Absolute Duo

Chapter 5

“Looks like it scattered quite a lot………”

3rd day after enrollment. We followed the promise we made last night and went to see the sakura[1d 1] flowers the first thing in the morning.

But, it seems it was early blooming this year.

Unfortunately, the season for the sakura had pa.s.sed and, the connecting leaves started to stand out.

“Sorry about the short-lived happiness, Julie.”

“Nai. It doesn’t change the fact it is beautiful.”

Looking up at the peach colored background on the sky, Julie leaked out her impression as if she was mumbling.

Staring at the side of her face, I then once again brought my sights back to the sakura------

I immediately made a good idea.

“I think it is a little too fast from now but, let’s come and see it next year and this time when it is in full bloom………..ah, it’s also possible to go to a famous nearby spot instead of here though”

“Ja--. I also feel it is a little too fast but, I look forward to it.”

Without releasing her sights from the sakura, Julie nodded.

“Let’s come back together and watch again”

“Aah, together------“


“What is wrong, Tooru?”


(That just now, don’t tell me she thinks it was a date invitation?)

It’s true I think Julie is cute but, even so it’s not like I have feelings for her.

Purely, I just wanted to show her the sakuras in full bloom but--------

Those were my feelings and it was different from what the invited Julie was maybe thinking of.

It can’t be helped if I made her think I am a loose man from inviting her to a date when 3 days had not even pa.s.sed yet.

“I, I only wanted you to show you the sakura when it is at its prettiest and, I don’t mean it in any other way okay?”


In panic, even when I said something with no ulterior moves, Julie tilted her head and the bells rang softly.

Whether it’s the misunderstandings with Tachibana yesterday, Julie is distant in response to those kinds of talks.

“Is there some other meaning?”

“Eh, ah, no……….-----------uh! I, I know! Let’s invite Tora, Tachibana and the rest when we come to see the sakura………! I,its probably more fun when everyone comes…….!”

“Ja---. Is that so, then let’s do that.”

When I talked to her about flower viewing with everyone while dodging the question, luckily it seems Julie had forgotten about the other meaning.

*Hou* the moment I made a breath, a gust of wind pa.s.sed by.

The sakura petals swirled out, and danced up to the sky.

“It’s beautiful………..”

While staring at the blizzard of sakura petals, Julie softly mumbled.

“Yeah……………..but it’s more beautiful when it is at full bloom.”

“Is that so…………..”

“Now then, it’s about time we go back”

I urged Julie, and she started walking beside me.



“Next year……………it’s a promise?”

“Aah, it’s a promise.”


Julie nodded.

Towards her antic.i.p.ating figure now that we made a promise in after a year, I just couldn’t hide my nauseated smile.


Today for a one hour limit, we were handed a list and were made to check it.

In the list, all the new students’ picture, name, martial arts or sports experience or none, the manifested > was all written in it. Inside this, it means we are to find our > teammate.

“Fuun, it would be nice if there is someone that can compete with my gla.s.ses in this.”

“When Tora says it, it turns out that way.”

“It’s not a gag!”

“Well, leaving that aside, if it is okay with Tora would you want to team up?”


I had enough of looking at the list so; I brought up an idea to Tora.

“It’s not like we don’t know each other, I think it not a bad deal though…………..”

“Bad? Rather………-------!! Fu,fuun. I don’t mind if you say you really want to.”

Because it was exactly what I predicted, I made a wry smile inside my heart.

“Also, I am tired of living together with this guy.”

Tora pointed towards the guy prostrating himself and sleeping on the table beside him, and murmured.

This guy is called Tatsu, and according to Tora, his body was of a big muscle idiot, his voice was also of a big muscle idiot, and a sport-oriented sweltering muscle idiot. He had a rough personality that doesn’t listen to someone when they would talk, and it seems he was quarreling with Tora who has a sensitive personality from the get go.

(Well then, with this my > is going to be Tora )

The application to school will happen on Sat.u.r.day so it’s still far away but, I think it won’t be a problem since judging from Tora’s reaction it was practically fixed.

“Julie what are you going to do?”

“I’ll try talking to some people.”

“It’ll be great if you team up with a good partner.”

“Ja---. Thank you very much.”

---after that, an ability measurement was commenced with a 3 to 4 hours’ time limit, in the females Julie and Tachibana had shown amazing results, and were bathe with the attentions from the surroundings.

In the afternoon there was a physical ability enhancement training in succession from yesterday but----

During that occasion, Hotaka once again collapsed the same time she reached the goal.

“Looks like this isn’t fit for Hotaka.”

Someone muttered that and that sentence was deeply left inside my ear.

On the morning of the 4th day of enrollment. I happened to wake up first.

The subdued sunlight coming in from the gap of the curtain made me wake up from my sleep.

(Well, then……….I guess I’ll finish changing my clothes before Julie wakes up)

In order to prevent trouble, I should change in the dressing room.

Following the rule made on the first day, I headed towards the dressing room while yawning, but-----

At that moment, I found out that the rule is completely useless if there is a previous costumer there.


It seems the previous customer has the same aim as mine, and it looks like that person just took off the shirt that they were wearing.

I am very sure on how stiff my face became.

In response to that the previous costumer----------Julie, was staring at me with her eyes opened a little in surprise.

Her figure had nothing else other than her lower underwear and the skin-color ratio crossed 90%.

However, thanks to her just stripping off and holding the shirt, I could almost see the important part of her chest and I should be calling this the silver lining of a dark cloud.

No, in the border line of her snow like white skin and shirts, I saw a pink colored------

“Good morning, Tooru.”

A penetrating cold-------but to the person herself it was most likely normal-------her voice with no high or low pitch, pulled me back to reality when my thoughts was in the middle of freezing.

“Go-Go-Good, morning. Juli,e……………….”

“Did you sleep well?”


“That is good. By the way, Tooru is going to change too?”

“Yea,yeah. That’s true………..”

For some reason my tone became polite.

“I am sorry but, please wait over there a little while. If this goes on and we change our clothes like this, I will be embarra.s.sed to change in front of Tooru”

“Tha-that’s true………..”

As expected even Julie’s cheeks were blushing, and after I nodded with my stiffened face, I turned to the right and headed to the living room.

(Tha-That was shocking…………..why am I doing something so cliché………..)

If I had confirmed if Julie was sleeping, or maybe thought of calling out to the dressing room just in case, this was exactly what No use crying over spilled milk meant.

“Sorry to have made you wait.”


The instant a voice was called out from my back, I thought I bounced up 10 centimeters on the spot.

“Ju,Julie, Sorry! Just now err, I wasn’t trying to peek but………..!!”

“I don’t mind. However, I wish you would be careful from now on.”


It can’t be helped even if I was scolded since this was the first time she revealed her expression this time, I asked back while opening my mouth wide like an idiot towards Julie’s words.

“I said, I don’t mind.”

“I,is it okay to leave it unexplained………….?”

“Ja---. But just like I said just now, please be careful from now on. …………….It’s embarra.s.sing.”

“I, I get it. I’ll be careful.”

“If you understand this then, this matter is over. So Tooru, you can change now.”

After nodding, I entered the dressing room and made a big sigh.

(Fuu, I’m glad it didn’t turn into something annoying……….I have to follow on the promise and be careful from now on)

>----- There was one lesson starting from today, and it was free k.u.mite[1d 2].

There were many amateurs among the new students, and I was wondering if this was okay to have k.u.mite in the beginning since they might get hurt but, according to the school policy, teaching the skills had no meaning and only when using it, will it reach the body.

In the practice, the two girls that were standing out in the ability measurement yesterday-----Julie and Tachibana were once again bathing in attention from the surroundings.

Tachibana was showing combination attacks while breathing hard. Toward the movements that seem like dancing, voices of shock and admiration could be heard from everywhere.

In response to that she was getting close and distancing herself, Julie"s main focus was a hit and out, she used the effectiveness of her speed to oppose Tachibana.

“Julie’s movements are amazing too but, Tachibana isn’t losing……”

Almost par-------Julie was ahead in the number of moves but, Tachibana handled all of it and switched from defense to offense between the gaps in an instant.

Especially, the one that attracted the eyes was the excellence of the defense receiving Julie’s mult.i.tude of strikes.

“Fuun. As expected from the Tachibana style 18 arts.”

“Tachibana style?”

“A famous school with various martial arts and that has ancient martial arts as its core. Although this is the first time I am looking at it.”

“………….You know quite a lot.”

“It was written on yesterday’s list. Why didn’t you read it, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d……..”

“For the > I am going to team up with Tora anyway, so I thought it was alright not to purposely check others………”

When I made a wry smile and replied, Tora held his head.

And, the whistle to stop the k.u.mite was blown.

“Okay~Okay~. That is all. After a 3 minutes rest, this time change your opponent okay--♪”

At that announcement, Julie and Tachibana took a bow, exchanged a few words and stopped the k.u.mite.

In the end, it looked like both of them failed to give a decisive blow.

“Well then, who am I going to fight with………….”

Me and Tora said our farewells and I was in midst of looking for my next opponent--------immediately Julie’s figure entered my eyes.

Girls------------most likely her next opponent----------she was talking to her but, somehow it was strange.

The girl swung her head to the side and in the end made a bow before leaving. Again when she talked to another girl, the girl did the same thing and made a bow.

“Julie, can’t you find an opponent?”


When I called out to Julie who looks like she was having trouble finding the next person to talk to, she somehow replied back powerlessly.

It would seem, after looking at her match with Tachibana, they probably got cold feet.

(This is troubling…………)

Most of the girls have no martial art experience so this is normal.

“…………Julie, want to try it with me?”

“Is it okay?”

“Aah. Looking at that just now, I felt like having a match with you”

“………………….Thank you very much.”

For an instant, she opened her eyes wide a little, and immediately lowered her head.

One half of the reason I invited Julie was because of sympathy, and the other half was just like I said.

Judging from the entrance exam and the battle with Tachibana just now, Julie is faster than me.

Towards that speed, I wanted to try out how I could oppose it.

“Well then, let’s begin.”


The whistle was blown, and we lightly exchange our fists.

*Chirin* when I thought the sound of the bell which she didn’t take out even for this rang, Julie closed the distance in an instant.

(kuh………..! it’s a speed beyond my a.s.sumptions!! Directly Competingfighting against her is troubling………!)

Looking at it, this was completely different from a match, and it became a one-sided defensive fight.

We are made to stop the moment before we land an attack to avoid injuries but even so, it was done while we are almost serious.

In the end, I only avoided the decisive blows and was overwhelmed from the start to the end.

“Fuu, as expected from you. Have a match with me next time, Julie.”


Julie who was making nods, somewhat looked happy.

However------after that I saw Julie having problems looking for an opponent, and then I immediately thought.

(Looking at that rate, is she okay finding a >………..?)

Maybe she was having trouble blending into the surroundings well, I was a little worried.

At night-------after finishing bathing and dinner, all that is left is to sleep.

In this hour ever since the second day, it became a routine to watch television beside each other to leisurely pa.s.s time.

Today they were featuring animals, and while watching a baby lion rolling around [Cute………..] Julie muttered and her eyes were somewhat sparkling.

“Julie do you like animals?”

“Ja---. Especially birds-------within them I like the parakeet the most.”

When I asked her while I was preparing the cup filled with apple tea in it, cla.s.sic answers such as cats and dogs were not replied back.

“Tooru, do you like animals too?”

The question was reversed back to me and she stared at me, this is-------- the gaze of antic.i.p.ation.

“……..it’s not like I hate them but, it’s not like I like them either”

While hesitating and thinking I might disappoint her, I decided to answer her honestly.

“Is that so. Which means, you don’t have an animal you like most?”

“Aah, that is the case.”

“If that is the case, if by any chance you want to own a pet I would recommend a parakeet. Its wings are beautiful, its voice and gesture is cute, it will get attached to you, it is smart, it is fluffy, it is also springy too”

(What is springy? Is it something like mochi[1d 3]? Even though it has wings?)

“So parakeets are----------“

Like usual, especially her expression had not changed but--------------I was a little overpowered by Julie’s talk about parakeet which was used in an oddly enthusiastic tone, and had no choice but to nod.

“I, I get it. I’ll choose parakeet if I plan to own a pet………….”


Julie who nodded in my reply, somehow looked happy.

“By the way-------------“

In the middle of it, I asked the thing that had been bothering me during daytime.

“Hey Julie……………err, ah---, have you decided who is going to be your >?”

But even so, since I was hesitant to directly ask her if she could not blend in with the cla.s.s, it was quite an indirect method.

“…………I requested Tomoe.”

“I see. Then that’s good.”

It looks like my worries were needless anxiety, and was an unneeded bother.

If it is Tachibana, she is good in taking care of others, and she probably is in the same level to compare with each other with so, to Julie, she is probably a good partner.

“Tooru’s is Tora?”

“Aah. Saying this or another, as expected it looks like I don’t have to be hesitant with him thanks to the time we have gone through………….more or less, his personality is difficult though”

While making a wry smile, I placed the cup in front of Julie.

“Thank you very much.”

Julie nodded and drank the apple tea.

I also put the cup on my mouth, like this it turned silent--------but a peaceful time was being pa.s.sed.

(This time would end soon……………)

Although there are few days more, when I think about this time would end tomorrow night, I somehow had a reluctant feeling.

(The first day was filled with nervousness though)

“------------? Tooru, you look like you are enjoying something, is something wrong?”

“No, nothing. It’s laughing while reminiscing.”

In response to Julie tilting her head in wonder, I replied with a wry smile.

5th day, Friday--------and today again, the afternoon was the customary marathon but…………..

“She’s late…………”

Even though it turned into dusk, I muttered that out because Hotaka has not reached the goal.

(Although she finished faster yesterday……………)

Reaching the goal when the sky was starting to change color.

That was what happened yesterday, and what’s more she collapsed and fainted.

Even though there were noticeable changes in only a few days, I wondered what happened today.

“Is it about Miyabi?”

Having heard my muttering, Tachibana asked me.

“Tachibana too……………well she is your roommate. It’s only natural to be worried”

“Aah.-----------maybe, Miyabi already………….”

I don’t have to ask the end of her sentence to know.

In this few days, almost every day, one or two people will Quitdrop out school.

Even though it was tough trainings ever since early enrollment, seeing the number of cla.s.smates decreasing as days pa.s.ses, make me feel lonely.

Right now, even the girl Tachibana was looking after was also [I can"t go on anymore………] complaining, that figure was similar to Hotaka.

When I imagined Hotaka was maybe thinking like that too.

“………………..I am going to check a little.”

After I left only those words, I started running in the track in reverse.

Soon, after going around half a round, I saw Hotaka leaning and sitting down under the tree beside the road.

“Are you okay, Hotaka?”

“Ah……Kokonoe-kun, what’s wrong………..?”

When I called out to Hotaka, she powerlessly raised her face.

“It looks like you weren’t coming back, so I came to check.”

“Ah………..sorry, I twisted my leg………….”

“Looks like walking is also a problem…………..get on.”


I faced my back to her, and get on one knee.

Hotaka didn’t understand the meaning at first but, the same time she realize it, she swing her head in great panic.

“Tha-tha-that’s bad! Kokonoe-kun just finished running!! Al,also I am heavy too!!”

Hotaka who is usually quiet, as expected would make loud voices when she was in panic.

“It’s okay, just get on. It’s not like you can start walking again after resting a bit.”

“Bu,but my regenerative powers were also enhanced by the > too…………”

“It’s true that might be the case but, if you wait and recover until you can move again, it will turn completely dark and it will be dangerous.”

When I reached here, the sun has almost descended and after 30 minutes the shades of night would probably fall.

But even so, Hotaka was still hesitant.

To Hotaka who is bad with the opposite s.e.x, she might need quite some courage to be piggy-backed.

“…………..I don’t really mind going on like this. But, if we are too late, then Tachibana will worry.”


I think I was a little under-handed but, it looks like bringing out her roommate"s name was effective.

After wavering for a while, Hotaka asked back with her cheeks blushed a little.

“E,err……..then, can I count………….on you?”

“Aah, of course”

I made a firm nod, and was okay carrying Hotaka until--------


“Eh, what?”

“No, nothing……..”

It can’t be helped because of the piggy-back posture but, being pressed by 2 bulges, those extra-large sizes were freely appealing.

Hotaka who was not exerting any strength, completely left her body on me-------


From the softness I found out the first time, my reasoning was on the verge of collapsing.

Enough for me to shout out right now, my brain fell into panic.

(Calm down me. It’s not like I wanted to piggy-back her just because I wanted this. That’s why calm down, you have to calm down, if you keep trembling you’ll be found out……!!)

“He,hey, Kokonoe-kun……”

“Wha-wha-what is it!?”

Even though I was trembling and my voice turned shrill and nervous, it would seem I wasn’t noticed by Hotaka.

“I, wonder if I can go on like this…………? Although my stamina was supposed to be enhanced by the > I couldn’t run until finish………..from now on, I wonder if I can keep up…………”


It looks like today’s retire resulted in giving Hotaka who was originally bad at running the final blow.

Just like that, her low spirits reflected to her voice tone and even now in the verge of crying Hotaka continued her words.

“If I came to Kouryou,I thought something would change……..but, as expected it was useless……in the end, I was only a

“It’s okay. That’s because Hotaka pa.s.sed the exam.”

“……..the person that became my opponent for the exam ran away. My legs were frozen and couldn’t move………”

While replying back I see, I agreed with Hotaka’s pa.s.sing reason.


(It’s true that, not everyone won the fight and managed to stay)

If there are people like me and Tachibana who has martial arts experience inside the successful applicants, there are also people who don’t even have sports experience………. And Hotaka was one of the latters.

“Ah………..so,sorry. Towards someone who I just knew recently, even if I tell you something like this, it will only trouble you.”

“When you think it is painful, it’s better to say it out.”

“……………unn, thank you……….”

In a soft voice. Together with those words, Hotaka buried her face into my back.

Just like that, after walking silently for a while--------------not long after, I said something with quite a strong voice.

“Those who want long trees would definitely strengthen its roots.”


After a twitch, Hotaka raised her face.

“That was my master’s favorite proverb and he was the one who taught me the basics of martial art. Speaking in martial arts term, it means, if you want to be stronger do not neglect the basics.”


While saying that, I thought it was ironic.

That, I myself was advancing in the total opposite of those words…….

Even if I have > from >, I have lost the rights to put these words into my mouth.

But even so, when I thought I wanted to cheer Hotaka up, the first thing that popped out were those words.

“I know of the feeling of being worthless. But, > is not something that attaches to body overnight. That’s why, it might be tough now, I think you should continue running and running. Stamina is something that is obtained the more you run. Something like talent doesn’t matter”

“Something like talent………….doesn’t matter…………”

“Work hard-------I am not going to say something that irresponsible. But, isn’t it alright to run a little more before giving up? Even if you don’t have talent, you will definitely change that’s what I think. And most of all------“

“Most of all…………….?”

“I’m going to get lonely if Hotaka goes.”


If this goes on, Hotaka would probably Quitdrop out school soon.

Even though we just became acquaintances, I thought it was lonely.

And that’s why because I thought of that, I could honestly tell my feelings.

If I don’t tell her now, I felt that the chance to talk with Hotaka won’t come………….

“……………. ……………….Kokonoe-kun, you were bad at running right?”

“Aah, I was bad at it.”

“What place did you get today?”

“1st place.”

“You get 1st place everyday………..”

“That’s because I got stamina from running everyday”

“……………… I wonder……….if I could run fast like Kokonoe-kun………?”

“……………………I can’t guarantee you that but, it is certain you will be faster than now if you run everyday”

“A,at times like this I think you should have replied [You will definitely run faster]…………”

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