt up.

Of course, the panties inside could be seen.

Me & Tachibana froze.

And, Tsukimi laughed stupidly.

“Seeing panties other than mine sometimes increases the number of variations right? Kuaahyahyahya ♪”


With her senses back, Tachibana quickly hid her underwear with both her hands.


The boat bounced immediately after.

Of course, Tachibana could not stay in place since both her hands were free-----

She fell into my chest as if I was hugging her.


Both of us froze------

“Whyaaaaaaaaaa!? S-sorry Kokonoe! I-i----“

Tachibana separated from me and quickly stood up.

“Ta-Tachibana. If you stand-----“

Even though I warned her it was dangerous; it was too late.

Inside the rotating boat, Tachibana lost her balance.


Because her b.u.t.t was facing me, I ended hugging her from behind with one hand.



……..what’s this soft thing my hand is grabbing.

No, even I know what I am grabbing right now.

I was just running away from reality-----but, the world just doesn’t work that way.

*Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon*

The shaking from the irregular boat movement moved my hands in opposition to my will.

*wahwahwah* it really is soft; it’s changing its shape in my hand.

“Hya, nkuu, Ko-kokonoe N-no…………let go that’s my, ah, nnn, breast………….fuuaaan, ah, ah,ah, fu, afuuunn………..!”

[Aaaaaaaaaaah, so-so-sorry!!] [Kuhaha, that’s one heck of a view, kuahahahaha!]

While Tsukimi was laughing loudly, I quickly let go of her and this happened immediately right after.


The boat bounced again, and Tachibana’s body floated.


The moment I thought that, both my hands extended out.

With both hand this time.

………again with Tachibana’s breast.

*Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon, Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon Funyon*

“Fuwaaa, Hnn, ann, Kokono-e, Eh, sto, aaafuu, my weird voice is coming, out……ah, fu……….Nyooo, let go, Kokonoe, Kokono-e, aaah, ah………..Fuaaaaaah!!”

“That was fun right, Julie-chan”

“Ja—♪ “

A little while after we reached the goal, Miyabi’s group got off since they were behind us.

“Ah, Kokonoe-kun. The sky river was really fun……..wait, err? Where’s Tonoe-chan and Sensei?”

“E-eerr…….for a light run…….?”

After Tachibana shouted [Forget it before I get back!!], Tsukimi chased after her to tease her about the event and they ended up going somewhere.

Not long later, both of them came back--------(It seems she wasn’t caught in the end)-----so, we headed to the next attraction.



My mouth was suddenly covered from behind when we were grouping up.

Since we had to line up, everyone else who lined up for the attraction was already ready to set off so my call for help was futile and I had to give up to let myself get pulled back.

The person who suddenly covered my mouth----was Tsukimi.

(Hey hey, don’t resist, >!!)

“R-rhat, are you hoing…….!?”

(Shut up and follow me!!)

“Forrow you? Oo-oihi, ir’s abrout hrime to groo……!?[5d 1]”

Not caring about the panicking me, Tsukimi pulled me away while covering my mouth.

Unluckily, no one noticed this situation (Kidnapping?)------

The whole act ended when I was brought outside.

“Oi Tsukimi. What was that all about?”

But, Tsukimi not lend her ears to my words and kept on looking around.

“Oh, found one ♪ Let’s go >”

After saying that, Tsukimi pulled me off again.

Our goal---was a bench.

“Okay, sit”


While feeling troubled, I sat down like I was told and Tsukimi sat down beside me.


With her back slowly sliding downwards, she made a big sigh.

Ever since we entered the park, Tsukimi was always in MAX tension but, she looks oddly tired now.

“What’s wrong? Are you tired from being too noisy-----“

“No way, you idiot”

“Then what----Ah………..!”

Tsukimi was top cla.s.s in stamina within our group but, I have an idea why she’s so tired.

“Don’t tell me your wounds are…….”

“Of course, I was almost dead last week. Since that’s the case, I will be borrowing your knee”

Tsukimi used my knees as a pillow and lie on top.

“Oi Tsukimi………”

“Shut up and don’t make a fuss. This sounds pathetic but I am quite tired so let me rest a little”


I have no choice but to obey if she said it that way.

I shut up and tried my best not to move while lending her my knees.

The theme park BGM coming from the surroundings and the sound of laughter and screams could be heard; Tsukimi used her own arms to cover her eyes as a subst.i.tute for a sunshade.

I thought it was going to be hot for her so, I opened an attraction map and blocked the sun for her.

“Ooo, as expected from the no.1 pimp in the academy’s history. Your actions are disgusting, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d”

“Leaving my polite rejection of that impolite t.i.tle aside -----“

Since Tsukimi was able to open her mouth, I decided that it’s safe to talk to her.

“It’s still not healed?”

“It’s healed. The hole was closed thanks to the reconstructing healing nanomachines working in full power. I’ll show you in a love hotel if you really want to see you know”

“No thanks”

“…………….and it was at this moment, that I thought of going to a love hotel with Tsukimi and-----“

“Stop with the jokes and answer the question about your wounds”

After giving Tsukimi a light knock on the forehead, I made her continue the conversation.

“Seriously, you suck with jokes………….well, just like I told you, my stomach is mostly healed thanks to the nanomachines working hard. The other parts haven’t caught up though”

While saying that, i saw a wound left by > on Tsukimi’s eyelid when the eyepatch shifted.

“And, my stamina isn’t back yet”

No matter how enhanced the healing capability is increases by the >, it takes time to heal a serious wound.

That goes for stamina too.

From what I heard, I understand Tsukimi’s current situation although leaving 2 questions out.

Naturally, I asked her about the 2 questions.

“Then why aren’t you resting until you recovered. This isn’t the time to be saying celebrating your-----“

“…………I’ll only cause more worry if I don’t look energetic”

“Worry, it’s true that the cla.s.s atmosphere-----Ah……!”

The cla.s.s atmosphere turned brighter.

But more importantly, I recalled a person being very happy when she saw Tsukimi energetic.

“You know. I wanted to fight to the death because I liked it. That’s why even if I slipped up I can push all the responsibility to you but this won’t work on her………..”

With a painful expression, Tsukimi continued talking about that night.

“Right before I was brought into the emergency room, I could hear cries of “It’s my fault”. My consciousness shut down there, and few days pa.s.sed when I got up……. I no longer could sleep when I start thinking about “What happened to her”, “Was she crying the whole time”……….”

(It’s for Kibitsu huh…………)

From the way she spoke, she got out from the medical word the moment she could stand.

“………..Tsukimi. You changed”

Even though I don’t know what type of Tsukimi was before, this felt weird.

“Shut up”

While lying down, Tsukimi chopped my sides.

Honestly; it hurts.

“O-ouch that hurts……!”

“Ah, shut up shut up, I can’t sleep because you are noisy. There’s probably 5 more minutes until they come out, so let me sleep until then. If not, there’s no meaning to bring you here as a replacement for an alarm”

After saying what she liked, Tsukimi closed her mouth and started resting.

“…….Haa, I get it”

I replied with a sigh mixed in.

With her last word------*Me as an alarm replacement”, I understood why she brought be out. It’s so that she won’t show her tired self to Kibitsu no matter what.

(You really changed huh………)

I thought that again after Tsukimi fell asleep and started breathing comfortably.

After 2, 3 minutes pa.s.sed----

“Hn-ya……….Kokonoe, noo……..Haa-aa………….i told you not there, Fuaa………..”


Tsukimi suddenly twisted her body and made sweet sounds; and that made my snot spurt out.

(What kind of dream are you seeing!? And why am I appearing in the first place!?)

Having a mysterious dream, Tsukimi was moving her legs while making seductive sounds.

Because of that, gravity was slowly pulling her short skirt, exposing her thighs.

Her panties can be seen if this keeps up.

(T-this is bad…….)

She shows without any problems normally but, I prefer that she would stop these shameless acts.

With that said, I extended my hand to the knee she raised.

*Chon*after poking her knee down, I made it straight back again.

(----okay. Success. Now to put her skirt back…………..)

I pinched the edge of her skirt this time and pushed her exposed skirt-----

“Iyaaan☆ Kokonoe-kun how daring of you to pull up my skirt, how da.ri.ng ♥”


“Kuhah. Your true nature appeared huh, you closet pervert”

Tsukimi was smiling with her eyes opened when I looked at her face.

“N-no, this…….”

“It. Was. A. lie ♪ I wasn’t sleeping from the start ☆You got a b.o.n.e.r from my erotic voice & seductive thighs?”


Tsukimi laughed loudly at my response.

After sighing loudly at Tsukimi-----

I lowered my tone and changed the atmosphere for the conversation.

“………Hey, Tsukimi. I have something I want to ask you”


“Remember the question I asked during the birthday party? Why didn’t you use your >’s real > when you fought-----“



I got hit with a chop again and forcefully made me shut up.

“W-what was that for……….?”

“Hey you know. I finally came here to relax. At least let me get away from work for today”

After getting up, Tsukimi looked at me and said.

“Well, leave that talk for later. I will tell you soon, I will”

She understood the question and replied “Soon”, and added a clear declaration of “I will” so it seems that she has no intentions to run away.

“………….i understand”

After finishing this off, everyone came back when I made a nod.

“Sensei, Kokonoe-kuun, you didn’t you two get in the ride? It was a shocker that both of you disappeared”

Unable to answer Kibitsu who tilted her head and questioned us, I was having trouble in finding an answer when----

“Iyaa, this guy told me he suddenly got a stomachache and had to take a sh○t; we then missed the ride after I brought him to the toilet, Kuhahahaha!”


That’s one useless lie.

“……….we-well, we can’t do anything with physiological problems”

“T-that’s true……but, I think you should change the way you said it, Tooru……”

“Errr………G-good work, Tooru-kun…….”

“Are you okay, Tooru?”


I nodded to Julie who touched her stomach.

(Hey, why must I be treated like an elementary school student who has reached his limits and had to go to the toilet!?)

(Kuhahaha! Sacrificing you is the fastest way to get away from the attention)

Perhaps, the reason why Tsukimi brought me out was……………

Within the whirlpool of suspicion, Tsukimi lightly tapped my shoulder and whispered.

“Oh, keep that talk just now a secret. Also, I had a light rest. Thanks”


“Okay, let’s go to the next one, next! What’s the next one!? Oh, is it the jet coaster again! Nice nice nice, Kuahahahaha!”

Our rabbit homeroom teacher was shouting lively without a glimpse of the tiredness she displayed just now.

After seeing her like that, somewhere inside me, I thought of providing help so that she can have a good rest later.

About the time the sun was going down, we finished our planned attractions leaving one out.

Since we were running out of time; One more------we decided that the [Dark Castle Rescue] Lilith requested will be our last.

“………….i guess this is okay”

In my hands after I mumbled, was a black mantle worn on my shoulders; there is also a horn on my head.

Why am I wearing this? This Dark Castle Rescue is an attraction that allows cosplaying (Additional Fee) when attending.

Within the costumes prepared in the males changing room, I picked the one with Demon king written on it.

(What kind of cosplay are the others going to go with……….)

While thinking about the girl’s side, I headed towards the meeting spot after I finished changing.

After waiting for a while, I saw everyone coming out from the female changing room.

“Tooru ♪”

Julie was up front; both her hands were wings, lower body was of a bird and a swimsuit was covering her chest.

When I asked what kind of cosplay to the happy Julie who was flapping her wings; it seems that it’s called a harpy. She picked it because it’s a bird and that’s the reason why she’s so happy.

Next was Miyabi.

Her head was decorated with dog (Wolf?) ears while her chest, hips and hands were covered with fur and a tail; she’s probably a werewolf.

“Ehehe, this is kind of embarra.s.sing”

On front; I think the swimsuit she wore during the time we were at the beach was more revealing; apparently things are different for her with cosplaying.

Behind her Tsukimi had a swimsuit covering her chest like Julie but her lower half was that of a horse; beside her was Kibitsu wearing a fluffy veil while a half-transparent wing was attached to her back.

Looks like those are, Centaurus and fairy cosplays.

Following behind, was Tachibana in black armor. It matches her long black hair and her completely black appearance from the tip of her head to the bottom of her toe makes her look more dignified than usual.

“………What’s that cosplay?”

“The dark knight who serves under the demon king, I guess. The other costumes were very light or oddly revealing ones………..”

It seems that the girls decided that everyone would be in different cosplays and Tachibana looked kind of troubled at the costumes chosen.

“Lilith is left but…….”

“Tooooru, sorry for the wait ♪”


I spout out through reflex the instant I saw the gold girl come out last from the changing room.

That’s only normal for me to do so, that’s because I could only see Lilith wearing a costume that looks only like underwear.

There were horns on her head and wings on her back, there’s also a tail behind so this factors are appealing to the fact that this is a cosplay.

“How about this, Tooru?”

“H-how, err………”

I replied back while looking away.

“Hey Tooru. Commenting only works when you look”


Only normal I guess.

Places like her the gap of her attractive breast or s.e.xy hips or her soft looking b.u.t.t or the dangerous spot covered with little fabric mumble mumble mumble………..

(Where should I look-----!?)

“Li-lilith. I think that outfit is just too outrageous and going too far……..!?”

“I-I don’t there is an underwear-like costume, Lilith-san…………”

“I bought it at a nearby shop when we were having a rest. It has “For adults” written on it and I think it’s a little daring but, I thought this would make Tooru happy ♪”

Forget getting happy, i’m so troubled to the maximum.

“I see, that’s for adults. Good for you, >”

Tsukimi tapped on my shoulders with a grin.

“With that said----how about it, Tooru?”

After making a pose, the gold girl asked me again.

“N-no, well err, Lilith has good style and I think It suits you a lot………”

I somehow answered even though I was fl.u.s.tered.

………….i answered while my gazes were heading downwards more than her face.

Lilith then noticed my gaze.

“Fufu, looks like you enjoy this succubus cosplay, Tooru”


“I will pick you up with this when you come to my room alone next time ♥”

The devil whispered at a close distance as if she was going to bite my earlobe.

This is the sad habit of male Part II: this action made me drank my saliva through reflex.

Luckily or unluckily, Julie and Miyabi worked together to pull me away when Lilith was about to cling onto me.

“How sad. I’ll leave this for next time, Tooru ♪”

After the gold girl shrug her shoulders, she winked over to me.

“O-okay then, let’s go”

Within everyone’s attention, I did not answer Lilith and walked away in high pace.

………incidentally, a facilitator (Female) was shocked for an instant when she saw Lilith but, she immediately made a smile back…….Professionals are amazing.

The demon king who got exiled by the hero, has waged war together with his subordinates to regain back his castle-----

This was the story the attraction set; we continuously had solve mysterious puzzles while heading deeper in, until we reach the next floor.

Soon, the demon group solved all the mysteries inside-------we succeeded in reaching the top, defeat the hero and reclaim the castle.

And for the finally, we were going to take a memorable photo with our cosplays on-----

The 2nd “DNL compet.i.tion for me” event begins.

“Hey, Miyabi. And JulieYou, get away from Tooru”

“I-felt like clinging on Tooru-kun when I saw Li-lilith-san doing it…….!”

“Basically, everything will be fixed if you let go”

“Why am I the only one!?”

Lilith’s soft breast on my right elbow, while on my left elbow was Miyabi’s voluptuous breast layered by fur.

And just like the 1st round, Julie was hugging from the front for some reason.

“Kuhah. Aren’t you going to join in, cla.s.s rep?”

“W-why would i…..!?”

”Didn’t you cry with a nice voice just now?”

“----uuh!? T-th-that was……!!”

“Okaaay, say cheese”

With a tone coming from the heart (But still smiling), the staff pressed the shutter.

I kept on apologizing in my heart…………..

“Ahh, Juliet huh. I have this already………….”

After leaving the demon king castle, we were given souvenirs from the attraction at the exit.

It seems that it’s Death New LandDNL character goods and Lilith sighed when she saw the content.

“Lilith, you need this?”

Even though I tried to give her the goods I received, she swung her head.

“Thank you, Tooru. I’m grateful but I have that already”

Seems like whenever Lilith often come to Death New LandDNL, she would always come to this demon castle and collect the goods here.

Sadly, the good she just received was something she already gained.

Just like Lilith, there was another person dropping her shoulders when she saw the good she received----it was Julie.

“Got something weird?”

“Nau. That is not true but, I wanted the chick………..”

(A chick? Isn’t that----)

Attracted by my sights, Julie also moved her sight to Lilith.

The good in her hand was a chick with a blue crest.


“What is it?”

Lilith noticed our stares-------

“-----! Th-that’s Gecko!”

She opened her eyes wide when she saw the pig nosed bear in Julie’s hand.

Looks like the goods Julie received was the character Lilith aimed for.


Red and blue----the 2 girls with opposite eye color were moving at each other face and hands respectively.

When I saw them acting like that, I [Looks like both of you want the goods the other received so, how about trading?] said that before stopping my thought.

These 2 normally oppose each other-----(Julie is mainly the one who lashes out)----but, this event might spark an improvement in their relationship even if it’s a little; this was the reason why I stopped.

Things will settle fast if I help but, I am expecting them to step forward independently.

With that said, I restrained my feelings to help and decided to see how things go.


*Peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek*

Both of the girls look at each other face and hands for a while before-----

[Err……..] [You know………..]

They talked at the same time.

“………you first”

“You can go on ahead first”


[……..Can we trade?] [……want to trade?]

When I heard the different voices coming out; I made a “Yes” pose with my fist in secret.

The chick with a blue crest and pig nosed bear was being traded in front of me.

Julie and Lilith looked at their traded goods and smiled happily------

“…….thank you very much”

“That’s my line too, thank you”

Both of them thanked each other while looking embarra.s.sed.

I felt quite happy when I saw them like that and naturally made a smile.

“Julie, we’re here”


When we were going back after Death New LandDNL was fully covered by night time----

About the time we reached the academy’s monorail, the silver girl started dozing off in just a few minutes before jolting her shoulders.

But, even though Julie instantly opened her eyes, she started dazing off again.

(She was quite lively today so, it can’t be helped huh……)

I gave the girl who went to an amus.e.m.e.nt park for the first time (She doesn’t think so though)--- the girl who played until she was tired, a piggy back.

(She’s so light……….)

After seeing her sleeping this comfortably; she doesn’t look like an >----another existence that has transcended humans different from us >.

“Oh my, did that girl fall asleep?”

After getting off the monorail, Lilith talked to me in a low tone after getting off first.

“She has been playing pretty hard so, she probably got tired because of that”

“……Looks like it”

The reason why she answered it with such distant eyes was probably recalled back the time when we were at the Teacup.

“Well, I am glad she enjoyed Death New”

Looks like that’s an important point to the Death New LandDNL lover Lilith.

“Fufu, I had fun too. It’s thanks to Lilith that we can move around effectively”

“I-I had a lot of fun too………..”

“Oh my, those are some kind words. If it’s like that, I’ll be recommending a lot of things when we come back next time”

Tachibana started a conversation and Miyabi joined in.

“*Giggle*. It will be nice if Tora-kun and the others would join at that time”

“Fumu. We won’t be going there to celebrate Kibitsu-sensei’s discharge during that time so I think they would join in then”

“That would be nice but the problem would be-----“

Adding in to Miyabi and Tachibana’s conversation, I looked towards Tsukimi and Kibitsu walking in front of us before talking.

“I think the grouping with Tsukimi will be important…….”

Everyone laughed at a volume so that we won’t wake Julie after hearing that sentence.

“Let’s come back and play with everyone”

“True. Let’s do that”

Lilith giggled with consent while Tachibana and Miyabi nodded afterwards.

Next time------

The silver girl sleeping behind me will probably nod in happiness too.

Just like this, a day dedicated to celebrate Tsukimi’s discharge has reached an end.

Part 2

The 1st year girls would sometime host a tea party with no males allowed.

If there are times only for talk, they would sometimes play games, or sometimes make food; this is a time for the girls to enjoy in various ways.

During those moments, they aren’t > aiming to be members of the Ethanarch but rather they will be showing their faces as normal high school females.

And for tonight;

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