Absolute Duo

Chapter 44

“They died because they were weak”

The words spoken on that summer day has not once faded in my memories.

Otoha’s disappearing warmth, the dojo covered in h.e.l.lfire, his-----Narukami Sakaki’s face, voice, eyes; everything.

“The red sunset looks like blood or fire------it’s like a replay of that day, Tooru”

The crimson world created with the sky burned by the evening sun.

Just like his words, Sakaki smiled as if to replay the scene from 2 years ago.


Over and over and over again--------the hopeless memories I have seen countless of times within this 2 years turned into reality.

The enemy that I have been chasing after this whole time.

Those unforgettable dark eyes.

Just like that day, the young man was holding his sheathed sword and was standing in this crimson world; this is definitely-------


Whether I was in full understanding or not, I shouted while my view was turning white from the anger and hatred.

The ugly black flames in my heart rampaged-------turned into killing intent towards Sakaki and devoured my mind.



When those killing intent caused me to roar, the girl standing beside me, the contract with the director---the promise that I would protect everyone in my cla.s.s, all disappeared in my mind.


I roared like a beast and jumped at him without any hesitation.

The moment my punch landed on the darkness-Sakaki, his figure disappeared like the heat haze.

“We haven’t seen each other for so long but this is quite the introduction, Tooru”

His voice came from behind.

Even though it’s nostalgic, his soft voice was unpleasant.

“Shut up!!”

I swung my clenched fist at the same time I turned around-----but, it’s still a miss.

I saw through it this time but-----he still dodged it with a millimeter difference.

My movements did not stop there; I continued launching punches and kicks.

But, it won’t connect.

Just like the first attack, it felt like I was hallucinating as if I was fighting with the heat haze.

It’s not like Sakaki was displaying quick moves and rather, it’s me that was slower.

I know this move.

These are dodges done with minimum movements by reading into the future due to his absolute talent, which he has shown me many times whenever we sparred last time.

“d.a.m.n it, d.a.m.n it…………..!!”

The difference of power was pounded into my mind.

Even after 2 years pa.s.sed, was there no change in the difference of our power?

As if to prove the unburied difference between us, Sakaki has not taken his sword out from its sheath.

(No way…………! I am an >………..!! I have the > that transcend humans…….!!)

Even though I shouted in my mind, I knew this already.

I knew at the moment Ouza-san called Sakaki a monster.

But, I had a feeling that I was different from 2 years ago.

I felt prideful after going through many death trails.

But, those feelings and pride were nothing less but conceit-------that’s about it.

The fact that, forget punching Sakaki, I could not even touch him at all, says it all.

“Too bad. it’s been 2 years yet you have no intentions in a conversation huh, Tooru”

“You know best that we aren’t in a relationship where we can have a nice chat!!”

I poured more strength into my punches.

My fist filled with anger and hatred, had the power to destroy anything it touches.

But, it just won’t connect.

Sakaki said sadly when he saw me like that.

“Is this the > you gained in these 2 years, is this it?”

His words were just pouring fuel into the flames; my attacks turned more violent like the raging flames.

“I have no choice. I think it’s better if you cool down”

Sakaki mumbled and took action other than dodging.

The same time he dodged my fist, *Suu* he trust his palm forward-----and slightly touched my chest.

*Zukkuuun*!! The impact attacked me.


My body was blasted away and I slammed my back on the ground.

The momentum did not stop there; after a bounce, I tumbled over and fell to my knees before I fixed my posture.


I punched the ground from the anger fueled by how worthless I am, and was about to jump at Sakaki again-----

The silver girl stood in front of me as if to stop me.

“------!? Go away Julie! That person; Sakaki is my….!!”

“Ja--. I know, he’s the target for Otoha’s death”

“If you know then why-----“

“This is Tooru’s revenge…….i will not stop you nor do I have the rights to do anything about it but-----“

Those Ruby eyesred eyes were directed right at me.

“If I am going to see you fail your wish then I will at least say some things”

“…….What do you mean, Julie”

“I am saying forget getting revenge, you will not be able to touch that person if you keep this up”

Julie told me the words I did not want to hear the most.

The words my > who I together survived through many death battles were bitter and cruel-------

But, Julie’s talk did not end there.


Julie stopped her words and just when I thought she kneel down-----

She immediately hugged me.


I was confused by the sudden action due to the situation we were at right now.

Julie continued talking while hugging me.

“The Tooru I know is a very strong person……….so please recall back. The Tooru that has been with me-----with everyone all this time, wasn’t someone that would swing his fist like a brute like what you are doing right now……….”

Her whispers sound somewhat lonely, and sad, making me relax my fist.

“I…………with Julie……….with everyone……..”

While mumbling, memories of me studying diligently and overcoming many death trails with Julie and everyone else----Miyabi, Tachibana, Lilith, Tora and Tatsu in these few months, rotated around my mind.

(That’s right…..i………….i………!)

I poured strength and clenched my fist again.

My anger and hatred has not changed.

But, there was something different.

It’s the conviction to swing my > with my will and not getting swung around by my own >.

“………..Thanks, Julie”

After telling it’s okay, I lightly tapped Julie’s back to make her let go.

I grabbed both her shoulders and nodded before I stood up.

“Take a good look of the > I gained from everyone”

After looking back at Sakaki, just before I was going to walk forward------


I stopped my legs when Julie called me”

After turning around, Julie looked at me with a really painful expression.


After saying that much, the silver girl looked down.

After a slight pause, she looked back at me with her Ruby eyesred eyes.

“I will continue being with you from now on, Tooru”

It was Julie’s way of sending a message-----I received it as “Please don’t die”.

Even if I am going to swing my > with my will, it doesn’t change the fact that this fight is hopeless; Julie knew this fact.

She already knows from that slight exchange.

She knows that there is still a heaven and earth difference between me and Sakaki.

Even after obtaining a > which could not be even compared to when I was 2 years ago; a seed grown to a tree will still not reach the heavens.

But, I don’t have the choice to leave.

Next------there’s no thoughts to fight him after gaining a stronger > than now at all.

The reason why I encountered Sakaki who did not show himself for these 2 years was probably because it’s for only this moment.

That someday, was today.

But, whether or not there is a next time; only G.o.d knows that and not me.

That is why I will not leave no matter how hopeless it is.

At the same time, I strongly feel that I must not die here.

Just like what Julie said, I have the promise to protect everyone but, I have a stronger wish than that.

(Who will protect Julie’s heart if I were to die here……..!!)

I don’t want Julie to choose the road of the

Because of that, I must not die here----I will not.

“Wait for me, Julie. I will come back”


With Julie seeing me off with a silent and deep nod; I once again faced Sakaki.

“You regained your sanity huh, Tooru”

Sakaki said with a smile.

While his dark, quiet eyes were directed at me.

“………..who knows? My heart is so much in chaos that I can’t wait to tear you apart”

“Sorry but, it’s impossible for you”

“Say those words----after taking my life!!”

I kicked the ground the same time I shouted, and performed a kick------but, there’s no way such a high motion attack would land; and he dodged it again like the heat haze.

But I did not mind and the same time I landed on the ground, I continuously performed punches to not let him rest.

I put killing intents into the technique I acc.u.mulated in these 2 years.

“Un. This is a nice attack. It’s a big difference from 2 years----no, compared to just now too, Tooru”

I felt anger when he praised me which I took as a taunt.

I then performed punches and kicks which were covered with my anger and hatred.

But, it’s just like the exchange from the beginning; he continued dodging with minimum movements by predicting into the future.

The attacks won’t connect------

After asking that much, it was still the same.

But, it’s different now.

The only thing I am better than Sakaki was------attacks that focuses on endurance.

Of course with kicks, I avoided performing big swings and launched small yet sharp combo attacks.

It was not like the power attacks i used just now; it’s now attacks which focus on continuity.

“You picked a method with quite a low possibility here, Tooru”

“Maybe. But no matter how amazing you are, it should be hard to continue this perfect dodge streak……..!!”

Even though my intentions were saw through; I couldn’t care less and continued my combos.

No matter how monstrous Sakaki is, I should be higher in the physical stats area thanks to the > enhancement------that was what I believed.

Of course, even though it’s small and focused, I was the one who had to continuously attack without resting but Sakaki’s stamina depletion is harsher since he has to dodge with minimum movements.

The darkness in the evening sun was wobbling like the heat haze and was dodging my fist.

But, I stepped forward together with one hit and switched my pivot leg, resulting into a left stance switch.

Able to see through my attack was 1 reason, but the biggest reason is probably that my battle style is the Ittouryuu moves which Sakaki is very familiar with.


“How about this!!”

>------my original move that does not exist in the Ittouryuu.

It was his first time seeing this countless air slicing punches and Sakaki-------

He saw through everything and dodged.

Even the defense specialist > had no choice but to guard when he first saw this.

“Un, this is an amazing move. But, it won’t work on me”

(d.a.m.n monster…….!!)

The genius which was called “Dragon G.o.d” before; has evolved into a bigger monster after 2 years of time pa.s.sed.

In front of this hopeless difference in power that was enough to give me the shivers; I continued to swing my fist regardless.

It’s either I lose my stamina first or Sakaki failing to dodge first------

This reckless plan was just a stepping stone for my next step.

(Over here…….!!)


Sakaki’s expression slightly froze for an instant.

Because my fist suddenly stopped on it’s track.

After an instant, I changed to a grab instead of a punch-----and grabbed Sakaki’s wrist.

“It won’t matter how much you predict if I slam you down!!”

The moment I twisted his wrist and was about to throw him------*Spin* my world turned around.


The red sky colored by the evening sun and the ground filled with grown gra.s.s switched places, and I immediately received a strong impact on my back.


Instead of throwing him, I was thrown away instead and slammed on the ground.

I immediately rolled around and took distance before kneeling down but, there was no attack coming.

“I think that was a good move. But thanks to that, I think this will tell you that no matter what plan you initiate, it will be useless”


A jujutsu skill that reverses the opponent by using the opponent’s strength with the user’s strength included---------the opponent then takes on a much stronger impact than the damage of the throw if it was successful.

Even though (Bare hand) weaponless skills exist in the Ittouryuu we learned, most the skills are compromised in hitting the vitals (Blows). Because of that, there are little throwing skills, let alone there being Aikido jujutsu skills.

“It’s nothing tough if you can see the flow”

Even though it sounds easy, there’s no way I could not understand how hard it is.

Especially, there’s a close combat jujutsu user-Tachibana around me in these few months.

At the same time, I understood something from that one match.

Sakaki clearly surpa.s.ses Tachibana skills.

“You’re really starting to become a real monster………….”

“Monster huh…………that’s right, that is exactly right. That’s because------“

Sakaki reacted to my mumble and talked about himself.

“I can kill the weak”

“-------!! Sakaki, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!”

After hearing the words Sakaki said, the flashback of Otoha dying in my arms, and the scene of my Dojo comrades slashed cruelly, came up-------causing the anger and hatred that I was barely holding back to flow back out to the front.



Julie’s voice stopped me.


Sakaki said to me this after seeing me endured with a trembling fist after failing to suppress my emotions.

“The reason why you stopped because of her words was because of the > you gained in this 2………no, in this 4 months------love is it”

“………….it’s true that the > I gained in these 4 months stopped me. But, it’s not love. You had this too before. This is-----“

I pointed my fist at Sakaki, and told him about the > that exist between us until that summer day.

“The > called >!!”

Sakaki heard my words and made a quiet smile.

“I had that huh…………”

It might be my imagination that he looked kind of lonely.

“If that day did not come, we would still be walking together on this bright road…………but I threw everything of that away. In order to grant my wish----------“


Sakaki silently nodded.

“Yes, the thing I wish for. It’s the true darkness-----the stage of the abyss”

“True darkness? Stage of the abyss? What the heck is that”

Sakaki looked down when I asked him and answered with a somewhat lonely tone.

“It’s something you won’t understand, Tooru”

“…………..you have no intentions to tell huh. Well it’s not like I would understand anyway. How would I, if it’s a wish that involves taking everyone’s life!!”

We understood each other until that day came.

I thought we were friends walking side by side.


Our paths differed.

“You threw away our >. You took away everything precious to me. I will not forgive you. That’s why-------“

I pulled back my fist like pulling a bow and shouted.

“Sakaki, I will kill you----absolutely!!”

“It’s impossible for you-----absolutely”

After Sakaki replied back quietly without bothering about my vigor, he took a stance with his sword still in its sheath.

It’s something I have seen many times; it’s the Ittouryou Iaijustu[5g 1] with the upper left body brought forward, it’s something that is mirrored to the one’s publically known.

And---the presence he was releasing changed.

I felt a chill running up my spine when I felt the spirit Sakaki released.

It was cold like ice and it felt like endlessly clear water------

With those combined, it’s a sword spirit that made me think of the bottomless abyss.

What waits now, is the hopeless exchange to determine the victor.


No matter how amazing Sakaki is, there’s no way he can defend and attack at the same time.

That’s why; there is a thread of hope there-------As long as Sakaki follows the Ittouryuu.

“There is one final question I want to ask, Tooru”


With those dark eyes, Sakaki asked me as if he was peeking into my mind.

“If you kill me-------are you going to protect new > with those blood stained hands?”

“--------! I don’t need to answer you”

There were no more words to exchange.

After a pause silence------

I was the first one to move.

I kicked the ground with all my might and jumped into his sword range in full speed.


Sakaki pulled out his sword.

He was slicing up wards diagonally towards my heart-----from the left side.

But, this instant was the thread of hope that has a chance of victory------

Sakaki does not know.

I have a method to block his sword.

That > will definitely block the approaching fang coming from the left side.

I shouted.

The > of the > that I gained------


The > manifested at my left arm, clashed with his G.o.dspeed fang------

And, Sakaki"s sword could not endure the impact and broke.

I then released my other >------my own fangs.


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