(A/N: I Am truly sorry for the late update. I admit, I have been lazy, you have the right to be mad at me, and I just hope that this chapter makes up for it)

Third POV:

Ahri, Aki, Ezreal, Lux and Garen were watching the match between Noxus and the jungle.

Surprisingly, the jungle was keeping control. Noxus did have a good start, but they started losing when they started trying to get more kills than destroy turrets.

Right now, Nidalee and Zyra destroyed an inhibitor turret and entered the team base.

Inside was two champions waiting for them. One was Katarina, the other was a man in a black armor that had a short red cape. He had short sleek black hair and was holding a big axe with a skull in it. That was Darius, the Hand of Noxus.

Zyra raised two spiked vines from the ground before sending them at Katarina. The red haired a.s.sa.s.sin wasted no time at dashing away in a red flash.

Darius attacked Nidalee by jumping in the air and swinging his axe down in a powerful attack.

The huntress jumped away transforming into a cougar. She turned around and jumped at the Noxian warrior.

She clawed him in the chest making him stagger back a few steps. Darius regained his balance and smacked Nidalee away with the blunt side of his axe.

Nidalee was sent away and fell to her side. Darius raised his weapon and was about to finish her off.

But before he could, A bone knife stabbed the Noxian warrior"s back and came out of his chest.

Nidalee turned back human and saw Rengar appear out of thin air. The pridestalker growled before throwing the now lifeless Darius away.

Nidalee stood up and looked to see Zyra having trouble with Katarina. The a.s.sa.s.sin dodged another strike of Zyra"s attacks before throwing one of her knives.

The knife struck Zyra in the leg, forcing her to drop to her knees. The sinister blade was about to use this as a chance to finish her off.

She was about to deliver the finishing blow when Nidalee"s spear struck her in the shoulder.

Katarina was distracted by the surprise attack and wasn"t prepared when Zyra stood up and whipped her with a spiked vine.

The a.s.sa.s.sin was almost finished, and Nidalee was the one to end it by jumping on her, transforming to a cougar and killing her with her claws.

Nidalee turned back human and picked up her spear before she, Rengar, and Zyra started attacking the Nexus.

It wasn"t long before their combined attacks destroyed it "VICTORY, k.u.mungu" the announcer said.

The huntress smirked, Zyra chuckled, and Rengar let out a roar of victory. The champions were then pulled out of the rift.

The winners got congratulated by their summoners before they all left with Nidalee and Katarina heading to the dining hall.

"Great job Nidalee." Ahri complemented her roommate with Silver, who was on her shoulder, nodding "You were great."

"Thanks." the Huntress replied sitting down besides Ahri.

"I thought you did wonderful Katarina." Garen said as his girlfriend sat besides him.

The a.s.sa.s.sin snorted while scowling "Yeah, easy for you to say. You"re not the one who"s going to go home and listen to Swain yell about how our strategy was s.h.i.t and that we should"ve done better."

"Grey didn"t come back yet" Nidalee said as more of a statement than a question.

"No, not yet" Lux said shaking her head "But I"m sure he"ll be back soon. He said it was near here."

"Do you think he"s okay?" asked the nine tailed Vastayan in worry.

"Well, this is Grey, so yeah, I think he"s doing good" Ezreal said with a shrug.

"I don"t know." Nidalee said with a deadpan look "That idiot doesn"t know how to take care of himself. He jumped over a cliff with a broken arm, so what"s stopping him of doing it again?"

"Come on." Ahri said rolling her eyes "He just went on a mission," her voice started losing it"s confidence "alone... Without someone to watch him... Or me to scold him... Okay, maybe we should be a little worried." she sighed "What do you think is taking him so-" she was cut off when someone strongly opened the gates.

They all looked and saw a man in a silver armor, with a short cape, and a glaive on his back "Aha! So this is the Inst.i.tute of War!?" he yelled with a proud voice. They were even more surprised when they saw Grey walk beside the man.

"Can you not yell for five minutes?" The Abyss Watcher asked in a tired tone.

"Actually, it"s been five minutes since I yelled last time." Brite replied.

"You know what I meant." Grey said shaking his head "Just follow me." he said before they started walking through the dining hall.

The others just looked at them as they walked through and went to the High Summoners chamber.

When they were gone, Ahri broke the silence "What just happened?".

"I"m... Not sure." Nidalee said shaking her head "I know Grey came back, but I don"t know about the other guy."

Meanwhile, Grey and Brite reached the door of the High Summoners chamber where they stopped.

The Abyss Watcher looked at the Silver Knight "Alright, try to make a good first impression."

"Got it." Brite nodded.

They both entered and the High Summoners noticed their presence "Welcome back, Abyss Watcher. How was your Mission?" the Ionian summoner asked.

"Thankfully, nothing dangerous was what came." Grey replied. He was about to say more but Brite walked up in front of him.

"Great leaders of the Inst.i.tute of War," Brite started with his usual proud voice "I am here in hopes to become a champion, fight for honor, and teach some of your warriors to Praise the Sun" he finished while raising his hands diagonally.

The High summoners were a little taken back by the loud introduction. Grey, however, was face palming while shaking his head.

The Grand Summoner was resisting the urge to chuckle. He was used to the antics of the warriors of Sunlight. He always found it amusing how cheerful and proud they were.

Grey walked up besides Brite "If you need proof of his abilities, then I can vouch that he is a good warrior."

"Uhmm... Very well." The Noxian summoner said breaking out of hi shock "His judgment will be tomorrow. The Judicator will show you your temporary quarters."

When he finished, Kayle walked in through the doors "Greetings, and welcome back Grey." she said and the Abyss Watcher nodded in acknowledgment "Please follow me."

They followed Kayle outside the High Summoners Chamber. Kyle, Grey and Brite went through the line of doors before stopping at one.

"This is your temporary quarters. You will be given a better one when and If you become a champion." Kayle said motioning to the door.

"Thank you, Kayle." Grey nodded before the angel left. He looked at Brite "Come on, let"s go to the dining hall."

The Silver Knight nodded and they both went to said hall. After they got inside, Grey immediately went to his friends.

"Welcome back, Grey." Ahri greeted with Silver jumping from her shoulder.

Grey petted the wolf pup "It"s good to be back." he said before looking at his other roommate "How was your match, Nidalee?"

"It was pretty good, we won of course." the Huntress replied and looked at Katarina slyly "So much for their Noxian greatness." she added which earned a glare from the red haired a.s.sa.s.sin.

"I"m glad to hear that." Grey said before motioning to Brite "Anyway, I"d like to introduce you to an old friend of mine."

"Good evening." the Silver Knight greeted with a hand on his chest "I am Brite of Astora, a mighty warrior of sunlight. It"s a pleasure to meet you."

"Brite is from my world." Grey cleared out.

"Wow, now we have two people from a different world" Lux pointed out as Grey and Brite sat down facing each other.

"It"s like Leona and Pantheon had a baby." Ezreal whispered.

That earned him an elbow in the gut from Lux "Be nice."

"Now, would you like to introduce your friends, Grey?" Brite asked.

"Sure." Grey replied and looked at the others "This is Ahri, Aki, Ezreal, Lux, Nidalee, Garen, and Katarina." he said motioning to everyone with his name. He heard a small bark and saw Silver on his shoulder "Oh, right. This is Silver." he said raising the wolf pup in his hands.

Brite looked at Silver for a few seconds before looking back at Grey "Aren"t you taking that whole following Artorias"s footsteps thing too seriously?"

"I found him in the jungle. I didn"t go to a pet store and buy him, idiot" Grey said in a deadpan tone.

"Still though..." Brite mumbled.

The Abyss Watcher rolled his eyes "Whatever. Listen, there are a few things you need to know," he said taking a serious tone "For starters there are no Bonfires in this world."

"No bonfires?" Brite repeated and Grey nodded "So that means if I die-"

"You die for good." Grey finished.

Brite stroked the chin of his helmet "Well, at least I don"t have to worry about going Hollow anymore."

"That"s right." Grey nodded "Also there is no age of fire, or Abyss here."

The warrior of sunlight hummed "Well, that"s both relieving, and a tad unsettling." he pointed out before looking at Grey "Anything else?"

The Abyss Watcher was about to finish the conversation, but Ahri pointed out something that she remembered "Oh right! Grey also became a Lord of Cinder."

"WHAT!?!" Brite yelled taking everyone by surprise, except Grey who expected that reaction. The others were even more surprised when the Silver Knight jumped from his seat and bowed on one knee "M-My lord! I had no Ide"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Grey cut him off waving his hands "No formalities. Stand up, now! Being a Lord of Cinder doesn"t change anything!".

"What do you mean "doesn"t change anything!?" Brite yelled standing up.

"In this world, a Lord of Cinder is just a t.i.tle that no one ever heard before. So it doesn"t mean anything." Grey said.

"But in our world, it means EVERYTHING!" Brite replied.

"But we"re not in our world, so there"s no reason to treat me like a G.o.d." Grey said.

"You might as well be one" Brite sighed sitting back down.

"So, why did bow like that?" Ahri asked.

"You... Don"t know?" Brite asked and the others but Grey, who just looked away, shook their heads "You didn"t tell them?"

"That wasn"t something necessary for them to know." the Abyss Watcher replied still looking away.

"Didn"t tell us what?" Ahri asked wondering what Grey didn"t tell them.

Brite was the one to answer "In our world, a Lord of Cinder is the highest honor there is, even higher than royalty." he said making them all look wide eyed "In fact, there are royalty who would kill just to kiss Grey"s boots now that he"s a Lord."

"Okay, WHAT!?" Lux yelled absolutely shocked. Her brother was the same. They both lived knowing royalty was at the top, but for someone to be above them was quite new.

"Grey! Why didn"t you say anything?" Ahri asked. She knew it was a big position, but she never knew it was that big.

"Because it doesn"t change anything." Grey said irritation obvious in his voice "I"m not a G.o.d. I"m just an Abyss Watcher, so I don"t want to be treated anything differently." he said before sighing "How about we call it a night. And Brite, there"s a few things I want to talk to you about after your judgment." the Silver Knight nodded and Grey stood up.

His two roommates stood up afterwards and they all left the dining hall towards their room. When they got in, Grey immediately went to the couch before putting Silver on the table.

He took off some of his armor and immediately went to sleep. His roommates just looked at him before looking at each other.

"Well, that was fast." Nidalee said shrugging her shoulders. She looked back at Grey "Why do you think he didn"t tell us about how important being a Lord of Cinder is?"

Ahri just looked at Grey before answering "I guess he"s just that modest." she shrugged with a smile.

The huntress chuckled "Yeah, I guess you"re right." she then turned to her room "Well, good night."

"Good night." Ahri replied before entering her own room.

Time skip: (Brought to you by chibi Brite praising the sun while chibi Grey is praying to the old wolf of Farron.)

Grey, Ahri, and Nidalee just exited their room and were now walking through the hallway. They found Brite at the entrance of the dining hall.

"Morning, Brite." Grey greeted.

"Yes, it is a great morning where the sun shines brightly." the Silver Knight said looking at a window at one of the walls.

Ahri and Nidalee raised an eyebrow before looking at Grey "He"s usually like that in the morning." the Abyss Watcher said.

Kayle then walked up to them "Good morning. I"m here to take Brite to his judgment."

Brite nodded "Very well. Let us go so I can enjoy this morning where the glorious sun shines."

Kayle raised an eyebrow under her helmet and looked at Grey who sighed "I apologize in advance for any headaches he may give you." he said and looked at Brite "Brite, remember that I need to talk to you."

The Silver Knight nodded before following the angel to the High Summoners chamber. Grey, Ahri, and Nidalee entered the dining and got some food.

"So what do you want to talk to Brite about?" Ahri asked as they found a table to sit in.

"Stuff about our world." Grey replied before hearing a familiar voice.

"G-Good morning" said the shy voice of Aki as she sat down besides Ahri.

"Morning, Aki." the Nine tailed Vastayan greeted "Do you know where the others are?" she asked.

"Well," the shy summoner scratched the back of her summoner hood "from what I know, Ezreal is with Nasus in the library studying the crown and sword that he and Grey got a while back. While Lux and Garen are helping their family with a meeting of n.o.bles."

"Hi guys!" the heard the little Pyromancer, Annie, say as she walked up to them and sat with them.

"Hi Annie. How are you?" Grey asked.

"I"m great, thanks for asking" Annie said before starting to eat the food she brought.

"Hey Grey, aren"t you going to wait for Brite?" Ahri asked.

To her and Nidalee"s surprise, he shook his head "No. Trust me, if anyone can go through the judgment, it"ll be Brite."

The High Summoners chamber:

Brite stood in front of the High Summoners as they looked at him "Your judgment will begin, are you ready?" the Ionian summoner asked.

"I am." Brite nodded and the High Summoners started chanting a spell before Brite was covered in an orb of light.

Inside the judgment:

Brite finds himself in long stone brick tunnel with barely any light. Not even a few seconds, and two hollows appear from the darkness.

They were both wearing broken armor, and holding old swords. They both charged towards the Silver Knight.

Brite pulled out his glaive and dodged a swing from the first hollow before stabbing it in the chest with the blade of his weapon.

The other one came in to swing at the Silver Knight, but Brite was faster. He smacked the pole of his glaive at the hollow"s head, sending it to the ground. He stepped on it"s chest and stabbed it in the head finishing it off.

Suddenly, more hollows appeared as a voice started speaking "Why do you keep fighting?" it asked as the hollows charged at Brite.

Like the ones before, Brite finished off the hollows, only for more to show up. He finished them off as well, but more kept coming.

"It never ends, there is no peace, no light at the end of the tunnel, no sun, and no hope" the voice spoke again as Brite kept killing hollows "perhaps you were never meant to win." the voice said.

Brite kept killing hollows until they finally stopped. He fell to his knees breathing heavily, but then, something else showed up.

From the darkness, crawled out a big bug creature, as big as a head. It had multiple red eyes, and on it"s back were yellow spikes making it look like a sun.

"Perhaps, it is time to rest." the voice said again as the bug started walking towards Brite "It"s time... To find your own sun."

The spikes on the bug"s back started glowing, creating a yellow light. Brite looked at it as the creature approached.

"Well, aren"t you a pretty little thing." Brite said trying to catch his breath "So bright, like the sun."

The bug crouched down, ready to jump at the Silver Knight. However, Brite then stabbed it with the tip of his glaive.

"But," Brite said as he used his glaive to help himself stand up "You are not the sun I"m searching for." he looked ahead and started walking "No matter what, there"s always a tomorrow, so the sun will rise again." he said walking towards the darkness of the tunnel.

Outside the judgment:

The orb surrounding Brite vanished as he fell to his knee "Congratulations," the Demacian summoner said breaking the silence "you have pa.s.sed. Your t.i.tle, the Warrior of Sunlight."

Brite stood up and looked at the High Summoners "Thank you, may I leave now?" he asked they nodded.

The Silver Knight turned around and exited the High Summoners chamber. He went through the hallway, and into the dining hall.

He found the table that Grey, Ahri, Annie, and Nidalee were sitting in. Brite walked up to the and sat in front of Grey.

"So, how did it go?" The Abyss Watcher asked.

Brite groaned "Well, I pa.s.sed, but I"m going to have a headache for a while." he said before taking off his helmet and setting it on the table.

Ahri and Nidalee saw his face for the first time. Brite looked like Grey"s age, not the actual one, with spiky short hair like Garen, but it was a bright shade of yellow. He also had green eyes.

"Hi, mister, I"m Annie," Annie greeted before raising her bear "and this is Tibbers."

The Silver Knight chuckled "Well, good to meet you, young lady. I am Brite, the Warrior of Sunlight" he introduced himself using his new t.i.tle. He looked at Grey "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to know the state of our world." The Abyss Watcher replied. Ahri, Aki and Nidalee kept quiet trying to listen, while Annie was playing with Silver "For starters, what"s the state of Farron keep?"

Brite rubbed his chin "Well, since you vanished, the number of monsters increased. However, forests started surrounding it, so nothing was able to get out. Add the fact that the executioners were making sure that nothing comes out."

"That"s relieving." Grey sighed "What"s in Farron keep should stay there." he mumbled before looking back at Brite "What about Prince Lothric, did Oceiros actually crucify him?"

The Silver Knight shook his head "Thankfully, no. I don"t know the details, but Lorian was able to stop that."

Again, Grey sighed in relief "Alright, did anything else happen?"

Brite rubbed his chin "Nothing worth mentioning, but I did hear that Vordt vanished a while ago." he said.

Grey tensed "Oh... About the Vile Watchdog," he said rubbing the back of his neck "you see, he showed up here."

Brite raised an eyebrow "Really?" he asked and started looking around "Where is he?"

"We... Killed him." Grey hesitantly replied.

"You... Killed Vordt?" Brite repeated to make sure of what he heard.

"He was corrupted by the Abyss." the Abyss Watcher said. The way he said it made it sound more like an excuse than an explanation.

The Silver Knight just looked at him for a couple of seconds before shaking his head "When the Dancer finds out, she"s definitely going to kill you."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this, please leave your thoughts and reviews, and I know this sounds selfish, but if anyone is willing, can you please make fan art about my Fan Fic.)

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