It was a new day at the Inst.i.tute of War. Ahri woke up and stretched while wagging her tails. The Nine-Tailed Vastayan felt quite energized this morning.

Ahri yawned. "The match yesterday was pretty good," she said remembering the match that she had while wearing her Star Guardian outfit.

She noticed that, like usual, the Abyss Watcher was still sleeping, which made her usual fox-like smile appear.

After making sure to take off all her clothes, Ahri straddled Grey and started shaking him. "Grey, wake up, sleepyhead," she said.

The Abyss Watcher groaned and opened his eyes, but when he realized that Ahri was naked, he closed them again.

"Ahri, where are your clothes?" he asked trying to ignore her position.

"On the floor," Ahri replied acting like what she was doing was as normal as saying "good morning."

"Can you put them on?" Grey asked still covering his eyes.

Ahri hummed, pretending that she was thinking. "No," she said as she leaned forward bringing their faces together. "Now, why don"t we have a bath together?" she teased.

Grey groaned and tried to think of something that would stop Ahri"s teasing... For now. "I would, but I"m sure Tiara will notice something, and if you think that being hunted by Maia was scary, then you definitely don"t want to be Tiara"s next hunt," he said hoping that bringing up his sister would work, and he was right.

Ahri"s face turned deadpan as she half-heartedly glared at him. "Fine," she groaned before getting off him.

Grey didn"t open his eyes until he heard the bathroom"s door open and close. He sat up started ma.s.saging his forehead.

"One of these days, she"s going to take it too far," The Abyss Watcher sighed before looking at the schedule.

After a few moments, Ahri came out of the bathroom and Grey immediately went inside to avoid any further teasing, which earned a few chuckles from the Vastayan.

After the Abyss Watcher finished his morning routine, he and the fox Vastaya went to the living room. They found Nidalee sitting on the couch petting Silver with a distant look on her face.

"Good morning, Nidalee," Ahri greeted before noticing her state. "Are you okay?"

The huntress broke out of her daze and looked at her two roommates. "Oh, morning, and yes I"m fine," she said with little emotions.

"We"re mostly free today," Grey said remembering the schedule. "Ahri has a match, but that"s later on tonight."

"Yeah, sure," Nidalee replied barely noticing what he said.

Grey and Ahri looked at each other, concerned for their friend"s sake, but they decided not to pressure the Huntress at the risk of making her mood worse.

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Nidalee, right now, returned to her thoughts. She was currently thinking about a certain Shape-shifter and wondering how she was doing.

Silver jumped from Nidalee"s lab and went to Grey who picked the wolf pup and put it on his shoulder.

They all went out of their room and started heading towards the dining hall. Unknown to them, a pair of yellow, lizard-like eyes were following them, more specifically, Nidalee.

They entered the dining hall without running into anyone, so they went to get their breakfast.

While picking from the various types of food, Ahri noticed something. "Oh, look. They have new desserts," she noted seeing new types of sweets. "And chocolate flavored, too," she added delighted.

"Ahri, there are other things to eat than desserts," Grey said looking at the fox Vastayan.

"And I"ll get them later," Ahri dismissed his advice and just kept searching through the new sweets. "Why don"t you and Nidalee go get us a table until I"m done," she ordered rather than asked.

The Abyss Watcher sighed and just nodded. He and Nidalee were already done picking their food and decided to go look for a table.

They found one that was empty and sat down before they were joined by Ezreal, Brite, Tiara, and Solas.

"Good morning, everyone," Grey greeted as everyone else greeted back.

Tiara noticed the absence of one of Grey"s roommates. "So, where"s the fox?" she asked.

The Abyss Watcher sighed. He knew his sister doesn"t judge someone from their race, she was just being mean.

"She"s still picking food," Grey replied in a tired tone. "There are new desserts on the menu, and she"s picking up from them."

The Dancer started chuckling. "Oh, I can"t wait till she gains weight and starts freaking out about getting fat," she said making her brother sigh again.

"Hey, uh, everyone," Someone said behind them. They all looked and saw Ahri looking timid. "How are you doing today?" she asked.

"Ahri?" Nidalee noticed the Fox Vastayan missing something. "Where"s your food?"

Ahri seemed to get nervous. "Oh, I… you know, I decided to start looking out for my weight and all," she said waving her hand.

"There goes my idea," Tiara sighed.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan clapped her hands together. "So, what are we doing tod-" Ahri was cut off… by Grey grabbing her throat and slamming her on the table.

The others all jumped in shock. "What the h.e.l.l?!" Ezreal yelled.

"Grey! What is your problem?!" Nidalee asked. She knew that Ahri teases him regularly, but not to the point where he would get violent.

"Grey, what"s wrong?" Brite asked knowing the Abyss Watcher wouldn"t do this without a reason.

Grey paid them no mind and glared at Ahri. "You have five seconds to tell me where the REAL Ahri is," he said catching others by surprise.

"Wait, the "real" Ahri?" Solas asked confused.

The captive Ahri tried to look confused with bad acting. "W-What are you talking-"

"You know, I almost believed your act," Grey cut Ahri off as he continued to glare at her. "If it wasn"t for one detail," he narrowed his eyes. "Ahri has Nine Tails, not Eight."

At that statement, everyone looked and counted the tails that the Vastayan had, and noticed that she was missing a tail.

"He"s… right," Nidalee noted after counting the tails. "But then who-"

"Hey, guys," another Ahri said walking up to them, this time with a tray of food. "What-" she stopped noticing what, or who Grey was holding. "Uhmm… okay, what"s going on?"

They all looked at the fake Ahri, and Grey softened his hold to let her speak. "Hehe, Sorry. I just wanted to play a little," she chuckled nervously, but this time, her voice sounded lighter and somewhat childish.

The Abyss Watcher pulled her to her feet and let her go. Truthfully, he wasn"t mad, he was just worried that something had happened to the real Ahri, but now that she"s okay, he calmed down.

The fake Ahri dusted herself and looked at Grey impressed. "I didn"t think anyone would notice a tail being missing, but I guess I should have done better," she said making them realize that she missed a tail on purpose.

"So, who are you?" the real Ahri asked frustrated that someone was copying her.

The fake Ahri just smirked and spun around in her place. She was covered in a flurry of colors, and when they were gone, an entirely different person stood in her place.

The person was a slightly short girl with short purple hair. She had yellow lizard-like eyes. She also had chameleon-like features. Her hands were covered in dark green scales, she had a lizard tail, and the sides of her body were covered in scales as well. She was wearing rags made of animal skin, much like Nidalee.

Said Huntress" eyes widen at the sight of the chameleon girl. "Neeko!?"

"Nidalee!" the now-named Neeko yelled in joy as she jumped towards the Huntress.

Nidalee welcomed her with open arms trapping her in a hug as she spun a couple of times while they both laughed.

"It"s so good to see you," Neeko said as she looked at Nidalee. "Neeko was afraid that she wouldn"t know anyone here, but then I found you."

"It"s great to see you, too. I"ve been so worried about you," Nidalee replied as she hugged the chameleon harder.

Ahri cleared her throat drawing their attention. "So, do you mind explaining what"s going on?" she asked.

The two separated and Neeko stood in front of everybody. "Sorry about earlier, Neeko just wanted to have some fun, so I decided to look like the fox lady and see if I can trick you," she apologized before giving a small bow. "I am Neeko, the Curious Chameleon, new champion," she introduced herself.

"Wait, how did you change into Ahri?" Ezreal asked wondering about that.

"That"s because Neeko is Vatayashy"rei, I can change into anything!" the chameleon replied enthusiastically.

Ahri"s face turned to one of absolute shock. "You"re a WHAT!?!?" she yelled surprised. To Vastaya, the Vastayashy"rei were a huge deal.

"Yeah, what?" Tiara asked, but more confused than shocked.

"The Vastayashy"rei are a race of spiritual shape-shifters," the Abyss Watcher explained having already learned that information.

The Dancer sighed in annoyance and sat back down. "Great, this world"s own version of a mimic."

"She really doesn"t look like that," Solas pointed out seeing differences between Neeko and the mimics.

Tiara rolled her eyes. "If you ask me, it"s only a matter of time before she starts kicking people," she said.

"How do you know Nidalee?" Grey asked seeing the two act like old friends.

Neeko hugged the mentioned huntress. "Neeko met Nidalee when she was in the jungle. Nidalee helped Neeko a lot. I wanted Nidalee to travel with me, but she wanted to stay in the jungle," she said as Nidalee ruffled her hair earning a few giggles.

"Uhmm, Neeko, can I ask you something?" Ahri requested with a hopeful, almost disparate, tone in her voice. "As a Vastayashy"rei, your people are old, right?"

The chameleon nodded. "That"s right, the Ove"kat has been around since the Vastaya showed up," she replied before pointing at Ahri. "You are Vastaya, Neeko is Vatayashy"rei, that makes us… cousins? Distant cousins!" she cheered.

"Yeah, sure," Ahri dismissed it like she didn"t hear it. "I want to ask something," Grey had a hunch of what"s coming next, and he just hoped that Ahri won"t be disappointed. "Have you… ever saw someone like me? A Vastaya like me, that is."

Neeko looked at Ahri for a few seconds before, much to Ahri"s disappointment, shaking her head. "Sorry, but Neeko never saw a Fox Vastayan before. You are the first one."

Ahri sighed in disappointment as she sat on the table and covered her eyes with her hands. "I should"ve known I wouldn"t find anything."

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan was hoping that, since Neeko"s people were around from the beginning of the Vastaya, she would know something, anything, about people like her.

"Don"t worry, Ahri," Grey tried to rea.s.sure her while patting her head. "We"ll find something one day."

"I really hope we do," the fox Vastaya replied. She decided to get her mind off the subject by asking another question. "So where"s Lux and Aki?"

"Lux went back to Demacia," Ezreal answered. "She said it was time for the members of the n.o.ble families to send some kind of report to the royal family, telling them what they"re doing, what are their plans for the future, and all that. She also said it was mandatory for ALL n.o.bles."

"Aki said she has business back home," Brite said. "Something about her family, but she didn"t tell us what it is."

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan rolled her eyes. "Great, now what are we supposed to do?"

"Oh, Oh, Neeko has an idea!" the chameleon said raising her hand. "Let"s go to the garden, Neeko and Nidalee always ran around forests for fun."

"I do want to see Storm again," Solas said thinking about his dragon companion.

Ahri sighed. "I guess some fresh air might help," she said finishing her breakfast. She stood and looked at the Abyss Watcher. "You coming?"

"Sure, why not," Grey agreed.

"I just want to see the sun," Brite said making Grey roll his eyes.

"Personally, the only thing I care about is seeing green nature again," Tiara said.

Ahri looked at her surprised. "I didn"t take you for the nature-loving type," she said bluntly.

The Dancer glared at her. "Well, I didn"t take YOU for a chocolate addict," she said referring to the many treats Ahri had with her breakfast. "But I guess we"re both surprised."

The Abyss Watcher sighed again as his sister and his roommate started glaring at each other. He just hoped they wouldn"t get physical.

As they started walking towards the garden, they ran into someone that they did not expect… Zed.

"Abyss Watcher," The master of Shadows said.

"Zed, been a while," Grey said.

Zed grunted in annoyance. Truthfully, he was still mad about the duel. Grey, however, didn"t really care.

Tiara looked at Zed over. "So who"s this guy?"

"His name is Zed," Ahri answered, cautious of the Master of Shadows. "He and Grey had a duel when we first got to the Inst.i.tute."

Tiara started laughing. "Oh, I wish I was there. You must have got one h.e.l.l of a beating."

"I would have beaten the Abyss Watcher, if he didn"t suddenly catch on fire," Zed replied while trying to kill Grey with his glare.

Tiara and Brite both looked at Zed Confused. "What?" they asked.

"Are you here for a reason, Zed?" Someone asked.

The master of Shadows turned around and saw the man that he once considered a brother. "Shen."

"Are you disturbing the balance?" Shen asked crossing his arms.

Zed scoffed. "Like always, you are so blinded by your balance that you cannot see the world around you."

"Being blinded by balance is better than being blinded by rage," Shen retorted receiving an annoyed grunt from Zed.

"Okay, stop, both of you," Tiara suddenly cuts them off looking at Zed curiously. "What did you say again, about that duel with my brother?"

"So you"re his sibling," Zed concluded after hearing rumors about Grey having one. "As I said, your brother would have last after I managed to stab him in the heart of he didn"t suddenly catch fire."

Brite and Tiara looked confused like before… before they suddenly exploded into laughter. Everyone looked confused except Grey, who looked uncomfortable.

"What are you laughing at?" Zed asked feeling insulted.

After calming down, Tiara was the first to speak of the two. "You? Beat my brother? Please," she scoffed. "So far, I haven"t seen a single person here that can go against my brother, other than Solas that is. And, I can tell just from your looks that you aren"t good enough to match Grey"s speed."

"Yeah, I have to agree with Tiara," Brite added. "I fought Grey many times, and that was before he became a Lord of Cinder, so I can tell you that he would beat you to a b.l.o.o.d.y mess," he said as Grey looked more uncomfortable. "In fact, I once saw him beat a Darkwraith to death with his bare hands. He just grabbed it, and started punching it to death."

Their eyes widen at that statement, but Tiara just snorted. "That"s it? I once saw Grey kill two Dark Beasts, and that was AFTER his legs were broken."

"Wait, both of you, stop," Ahri cut them off as she, and everyone else looked shocked. "I"ve seen that duel, and I can tell you that he didn"t show that kind of strength."

Tiara rolled her eyes. "Yeah, let me ask you something, fox. Did my brother look like he was actually giving his best?" she asked as Grey looked more uncomfortable.

At that moment, it clicked in their heads as they turned their gaze to the Abyss Watcher, who didn"t make eye contact with anyone. At this moment, two memories had pa.s.sed through most of their heads.

Flashback, Grey"s duel:

Zed kicked the Abyss Watcher in the face and he rolled on his feet. "Is that all you got?" he asked.

"Not even close," Grey replied, more annoyed than hurt.

Flashback, Maia"s talk:

"Simple, I proved that I"m a great hunter," Maia said pointing at Grey. "But you beat me, and I can tell you were holding back."

Flashback end:

Ahri started glaring at the Abyss Watcher. "Grey… were you holding back in your duel against Zed?" she asked in a threatening tone.

Grey didn"t look at her as he tried to lie. "... No?" and he failed.

The others simply looked at him in disbelief, except Tiara and Brite, who chuckled at Grey"s inability to lie.

"You are the worst liar I have ever seen!" Ahri yelled enraged. "I can"t believe you! You promised to enter the Inst.i.tute with me, and you end up not even trying!" she yelled as Grey didn"t dare to meet her glare. "Do you have any idea how it felt to see you stabbed in the heart?! Do you have any idea how PAINFUL that was!?!"

"Pain?..." Grey"s tone turned cold. Something inside him snapped as he gave Ahri a look that she thought she would never see him give her… a glare.

"Oh boy, she REALLY should not have said that," Tiara muttered as she and Brite took a step back.

Suddenly, the air around all of them got cold and a chill ran through their spines feeling pure rage and killing intent.

Silver started whimpering at the change of atmosphere. Neeko even started hiding behind Nidalee.

"You think that you know what pain is, Ahri?" Grey asked as his eyes turned red. "You think that just because you saw ONE friend being hurt, you know what pain is?" The Abyss Watcher started walking towards Ahri, who took a few steps back. "Let me tell you what pain is like, Ahri. Pain is being pushed to the brink of insanity every day. Pain is killing your comrades to the point where you bathe in their blood. Pain is fighting the legions of the Abyss and having them kill you countless times. Pain is seeing what the Abyss does to people. Don"t YOU DARE TALK TO ME ABOUT PAIN!?" he yelled.

Ahri was scared and shocked. This was the first time that Grey had to raise his voice at her, and it hurt more than she thought.

Solas then noticed something, through the windows, he can see the sun slowly turn red as the center slowly started turning black.

Meanwhile, Zed was insulted beyond belief. He was defeated by someone who wasn"t even taking him seriously.

To reclaim his honor and get payback, Zed jumped at the Abyss Watcher with the blades on his forearms coming out. Shen saw this and was immediately about to interfere, but he didn"t need to.

Suddenly, Zed was smashed on the ground so hard that cracks appeared around him with Grey"s foot pushing onto his chest.

"If you do something like that again, death is going to be something you beg for," The Abyss Watcher threatened before he returned his glare at Ahri.

"Excuse me," However, before any more can be said, Kayle appeared making them look at her.

The Righteous froze under Grey"s red glowing eyes. Fear is something that she didn"t experience much, but right now her senses were saying one thing… danger.

"What?" Grey asked in a harsh manner, unlike his usual kind and collective tone.

"The High Summoners wish to see you," Kayle replied keeping her composer, somehow.

The Abyss Watcher spared one last glare at Ahri before he started walking towards the High Summoners chamber.

Ahri just looked at where Grey was going before her face turned to one of anger. She huffed and turned around walking away.

Meanwhile, the others just stood there with the only noise being the pained grunts of Zed. No one knew what to say.

Silver could only whimper looking between the disappearing figures of Ahri and Grey. Nidalee knelt down and started patting the wolf pup to calm him down.

Tiara sighed messaging her forehead. "I knew that the fox was bad news."

"Can I ask what happened?" Kayle asked looking at them. Grey"s change of att.i.tude concerned her.

"The fox f*cked up, that"s what happened," Tiara replied.

"It"s weird, though," Brite muttered looking at where Grey went. "I haven"t seen Grey that mad in decades."

"Ahri isn"t usually that quick into changing her mood either," Nidalee added.

"Can you blame either of them?" Solas asked. He was relieved that the sun returned to normal. "From what I"ve seen in this world, it"s not as rough as ours. Wouldn"t you feel insulted if you found out that a friend didn"t try his all to fulfill a promise? Or that someone claims to know what you"ve been through in your life?"

The others, except Zed, know looked at where the two of them went. They were worried of things will go now.

Neeko then peeked from behind Nidalee. "So… we"re not going to the garden?" she asked.

Grey was already at the High Summoners chamber waiting for what they want from him.

"Abyss Watcher, good to see you again," the Piltoven Summoner greeted.

"What do you want?" Grey asked his mood not changing for the last few minutes.

The High Summoners became confused. The Lord of Cinder seemed different from before, more violent.

Deciding not to dwell on the personal life of champions, the Noxian summoner went to business. "We would like to send you on another mission."

"What is it?" Grey asked.

"There is trouble in Ionia," the Ionian summoner said. "A criminal sorcerer stole an ancient amulet from the Ionian elders. The amulet absorbs souls and turns them to magical energy, somewhat like the Nine-Tailed Fox, but his methods are far more forceful and dangerous. We would like you to go to Ionia and deal with him."

Grey"s eyes narrowed at the mention of Ahri, but he kept his thoughts to himself and turned to leave. "It"ll be done."

"Be warned, he has a band of mercenaries with him and-"

"It does not matter," Grey cut the Ionian summoner off. "They will be all corpses before nightfall."

They all looked unsettled at the Abyss Watcher"s declaration. The Grand Summoner became worried about Grey"s mental state.

Grey exited the High Summoners chamber and found Kayle near the entrance. "A mission in Ionia," he answered her unasked question.

"Will you be alright?" the Righteous asked.

"I"ll be fine," Grey replied leaving towards the Transport station.

Kayle sighed and looked at the Abyss Watcher in worry. He was one of the very few people that she can relate to, and actually, get along with. Mainly for the fact of having an annoying, somewhat evil, sibling.

Meanwhile, Ahri was back in her room on the bed. She buried herself under the many stuffed animals that she has. Only her tails and ears were visible.

The door was knocked making her ears twitch, but she wasn"t in the mood for visitors. "Leave me alone," she said.

Suddenly, her door was kicked open by Tiara. The Nine-Tailed Vastayan raised her head looking at the Dancer shocked.

"You honestly thought I was waiting for permission?" Tiara asked walking in.

Following her was Nidalee, Brite, and Solas. The huntress was here to make sure Ahri was alright, and the two Warriors of Sunlight were there to make sure Tiara doesn"t do anything drastic.

"You said you wouldn"t do that," Nidalee growled at the Dancer.

The Outrider Knight scoffed. "I said that I would let you knock, I didn"t say I wouldn"t kick the door open afterward."

"What do you want?" Ahri asked as she sunk back into the stuffed toys.

"We"re worried about you," Nidalee said.

Silver jumped from her shoulder to the bed and made his way to Ahri, who just sighed seeing the sad face he was giving.

"Well, THEY are worried about you. I just came here to see what will you do about my brother," Tiara asked more concerned for her sibling. "The High Summoners sent him on a mission, what do you plan to do when he gets back?"

"Nothing," Ahri replied patting Silver.

"What?" they asked.

The Nine-Tailed fox rolled her eyes. "Please, this is Grey we"re talking about. I"m sure that after he calms down, he"s going to come back and apologize."

"Wait, HE is the one who has to apologize?!" Tiara asked in a mixture of shock and anger. In her opinion, Ahri was the wrong one here. "Are you really THAT self-centered?"

"I didn"t do anything wrong!" Ahri yelled as she came out of the stuffed animals. "I"m the one who was wronged here! Why wouldn"t he apologize?"

"Why you little-"

"I think we have more things to worry about," Solas said making them look at him. "Right now, we have a p.i.s.sed off Abyss Watcher, who also happens to be a Lord of Cinder, roaming around Runeterra freely. Maybe if you go and talk to him-"

"I"m not talking to him until he apologizes," Ahri said before sinking back to the stuffed toys. "Now leave me alone," she said.

They all looked at each other and just turned around to leave. The only one who stayed was Silver, who laid beside Ahri.

In Ionia:

To say Grey was mad would be an understatement. A very big understatement.

First, he had to deal with Ahri"s teasing, which wasn"t unusual but tiring. Then, he had to run into Zed again. And what"s worse, is that Ahri actually had the audacity to claim she knows what he"s been through.

And now, now he has to deal with some mad sorcerer who uses souls as a fuel for his magic.

True, Ahri did something similar, but at least she NEEDED to do it. That man just WANTED to do it. There is a very big difference between what a person wants and what they need.

The Abyss Watcher was very tempted to just use the Soul of Death now, but he knew that in his current mental state, he might end up killing half of Ionia by accident.

Grey finally came out of the forest of Ionia to some sort of camp with tents spread out. In the middle, was a very large tent, at least Grey new where to look.

The Abyss Watcher walked towards the campus and mercenaries started coming out of the tents.

They all had a variety of weapons, from swords, axes, and spears. They were wearing a mixture of red clothes and leather armor.

"Oh look, boys," a mercenary with a big battle ax smirked. "We have a visitor."

"Hey, I know that guy. He"s from the League of Legends. What"s his name? Bird Watcher?" another mercenary tried to remember Grey"s name but failed.

Grey didn"t even bother noticing them. "I"ll give you one chance. Leave, and you won"t be killed," he threatened.

Most mercenaries started laughing. "Yeah, right. What can you do, Bird Watcher," The ax-wielding mercenary asked mistaking Grey"s t.i.tle on purpose. "Who do you think you are? Khada Jhin?" Some mercenaries laughed while some shuddered at the mention of the Virtuoso.

Meanwhile, Grey sighed in annoyance. He hoped he wouldn"t have to deal with grunts since they were just a distraction, just something that wastes his time.

"Tell you what, since you gave us a few laughs, I"ll kill you quickly," the ax-wielding mercenary said as he raised his weapon and swung at Grey.

However, the Abyss Watcher simply raised his dagger and blocked the strike without even flinching.

Before the mercenary had a chance to react, Grey reached forward, grabbed his throat, and ripped it out.

The mercenary grabbed what left of his throat failing to stop the bleeding as he fell on the ground died slowly.

The mercenaries looked at their falling comrade as Grey looked at them. "You just asked if I was Jhin, but I"m far worse," he said as he pulled his Farron Great-sword. "I suggest you kill yourselves now, that"s far more merciful than what I have planned for you."

Inside the tent:

Inside the leader"s tent was a sorcerer wearing robes similar to the summoners, but with the difference that it didn"t have a hood revealing a head of messy brown hair.

On his neck was a chain that had a cage-like amulet that gave off a white glow. The amulet was currently sucking the life out a few plants that the sorcerer brought to test.

Suddenly, he started hearing a ruckus, clinging metal, and screaming coming from out of the tent.

The sorcerer sighed. "Those barbarians must be having another party."

But much to his surprise, the sound started getting lower and lower until it finally stopped.

He then heard ruffling and noticed someone entered his tent. He turned around, planning to scold them for the noises and annoying him, but stopped when he noticed it wasn"t a mercenary.

Standing at the entrance of the tent was Grey. His sword and some of his clothes were covered in blood, but other than that he looked unharmed.

"Who are you?" the sorcerer demanded. "Where are my men?"

"If you mean the corpses that are now rotting outside, then don"t bother calling for them," the Abyss Watcher replied swinging his sword cleaning some of the blood.

The sorcerer glared. "You obviously don"t know who you are dealing with," he said creating an orb of magic.

The ancient amulet glowed, powering the orb and making it bigger. The sorcerer threw the orb with great speed at the Abyss Watcher.

However, Grey rolled out of the way and dashed towards the sorcerer before he could do something else.

With a swift swing, Grey"s sword cut off the sorcerer"s arm. The man yelled in pain as he stumbled back and fell clutching where his arm used to be.

The Abyss Watcher looked at the pained sorcerer without emotions. "Any last words?" he asked.

The sorcerer attempted to raise his remaining arm and cast another spell, only for that armor to be cut off like the first one by Grey"s sword.

"I suppose not," the Lord of Cinder mumbled raising his sword before bringing it down and beheading the sorcerer.

Grey looked at the lifeless body of the sorcerer before sheathing his weapons and turning around to leave. He had an argument to finish.

So lost in thought as he walked away, the Abyss Watcher failed to notice that the Soul Amulet started glowing while cracks appeared in it.

The amulet suddenly shattered in a large explosion that knocked everything around, even Grey, away.

Where the explosion happened, a portal seemingly made of Souls appeared and started sucking in everything.

Being knocked down by the explosion, Grey was unprepared as he was pulled in by the portal.

After the Abyss Watcher pa.s.sed through, the portal closed. And as for Grey, he was only able to notice entering the portal, and then… everything turned white.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this. please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.

I"d like to point out some things.

First: this will be the start of the new arc of my story. It is something I thought of while playing "Sekiro: Shadows die twice." (No, Grey isn"t losing his arm, or going to meet the One-Armed Wolf/Sekiro)

Second: About the fight between Ahri and Grey, that was vital for the arc so it had to happen. Also, I realized that no matter how good of a match they are for each other, it"s way too unrealistic for them to completely get along without having at least a single fight, so I had to think about something they would fight for.

Again, thank you for reading, and give me your thoughts.)

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