AftP: Prologue

SUPER SPEED, INHUMANE STRENGTH, HEALING abilities – you can find someone that has it in every corner that Cather Rions walks to. Even her bestfriend has one. And she’s the only normal person around.

She lives a normal life by herself. No Parents, a missing sibling, and an
unknown power.

How did she last living in a world she does not belong to?

She hated the rich because of their unjust treatment to other people. But
what will happen if she suddenly b.u.mps into one of them?

A bad day.
A sudden disappearance.
A promise.

And a school she needed to attend to.

An unknown ability.
A secret.

What kind of life does Cather Rions really have?

A wealthy place.
A demon.

How will she escape the predicament she entered?

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