Absolute Resonance

Chapter 1175: Gamble

Chapter 1175: Gamble

Endless amounts of negative emotions welled up within Li Luo"s heart. This was the most terrifying ordeal that he had experienced to date.

Under its influence, Li Luo"s mind began to blur.

Borrowing the power of a spirit beast under the watch of a Triple Crowned King was really challenging.

However, Li Luo did not give up. He held onto the last strand of consciousness within his heart.

It was like a weak candle flame flickering in the endless darkness of the night sky.

Hanging onto that last thread of his consciousness, Li Luo channeled the vicious energy from the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf into the mysterious Auric Halo.

"Change into light resonant power!"

These were the last words from Li Luo before the darkness overwhelmed his heart.

All of a sudden, everything fell dead silent.

However, this silence only lasted a short while. Suddenly, a strand of divine light burst out of the endless darkness. Then more and more light rays pierced out.

Li Luo was regaining control over his mind and spirit!

His heart started beating faster and louder. He was really frightened when he had lost himself earlier. If he had been any slower, he might not have been able to regain control.

It was a really close shave. However, this was also the reason why Li Luo had made the risky decision to borrow the power of the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf.

He was planning to change the vicious energy of the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf into divine light resonant power all along. With the power of immense divine energy, he would then be able to resist the corrosion from the All-Beings Devil King.

To be honest, he was not sure if this would work at all. However, he had to take the risk, given their predicament.

Now that his mind had recovered, his bold attempt had paid off.

At the very least, he could resist the terrifying corrosion a little now. He had not completely lost his spirit.

However, this happiness did not last long for Li Luo. He noticed that the crimson bracelet was vibrating strongly even though he had managed to keep his spirit.

Faint runes appeared on the surface of the bracelet.

Li Luo quickly focused his mind into the bracelet. Inside, he saw the enormous Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf struggling wildly. The seal and chains that were tying it down were showing faint signs of breaking apart.

At the same time, its vicious eyes were crimson.

It was being corroded too.

Li Luo fell into silence when he saw this. The All-Beings Devil King was really sly. He knew that Li Luo had resisted the corrosion, so he had targeted the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf instead. Once the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf went out of control, Li Luo would be the first one caught in the aftermath.

The plans laid out by a Devil King would not be so easy to counter.

Li Luo"s mind ran rapidly as he thought of a way to protect the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf. Suddenly, mysterious b.a.l.l.s of light appeared in the sky above.

An ancient and pure air that surrounded the b.a.l.l.s of light. As they gathered up, they slowly transformed into a mist.

The mysterious mist wrapped around Li Luo"s body.

Li Luo did not resist. He could sense that the mist did not mean him any harm. When the mist completely surrounded him, he grew delighted. All the negative emotions in his heart began to subside at a rapid rate. It was as if the mist had formed a shield to protect him.

The mist had also wrapped around the bracelet.

Gradually, the trembling from the Five-tailed Heavenly Wolf subsided too.

"What amazing power!"

Li Luo was surprised. This power was really fascinating. It could even shield him from the corrosion of the All-Beings Devil King!

This was not something an ordinary King could do.

This had to be the work of the Heavenly Origin Ancient College"s Princ.i.p.al, who was dueling with the All-Beings Devil King in the void outside.

Their battle had extended from the void outside onto Li Luo right now.

Everyone knew that Li Luo"s strength would be the deciding factor for this battle.

As much as the All-Beings Devil King wanted to finish Li Luo off, the Princ.i.p.al would be protecting Li Luo at all costs.

Of course, it was critical that Li Luo calmed himself down immediately. If he didn"t do so, the power from the Princ.i.p.al would be greatly diminished.

Fortunately, they were able to work together and disrupt the plans of the All-Beings Devil King.

Now that they had foiled its plans, it was time for Li Luo to bring this battle to an end.


The dazzling Seven Treasures Glazed Sword of Light flew out once again. However, the light resonant power coming from it was clearly weaker than before.

Even the light resonance palace in Jiang Qing"e"s hundred thousand feet Heavenly Resonance Diagram was beginning to fade.

However, she still held her sword high and stood her ground. Her delicate face remained calm even though her hands were trembling.

She had already won the respect and hearts of everyone watching the battle.

Who could have thought that Jiang Qing"e, a Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier cultivator, would be able to resist the attacks of a second-grade True Devil?

From the strength she had displayed so far, she would have been able to finish it off if this was just an ordinary first-grade True Devil.

It was a truly amazing feat.

Someone at the Greater Heavenly Resonance tier slaying a True Devil was a rare sight even in the inner divine continent.

After all, Chu Qing from the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qing had only managed to escape from a first-grade Duke. That was enough for him to earn a spot in the Empyrean Chronicle...

Evidently, Jiang Qing"e"s foundation and potential were frightening.

Jiang Qing"e did not mind the shocked gazes from the crowd. Divine light circulated in the depths of her golden eyes as she locked onto the White Eyed True Devil.

The White Eyed True Devil had not expected Jiang Qing"e would resist its attacks for so long, and a terrifying murderous intent surfaced within its eyes.

"You"ve managed to hold on for longer than expected, but you must be near the end of the rope now, right? In that case, let me send you off!"

The White Eyed True Devil opened its mouth, and a pale hand stretched out of the eerie darkness of his throat and formed a strange handseal.

In between the seals, a white flame lit up.

The pale flame was extremely creepy. It seemed to be capable of burning one"s vitality directly.

Cold air blasted from the throat of the White Eyed True Devil. At the next moment, a white flame followed. It flew across the air and went straight for Jiang Qing"e.

Jiang Qing"e could sense that she was facing a formidable attack. The white flame gave off an incredible sense of danger.

If it so much as brushed past her, her life force would be completely burned up for sure.

A decision was quickly made. She gripped her sword rightly and a decisive look appeared in her eyes. She was ready to defend this attack with her life.

However, just as she had made her choice, a finger suddenly tapped her shoulder. She was taken aback by this sudden move. Then a hand pulled her back.

Someone pushed past her and stood in front of her. He shielded her and was clearly planning to face the eerie flame alone.

"Li Luo..." Jiang Qing"e was a little stunned.

Li Luo was wielding the Dragon Elephant Blade. He turned his head slightly and looked at Jiang Qing"e, who had been putting up a fight regardless of how exhausted she was. Seeing her in this pitiful state made his heart ache.

"Thanks for the hard work, Sister Qing"e. You can rest now. I will finish this creature off in your place."

He stepped forward with his blade in hand, then he slashed it down against the raging sea of white flames.

The magnificent blade light was like a moon rising up into the dark sky.

All of the remaining students squinted as they watched the dazzling blade light arc across the horizon.

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