Adolescent Adam

Chapter 51

A man lay in darkness.

He was on a springy bed, but he still sankinto the sheets. That was just how much he weighed. His half-naked body wascovered in ugly excess flesh. He was not all that tall, but he was apparentlyheavy enough for the bedsprings to give up the fight.

Before even judging how his face looked,the fat around his neck and cheeks were scrunched up in a way that made himlook like a toad.

That man lay arrogantly back in thedarkness.

“Ah, ahn…master♡”

“Nh, hhh. Shuntarou-sama…yours tastes sogood.”

Two cute girls lay with him.

They were both still best described aschildren.

One was a girl with light purple hair thattended to curl. Her arms and legs looked like they still had a good bit ofgrowing to do, but her bust alone was unnaturally large. She had the milky skinof the white race, but it was slick with sweat and she rubbed it against theman she lay with.

“Uheehee. Good, Riselle-chan. Here, youwant a reward, don’t you?”

“Ahh, thank you so much, master.”

The girl used all her body’s soft and sweetskin to pleasure the man. She sounded joyful as she stuck out her tongue,brought her lips to his, and began a deep and sticky kiss.

The corners of the man’s eyes drooped asthe little girl’s nectary saliva enveloped his tongue.

But the girl seemed even more delighted.Each time she sucked on the man’s tongue, she wiggled her little b.u.t.t aroundlike she could not contain the joy. Sticky extract trailed down her slenderinner thighs.

As for the other girl…

“Ohh, good, good. You’ve really learned howto give head, Ange-chan.”

“Yes… Now I can actually pleasure yourimpressive c.o.c.k, Shuntarou-sama.”

The cute girl poked her head up above hisfat gut.

As a contrast to the girl named Riselle,she actually looked fully grown. But even if she had wide hips and flesh in allthe right places, she was still the same height as Riselle: less than 140cm.She had straight…red hair.

Her small head bobbed up and down as sheonce more swallowed the incredibly ma.s.sive shaft hidden by the excess flesh onhis stomach. She struggled to get its extraordinary girth and length into hermouth.

She had trouble breathing while forced topleasure him like this, but she showed no sign of suffering. In fact, hercheeks loosened in a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic intoxication.

And while the man indulged in the obedientgirls and had them pleasure him with their entire bodies…

“It’s about time we got started.”


Mutsuki awoke a few minutes before five in the morning.

He stretched and felt a lot more restedthan usual. Soon thereafter, Ren called and she must have noticed something inhis voice.

“Did you wake up on your own today? Goodjob.”

That put him in a pretty good mood as heleft bed.

…""I dreamed of Lucya.

How many times had he dreamed of playingwith that strange girl now?

The dream was slightly different each time.Some days he simply played with her, some days they grew wheat, and some daysthey harvested fruit.

The only common factor was the idylliclifestyle they lived.

And that they were always together.

He did not know why he was having thesedreams, but he kind of liked them.

He enjoyed dreaming of her.

Almost like he was in love.


“…? Ange?”

He came to a stop after leaving the livingroom.

Ange was sleeping in the recliner that wasreclined and facing the TV.

It was a strange sight. He sometimes sawMicha sleeping there after she got drunk, but it was not like Ange at all.

She seemed to have left last night too, sohad she gotten back late and collapsed there?

What was she doing at night? That questioncame to mind, but she looked so cute when she slept that he smiled bitterly andcarried a blanket over to her.


She must have been a little chilly because,when he placed it over her, she wrapped her arms around her knees and pulledthe blanket over her head.

She was just like a child, so Mutsukismiled bitterly again.

Lately, they had been leaving for schoolseparately and she had been leaving at night, so they did not get to spend muchtime together.

That made him feel a little sad, so hewatched her cute face as she slept until he absolutely had to leave for school.

September had pa.s.sed its midpoint and thecultural festival, which would take place at the end of the month, wasgradually taking shape.

He had worked so hard toward the beginningthat the odd jobs helping out Ren were a lot easier now. The Student Counciland everyone else were making good progress on their preparations.

Each cla.s.s and club was working hard tocomplete their part of the festival.

However, Mutsuki’s Middle School Cla.s.s 2-1had a problem.

“I’ll go talk to the Student Council.”

“Sure. Good luck, bestie.”

After being seen off by an unusuallylifeless Sakae, Mutsuki left the somewhat gloomy atmosphere of the cla.s.sroom.

He knew why.

Since Lucia had ultimately stepped down,they still had not chosen a lead for the play. The Student Council had warnedthem they had to choose soon.

Mutsuki wished he had not had to give thatwarning, but…


He arrived at the Student Council Room.

The Middle School Student Council was madeup of six people, including the President, the boy and girl pair of the VicePresident and Secretary, and Tanaka-senpai, the former President who was actingas the President’s aide.

The five besides the President accepted Renas their leader even though she had only retaken the position in the secondterm and they had been very open with the mysterious worker their leader hadbrought in. They were all quite friendly to Mutsuki.

Mutsuki, however, was not used to a s.p.a.cefilled with uppercla.s.smen.

“Okay, let’s get started on today’s work.Are you ready, Fujita Mutsuki?”


But he was no longer nervous around Ren atleast.


It had not been easy a.s.signing cla.s.srooms.p.a.ce for the refreshment shops while taking into account power distributionand the type of food and drink served. Mutsuki felt dizzy after performing somuch arithmetic in confusing units like watts and volts.

The boy had been stuck at a table in theStudent Council Room for several hours.

He had just finished up arranging therefreshment shops so it would not trip the breaker. His eyes were bleary afterstaring at the map of the school for so long.

The sky was already red.

He sat up and stretched in the eveningsunlight shining in through the western window.

The announcements telling all remainingstudents to leave would begin in half an hour or so, so most of the StudentCouncil had already gone home. Mutsuki had just finished his work, so he couldleave, too.

He sent Ange an email, thinking they couldgo home together, but…

“I have business to take care of. Go homeon your own.”

He only received that blunt reply.

He collapsed back onto the table andsighed.

Before summer break, those two had beenobligated to be together at all times, including on the way home, but the alertlevel had been lowered for the second term and they no longer made an effort tomatch their schedules.

Since they lived together, they should havebeen able to head home together, but…

“Good work.”


Something cold touched the nape of hisneck.

He was so shocked he nearly fell from thechair. He looked back in surprise and saw Ren’s mischievously narrowed eyes anda chilled can of coffee in her hand.

“Thank you.”

He smiled bitterly and accepted it.

This was his tenth day helping her. Shesometimes treated him to a drink like this.

Since it was a treat from the uppercla.s.smaneveryone admired, even a single can of coffee felt like a luxury.

He opened the tab with a satisfying pshh. Ren’s favorite was therelatively-unpopular black coffee sold at the school store. It was a little bitter.

Ren returned to her seat, opened her owncoffee, and checked through the paperwork.


The setting sun dyed the room. While shecalmly fulfilled her duties in the red light, the girl appeared inhumanelybeautiful.

The way she readily sipped at the bittercoffee made her look like an “adult woman”, so Mutsuki felt a stir in hischest.

He felt his feelings from half a year agoripen anew.

“Oh, right. Your cla.s.s.”


“Cla.s.s 2-1 still hasn’t sent us their rolefor the play. Have they still not decided on someone?”

“Um…no. Not yet. Sorry.”

He recalled how he had asked about theplay’s lead, caused the nearly-complete decision to fall apart, and caused hiscla.s.smates a lot of trouble.

He also recalled how he had caused Lucia todrop out. The deadline was approaching fast, so Cla.s.s Rep Sakae had lookedfairly troubled.

This was Mutsuki’s responsibility, even ifonly indirectly. And that put him in a bad mood.

“What is it?”

Ren tilted her head, seeming to have noticehis expression.

He tried to shake his head and pretend itwas nothing, but he was not skilled enough to completely change his expressionso quickly.


Instead, he caused his perceptiveuppercla.s.sman to worry needlessly.

“Fujita Mutsuki. Are you free after this?”


“I would like for you to come with me for abit.”

“I see…”

She took him to the tennis court.

This was a memorable location for them.Just before the previous year’s game tournament, they had used the court topractice without permission. They had not known each other back then, so it hadbeen their one connection.

“The tennis team is off today, so we won’tbe in their way.”

Just like that day, Ren changed into hertennis wear and beckoned him onto the court.

Since the team was not practicing, thefence had been locked, but she opened it with a mysterious thread – a FeTUSSpringloaded – she pulled from somewhere.

They were entering without permission.Mutsuki smiled bitterly as he followed her in.

“Oh, we have no rackets. Just a moment.”

She reached for a nearby pile of old nets.

Another gold thread shined and the netchanged shape. A mesh shaped like a water drop formed in the center and rubbertightened around the head portion.

It was a little misshapen, but it was atennis racket.

“That’s convenient.”

“Hee hee. Overuse of Springloaded isfrowned upon. Don’t tell Miss C or Miss E.”

She handed him one of the two she hadcreated and raised her index finger in front of her nose.

It was a cute gesture for the normally coolgirl. That Student Council President could seem quite straitlaced, but she wassurprisingly unconventional when no one was looking.

“Now, let’s play. Everyone needs a breaksometimes.”

There were a few b.a.l.l.s still lying around,so they grabbed one and moved to alternate ends of the court.

“Here goes.”

She held her racket out toward him.


The ball flew gently upwards. Mutsukinarrowed his eyes at the fantastical scene in the setting sun.

When the ball flew his way, it was movingat a decent speed, but she had held back enough to make it easy to return. He hadnot played tennis for a year, but a light swing of the racket sent the ballback to her side of the court.

It was about half an hour until they had toleave school.

They were playing tennis for fun instead ofas a compet.i.tion, so they simply tried to keep a rally going.

…It was the same sort of game they hadplayed in the name of practicing his receiving on that day.

“Oops! Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about…it!”

Mutsuki’s instincts had yet to return, sohe hit the ball back in an odd direction. Ren seemed to have trouble chasingafter it.

That forced her to swing her racket wide.The egg-shaped bust beautifully pushing out on her tennis wear gave a nicejiggle. And yet…


The ball she sent back his way was stillquite gentle.

Since she gave him an easy ball to return,the feeling gradually returned to his body. He stopped missing the ball and therally was able to continue.

“This takes me back.”

They could even spare enough focus to talk.

“It reminds me of that day. Do youremember? Y’know, before last year’s game tournament.”

“I do remember. That was the only time Iwas able to talk with you, Senpai.”

“Hm? …Oh, that’s right. That was the onlytime we spoke directly like that.”


“Hee hee. It’s weird thinking that, otherthan that one time, these past ten days are the only time we’ve had a realconversation.” Ren sounded emotional. “I’ve been watching you for so long thatI felt quite close to you. What we’re doing here feels like playing with alittle brother…but I guess it’s different for you.”


His heart leapt a bit when she said shefelt close to him.

He had had feelings for this StudentCouncil President and she had actually had some sort of feelings for him. Hecould not help but blush after hearing that.

“That day was actually something of a disaster.When I got back, my teacher…Miss A was angry that I had played with you.”


“I wasn’t supposed to interact with youunless the Serpent’s Eye awoke. I had broken the rules.”

He did recall her saying something aboutbreaking the rules back then.

Had she been willing to take that kind ofrisk to spend some time with him? He felt a heat in his chest. He was tooembarra.s.sed to say anything.

The mention of Miss A reminded him of hisvisit to FeTUS headquarters a month before. He had met Miss A, FeTUS’s centralfigure, then.

“Miss A did seem pretty frightening.”

“Mh? How is she frightening? It’s the factthat she almost never scolds you that makes it so bad. Although the way shelooks kind of ruins that.”

“Hm? But she looked like a really dignifiedold woman.”

“Old wo-…oh, I see.”

Their conversation fell out of sync andtheir rally did the same. Ren quickly recovered, though.

The Miss A he had seen at theirheadquarters had been the kind of wrinkled old lady seen in fantasy movies.

“She was frightening, wasn’t she? Hee hee.That was a very well-made appearance.”

Ren giggled and the boy tilted his head.

Then he recalled the girl he had met at theheadquarters.

“Oh, right. Is Alice-chan doing well?”


This time, Ren’s face stiffened.

“You know, that little girl. AliceArc-chan, was it?”

“Y-yes…she’s doing well.”

“That’s good to hear. I’d really like toplay with Alice-chan someday.”

“…I beg you, please stop adding the‘-chan’.”


“No, it’s nothing.”

The timing of their rally returned tonormal and the ball’s back-and-forth stabilized.


“But…then maybe I’m glad.”


“If I couldn’t speak with you like this ifthe Serpent’s Eye hadn’t awoken, then I’m kind of glad it did.”


Mutsuki’s comment caused the girl’s eyes towiden briefly.

It only lasted a second, but she swung herracket too late.

She twisted her body around and somehowmanaged to return the ball, but she hit it too hard. The ball shot right pastthe boy’s racket.

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

Mutsuki went to grab the ball from near the fence behind him.

Ren watched him with a dazed look that wasunusual for her.

She watched the boy with a look that didnot belong to FeTUS Knight Miss B or to the dignified Student CouncilPresident.


A moment later, her expression tensed.

“Hm? Senpai?”

When Mutsuki looked back, she was sitting down. Her racket had fallen by herside and she held both hands to the left side of her chest.

———Where her heart was.

“Wh-what’s the matter? Does it hurt?”

“No, I’m fine. It’s just…ugh…”

She did not seem to be in pain, but shewrinkled her brow.

She turned her back like she wanted to hidesomething and she held her hands very tightly to her left chest.

And then…

“All students must leave in 15 minutes.Please return home.”

The school speaker installed in the tenniscourt played the recorded message with Oborozukiyo as the background music.

Ren got up when she heard it.

“L-looks like time’s up. That’s all fortoday.”

Her normal brisk demeanor had returned.

After Mutsuki left, Ren returned to theStudent Council Room to change. She held her left chest again and took a deepbreath.

(I can’t let him know about this.)

Even if it had been to hide this, she wasstill embarra.s.sed by how pathetic she had looked in front of him.

She always wanted to maintain her boldpersona in front of that boy.

She was exhausted after bracing herselflike that, so she sat on a nearby table.

(Fujita Mutsuki…)

Her fingers dug into the mound of her leftbreast.

Getting to play with him today had beenfun.

She had always wanted to do that.

(Hee hee. Is this what it would be like ifI had a little brother?)

Her cheeks loosened at that thought.

What she had said to him was true. After viewinghis data for so long, he felt like a childhood friend, even if the feeling wasnot mutual.

So she had been hideously bored while unableto even speak with him.

She had been born with a meddlesome streak.Seeing that honest, cute, and somewhat unreliable boy made her want to act ashis uppercla.s.sman and help him with his studies. She wanted to praise him whenhe did something right. She wanted to scold him when he did something wrong.She had felt this way for so very long.


And the feeling had only grown after thecousin she saw as a little sister had gone missing.


That cute little sister had suddenlyvanished and was now supporting an organization hostile to FeTUS. Just thinkingher name put Ren in a bad mood.

And that strengthened her desire to protectFujita Mutsuki.

(And why did the turning point have to comein the half year when I was away?)

She put on a lopsided frown as she thought.

She had been watching over him ever sincethey were in elementary school, but she had been forced to leave for less thanhalf a year due to her family situation. His demonic vision had awakened duringthose five months. Miss E, aka Machina, had been put in charge of monitoringhim during that time, so FeTUS had placed her in charge of Fujita Mutsuki now.

(W-well, I’m not going to criticize Miss E’shard work. …But, um…)

Thinking of Machina brought her mind towhat had happened just ten days before in the infirmary.

Machina had let the boy do with her as shewished and had peed in that lewd pose. That beautiful girl rarely showed anyemotion even among the others in FeTUS, but her face had been dyed by anunbearable mixture of embarra.s.sment and intoxication. Her body was sensualenough for another girl like Ren to feel her heart skip a beat and that bodyhad been placed in such an indecent pose…

“…Th-that is just impure, Fujita Mutsuki.”

She could not just laugh this off. Since Machinahad such faint emotions, Ren had to express anger on her undercla.s.sman’s behalfand provide proper guidance.


But when she recalled that, it was notanger that appeared on her face. It was a complicated blush containing some indecentembarra.s.sment.


She breathed a sticky sigh like she hadsaliva in her throat and she wrapped her arms around her own body.

She naturally turned her legs inward.

She had felt dissatisfied that the Serpent’sEye had awoken while Machina was observing him. She did not know what sheshould rationally think about this. For example…

It might have been her peeing there insteadof Machina.

(I-I would never do something like that…Ithink.)

If she had not given up her position to Machina…it might have been her doingimpure things with him.

She trembled as she imagined it.

Miss E and Miss C’s reports hinted thatFujita Mutsuki could be pretty rough when it came to s.e.x. She had even seen hisfingers and tongue making a veteran soldier like Schwarze cry out in pleasure.


She trembled when she remembered that.

She could not stop trembling…


She suddenly realized her hand had made itsway below her skirt.

She wore her gym clothes below the tenniswear instead of an underskirt. She could easily feel the flesh below thefabric.

(If I had stayed in j.a.pan…)

She impatiently rubbed her knees togetheras she moved her fingers toward her crotch.

Even through the two layers of her pantiesand bloomers, she could feel the heat within.

(He might have…done something like this…tome. …Ah.)

Her swollen secret slit had grown soft, asif it had melted in the heat.

That area was meant for urinating, but ithad grown active even though she did not need to pee. The plump and swollenflesh inside was poking out of the slit.

She pressed down with her fingers.


It split apart like an overripe fruit.

She felt like tiny particles of electricitywere racing through her body and a tremor ran down her spine. The sweetsensation was dizzying and she also felt a vague sensation of some importantpart of herself melting away.

As she pressed down with her fingers, a warmliquid leaked out and soaked her panties.

(Wh-what am I doing? This is…this is impure.)

She could not control her fingers. A wet soundcame from below her skirt and she bit her lower lip.

Lavriel was the daughter of a n.o.ble familyand she had been raised from birth to be a knight, so she had been distancedfrom s.e.x her entire life. She had a personal fixation on purity, so she had neverhad s.e.x or even m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed.

But as the Serpent’s Eye’s observer, shehad been prepared for exposure to its power to inspire l.u.s.t.

She had been prepared for Fujita Mutsuki toviolate her.

(But everything he does…is so obscene. Andhe was so rough with Miss C.)

She wrinkled her brow as she recalled howhe had violated Machina and Schwarze.

It was a strange feeling. She did feelanger that he had treated her comrades like that. She definitely felt that anger,but…


The angrier she grew, the greater the longingin her skirt and the more intensely the hand on her crotch ma.s.saged thecontents.

It was like her crotch was breathing with alife of its own.

Unable to bear that throbbing, the girl slippedher fingers inside her panties. The inside was filled with a sticky liquid.

(You’re impure…so very impure, FujitaMutsuki.)

“Ah…ah….hh. Nnah, uuh…hh…”

The Mutsuki in her mind gradually tookshape.

The Fujita Mutsuki she imagined was theusual cute undercla.s.sman, but he had the expression of the wicked incubus whohad taken advantage of FeTUS Witches Miss C and Miss E.

“Senpai,you’re already soaked down here.”

“Aren’tyou embarra.s.sed with your p.u.s.s.y like this?”


He groped her body with his imaginary hand.

Tormented by her fantasy, Lavriel bent thefingers pressed against her l.a.b.i.a. The fingers sank inside the melted flesh.

(S-stop it, Fujita Mutsuki. I wasn’t tryingto do this kind of thing with you…)

The girl tried to speak to him as “ShiroharaRen-senpai”, but the Mutsuki she had created ignored it.

“Yousay that, but I can tell you want me to lick you here.”

“No…hh…nnah, ah, ahhh, not there!”

She pictured Machina in the infirmaryhaving her melted secret flesh teased until she peed, but she put herself inMachina’s place. She imagined herself in Black Cat’s place during summer break,being f.u.c.ked by his thick p.e.n.i.s, being kissed until she could taste him in hermouth, and having her a.s.shole teased.

(No…I can’t. This isn’t…what I… Ahh, i-it’sgoing inside.)

The girl’s own slender fingers extendeddeep into her secret flesh and approached the hole there.

She had no experience with the opposite s.e.xand that small closed hole did not know how to open up.

But a hot and sticky syrup was already seepingout of the gap. It spread across her panties and dripped down her thighs.

“S-stop…ahhh. Hey, Fujita…Fuji…ta.”

That pink garden was spread open in adiamond shape and the flesh within poked out. It stuck longingly to her fingersand she could not believe how obscene her own body was.

But her fingers would not stop. Theyma.s.saged the circ.u.mference of her virgin hole.

In her fantasy, Mutsuki was stealing herlips, groping her entire body, and pressing his manly p.e.n.i.s against her skin. Therewas more than one of him. More of him licked at her neck, shoulders, navel,thighs, and b.u.t.t. Countless c.o.c.ks rubbed all over her body.

Several of him also ma.s.saged her bust.


Driven by that urge, Ren lifted up hershirt.

She wore a mature floral-print lace brathat matched her panties. Too impatient to undo the front hook, she tore itaway and grabbed the contents.

“…Hee hee.”


Ren turned toward some mocking laughter thathad not just slipped out. Whoever it was had clearly used it to let her know theywere there.

Someone else had appeared inside thesupposedly locked room.

The girl thought her heart would leap outof her mouth.

“J-Jiyuuni Ange… What do you want?”

She groaned the question with a tremor in her voice.

The red-haired girl continued laughing insteadof answering. She narrowed her green eyes and observed Ren’s body as if lickingacross it.

That was when Ren finally caught on.

She currently had her bra removed and herhand in her skirt. She could not afford to have anyone see her like this.

“Hee hee♪”

Ange’s red hair flipped around…

“I saw you❤”

…and she leaped out the window.

For a moment, Ren simply stood there in adaze, but…

“~~~… Wait!!”

After leaving the tennis court, Mutsukireturned to his cla.s.sroom to change. Once done with that, he walked down thered-lit hallway to reach the building’s exit and head home.

The “go home” announcement was playing, buthis pace was carefree.

He was too worried about Ren to listen to theannouncement.

Back on the tennis court, she had suddenlyheld the left of her chest and curled up.

(Was it true that she has heart problems?But…)

He seriously doubted the rumors of heartdisease. And she did not seem to be suffering much at all.

Then was there some other reason she hadheld her chest then?

But just as he wondered that…

“Huh? Hey, Ange.”

“Wha-!? M-Mutsuki…what are you doing here?”

He had a.s.sumed she had long since gone home, but he happened across Ange as heexited the stairs.

When he approached, she looked around inconcern for some reason. And…she held a paper bag to her chest and turned herback.

“Hm? What’s that?”

“It’s nothing,” she bluntly responded.

Mutsuki tilted his head. The bag was biggerthan a school bag meant to hold school supplies. He had no idea what she wastrying to hide, but it was unnaturally large to be walking around with.

“What’s going on? And what’s the businessyou mentioned in your email before?”

“It’s nothing!”

“…You don’t have to yell.”

The boy approached her frankly and the girlsuddenly shouted angrily back at him.

She got angry easily, but this was strangeeven for her. Taken aback, Mutsuki frowned.

“What is with you? You’ve been acting weirdlately and you’re keeping all kinds of secrets.”

“…What’s it to you if I have secrets? I’mnot causing you any trouble.”

“I’m not saying it’s causing me trouble; I’mjust worried. You’re almost never around at night either.”

“I wasn’t asking for your worry. And youalways fall asleep right away, so what does it matter if I’m not there?”


It was true he had been going to sleep early lately due to his early mornings.

But it irritated him to have his worriesanswered like that.


Ange glared indomitably back at angryMutsuki.

The atmosphere rapidly grew heavy…

“There you are, Jiyuuni Ange.”

A voice cut in from down the stairs.

It was a familiar voice, but Mutsuki andAnge were both shocked when they saw who it was. The girl walking slowly up thestairs was dressed in an unfamiliar way.

Her bright blonde hair was tied back. Her clothingmade her look like a princess in a pure white dress and some gold accessoriescould be seen here and there. It was clearly a knight’s armor.

Shirohara Ren…no, FeTUS’s Dame Lavriel letthe sword at her hip and her scarlet cape sway behind her as she approached thetwo of them…and she seemed somewhat reluctant to look Mutsuki in the eye.

“Wh-what is this? First him and now you?”

She glared sharply at Ange.

The angel girl cautiously held the bag, butthe knight remained elegantly courteous as she raised the back of her hand toher mouth.

“I believe I made myself very clear before:I am a member of the proud Baran family and I am a knight. Thus, any slightagainst me is a slight against the Baran family and Great Britain as a whole.”


“I hate insults above all else!!”

She placed her glove’s finger in her mouthand pulled it from her hand.

“Challenging an angel now is not the bestidea, but this relates to my family and my bloodline. Nothing else mattersmore!”

“What? Um…Senpai, calm down…”

“What is your poin-…ow!”

She threw the glove at the confused girl’sface.

“Jiyuuni Ange! I challenge you to a duel!!”

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