The sun rises on Valoran city. Today was the day of the Symphony Souls concert, which brought even more people to the city alongside the presence of the K/DA group.

Speaking of the famous idol group, inside their home, three of their members were sitting together in the living room. Kai"sa - who was wearing a white shirt and some plain jeans - was watching TV, Evelynn - who was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and skirt - was on her phone, and Akali - who was wearing a blue shirt with a dragon drawing on it and some baggy pants - was eating a cup of instant spicy ramen.

"Alright, girls," their attention was drawn to Ahri, who came down the stairs wearing a white shirt under a yellow jacket and a light blue skirt. "I"m going out, so see you later," she informed them as she held her purse.

"Wait, where are you going?" Kai"sa asked confused. The Symphony Souls" concert wasn"t until tonight, and it was still noon.

"I"m going to visit Grey," their leader answered as she checked herself on a mirror near the front door. "I just want to make sure he"s doing okay before a big concert."

The other members understood that. Despite seeming confident, none of them can deny that they get a little nervous and uncertain during the days where they had such a big task with them. It was one of the cons of being so famous.

"Can we go with you?" Evelynn suddenly requested, surprising the others. "I have nothing better to do, and all the media is talking about the concert today, so I might as well see Grey"s home for once."

Ahri gave a strained smile. "I really don"t… know," she replied hesitantly.

Suddenly, Evelynn gained her usual teasing smile. "Oh, I get it," Ahri didn"t like her tone for a second. "You want to give him some… "stress relief", don"t you?"

"What! No!" Ahri yelled, her cheeks glowing red.

"Then there shouldn"t be a problem with us joining, right?" Evelynn asked, a smug smile on her lips.

The Nine-Tailed Vastaya glared at the demoness. She couldn"t really say no since she would give the Diva even more teasing material while also proving that she might be telling the truth. While Ahri did want to spend some quality time with Grey, it wasn"t anything like Evelynn suggested.

"Fine," Ahri gave in as she kept glaring at her bandmate.

"Hey, can we come, too?" Kai"sa suddenly asked, much to Ahri"s annoyance.

"Yeah, Eve"s right, we have nothing to do until the concert," Akali commented as she finished her ramen.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Ahri sighed. "Fine, let"s go," she said, giving up on the idea of going alone.

"I"m driving," Evelynn called out as she got up from the couch and went to her room to get one of her many car keys.

The other three members rolled their eyes. It was pretty normal for Evelynn to take every chance to show off her cars. "Just make sure you don"t break ALL the speed limits this time!" Ahri called out, remembering the last time Evelynn drove them somewhere.

After a short ride, courtesy of Evelynn"s (rather reckless) driving, the K/DA group found themselves in front of the humble home of the Ashnex family. Evelynn, Kai"sa, and Akali were pretty surprised by the rather plain-looking house. It was pretty normal, and you wouldn"t figure out that a family of Rockstars live here.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Evelynn asked she took off her that she put on when she started driving. This place looked homey, but it wasn"t like their home.

"Yes, it is," Ahri replied as she got out of the car. "Grey isn"t really the type of guy to buy expensive stuff that he doesn"t actually need, and his sister just roles with what he chooses to do with their home because she trusts his decisions," she explained.

The other members of K/DA knew that she was most likely talking about Tiara, Grey"s sister, and the drummer of the Symphony Souls group.

They walked through the path on the front lawn before they heard a girly scream. They looked at the source and saw a teenage girl from the front yard of the neighbors looking at them in shock. The girl immediately ran inside her home while yelling, "Mom! You won"t believe who"s visiting our neighbors" house!" at the top of her lungs.

The idols simply shrugged their shoulders, already used to this kind of reaction whenever they were out, so they simply kept heading towards The front door of the Ashnex family.

After getting, their leader rang the doorbell and it only took a few seconds before the door opened to reveal Tiara, wearing some shorts and a plain shirt. She looked at them… and smacked the door on their face.

Akali, Evelynn, and Kai"sa were caught off guard by what just happened, while Ahri just rolled her eyes. She raised her fist and banged on the door a few times before it was opened again by the same person.

"Oh, it"s you? I just thought that some kids left trash on our doorstep," Tiara said, uncaring by the glare she received.

"Ha, ha, very funny," Ahri replied sarcastically, unamused by the drummer"s sense of humor. "Can we come in now?"

Tiara sighed. "Fine, get in," she said letting them inside.

The members of the K/DA group entered the house. It was quite the comfortable looking place. The living room - which is where Tiara went to sit on the couch - was s.p.a.cious, with a large couch, a coffee table, and a large TV. The walls were dark blue and the carpet was a lighter shade of blue. The couch itself was black in color.

"So, what are you doing here, you dumb fox?" Tiara asked as she grabbed the remote and activated the TV.

The three other members obviously didn"t appreciate the insult to their leader, but Ahri seemed to not care. "I"m here to see Grey, where is he?" she asked.

"He went out to get groceries, so he should be back any minute now," Tiara replied with a bored tone. "So, just sit down and do whatever foxes do when they wait."

"Hey, stop being racist!" Kai"sa exclaimed, fed up with the insults for her leader, which is something shared by the other two members if their glares are any indication.

However, the blue-haired woman just looked confused. "Racist?"

Ahri sighed. "Girls, calm down. She"s not being racist. She just doesn"t like me," she cleared up, seeing the misunderstanding.

"Oh, so she"s just being a b*tch," Evelynn summed up in her own words.

"Says the Diva wh*re with more ex-boyfriends than fans," Tiara retorted smirking at Evelynn.

The demoness looked at Tiara before turning her sight towards the rest of her group. "I like her," she admitted with a smirk.

The other members rolled their eyes, expecting such a thing from the Diva. They heard barking and saw Silver running towards them from another room. The wolf pup made it to Ahri, who picked him up.

"How have you been, Silver?" the fox Vastaya asked, receiving a bark and a wagging tail.

"Oh, hey there, little guy," Kai"sa greeted as she came forward and started scratching behind his ears.

"Do you wanna hold him?" Ahri questioned, knowing that their Dancer loved cute animals.

Kai"sa looked surprised. "Can I?" she asked, uncertain if it was okay. She got her response when Ahri offered her Silver, who she picked up. "Awe, you"re just adorable," she said hugging him closer as he rubbed his head on her cheek.

Their attention was drawn to the front door as it opened again. "Hey, Tiara, I"m back," Grey called out while holding a few bags. He then noticed the guests in his home. "Oh, Ahri, you"re here," he noted as the fox Vastaya immediately came in to give him a hug, which he returned the best he could. "I"m guessing the car outside is Evelynn"s?" he asked. He didn"t remember all of Evelynn"s cars since she kept many of them.

"Yeah, and don"t worry, we didn"t bring any cops here," Ahri said as she let go of him, causing him to sigh in relief. He didn"t want the entire police station to come to his home because they were chasing the Diva for her reckless(in his opinion, crazy) driving. "Your concert is today, so I just came to check on you before we go there," the lead singer of the K/DA explained their reason for being here.

"Well, you"re always welcomed at my home," Grey replied, much to Ahri"s joy.

"Just go to your room and f*ck already," Tiara said smirking at her now blushing brother and Ahri who had the same reaction.

"Tiara, we have guests!" Grey scolded his sister.

"Oh, we don"t mind," Evelynn decided to join in on the teasing. "Just make sure to clean up. You have a concert after all."

"Eve!" Ahri scolded but just received a smirk.

"I"m going to the kitchen to prepare something," Grey said, wanting to get out of the awkward(at least to him) atmosphere that his sister and Evelynn created.

After a few moments, they were all seated in the garden at the back except Tiara. They were sitting on a rectangle wooden table that was both wide and long. Evelynn, Kai"sa, and Akali were all amazed at the garden and the roses covering it.

Akali then noticed something. "So, where"s the rest of your band?" she asked noticing that she saw no sign of the other two remaining members.

"They"re at their home," Grey replied. "We don"t all live together. Solas lives with his family, and Brite has an apartment close by. We hang around together most of the time, but we don"t live under the same roof," he explained.

"Why don"t you just buy a house big enough for all of you?" Kai"sa asked, believing that it was the reason. She doubted that they couldn"t afford it, seeing how popular their band is.

Grey shrugged his shoulders. "Well, why would we? We don"t actually need to. Plus, if we are all in the same place, that just means that more people are going to be at our doorstep," he explained. He was basically telling them that his group liked their current lives, and would only change it if necessary.

"Well, when are you leaving for the concert?" Akali asked.

"An hour or two, we need to be there pretty early to get ready and all that," the lead singer of the Symphony Souls replied. They pretty much had to so the same thing during their own concerts, so they didn"t really question it.

"Well, don"t you have anything else to offer than tea and biscuits?" Evelynn asked looking at the treats Grey brought.

"Eve," Ahri said in a threatening tone. They might be close friends with the Ashnex, but that"s no reason to be a rude guest.

"Just asking," Evelynn replied innocently.

Ahri then smirked. She poured a cup of tea and offered it to the Diva. "You never tried Grey"s tea, did you?" she asked.

The demoness rolled her eyes. "It"s just tea," she commented before grabbing the cup and taking a sip. Her eyes suddenly widen. "Holy f*ck, this is amazing!" she exclaimed before she started chugging down the warm beverage.

"Eve, you"ll burn your tongue!" Akali warned as she tried to stop her bandmate, only for her to start slapping her hand away every time she tried.

After she was done, Evelynn moved the cup away from her lips while taking deep breaths. "That wath amathing(that was amazing)," she complimented with a burned tongue.

"I told you," Akali and Ahri both said at the same time.

The Diva rolled her eyes. "Oh, pleathe, jutht look,(oh, please, just look)," she said taking her tongue out and showing it to others. They all saw that her tongue was beginning to be covered in shadows, implying that it started healing because of her demonic nature.

Kai"sa, curious if the tea was as good as her two older bandmates made it out to be, poured herself a cup and took a sip. "Wow, this IS pretty amazing," she exclaimed tasting the beverage.

"I try my best," Grey replied bashfully as they started drinking tea while chatting.

Time skip: (Brought to you by chibi K/DA Ahri and chibi Symphony Souls Grey singing together on the stage.)

It had been nearly two hours and the Symphony Souls group now had to go to the stage to prepare. Evelynn offered to drive Grey and Tiara to the stage, but they both declined, saying that Solas was going to pick them up.

Solas showed up driving a large Humvee with the crest of the Symphony Souls group on the side. It was two "S"s with a burning circle between them. He already had Brite with him, so the two Ashnex siblings just got in his car and they drove towards the stadium with the K/DA group following behind.

They all reached their destination, a large circle stadium with a dome-like top, and packed at the back. They already got a glimpse of the many people gathering to see the concert.

When they got there, they went through security - who were surprised at seeing the K/DA group alongside them - and entered the backstage. "Well, I have a good feeling about today!" Brite said in his usual cheerful tone.

Both groups were now wearing their stage clothes, which was understandable for the Symphony Souls group, but not much for K/DA. When Grey asked, they just replied by saying that they want to look professional.

"I just hope everything goes well," Solas commented as he was testing the strings of his guitar. "From what we were told, this might be our biggest concert yet, so whether we do good or not will affect we get or lose fans," he explained.

"We should be fine," Tiara dismissed their worries. "After all, it"s not them playing, so we should be amazing," she commented pointing at K/DA.

"Tiara," Grey scolded his sister while checking his mic and the speaker on his sword.

"Uhmm, Sir," a worker came in. "There are guests here, they say that you invited them," he said.

"Oh, that must be Sona and her group," Grey realized, reminding the idol group that K/DA was coming over. "Sure, let them in," he said and the worker nodded before walking back.

The K/DA group couldn"t help but feel a little nervous. They were the most popular pop group, but none of them would deny that they were inspired by the Pentakill band, which was a legend in the music world.

The group came in through the door. Mordekaiser, Karthus, Olaf, Sona, Kayle, and Yorick, all wearing their signature clothes came into the room.

"Sona, glad you can make it," Grey greeted the red-haired musician.

Sona returned the greeting with a smile as she approached the rock singer and gave him a friendly hug, which got a raised eyebrow from Ahri.

"So, these girls are K/DA?" Olaf asked as he looked over the idol group.

"Hmm, they don"t look so bad," Kayle commented. She had to admit, the costumes that the idol group were wearing looked pretty stylish, even if a little too flashy.

"Oh my G.o.d. I can"t believe I"m actually meeting you guys," Akali exclaimed as she got closer to the heavy metal group with an excited sprint on her steps. "I"m such a fan of Pentakill. I heard all your music," she said before suddenly taking off her jacket and presenting it to Kayle. "Can you please sign my jacket?"

Meanwhile, Evelynn finally got to meet her source of inspiration. "Karthus, I"ve been a long fan of your work," she admitted, trying not to stutter like a schoolgirl. "I have to admit, you know how to sing rock in a good way," she admitted.

"Of course," Karthus replied raising his hands. "Heavy metal music is the perfect combination of pain and pleasure! Spreading them is my dream!"

Evelynn stared at him for a couple of seconds before sniffing her nose and wiping a tear from her eye. "Can you be my dad?"

Meanwhile, Ahri was meeting with Yorick and Mordekaiser. "It"s really nice for us to meet up like this," she commented seeing their groups get together.

"Yeah," Yorick nodded. "Also, we like your music, too. Especially you, Ahri. Mind signing this?" he asked while pulling out an alb.u.m.

On the alb.u.m cover was Ahri wearing her old costume while giving a peace sign and a wink to the camera. She recognized it as her old alb.u.m. "Oh, I haven"t seen this in a while. Sure," she agreed, taking the alb.u.m and pulling out a pen.

As for Kai"sa, she was meeting up with Sona. "Oh my G.o.d! I"m such a big fan," the Dancer started. "Most of my dances are something I came up while listening to your music," she admitted while Sona kept looking at her with a bored look. "I have really been looking up to meeting you. Can we be friends?" she requested.

However, Sona still didn"t respond and kept her bored look, which started to make the Dancer feel anxious. Grey saw that and realized something. "Uhmm… you do know she"s mute, right?" he asked.

"Wait, what!?" Kai"sa yelled in disbelief. "I thought that she was just really quiet," she said, admitting her must mistake.

Sona rolled her eyes as she looked at Grey and started making motions with her hands. [Tell these idiots to start acting their age or go home,] she signed to him.

Kai"sa looked at Grey with eyes full of antic.i.p.ation, expecting him to translate for her. "She said that you shouldn"t worry about it, and that it was nice to meet you, too," he lied, not wanting to crush her dreams.

"Oh, thank you. I"m glad you"re not angry at me," Kai"sa thanked the mute musician.

Sona simply smiled and nodded. However, when Kai"sa turned around, she immediately gave Grey a "WTF?" look, which he replied with one that said "did you really want me to say that?", causing her to roll her eyes.

"Alright, the show will start pretty soon, so get ready!" a worker called out.

"Well, I guess it"s showtime," Tiara said as she stood up and cracked her knuckles.

"This is going to be glorious," Brite commented as he grabbed his ba.s.s.

"Just do your best, and make sure to not mess this up," Solas instructed.

"Well, I"ll see you later," Grey said to his guests as they all walked out towards the stage to make sure all their gear was working.

When they were gone, the two groups were left together and the kept on talking with one and another. But, Sona suddenly walked towards Ahri and pulled out a small board. (You"re Ahri, right? The girl that met Grey and told him to be famous?) was written on the board.

Ahri was somewhat surprised. If Sona knows about that, then she was definitely close friends with Grey. "Yes, that"s me. And, it"s nice to meet you, Sona," she greeted.

Sona wrote something one the board before showing it to the idol. (Are you going to ask Grey out or not?)

The Nine-Tailed Vastaya was caught off guard by the question. "W-What? What does that have to do with anything?" she asked.

Sona rolled her eyes before writing again and showing it to Ahri. (Because I"m tired of waiting. I gave you a chance because Grey seemed to really like you. But, tonight we"re holding a celebration, and that"s obviously going to include alcohol, especially with Tiara involved, so I"m definitely going to try and make sure me and Grey wake up tomorrow naked in the same bed.)

Ahri was surprised that Sona was able to write all that on the small board. However, the surprise was quickly gone as she realized what Sona was telling her. But, before she says anything, Sona turned around and walked away.

"Wow, she really doesn"t like you," Evelynn suddenly appeared beside Ahri with a hand on her chin.

"Eve, what did I tell you about sneaking up on people like that," Ahri scolded after getting over the Diva"s sudden appearance.

"To not do it in public," the demoness said. "Anyway, she"s right though, you should ask Grey out," Ahri seemed to be about to say something, but Evelynn started before her. "Don"t start with that "There"s nothing between us" c.r.a.p. If you two aren"t into each other, then me and Akali are actually as into each other as the media makes us out to be."

The Nine-Tailed Vastaya sighed, knowing that excuse was no longer valid. "What if it doesn"t go as planned?" she asked in understandable hesitation.

"Ahri you don"t go through life asking "what if". I mean, there was the chance that our band wasn"t going to have any success, but did we stop?" she asked and Ahri just smiled. "That"s right, so just ask him out already."

Ahri took a deep breath and put her hands on her waist. "Okay. But, only if YOU promise to finally ask Tobias out."

For the first time, it was Evelynn"s turn to look surprised and blush. "What? No! Me and Tobias are just friends! That"s it!" she cleared out with obvious panic.

"You do realize you"re trying to trick a girl that can control emotions, right?" Ahri asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That is such a broken teasing ability," Evelynn sighed, not believing that Ahri was being fair. "Okay, fine. I"ll ask him out, but only if you ask Grey out. Deal?"

"Deal," the two bandmates shook hands to show their seriousness before both walking towards the side of the stage with everyone else following to see the show begin.

First, the Symphony Souls started with a couple of their already known songs. Incandescent, and Let There Be Fire Again.

Then, they started with their new song, a song called "Song of the Abyss".

It was obviously about a story, but they didn"t know what the story was. However, judging by how the fans were screaming, they didn"t care as long as the song was amazing, something shared by the two other music groups that were watching.

When they got back into the stage, all the workers there began cheering for them. Some already celebrating with bottles of alcohol.

"Great job, guys, oh and girl," Kai"sa complimented as they met backstage.

"That was pretty awesome," Kayle gave her own praises.

"You got to tell me what the song is about. It sounded pretty amazing," Yorick requested, wanting to hear the story that the song was about.

"It"s about some old story Grey listened to when he was a kid," Tiara explained as she started twirling her drumsticks in her hands.

"Would have preferred something more cheerful, but it was still a pretty good song," Brite commented as he took off his hat.

"Well, now that this is over, who"s up for a party?" Tiara asked.

"Is there going to be booze?" Olaf asked.

"I"d be stupid to not include booze," Tiara joked before she started heading towards the exit. "Let"s party!" she called out.

Meanwhile, Evelynn nudged Ahri"s shoulder and motioned to Grey. The Nine-Tailed Vastaya took a deep breath and walked towards the white-haired man. "Grey, can we talk?" she asked.

The leader of the rock music group raised a curious eyebrow, but he still nodded. "Sure," he said as they walked away from the others, who headed outside to wait for them. "Is there something you need?" he asked.

"Well… I was wondering… are you free this Friday?" she asked, feeling a little hesitant.

"Well, yes. I don"t really have anything planned," he replied, which gave her a little more confidence.

"I was wondering… do you want to spend the day together? Like what we used to do when we first met? And then have dinner somewhere," she requested, still feeling nervous.

Grey"s cheeks turned a little pink. "Oh uh… like a date?" he asked, wanting to make sure that there wasn"t a misunderstanding.

"If you want, that is," Ahri cleared out.

"Sure, I would love to," Grey replied, much to Ahri"s joy.

In fact, Ahri was feeling so happy at that moment that her tails joined together and started wagging. "Thank you," she said before suddenly giving him a hug and then let him go. "So, we meet at my place on Friday?"

"I think we should work out the details later," Grey said causing her to look at him curiously. "We should probably go and stop Evelynn and Tiara from getting a little too much alcohol."

Realizing that leaving those two to get drunk together was probably the worst decision anyone could make, Ahri nodded. "Oh, yeah, we should definitely stop that from happening."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, there"s really not much to say about this chapter. I just hope it"s to your liking.

Second, if you"re wondering who "Tobias" is, he"s Twisted Fate, but that"s his real name. That ship is mainly because of their tango skin.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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