Absolute Resonance

Chapter 1167: Evolution, White Eyed True Devil

Chapter 1167: Evolution, White Eyed True Devil

More than ten of the strongest students were waiting in formation atop the Devil Heart Pillars. All of their Heavenly Resonance Diagrams had been summoned and were absorbing incredible amounts of worldly natural energy. It was truly a sight to behold.

Jiang Qing"e"s eyes were focused on the Quasi Duke True Devil, and her expression was solemn.

In truth, if they had to truly challenge a true Quasi Duke expert, they were more than capable of resisting and their odds of victory would not be low. After all, they were at the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier and were also the best even amongst the elites of the ancient colleges.

Additionally, she, Ning Meng, and Wu Changkong had their own ways of exploding forth with much greater power. A Quasi Duke could not stop them—they were absolutely sure of this as absolute geniuses. However, the Quasi Duke True Devil gave her a deep sense of unease.

It was because she could feel a mysterious pressure emanating from it that worried even her.

She knew that this could only have come from the All-Beings Devil King.

The Quasi Duke True Devil possessed a strand of will from the All-Beings Devil King, and no matter how minute the strand of will was, it ultimately stemmed from a Triple Crowned King. When their opponent was a King, no matter how talented they were, they were no different from ants.

Although it was not as terrifying as facing an actual King, the All-Beings Devil King had his own methods. How could they be certain that it was really restricted by the rules set by the realm and that this creature before them was only at the Quasi Duke Stage?

She believed that Ning Meng and Wu Changkong had come to a similar conclusion in their hearts.

This was the true source of her anxiety, and in order to not let Li Luo worry, she remained silent about it.

Regardless, she had to fight in order to discover what other tricks the All-Beings Devil King had up its sleeve.

The strongest students of the two ancient colleges had Ning Meng, Jiang Qing"e, and Wu Changkong at their core. They remained silent and alert as their eyes were fixated upon the True Devil before them.

The Quasi Duke True Devil seemed to have noticed their wariness, and it cackled with its strange voice. The white robes on its body suddenly vanished, revealing its naked body underneath.

At the same time, the pale skin on its stomach split apart, revealing an orifice that resembled a b.l.o.o.d.y mouth.

Three faces that would occasionally appear on its chest. It seemed to be the three Blood Coffin Carriers who had fused with the True Devil Egg.

The Quasi Duke True Devil"s chest let out a strange whine. This sound dispersed quickly over the battlefield, and all of the Greater Evil Spirits seemed to have been affected. The Others then shot forward like a flock of birds descending upon a forest, rushing directly into the gaping maw on its belly.

The Quasi Duke True Devil"s stomach skin began to expand at a rapid speed.

"It"s swallowing up the Greater Evil Spirit to strengthen its body!" Wu Changkong shouted out as his expression changed.

They instantly understood the True Devil"s plan, and all of the previously prepared Duke Arts were immediately activated. Worldly natural energy rumbled as vicious attacks were launched.

When the True Devil saw this, it tossed the human skin sack outwards. The mouth of the sack opened up, and a gloomy, white torrent poured out with an ear-piercing screech.

If one looked closely, the white torrent was actually composed of alabaster worms. The worms seemed to be endless as they formed a sea of putrid maggots, directly colliding with the deluge of Duke Arts.


Explosions of energy continuously blasted out in the air when the Duke Arts clashed with the wall of worms. However, when the worms were killed, even more surged up to take their place. They soon covered half the sky with their nigh-infinite numbers.

None of their attacks were able to penetrate the sea of worms.

Not until Jiang Qing"e took action.

Radiant light resonant power condensed outside her body, forming nine prisms of light. The prisms refracted light into a single pillar that pierced through the void. At the same time, it annihilated a region of s.p.a.ce tens of feet wide in the sea of worms. Her dual ninth-grade light resonance energy had once again demonstrated its effectiveness in dealing with corruption.

When Ning Meng saw that Jiang Qing"e had managed to create a window of opportunity, she took action instantly. Her heavy rod, which was as heavy as a mountain, shot out of her hand.


The gigantic rod was a triple violet-eye treasured artifact, and when Ning Meng luanched it with great force and speed, the weapon shattered the void and sonic booms thundered as it flew forward.

It savagely struck the Quasi Duke True Devil"s featureless face and instantly caused it to sink in.


The void quaked before breaking into pieces in the face of the t.i.tanic blow.

Everyone felt a hint of excitement that their attacks were finally taking effect. Unfortunately, before any expressions of joy could even surface on their faces, they heard another ear-piercing laugh coming from the True Devil.

It was at this moment that they realized that the gaping maw on its belly had shrunk and that its featureless face now had slits where eyes would normally be found, as though a knife had carved them out.

The slits gradually tore open, revealing eye sockets.

White flames could be seen dancing within the sockets, which gradually transformed into a pair of eyes.

The eyes were murky and milky-white, but that was not what was truly frightening. At the very moment the eyes appeared, the Quasi Duke True Devil"s aura underwent a monumental transformation.

It gave off a frightening pressure as it indifferently looked over the people present.

A ray of white light shot out of its eyes, lightly sweeping away the rod that had struck its face.

The triple violet-eye treasured artifact began to show signs of melting before the ray of light. It seemed to whine as it flew back to its owner.

"Despicable!" Ning Meng shouted as she hastily stretched her hand out and caught her trusty weapon. She examined the rod, which now showed signs of corrosion, and her heart ached over it.

However, no one was concerned about that as everyone was fixated upon the Quasi Duke True Devil who had now gained a pair of eyes.

No, perhaps it was not appropriate to label it a Quasi Duke any longer.

The moment its eyes took shape, the corruption emanating from its body had experienced a meteoric rise in density.

The boundless amount of corruption surging in the skies above covered the entire horizon like turbulent, black clouds. It seemed to possess the ability to destroy everything.

All of their expressions changed.

With such power, this was now a bonafide True Devil!

Although it was a True Devil only comparable to a first-grade Duke, the two stages were worlds apart. Jiang Qing"e, Ning Meng, Wu Changkong, and the rest had solemn expressions. Clearly, the All-Beings Devil King"s final card was not something as weak as a Quasi Duke.

Their worst fears had come true.

They could challenge a Quasi Duke and possibly defeat it. But a True Devil was exponentially harder to beat.

As the group was frozen in shock, the White Eyed True Devil finally took action for real.

All they could see were two wisps of smoke coming from its eyes. The white smoke shot into the sky and merged with the billowing corruption, causing the entire world to shake. The black clouds of corruption were stirred by the white smoke, and in the next moment, a ma.s.sive shadow covered the ground.

When the group hurriedly turned their attention upwards, they saw a humongous palm with eighteen fingers piercing through the clouds. It formed a hand seal, and as it descended, it was like a mountain of death, crushing everything in its wake as it exuded a cold and deathly aura. Its sheer strength was something that no normal Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier cultivator could resist.

The White Eyed True Devil had finally revealed its true strength.

When Li Luo saw this, his brows furrowed. This was the unstoppable might of a Duke.

Moreover. the White Eyed True Devil had gained so much strength with just two eyes. The other facial features had not appeared yet; did that mean it would continue to grow stronger?

If it had some way to cause the other facial features to appear, just how strong would the True Devil become?

At that point in time, what could these students do to stop it?

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