Absolute Duo

Chapter 42

With a loud bang, a target 20 meters away from hit swung.

“Fi-finally, It hit……..”

I lowered the gun while sighing.

“Fufuu, you can hit with your eyes closed if you get used to it”

While looking at me-----(Basically not concentrating), Lilith hit the furthest target at a distance of 50 meters.

(Just how used must I get to do that…………)

While sighing one more time, I reloaded my empty magazine and took stance with the gun again.

Yes, I am holding a gun right now.

Summer break pa.s.sed------(This started when I was hospitalized)------we were currently attending shooting practice.

People will wonder “There’s a weapon called > though” but, there are various kind of missions when we join the Ethanarch after graduation. To take those various situations into consideration, we have to take part in shooting training.

And regarding about the firing zone, there was no air conditioning due to the fact that it’s outdoor.

Due to that, it’s obviously hot.

But, this environment was also part of the training.

Shooting training gives a strong image being take placed indoors but, it’s more practically outdoors since things get harsher as time pa.s.ses compared to a stable condition.

When we were focused on shooting non-stop in this harsh heat----(The bullet were practice bullets used even by the Ethanarch), I could hear the 3rd period end bell signifying break time from afar.

“Break time Breaaak time ♪As a precaution, there will be a restriction to shoot during break time ☆Also please remember hydrate yourself I won’t care if you fall ♥

We listened to Tsukimi who urged us to hydrate ourselves *Pan**pan* while clapping her hands, and placed the sports drink into our mouth.

“Julie. Are you okay?”

“Ja--. Miyabi set that up for me”

The silver girl pointed at the plastic bottle with ice inside which was placed on her head.

I was wondering what it was meant for but, Julie was showing a satisfied and comfortable expression because it’s cold.

“This is quite hard”

I sat beside her and looked at the targets while nodding.

“Yeah. I feel gloomy every time I think that there is this cla.s.s every week”

I definitely prefer trainings that require movements compared to studying but, even my mood will drop if I can’t hit the target as expected.

(I think throwing the gun directly has higher accuracy……..)

When I was thinking that------

“Fuun, you can normally hit if you can maintain the correct shooting posture”

Tora displayed a score only inferior to Lilith in cla.s.s; he came closer to us with a “It’s my win!” expression.

“Oh my, I think I’m used to it you know?”

“……….No one asked you”

“Don’t be so boring, Tora. Tooru’s in the core of the topic so why not”

“Don’t casually call my name”

(Uuuun, same as usual)

Ever since the incident Lilith caused when she enrolled, Tora has created a one-sided wall.

I understand that getting cornered isn’t fun but, I think holding a grudge for that is just going too far.

(I wish he would be friendlier with Tatsu at least…………)

Since they always quarrel, I can’t describe Tora and Tatsu to be friendly.

But, things won’t get any worse from this and they are sort of like good buddies------

“Wait, err, where’s Tatsu?”

“Tsukimi dragged that idiot away because he threw the gun at the target through irritation that he could hit anything”

…………I have to be careful.

“Looks like you are having it tough, Kokonoe”

“Haha, well yeah”

Tachibana joined us while wiping off sweat with a towel.

Miyabi could be seen behind her.

“Fufu, even you have something you suck other than cla.s.s lectures”

Tachibana who started a conversation while laughing, had good shooting skills although it couldn’t be compared to the gold girl. Apparently, the Tachibana style 18 arts had shooting techniques included inside so, she has acc.u.mulated quite some training on rifles and handguns.

“H-how about getting a lecture by Tomoe-chan too, Tooru-kun……..?”

“Fumu. I don’t mind so, how about it?”

Maybe because she learned some tricks from Tachibana, I saw Miyabi getting hits from time to time.

(That sounds nice too---)

When I thought about it, i remembered the scene about how Miyabi was taught.

The scene includes: Tachibana wrapping around Miyabi from behind to support her arms which were holding the gun, causing high contact on the back.

“I-I’ll go solo for a while, hahaha…………”

“Well, if you say so………….but, if you are still having problems after a while, don’t bother too much and come to me”

After I replied “l’ll do that” with a wry smile, Miyabi mumbled softly while looking at us.

“It would be nice if I was good enough to teach Tooru-kun”

The imagination just now switched to Miyabi from Tachibana but I swung my head to get rid of it from my head.

[To-tooru-kun, what’s wrong……….?] [The heat got into your head, Kokonoe?]

“No, I just thought “I wonder if it will get cooler if I swung my head”………….”

While making the excuse “I definitely lost to the heat”, I made an empty laughter but-----

“Hold your horses. Shouldn’t I be the first person to come to regarding guns?”

Lilith came back to the conversation and I got on too.

“True------was what I wanted to say. I had you teach me just now but, Lilith’s teaching method makes no sense”

“That’s not true”

“It is. Even just now you went, do it like this…..and that. That’s the only thing you said”

While explaining to her about what she said, I imitated the movements she performed when she taught me.

“Nope. It’s like that…..then this”

With x100 speed compared to me-------(She probably thinks she’s slow)------she made a stance but, I have no idea what she meant by nope at all.

“Come on…………is this the, Geniuses are bad in teaching scenario? More importantly, Lilith----You use one hand to shoot while we have to maintain both hands while firing”

“One or both hand does not matter. The most important factor needed in shooting is to know the characteristics of the gun. Though I say that, this logic goes for all kinds of weapon”

The gold girl’s sentence shocked us.

“Kuhah. As expected from the Ojou-sama. So this is the “a good workman’s does not blame her tool[5e 1]” huh”

I ignored her here.

In the other half of the shooting training------4th period started and about 30 minutes pa.s.sed.

“Hooold up ♥ Lift your hand and listen to Sensei ♪”

“Okay Sensei”

I thought “Isn’t it stop your hands?” but one girl-Kibitsu lifted her hand.

“Okay okay, looks like there are good kids here with good hit rate already so we will change the training menu ☆With that said, follow Sensei ♥”

After saying that, Tsukimi hopped outside the training zone.

While feeling troubled about what is going on, we follow her and-----

The place we reached was the outdoor battle arena.

When we came out from the entrance, we came out at the middle level of the audience seat.

We can look at the whole coliseum from here----

For some reason, there’s a sandbag in the middle of the coliseum. On top of the tightly packaged bag of sand, a 5 meter circle was drawn with a thick rope.

This outdoor battle arena was used for the > last semester but, that sandbag was definitely not there at that time.

This unmistakably was prepared for the event that is about to come.

(……………I have a really bad feeling here)

This might sound unlikely but, is she going to tell use to have a 1 vs 1 inside that small circle?

When I was imagining that, Tsukimi turned around and spread her arms.

“Okay, let’s play a game for 10 minutes ♪ with that said, Kokonoe-kun. You----are the target”


“Like I said, you will be running around inside the coliseum ☆ And everyone will be *Bang bang* targeting you ☆ Understand, okay?”

Tsukimi made a gun gesture and posed a shot at me.

“I see, so that’s what you meant…………..Wait a second----!?”

“No waiting ♪ Aiming a moving target is more practical ☆”

My bad feeling came true.

But, it has crossed my imagination.

However, Tsukimi’s intention was not moving forward this time.


[White Usa-sensei, this going a little too far……..] [Yeah, shooting someone is just…………..”

Everyone’s faces were gloomy and started causing noises while speaking out in hesitant.

“Hnnn, you don’t have to worry about that problem…….well, proof is better than theory in this situation”

After Tsukimi said so tiredly-----

*Tan* she kicked the ground and perform a somersault mid-air before landing into the coliseum.

“Ojou-sama, one bullet from there please?”

While waving, Tsukimi called out to Lilith.

She picked the person that while 100% hit her without any hesitation.

Of course, Lilith agreed and pointed the gun at Tsukimi before----she shot her.

Tsukimi’s hand moved at the same time everyone instantly felt shaken-----

A *Pssssst* sound could be heard.

“Nice catch ♪”

A practice bullet fell on the sand when Tsukimi opened her clenched hand.

Of course, it’s the bullet Lilith shot.

[Amazing……..] [Are you serious……..] [She caught it…….]

“I said this before ♪ you can more or less dodge bullets when you cross > ☆ If you can see it and dodge, then you can do this too ♪”

While looking everyone in the cla.s.s causing a stir, Tsukimi smiled while saying this.

“Just like what I explained in cla.s.s: the higher you rise in >, physical abilities aren’t the only factors that will be enhanced; your body will also become st.u.r.dier too. The guns you all are using right now are only meant for suppression so the firepower has been set to low; 1 or 2 shots at the > Kokonoe-kun will………kind of hurt and won’t kill him, so rest a.s.sured and go crazy ☆”

……….did I just hear her say “kind of hurt” just now.

Leaving that aside, even though she said that, it’s not like everyone plunged right into it.

Tsukimi felt the hesitant air and pointed at her head before announcing.

“Ojou-sama, one more shot ♪ This time---over here ☆”

Tsukimi was pointing at her head.

Without a care about the cla.s.smates that caused a stir again, Lilith listened to her, aimed and pulled the trigger.

Tsukimi’s head bounced backwards with a *Thud*----

“See ♥”

Even though she received a headshot, she said it without breaking a smile; sounds of amazement were leaking everyone.

Incidentally, everyone was already told that I have gained special permission to sublimate to > because a serious emergency occurred in the training last time-----(During the >).

Also, everyone found out that Julie had an emergency special sublimation too during the > a.s.sault a few days ago.

“Also also, this will be defense training for Kokonoe-kun so this training is 2 birds with one stone ☆ Which means it’s a win win relationship ♪”

[I see, if that’s the case…..] [True. A little pain isn’t that much……..]

After Tsukimi finished her explanation and demonstration, the atmosphere around the cla.s.s started to change.

As expected, the word “Won’t wound him” has turned into a big reason and it was giving them encouragement.

“----!? Hey, everyone!?”

Tsukimi gave the next blow to interrupt my panicked words.

“For people who don’t want the Restaurant pa.s.s; you can get a special bonus for your next month allowance instead ♥”


The atmosphere coming off from half of everyone when they heard that sentence changed and they all looked at me at the same time.

………….Miyabi’s eyes came into view.

“The first person to destroy Kokonoe-kun will receive a pair invitation to a high-cla.s.s famous Emperor Hotel restaurant ♪”

Most of the remaining eyes looked at me.

[I don’t plan to lose a match from the start but, my interest increased a fold if a date with Tooru is a consolation prize] [Bonus…….!] [I’ll invite Izumi to the Emperor Hotel restaurant…….!] [The castrate Kokonoe alliance, FIGHT!!] [OOOOHH!!] [A date with Tooru-kun a date with Tooru-kun a date with Tooru-kun……..!!] [Miyabi, we will help you!!] [A meal with Sensei!!]

Right now, a crazy swirl of desire was filling the coliseum.

The people who maintained their calm state and would help were 3 people: Julie, Tora,and Tachibana.

First with Julie-----

“If that person wins, she will date Tooru…….i will not let that happen so rest a.s.sured, Tooru”

Since her compet.i.tive urges towards Lilith were burning inside, she was not calm at all.

I moved my sights to the side and looked to Tora----

“Fuun. This is stupid-----but, this is training. Good luck there, Tooru”

It’s a calm judgement but, he looks cold-hearted to me.

The only one I can count on is Tachibana.

“Tsukimi-sensei, this is too much, Kokonoe will-----“

“Well well, Cla.s.s rep. Listen to this”

“Huh? Listen to what……..?”

After getting back to the audience seat, Tsukimi wrapped around Tachibana’s shoulders and pulled her to closer.

When I peeked in because I got curious, Tsukimi took out her cellphone and fiddled it.

“Fuwaaa, Hnn, ann, Kokono-e, Eh, sto, aaafuu, weird voice is coming, out……ah, fu……….Nyooo, let go, Kokonoe, Kokono-e, aaah, ah………..Fuaaaaaah!!”


Tachibana spurt out so strong that snot might fly out.

“Wha-whawha, wh-wh-when, di-did, yo-you record……………!?”

“Of course, At. That. Time ♥”

Tachibana opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish in response to Tsukimi making a “Win pose” with a smile.

“I’ll broadcast this in school if you don’t go all out ☆”


Tachibana’s expression froze.


Tachibana slowly looked to me when I called out to her------

“Kokonoe, prepare yourself…………!”

Together with those words, my last hope was gone.

Tsukimi then explained the rules.

Time limit: 10 minutes; everyone has 40 bullets each and it’s the end when they run out of bullets.

Partic.i.p.ants are restricted to step in the arena and have to shoot from the audience seat. However, in order to prevent injuries from friendly fire, a 120 degree from the middle of the arena can only be used.

On the other hand, I am out the moment one hit lands. However, I am in the safe if it’s just a graze.

But, the most important factor is that, I am permitted to use my >------(What’s more, I have a 3 time limit to use the

More importantly, I concentrated to the training that’s about to start.

(I can use the

It’s not often I can get defense training with all attacks coming from many dimensions.

Adding on, I am able to use the

……………..i don’t feel like going through this unless I think this way though.

(Okay, I’ll aim for dodging!)

I switched my mood and confirmed the remaining rules.

My movable radius is the 5 meter circle made on the arena.

If I take one step out of the circle, it has been set that the remaining people with bullets will have a lucky draw for the restaurant rights or the bonus.

………..however, it seems that the budget will be taken from me if that’s the case. In a certain sense, it hurts more than getting hit by the practice bullet and this gives me a good reason to dodge.

And if I don’t take even one hit, the rights will go to me.

(It’s Out if I leave the circle………)

When I looked inside the circle, it felt unexpectedly wide-----but, this will turn out different when it starts.

This limited s.p.a.ce will definitely chain me down.

Depending on the people, there are some of them that won’t be able to track me down if I run around the whole coliseum.

But, if I am in this circle, everyone will be able to see me due to the distance and will not lose me.

There’s quite a gap between us but, they won’t lose track of me in this 5 meter circle.

(Around 20-30 meters huh……….)

Although the bullets will land on me instantly at this distance, I promised to myself to take this on.

And at this moment, Tsukimi announced to everyone that everything was about to start.

I manifested the >, lowered my hips, took a deep breath----and concentrated.

“Okay then. Readyyyyy…..GOOOO ♪”

[Get wrecked Kokonoe!!] [Sorry about this, Tooru-kun!!] [Emperor Hotel!!] [Sensei!!]

All the triggers were pulled at the same time Tsukimi signaled them, and I also took a big leap to the side with the same timing.

Since it’s everyone aimed at the spot I stood at the same time, I perfectly dodged it; Was what I thought-----

“Too naïve, Tooru ♪ “

Lilith read my moves and her bullet was approaching.


*Gaan*!! Right before I was about to lose by a headshot without even lasting for 1 second after start; I barely blocked the bullet with my >.

“Ahh, so close”

*Snap* Lilith clicked her fingers and looked regretful.

(That was close! That definitely would hit if it was her >……..!!)

Same goes of Lilith’s >, the suppressive guns everyone was using has lower firepower compared to real guns and that means the speed is slower.

Of course, it still has the speed that’s humanly impossible to see but, that’s a big difference for me.

But, I had not time to feel relieved that I was saved by the difference in bullet speed because bullets were flying at me one after another.


The vision that is able to see bullets moving at 100+mph, and the physical abilities + reaction speed to dodge it.

This is the wall standing between > and >-----

I can feel the actual difference now.

Nonetheless, there’s no way I can fully dodge immeasurable numbers of bullets.

Instantly, I noticed the big mistake I made at the beginning.

Since I took a big leap to the side from the position I was standing just now; I am now at the side of the circle----

Because of that, my escape route was limited to the left side.

And more importantly, with Tachibana and Tora as the leader, several people pulled the trigger while aiming at my dodging directions because it was very predictable.

(d.a.m.n it, I can’t dodge! If that’s it then----)

“Sever the fang----

The instantly deployed barrier blocked the bullets and surprised voice could be heard.

It was told to everyone that I gained this ability when I sublimated to > but, looks like they can’t hide their shock now that they actually get a glimpse of it.

I opened the barrier when the bullets stopped.

(This won’t be training if I shut myself in like this)

Even though I have 2 more times, I made a rule that I would use it only for an instant.

“Hey hey, time is going to run out if you all daydream ☆”

Everyone came back from their daze after Tsukimi’s clap and started lining up their guns again.

(That one was no good. I won’t be able to dodge the attack when I land from a big jump. I have to minimize my movements and deflect the hard ones with the >…………!)

While reflecting on my mistakes, I started countering the bullet storm again.

While using the >, I perform dodges while being cautious with my leg and body swings.

(Remember the moves Tachibana taught in these past few months!! Think of this as a chance to show off your results!!)

“Look at me carefully, Tachibana!!”

Bullets stopped for some reason when I said that.


“-------!? W-what are you saying all of a sudden, you!?”

Just when I was wondering what was happening, Tachibana’s face was red and was scolding me.

“I am just telling you to look at the moves I gained from your teachings though……….?”

As expected, telling her everything in a bullet storm is impossible so I gave her a straightforward sentence.

“Why is that?” When I twist my head wondering why this is related to the reason why everyone stopped attacking-----

“Don’t use such weird ways to say that!!”

“Wait, what!? What do you mean by weird!?”

Tachibana shot me in anger and I had to deflect the bullet with the > in panic.

Everyone quickly lined up their guns and started firing again.

(Wh-what is going on here!?)

And even though I was wondering why, I will be unable to dodge the approaching bullets with a disturbed mind.

My consciousness changed when my cheeks was grazed.

(Focus, focus, focus, focus…….!)

After focusing in dodging, the question disappeared in my mind.

“Scatter about! Shooting in front will only make things easier for Tooru!!”

Everyone spread out to the maximum limits after listening to Tora, there were some people moving higher on the audience seat.


Together with Tora’s order, bullets started flying at me from various directions.

(d.a.m.n it Tora, I will remember this----!!)

Unable to get the time to rest, I had to block with my >, dodge bullets that I can’t block with small or big moves and there were times when I had to dodge the bullets by falling onto the sand without feeling any shame or embarra.s.sment-----

Soon, the event was able to reach to the remaining 1 minute without me getting hit.


Under the scorching sun, I was sweating profusely while breathing wildly.

Even though I was an >, continuously dodging attacks from all directions---(what’s more under the condition of not getting hit) and defending against high-speed bullets, is very tiring.

Adding into the problem, since Tora changed the strategy by aiming at my lower body since it was harder to block it with my shield, this made me to move around more and this would increase my tiredness.

But, most of the people in the shooting side were out of ammo so, the only one remaining were the usual faces except for Miyabi-----Julie, Lilith, Tachibana and Tora.

It looks like Julie is bad with the gun like me so I guess I don’t have to focus on her.

And unexpectedly, Lilith isn’t that much scary of an opponent either.

Although her accuracy is very high, she would aim for Headshots or Heart shots due to pride.

(Okay then……who would be the first one to move)

With 1 minute left on the clock, we were glaring at each other.

Since they are low on ammo, they would probably go for the finisher because there was little time.

I have used the

As for what timing I would use it, it would probably be when I use it to end this match.

The person who initiated----was the gold girl.

She pointed the gun at me and shouted.

“Okay, Tooru! The next bullet will be a challenge!!”

While being cautious of the gold girl who claimed that she was at her last shot, I did not lower my guard towards the others.

*Tann*! Lilith’s trigger was the signal for her last attack.

Without any change, this was an accurate snipe towards my heart-------to the end, this attack suits Lilith.

“But……….it’s too straightforward!!”

It was easy to guard my heart with the > and the moment I shouted that it was so easy to block the bullet------

Lilith raised the side of her mouth and winked at me.

“Sorry, Tooru………it’s a Fake”


Lilith pulled the trigger once more.

What’s more, it was aimed towards my thigh which was different from the shots until now.


Right before-----I was. .h.i.t, I immediately twisted my body and the bullet grazed my thighs.

“Safe ♪”

Tsukimi spread both her right and left hands and declared her judgment.

“Ah, come on! Why would you dodge that! And the bullets are too slow, dang gun!”

Feeling regret, Lilith covered her face and looked upwards.

But by my perspective after dodging that hard shot; that shot just now was one that brought forth the final disaster.

With my balance broken, they did not miss the chance that was formed.

[Now, Tachibana!!] [Umu, this is the end!!]

Both of their guns headed out for the finisher.

(…….2!? Where’s Julie!?)

At this moment, I saw something.

I saw Julie jumping up into the sky from the highest step of the audience seat.

Immediately, Tora and Tachibana started pulling their triggers one after another and were blasting off their remaining bullets.

And at the same time, Julie pulled the trigger while she was up in the blue sky-----(What’s more, it seems that she was reserving her ammo so it was quite a barrage).

Her accuracy might be bad but, might dodges will be limited if she scatter the bullets like a rain from above.

Tora and Tachibana’s bullets approached too.

I endured the 3 away attack coming from above and the side by using my > and leg movements to its limits before-----

I instantly released the > that would bring this to the end.

I activated the dome-shaped barrier and managed to block all the remaining approaching bullets-----this is the end.

Tora and Tachibana sighed heavily and lowered their gun.

At the same time, sighs and voices of regrets could be heard from the people that lost.

But, immediately, a voice appeared from a different direction----Yup, it’s from above.


“Buu!? Julie!?”

After looking up, (maybe because she shot an unfamiliar gun in mid-air or maybe it’s from the impact from the gun), No matter what reason it is, Julie is falling from above.

Even so, there were no signs of her trying to handle the situation by using the >.

At this rate, she will slam into the hard sand arena.

“Look out…….!”

I stepped a few steps forward to catch the silver girl.

*Chirin* The bell rang loudly.

Immediately after, *Gashaa* Julie’s gun dropped on the sand with a thud.

“Are you okay, Julie!?”

“Ja---. I am safe thanks to you”

I feel relieved after seeing the silver girl nod.

“Can you stand?”

After confirming this fact before putting her down, Julie nodded once more before-----

“But before that; Thank you very much, Tooru…………..and sorry”

She said something weird.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Even without answering my question, Julie showed the answer by her actions-----(She *Ton* lightly tapped my chest with something inside her hand)


“I got a hit”


The object inside her small hand------was a practice bullet.


“Okaaay, THE EEEND ☆ It’s Kokonoe-kun’s lost lost ♪”

“W-wait, is that even valid!?”

It’s true that the rule says, No one is to step into the arena and her legs didn’t reach the floor since I was carrying her now but-----

“Valid! And it’s a Safe since it was 3 seconds before times up!”

Tsukimi raised one hand up 45 degrees downwards and shouted before-----

Next off, she then raised it straight up----

“With that said, you got tricked good there, >! Gyahahahaha!! You got reversed at the end just when you thought you won! Ahyahyahyaha ♪”

Even though it’s valid, this is what getting a blow is like.

“What the heck…………”

I wouldn’t even imagine that she would hide a bullet which she slipped out from the magazine in her hand.

She even went as far as to drop her gun so that I won’t be cautious too.

“…………..Sorry for using such a dirty trick, Tooru”

Julie lowered her head even though she won.

“Ah, no, it’s my fault for lowering my guard so don’t worry about it. Well, Lilith might be okay but, It was shocking because i never thought Julie would use such a hand”

“Hey, Tooru. What did you meant when you said it’s okay if it’s me?”

The gold girl got closer while puffing her cheeks.

“I-I didn’t mean anything bad, I meant you are hard to deal with. Well you know, like what happened just now……..”

“Hard to deal with, it doesn’t sound like praise at all you know?”

Lilith pouted her lips and came closer.

“N-no, errr………..hahaha…………..”

“Fuun, I can’t pretend to miss that comment there. I’m the one who taught Julie that plan so take back the comment that she might do it, Tooru!”

“That’s right, take it back, Tooru!”

“Eeei, don’t ride on my words!”

“Oh my, why not. Don’t be such a cheapskate”

“Who’s the cheap one!!”

Luckily (?) I escaped their targets and quickly asked the silver girl.

“Errr………… Julie, Was it Tora’s plan?”


*Chirin* the belled echoed when the silver girl nodded.

I then lightly tapped her head.

“Haha, It’s my complete lost. I just reaffirmed that something natural like lowering my guard at the very end is a bad move”

I said that while laughing and made my face look a little more serious before continuing my move.

“………….But, what was he going to do if I didn’t save you, that d.a.m.n Tora. I wished he would make a plan with the consideration that Julie might get injured”

“Nai. Tora said, you would save me no matter what happened. Also, I commenced Tora’s plan because I feel that it is true”

As things kept up, I started feeling embarra.s.sed at our trust.

“……….Well, I feel happy that you trust me but, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s dangerous so please do not do that again, Julie”

“Ja--, I’ll do that”

Tsukimi came over with her rabbit ears wobbling around, right when the silver girl made a wry smile.

“Kuhah, how’s this special lesson, >?”

“I had my fill of satisfaction. I wish to go through that again if there is a chance”

I feel really tired but, this training was good for my defense.

I need concentration and stamina; on top of that I need to carefully plan the timing to use the

“Kuhah. If you like it so much then let’s do this again. But it will have a tougher content then ☆”

“Yeah, bring it on!”

“……Then, I guess I’ll take the prize money from your wallet”

“Ouu……wait, did you mean tough by that!?”

“Kuhahaha! It’s a joke ♪ It really is worth teasing you”

*Ban Ban* Tsukimi slammed my shoulders-----


She placed her mouth closer to my ear and mumbled something.

Come back to this Arena at 8pm, I will continue that story just as promised……..

Night time came, and I was spending time with the usual faces in the lounge-----

“About what happened during afternoon, Lilith. In order to use a gun skillfully, one has to know the characteristics of the gun by shooting it several times, was what you said right?”

Tachibana talked to Lilith about the event that occurred at the afternoon shooting training.

“Yes, what about it?”

“If possible, can you teach me the way to understand that characteristic?”

“Okay. Let’s see, first off-----“

Tachibana becomes stronger by applying her serious and hardworking personality.

Lilith becomes stronger by applying her free, uncontrolled and genius gift.

Both of them look like they don’t match but, the reality is in the opposite.

Especially, it isn’t exaggerated to say that Lilith talk to Tachibana the most; leaving Sara and me out from the equation.

(It doesn’t have to be as close as Tachibana but, I wished Julie and Tora would be friendlier with her………….)

Especially, since Lilith traded goods with Julie in DNL, I thought their relationship would turn to the better thanks to that but------

From what I can see, it doesn’t seem like there was any change.

(The problem won’t be solved if I open my mouth after all………..)

I am the problem in the first place.

(------, it’s about time)

After looking at the clock and confirming the time was reaching the promised time, I stood up from my seat.

“Where are you going, Tooru?”

Lilith stopped her conversation with Tachibana and asked me.

“………..i thought of going back to my room”

I feel that there’s a lot of problem in that sentence but, I reply back so that I won’t have to show my face.

“I will go back if Tooru goes back”

After saying that, Julie stood up.

(Oh c.r.a.p. I should have used the toilet excuse)

Even though I regretted, I immediately thought that I could have said that I would head outside after going to my room for a while.


Right when we left the lounge, Julie made a shocking sentence.

“Tooru. I am going with you”

“………! Were you listening, Julie……!?”

“Only the word “At night”. But, I felt Tooru was acting weird after that”

When I asked her what part of me was weird, she told me that it was so obvious because I was restless and was oddly fixed on the time.

“But, if the event that is about to happen has secrets you can’t tell me then, I will go back to my room and wait………..”

I was hesitant but, I swung my head sideways.

“No, come with me. I will tell you about what will happen while we walk”

“Then, I will accompany you”

I stood beside Julie and headed outside to the moonlight.

“It finally feels cooling huh”

“Ja---. But it still feels really hot”

When I replied back “I think the heat will continue until mid-September though”, Julie look downwards and looked depressed.

We walked towards the outdoor arena in the night.

I told Julie about the question I felt.

About why Tsukimi did not use her >’s true > when she fought us.

“This is just a speculation but-----it’s not because she did not use it but it’s because she couldn’t use it; and that makes more sense. But that-----“

I stopped my legs in between my sentence and looked up at the Outdoor arena in front of me.

“We might be stepping into the dark part of Kouryou academy”

Now that I stumbled into that possibility; I understood why Julie followed me.

It might be a correct decision to come alone without bringing Julie.

However, I chose to believe the silver girl who I vowed to be a > with.

That’s because I believed that I can overcome future trials if I am with her.

“Even if darkness is waiting for us, I will still chose to be with you”

“Thanks, Julie”

“Ja---♪ “

Maybe it was night time; the arena looks like an abandoned building making it look kind of scary.

But, we stepped inside without any hesitation.

After pa.s.sing the hall, we reached a spot where we could see the whole arena interior and saw someone standing in the middle of the arena.

“Sorry for the wait, Tsukimi”

“No worries, I just got here ☆……………that’s a fixed date speech there. Kuhahah”

“And who’s going on a Date again……..”

While making a puckered face, we jumped off from the audience seat to the arena.

“Hou, silver is with you”

“I am Tooru’s > after all”

Tsukimi silently shrugged his shoulders when she heard Julie’s reply.

“Then let’s make this quick, I want to her the continuation of the conversation we had in DNL. About, why you did not use the true > of your > during the > when you fought us”

The trigger was during the seaside school.

I questioned this when I saw Tsukimi use the true > of her > when she fought the >.

“It’s hard to use my > in tight places. That also lowers my guard. I just thought it wouldn’t work on clever opponents”

*Kuku* Tsukimi laughed with her shoulders shaking but, I continued the conversation.

“Last time, the you when you fought us, did not have the power to cause trouble for >. But, during the fight before, > said you were trouble to him”

A person that can have an even fight with > who is equipped with the >, will never lose to us when we were > even if she lowered her guard.

“But-----I now know of a possibility that you might have your current power ever since April”

“What the heck is that? I went in full power with the intention to kill you two. There’s no way I would ever lose to > opponents if my strength is what it is now”

Even though she was smiling and denying my speculations----

But, Julie swung her head sideways at that point to deny Tsukimi’s sentence.

“Nai. You can go all-out if your current strength was sealed by using the >”


“Hey Tsukimi. Last time, you leaded us to the idea that you were hired by a country br.i.m.m.i.n.g in justice so that you, that was a lie right?”

Tsukimi scratched her head and sighed loudly when I questioned her.

“Oh d.a.m.n……….you really stepped into it as expected”

After mumbling-----

“…………Enough, Rito. I’ll handle the rest”


We gulped when we heard that dignified voice suddenly echo.

“Tooru, over there”

When I followed Julie’s view to the visitor seat, 2 people quietly listening to our conversation appeared under the moonlight.

A girl in Gothic Dress, and a male instructor who is responsible for all subjects in the academy while being the girl’s bodyguard.

“Chairman, and also Mikuni-sensei…………..”

“Good evening, Kokonoe Tooru. We have a splendid starry sky indeed”

“…………..It’s true that nights with clear stars are nice. Good evening, Chairman. Mikuni-sensei too”

After taking a light breath and calming my mind, I replied back to the intruders who greeted us.

The reason why I could immediately regain my calmness was because I predicted the possibility that this black clothed girl would appear.

Tsukimi said that it was her job when I asked her in DNL.

After hearing those words, I knew that Tsukimi was not talking about her personal choice-------which means, she had to be following the judgments from the higher ups.

That’s why; I told Julie beforehand that there might be a chance that we will step into the academy’s darkness depending on the conversation with Tsukimi.

That also goes for, the black clothed girl waiting for us within that darkness.

(She really came out so; it’s just like what I thought)

“*giggle*……………You have the face of conviction”

While placing her hand on her mouth, the chairman mad a quiet smile.

“…………..So I take it as, everything was according to what Tooru predicted?”

“Exactly. Rito was part of Dawn organization in the first place and has not once been affiliated with other organizations. I was the one who ordered her to target you under the >”

Without even trying to play it off, the chairman admitted my speculation was fact.

Judging by how bold it was, I could not feel any hostility to us.

“You admitted it so easily”

“You have already reached the truth. I then decided that it’s not needed to put on a pathetic farce”

“Which means, can I take this as you will answer other questions too?”

“Yes, of course”

With the side of her lips up, the black clothed girl nodded.

“Thank you very much. Then first thing first, why did you have Tsukimi target us at the >”

Even though Kouryou Academy is a mysterious garden that nurtures the unimaginable existence known as the >; the chairman giving direct orders to kill her students is just beyond comprehensible.

“The > is something that is trained by one’s strong will-----I also think so too”

The chairman started talking from the visitor seat while looking down at us.

“A strong will-----that is none other than the will to survive. And by your thoughts, when is one able to release that will to its maximum potential?”

The time when someone wishes to live the most-----

That’s probably feeling strongly the opposite feeling of existing.

“…….it’s stepping in front of death’s door”

“Correct. Humans will wish for life to its fullest when confronted with danger, and that will cause the > to glow strongly………and that’s the reason why I had Rito target you all”

“It’s not like I don’t understand you but, isn’t that too violent?”

“If you died then that’s because you are worthless”


She said it so easily.

The words the girl said without breaking her smile has crossed the boundary of dignified and entered the realm of cold.

“It may be too late for this but, I praise you all for leaving the best of results. All of you produced a chemistry with your strong > and brought the light of the > to another height”


She was probably referring to the > when she said > but, the other unfamiliar word made me twitch my eyebrows----

“The word Chemistry in j.a.panese translation will be chemical reaction------it means the compatibility of people, but in this case, it will be union Kokonoe-kun”

“………..Thank you very much”

Not opening his mouth until now, Mikuni-sensei gave an explanation to me while standing beside the chairman like a shadow.

Judging by how he noticed my small change of expression under the moonlight, he probably has a full view of our actions.

“Chairman. You said that you ordered her to target us but, then why the need to attack Tora and the others?”

“I heard that he was your friend before enrolling to the academy so, I wanted to test how strong he was”

I gritted my teeth.

If that is the truth then the reason why Tora and Tatsu were attacked by Tsukimi, was because of me.

“…………why us?”

I endured the anger towards the Chairman who dragged me into this and to me got dragged into this and asked her.

“In a more precise manner, I planned to give that trial to the people who possessed a firm will and was in pursue strength during the >---you and Tachibana Tomoe”

After calling that danger we faced a trial, the chairman continued with [Sadly, Tachibana Tomoe lost to you all before we could give her the trial”

“………….Julie is different?”

I don’t know what kind foundation she bases a “Strong will” on but, I don’t think that this silver girl doesn’t possess the will for further strength.


“Julie Sigtuna is not an >. You should already know that fact right?”

It’s true that I know the silver girl was unlike us.

But, why do I feel that the chairman is not interested in the > which could be called the Original >.

After slamming her with the question formed within the conversation-----

“I don’t care about Julie Sigtuna who is an >. However, my interest only goes no further than what kind of influence will happen if the real deal was mixed into the group”

I now understood that the black clothed girl wasn’t particularly interested in the >.

To the researcher of the >, her own > was more important to her.

Most likely, she probably reached a stalemate since the judgmental basis was clashing.

More importantly, there are many more other things I need to ask so, I changed my feeling and decided to move the conversation to the next one.

“Did you do anything else other than that?”

Maybe, someone else might have received this so called “Trial” like us behind our backs-------even though I asked her with those thoughts, the chairman swung her head sideways and that made me relieved.

“I only moved during the >. The rest just happened without my intervention”

I don’t need any further information to know what it is.

It’s definitely > and the >.

At the same time, it was probably due to her orders that the security guards did not show up until I beat > in the last fight.

“They moved quite well which was beyond our expectations. When I first met >-sama, I wouldn’t have thought that someone could reach > this fast”

While looking at me, the black clothed girl made a bewitching devilish smile.

But, I was feeling strong rage in contrast to the chairman.

“Beyond, expectations…….?”

I felt enraged; the anger then changed my words and made me speak violently.

“Don’t joke with me!! Many people died!? Even with that, why are you still smiling!! The people who died were the > you nurtured right!!”

Many Ethanarch died in the last mission and during the seaside school.

That wasn’t all.

Judging by the conversation, it isn’t hard to imagine that the same problem happened before we even enrolled and many students lost their life from that.

Even so, the black girl still smiled.

That smile that looked like she wasn’t wavering or in pain from all those deaths, and her words; I just couldn’t forgive her for any of that.


“………….I just told you that, you are worthless if you died”

Judging by the words she replied, I could not feel waver or pain in her heart at all; forget that, there wasn’t even any sense of despair.

“Why………….why would you say such a thing……..is reaching the peak of the > more important than human life!?”

I knew the answer.

I still shouted even though I knew.

The chairman then replied with the answer I already knew.

“Of course”

The black clothed girl placed her hand on her chest and talked with an icy tone.

“My name is Tsuk.u.mo Sakuya------the > who inherited the >. Because of that, completing the > is my cause. That is the reason why am born in this world. There is nothing else that will pique my interest”

I was almost pressured.

By a 10 year girl who named herself the >.

However, I mustn’t be pressured here and pull back.

“Then…….! Just gather people who have the determination to throw their life for your cause!!”

My shout echoed in the arena, and dispersed before silence returned.

With my angry voice pouring at her, the girl slowly swung her head to the left and right.

“I will admit that people with determination are strong. More so if those people who are not afraid of death. However, I don’t want people who own those will. What I want is the opposite------no matter how pathetic they may look, I want people that has the will to struggle to live”

Continuing on, the black clothed girl said something weird.

“And------This Kouryou Academy was created in order to create the will to live”

“Will? Not >?”

After I asked her, the > smiled as if “Good work noticing”.

“Many old souls would say that their student life is special when asked to enter memory lane. Especially, a high school life which can be excluded out from society”

While I was feeling bewildered on what she was talking about, I kept quiet and continued listening.

“In the > before, >-sama called the Kouryou Academy student this: Trained students with impure substances known as a normal lifestyle”

“…………that impure substance, is something that will create the will to live?”

“Yes, the reason why I gave you all a normal school life, was because you all will have stronger thirst for life”

“By thirsting to life, there is a possibility that the > will reach to new heights when the person is placed in an abnormal life known as war, and made to stand inside death abyss…………..is that the reason why Kouryou was made?”

After nodding with satisfaction as if she was saying *Correct*, the girl turned her back to us.

“Perfect Union------a fun life with school friends, strict and tough training, fights with lives on the line; all experience you went through is to reach only at one…………yes-----“

She looked up at the night sky and extended her hands up as if to grab the stars before talking.

“To the

It’s a word she said last time when we were administered the >------

And also when we enrolled into the academy.

“…………..just what is the

When I asked her, the > slowly turned around.

“The final realm that exists when the > of the > is mastered----that’s all”

“…………So, you gathered all of us to reach that?”

The question was silently answered with the chairman’s smile.

I didn’t need to confirm what the > meant; it was probably the >.

Master that >------it was impossible to imagine how high that endless goal was.

The black clothed girl gathered compatible people to reach that realm.

But, a new question was formed when I found that out.

“What are you going to do when the > reaches that final realm”

If I put myself in a researcher shoes, there must be some kind of goal.

The > answered my question without any intent to hide.

But, the answer was unexpected.

She swung her head and said this.


“Wha………!? What does that----“

“Humans will reach the >-----that is everything to me”

I felt the >’s true nature from her words and felt a chill.

She’s so insane that she would sacrifice everything for her goal.

That’s the reason why, she pushed many lives back to the corner many time with her trial and make them stand in front of death’s door.

She will continue for eternity, until the > reaches the

“Isn’t there another way………? Unlike an idiot like me, you’re smart right? There should be other ways without sacrificing-----“

“…………………You have no clue what a researcher is. This is a good chance so take note. We the researchers, are sages and at the same time, fools. We believe that we will absolutely reach our goal and go through with it-----we are such egoists”

The words she said; was none other than saying that she would not change the thought that she would throw away as many lives for her goal.

“…………..i have no intentions to deny your goal. Honestly, it’s interesting to see if i can really master the strength. But, that’s only if no one is sacrificed! That’s why I will never acknowledge your method!!”

“*giggle*………….So, what happens if you don’t acknowledge this?”

She’s probably enjoying my reaction.

While smiling, the girl who had her method denied, asked me.

That’s why I told her my determination.

“I will protect everyone! I will use the > you gave me to protect them from you!!”

“Now that’s ironic………..Julie Sigtuna. Your > is saying that you know?”

The chairman moved her sights to Julie as if she thought that Julie had something to say.

“I also feel the same way as him. I am thankful that I can now control the > of the > which I could not handle but, this and that is a different story”

Julie also feels the same way.

After losing people precious to us, we will never acknowledge the methods of the black clothed girl who view are human life lightly.

“*Giggle*, is that so. Just as expected from the > who escaped death together. However, we have many more p.a.w.ns that surpa.s.s you two. Adding on, whenever the trial begins-----and end, is based on my mood. Even so, can you say that you will protect them?”

The black clothed girl, Mikuni-sensei, Tsukimi and Julie were paying attention to me while I said the < p="">



Everyone gasped except the chairman.

“It’s okay, Mikuni”

> stopped her bodyguard from covering her.

At the same time, I grabbed the >.


“It’s okay, Julie. I am not going to fight……….i heard the > must be needed when making a trade with the devil”

“What are you doing?”

The black clothed girl standing in my view-------Tsuk.u.mo Sakuya was wearing a gothic dress which was half absorbed in the darkness and looked like a devil.

I feel that way even more, now that I know the girl does not even feel madness.

It’s because I am dealing with such a person that I needed the weapon manifested by the >----the >.

“Chairman…………no, >-----Tsuk.u.mo Sakuya.

I took a deep breath before announcing.

“Make---a contract with me”

“…………..what kind of contract?”

Even though she replied that, my words were probably within her predictions.

Her giggling appearance as if she was happy from the bottom of her heart, shows that.

But, I didn’t care and continued.

“I will take on all of your trials! That’s why, stop giving the trials to people who have no will for it!!”

“……………..do you know what your words meant--------you sound like you know what you are talking about huh, Kokonoe Tooru”

“Of course”

“The contract will be reconsidered if you die you know?”

“I------vow that I will not die. I will live and protect everyone……!!”

“Of course, we will revoke it if we decide that you don’t have the potential to do so”

“I don’t mind. I won’t let you decide that anyway”

“Then…………..are you saying that you will reach it-----to the

The black clothed girl made a bewitching smile while I nodded.

If I am going to protect everyone, I have to steel myself up to overcome all the trails the > a.s.sign.

“I promise, on this >!”

I placed my manifested > on my chest and shouted.

“I will reach it-----to the

The > smiled as if she gained a fun toy after hearing my announcement.

The silver girl continued on after me towards the black clothed girl who was smiling like the devil.

“I will fight too. I promised him that I will continue to be his >”

“………….Julie Sigtuna. Our plan won’t end even if you, the > reach there”

“Ja---. I know. But, it will en

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