Ahri POV:

The day went by pretty uneventful. After sunset, Garen, Katarina, Jarvan and Shyvana left.

It was just me, Aki, Annie and Lux. We"re really starting to get along. Aki doesn"t talk much about herself but there"s nothing wrong with that.

Annie yawned "well, I got to go" she said rubbing one of her eyes "it"s my bed time, Tibbers doesn"t want me to miss it".

Lux got up with the little girl "I"ll walk you back to your room" she said.

"take care" Aki said waving her hand. She then looked like she remembered something "oh right!" the summoner looked at me "Ahri, your first skin is coming out tomorrow".

"skin?" I asked.

"it"s like a different costume for champions" Aki told me "it changes your hair color, style, clothes and even your skin color".

"wow, that sounds pretty exciting" I have to admit that I"m looking forward to it, then I remembered my roommate "what about Grey?".

Aki shrugged "I heard their making one for him but I don"t think it"ll be done for a couple of days".

"I hope we get ones that match" I said.

"I wouldn"t count on it, but there is a chance that they"ll be compatible" Aki replied which gave me a little hope.

If we do get ones that match, we can fight together in the rift and look like... A couple.

"thanks Aki" I said standing up "see you tomorrow then".

"good night" she said before she got up too and we left our separate ways.

I went to mine and Grey"s room "alright" I said entering our room "I just got to wait for Grey and-" I was cut off by the sound of my door being knocked.

I wasn"t expecting anyone so I raised an eyebrow. Walking to the door, I made an orb of deception and held it between my tails just in case.

When I twisted the handle, I didn"t even have time to open the door completely before it was practical kicked open... By Akali?

She didn"t look happy, in fact she looked really mad. She marched in ignoring me.

"stupid Shen... His dumb balance" she mumbled as she walked to the couch, sat down and crossed her arms.

I closed the door and looked at the a.s.sa.s.sin "hi Akali" she just looked at me. From her mumbling, I didn"t need three guesses to know what"s up with her "another fight with Shen?".

"yeah" she nodded "but don"t worry, there"s not going to be another one again" she said and I tilted my head "because I left the order".

"what?" I was absolutely taken back.

"I can"t take it anymore! I had enough of Shen telling me the same thing over and over again" she then started mocking Shen"s voice while waving her hands "no Akali, that would disturb the balance".

That makes sense I guess, I just had one question "why did you come here then?".

Akali then took a deep breath to calm down "sorry, I just needed someone to talk to".

Guess that"s why "well I don"t know if I can help with ninja problems but-".

"I was talking about Grey" Akali deadpanned. If this was some anime, a tick mark would have appeared on my head "where is he?".

I sighed "he"s on a mission for the High Summoners" I said walking to the kitchen and getting a gla.s.s of water.

Akali sighed "great".

I got back to the living room "so why do you want to see Grey?" I asked "isn"t there anyone else to talk to?".

"who would talk to me?" Akali replied looking down "I just abandoned the most respected order in all of Ionia, I even left the t.i.tle they gave me, I"m the rougue a.s.sa.s.sin now".

"I would talk to you" I replied sitting down besides her.

Akali looked at me and I guess smiled under her mask "thanks Ahri".

Grey POV:

I groaned as I started to wake up, the first thing that I noticed was that my head hurts... A LOT!

I sat up and found myself inside a cave. There was a fire in the middle with meat cooking above it and I can see the forest from the entrance.

My weapons and hat were on the other side of the cave. I rubbed my head trying to sooth the pain.

"oh, you"re awake" I looked at who spoke and saw a woman in the entrance of the cave.

She got in and now I can see her from the fire"s light. She had tan skin and white stripes on parts of her body.

She had dark hair tied into a ponytail, green eyes and a small green gem on her forehead.

Her clothes were just skin cloths, she had fang ear rings and more fangs around her, she also had a wooden spear on her back.

I was about to say something but immediately closed my mouth because my head started aching again.

The woman walked to the other side of the cave and grabbed a stone bowel, she put a couple of plants in it, added water and started mixing them.

When she was done, she walked up to me and handed me the bowel with an apologic smile "I"m sorry about the poison, this should help with the headache".

I nodded in grat.i.tude and took the bowel. If it wasn"t for the headache, I would have spat it out because whatever she gave me tastes like a cooked Hollow.

The effects were pretty quick because the pain in my head started vanishing "thanks" I said giving her back the bowel.

"you"re welcome" she sat the bowel down and looked at me "I"m Nidalee, and you are?".

"I"m Grey" I replied as most of the pain was gone.

"well Grey" she then motioned to the meat that was cooking above the fire "are you hungry?".

I was actually a little hungry "yes".

Nidalee nodded. She took a piece of the meat and gave it to me before taken one herself.

We ate in silence for a couple of minutes before Nidalee spoke again "so Grey?" she looked at me "what was someone like you doing in the jungle? Not many travel through the k.u.mungu jungle" she asked "not anyone who"s sane at least".

"I had a job here" I replied honestly.

"really?" she raised an eyebrow "what was the job?".

"I was looking for someone" someone I apparently found. She looks like a warrior, and now I just need to see if she wants to join.

"and who was it?" she asked again.

"well, you apparently" I replied.

Nidalee frowned "and why were you looking for me?" she slowly started reaching for her spear.

Not wanting a fight, I just gave her a straight answer "to give you an invitation to the Inst.i.tute of War".

"the... Inst.i.tute of War?" she tilted her head "never heard of it".

"I didn"t know what it was either" I shrugged "but now I do, so let me tell you" I then started explaining the Inst.i.tute.

Nidalee POV:

Grey started telling me about the Inst.i.tute and what it does. It suppose to be a place people fight in to protect their home.

"so if I join, I can protect the jungle from invaders?" I asked to make sure.

"yes" Grey nodded.

"why do you think I"m who you"re looking for?" I asked since he could be wrong.

"well, I"m a champion but you managed to knock me out" he replied. I did use poison and a couple of tricks but I guess he"s right.

I have to admit it sounded tempting to join, specially if it keeps away those Noxian idiots. But I can"t leave the jungle now, not with what"s going on... But maybe.

"alright, I"ll go with you" I said and before he said anything I pointed a finger at him "but only if you help me with a problem I have".

"well I do owe you for not killing me, so why not?" he shrugged "what do you need?".

"I"ll tell you tomorrow" I told him "for now you need to sleep off the rest of the poison effects".

"I guess you"re right" Grey then ma.s.saged his head "and you are the expert here so I"ll listen to you".

Does he think I"m an idiot? There"s no way someone who wasn"t experienced with the jungle could have been that good at killing beasts.

Before I say anything, he laid down and went to sleep. I just looked at how he slept so quickly, either the poison was stronger than I thought or he spent most of his life not sleeping.

I just shrugged it off and laid down on my side of the cave with my spear near me just in case. We"re going to need a lot of energy tomorrow.

Third POV:

Time skip: (brought to you by chibi Ahri and chibi Akali eating bowels of ramen).

Grey woke up from Nidalee who was shaking his shoulder "come on, let"s go".

"oh... Right" Grey groaned and stood up noticing that the pain is gone.

He grabbed his weapons, hat, brought up the neck of his shirt and checked his Estus Flask before leaving with Nidalee.

They walked through the jungle for a while with Nidalee leading them.

Grey decided to ask something that"s been bothering him for a while "so what do you need my help with?".

Nidalee walked up to a few big leaves and grabbed them "this" she removed the leaves and Grey"s eyes widen.

He saw a clearing filled with dead bodies, both animals and beasts, smashed and beaten to death. He walked to the middle and saw signs of battle, like a small war broke in here.

"what happened here?" he asked looking at the battlefield.

"something is going around the jungle and killing anything in it"s path" Nidalee said walking up to him "at first, I thought it was Noxians, until I found an entire Noxus camp completely destroyed and everyone there slaughtered the same way".

That didn"t surprise the Abyss Watcher, Ezreal told him Noxus loved to invade but apparently it was something else.

Grey looked again at the corpses around him, the way they were killed looked familiar to Grey, but more monstrous.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard a low whimper, a small cry. He looked at the source and saw it came from a leaf covered tree trunk.

Grey walked up to it and removed the leaves to find a hole in the trunk. Inside was a pup, a small wolf pup.

It was curled up and whimpering. One of it"s ears twitched and it looked at the Abyss Watcher.

It started growling and showing it"s fangs trying to look threatening but it was obviously terrified. Grey reached out to it but the wolf snapped it"s jaws at him.

Grey pulled back his head "easy, I don"t want to hurt you" he said trying to calm the pup down.

Nidalee walked up besides Grey and looked at the pup "it must have survived the attack" she inspected. The huntress looked at Grey and the pup as an idea popped in her head. She turned around and started walking away "well, let"s keep going".

"what!" Grey looked at her in shock "we"re not going to help him?".

"nope" she replied simply.

"we can"t just leave him" Grey said trying to reason with her.

"he"ll just slow us down" she replied still walking.

"I don"t care" Grey said. Nidalee stopped and looked over her shoulder to see Grey kneeling down to the pup "hey little guy".

Grey reached out with his arm again. The pup, knowing it can"t do much, just closed it"s eyes prepared for the pain.

But it didn"t feel any, the only thing it felt was a hand soothing it"s head. The pup opened it"s eyes and noticed something about Grey, that he smelled like it"s kind.

Grey then brought his hands under the pup and pulled it out of the trunk. He saw one of it"s feet hurt.

"you"re hurt" he touched the wounded leg and the pup winced "here, this should help" Grey pulled out his Estus Flask and moved it to the little Pup"s mouth.

The pup sniffed it a couple of times before taking a few licks. It did cause Grey some Estus but it was worth it in his opinion.

The pup"s body glowed a golden color. It noticed that it"s wound was gone and it"s leg felt fine.

The pup smiled and jumped on Grey"s right shoulder, it then started rubbing it"s head on Grey"s.

The Abyss Watcher chuckled "I"m glad you"re feeling better" he turned around and found Nidalee leaning on her spear and smirking "why are you-" then he realized what she did "this was a test, wasn"t it?".

"yes" she nodded.

Grey sighed "why?".

"because I wanted to see if I can trust you" Nidalee replied and then shrugged "no offense, but we did meet just yesterday".

"that"s fair, I guess" Grey said understanding the reason for Nidalee"s actions.

"besides" she walked up to Grey and started scratching under the pup"s chin who was still on Grey"s shoulder "did you really think I would leave such a cute thing" the pup started leaning to the touch and after a couple of seconds Nidalee pulled back her hand "now come on, the tracks lead south. We should get going".

The Abyss Watcher nodded and he followed the huntress as she lead him to where the tracks are going.

Ahri POV:

Today... Is not a good day for me. After last night of talking with Akali, she went to her room and when I woke up I saw I had a match.

I was planning to use my skin, but when I met up with Akali and Aki, the Summoner told me it wasn"t done yet.

I was kind of sad that Grey wasn"t here to see my match, but now I am very glad he didn"t see it.

The match was terrible, we were losing bad and it was embarra.s.sing... I blame the Summoners for being lousy.

I was now in the middle fighting a guy Grey fought with before, Azir I think. I just wanted to hit him with one orb of deception but those sand soldiers weren"t making it easy.

Dodging another sand soldier, I finally got a good shot when "VICTORY, Red Team" the announcer spoke.

I just sighed and waited to be pulled out of the rift. When I was out, I ignored the summoners and other champions and just went to the dining hall.

Aki, Akali, Lux and Ezreal were sitting together in a table. I walked up to them, sat down besides Aki and Akali, and planted my head in the table.

"hi Ahri" Lux said trying to sound cheerful "that match was-".

"if you complete that sentence, I will hurt you" I said which made Lux go quiet. You know what"s the the worst part is? Grey"s still not back!

"Lux told me where Grey is" Ezreal said "is that why you"re down?".

"that"s part of it" I sighed.

"I know, why don"t we see your first skin" Aki suggested.

My head shot up "it"s done?".

The summoner nodded "yeah, just a few minutes ago actually".

"alright" I said standing up "let"s go then".

The others got up but Lux then pushed Ezreal back down "not you, this is a girls thing".

Ezreal looked confused "what?".

"just stay here" she told him and followed me, Aki and Akali to mine and Grey"s room.

When we got there, we got in and I looked at Aki "so how does this work?".

"just stand still for a second" she replied and I did what she said. She waved her hands and I was covered in light for a second "there you are".

"so?" I said turning around "how does it look?".

"it looks pretty good" Akali said "it has a cute traditional touch".

"yeah, it suits you" Lux added and I decided to get a look myself. I walked to our bedroom and looked at the mirror there.

My hair became platinum blonde and was tied into a bun. My usually red kimono was now white with a dark red and puffy skirt that had a jade b.u.t.terfly clip.

"not bad" I said turning around getting a look all over "not as good as I usually look, but still pretty cute".

"now you can use it in matches" Aki told me.

"do you think Grey"s going to like it?" I asked.

"yeah, I bet he"ll love it" Akali said and the other two girls nodded.

She is right. And since Grey promised to spend time with me, maybe... I can wear it and go on a date together.

Third POV:

Grey and Nidalee were walking through the forest with the latter leading them, the wolf Pup was still on the Abyss Watcher"s shoulder.

The tracks led them to a big clearing surrounded by trees with the sunlight shining down on them.

Nidalee walked up to the middle of the clearing and knelt down while Grey walked besides her.

"What"s wrong?" he asked.

"the tracks, they stop here" she replied and looked up at the sky "so that means one of either two things. It grew wings and flew away, or-".

"it"s here" Grey finished as he pulled out his sword while Nidalee raised her spear. He used his free hand to grab the pup from his shoulder and set him on the ground "go find a place to hide".

The pup gave a bark of confirmation and ran away to hide in the jungle. Grey pulled out his knife and got ready with Nidalee.

Then they heard a strange noise and saw black fog cover one side of the forest.

"I saw this before" Grey said remembering the times of fighting the Abyss "this isn"t good".

Suddenly, metallic thuds could be heard from the fog. It vanished as a big figure came out of it.

It was big, really big. It was wearing a white knight like armor that gave off frost. The helmet had two slits for the eyes and a pointy chin.

It had a giant mace and was walking on four with something falling from it, Grey recognized it as Abyss.

The creature sat it"s mace upside down and raised it"s head making a sound that was the combination of a roar and a screech.

"Vordt?" Grey said recognizing the creature "what happened to you?".

"what is that?" Nidalee asked never seeing such a monster.

"the Vile watchdog" Grey said getting ready for battle "but something is definitely wrong, get ready" Nidalee followed his advice and got in stance.

Vordt jumped at them swinging it"s mace. Nidalee jumped back while Grey rolled under the strike.

The Abyss Watcher anch.o.r.ed his knife and used it to swing at Vordt. He pulled out his knife and rolled away from Vordt"s mace that came crashing down.

Nidalee threw her spear and it struck in Vordt"s shoulder between his armor plates.

The huntress jumped in and violently ripped out her spear. Grey jumped in swinging both his sword and knife and struck the other shoulder.

They both jumped back as the Vile watchdog swung it"s mace at them. Nidalee jumped at him and Grey was surprised to see her transform into a cougar.

The huntress landed on Vordt"s head striking him with her claws. Vordt started trying to shake her off.

She held on for a few seconds and then let go jumping back. Grey then jumped in her place and swung his sword at Vordt.

He landed a clean hit, the Abyss Watcher anch.o.r.ed his knife and spun around swinging his sword again.

Vordt recoiled from the strike and went limp for a second. Nidalee, now in human form, walked up besides Grey.

"did we kill it?" she asked still holding her spear.

"no" Grey replied shaking his head "we just p.i.s.sed him off".

Just as Grey said, Vordt got up again, but his eyes were now glowing blue, it gave a big roar. He started swinging his mace wildly.

They managed to jump away in time, and then Vordt set his eyes on Grey who just stood up.

The Vile watchdog dashed forward trying to tackle Grey and taking a few trees down.

The Abyss Watcher managed to roll away in time. Vordt turned around facing them and started inhaling air.

Nidalee saw a chance to attack and was about to, but Grey grabbed her shoulder "no, I know that attack, we need to get far from it now!".

Nidalee decided to trust him and they both made distance between them and Vordt.

The Vile watchdog then released a giant frost breath. Everything in it"s path was frozen by the breath, but Grey and Nidalee managed to get out of range.

Vordt then charged at them trying to tackle them and they both jumped in the same direction.

Vordt then turned around swinging his mace. Nidalee didn"t have enough time to get out of the way and all she can do is close her eyes and prepare for the pain.

But it didn"t come, the only thing she felt was someone pushing her out of the way.

She heard a sickening crack, so she looked and saw that Grey was the one who pushed her and used his left arm as protection.

The Abyss Watcher was sent flying and crashed through a tree "Grey!" Nidalee called out as she jumped away from Vordt and hid in the bushes.

The Vile watchdog started smashing around wildly with it"s mace looking for them while Nidalee rushed towards Grey.

She found him barely standing using his sword for support while his left hand was dangling, he also apparently dropped his knife.

"are you alright?" she asked running besides him and checking his arm.

"no" he groaned adjusting his stance "he almost completely shattered my arm".

"we need to get out of here" she said in alarm hearing Vordt smashing around.

"it doesn"t matter" Grey shook his head "now that he"s on a rampage, he"s going to end up destroying half the jungle".

"well what do you suggest we do?" she asked.

Grey started thinking, he heard the sound of running water, he looked and saw a small stream that leads to a the edge of a cliff "I think I have a plan" he said.

"are you crazy!?" Nidalee asked "you can"t fight like this".

"I don"t care!" he replied. Nidalee looked at him in disbelief as Grey pulled his sword from the ground and rested it on his shoulder "listen, I need you to lead him to that cliff over there" he motioned with his head.

Nidalee looked at him for a second and sighed "your plan better work" Grey just nodded and left to the cliff. Nidalee looked at where he left before smiling "he"s something else, isn"t he?" the huntress took a deep breath and jumped out of her hiding place looking at Vordt "over here you ugly mutt!".

Vordt saw Nidalee and tried to smash her with his mace, but she jumped away. She ran towards the cliff with Vordt following.

They got close and Vordt was about to jump on Nidalee right there "hey!" but stopped and looked at the cliff.

Nidalee saw Vordt distracted and took her chance to jump in the forest. She looked from her hiding spot and saw Grey at the edge of the cliff.

His left arm was still limp, Grey pointed his sword at Vordt "this reminds me of the second time we met, I had to beat you in a duel. The only difference between now and then... is that when I win this time, I"m going to do it with my arm broken".

Nidalee didn"t understand what he was talking about, but it was obvious that Vordt was enraged.

The Vile watchdog have a big road with frost coming out of it"s body, it then started running towards Grey.

Grey stood still in his place. Vordt got close to him and jumped forward trying to tackle the Abyss Watcher.

But... At the last second, Grey rolled under the tackle resulting in Vordt falling over the cliff.

Vordt twisted his body while mid-air and fell on his back heavily damaged. Nidalee was impressed thinking it was Grey"s plan... Until she saw him run to the cliff and jump.

The huntress looked horrified, she immediately jumped from her hiding spot and ran to the cliff to see what happened.

Vordt was on his back heavily injured, but alive. Grey fell on him stabbing his sword through Vordt"s chest.

The Abyss Watcher"s arm was dangling from his shoulder but he paid it no mind. He pulled his sword out half way through and then brought it back down stabbing it deeper.

Vordt roared in pain and then fell limp. Grey jumped off him and the Vile watchdog vanished leaving his mace behind.

Grey put his sword away and pulled out his Estus Flask. He had to drink all of it to heal his wounds.

While he was checking his arm. Nidalee was jumping on the rocks that were on the side of the cliff.

She landed with the wolf pup in her hands, she sat him down and ran towards Grey.

"what the h.e.l.l was that!?!" Nidalee yelled angrily.

"my plan" he replied to simply.

"what kind of plan was that?" she asked dumbfounded "you could have died".

"it worked, didn"t it?" the Abyss Watcher shrugged and Nidalee was shocked he didn"t care about dying. Grey saw the wolf pup walk up to him holding his knife in it"s mouth "did you get that for me?" he knelt down, picked his knife and rubbed the pup"s head "good job".

The pup barked happily at being praised while Nidalee took a few deep breaths to calm down.

"well" the huntress sighed "you helped me deal with my problem, so like I promised, I"ll go with you to the Inst.i.tute".

Grey stood up "yeah, we did it... We... Killed Vordt" Grey suddenly looked scared "when the Dancer finds out, she"s definitely going to kill me".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far).

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