Adolescent Adam

Chapter 3 - Arrival of Darkness “Oh, come oooon.” “!?”

Sunday, March 27, 2016Adolescent Adam 4: Chapter 3 - Arrival of Darkness “Oh, come oooon.” “!?”
 The rain and their breaths had been the only sounds in the house, but a third voice made a sudden appearance. Mutsuki quickly lifted his hips in shock. His erect p.e.n.i.s slipped out and Machina collapsed limply to the floor. The voice had come from the kitchen next to the living room. “You’re taking too long! I was going to wait until you were done, but how long are you going to keep at it?” Lucia stood there with his hands on his hips. His uniform was mysteriously dry and he was puffing out his cheeks. “L-Lucia-kun? Where did you…no, how long have you been there?” This was far from the first time the demon boy had made a sudden appearance, so Mutsuki ignored that and instead worried about how long he had been watching. “What do you want?” As limp as she was, Machina still managed to glare at the boy who had interrupted her alone-time with Mutsuki. Lucia must not have liked the look in her eyes because his eyebrows twitched. And in that instant… “————!” The girl’s half-removed shirt grew black, like someone had spilled ink on it. It seemed to wriggle around on its own and it moved her hands behind her back to pin her to the floor. The black stain was actually a Succubus, a demonic creature. It seemed to be formed from the rainwater soaking her clothing. Angels like Ange could easily burn them away with the divine light of their flames, but… “Kh!” A human like Machina was helpless. The fluid creature immediately solidified and transformed a mere shirt into a straightjacket with metal fibers inside. She could not move no matter how much she struggled. Angels had an advantage against demons, demons had an advantage against humans, and humans had an advantage against angels. That three-way balance held those three forces in check around Mutsuki. “W-wait, Lucia-kun. Stop that.”
 Seeing the girl he had just been making love to being treated so violently, Mutsuki spoke up while fixing his own clothes. “Hmph.” Lucia looked away. “Waah!?” The attack reached Mutsuki as well. The next thing he knew, the rainwater in his own shirt had transformed into the black stain of a Succubus and he was pulled back against the wall. Machina was restrained by her shirt, skirt, and black socks, so she could only squirm like an inchworm and Mutsuki was pinned to the wall by his contaminated shirt. After quickly placing the two of them in his grasp, Lucia approached with a lopsided frown instead of his usual grin. “There was an umbrella in the umbrella stand and you weren’t at school, so I was worried you were all wet and went to find you. …But when I do finally find you, you’re having fun with Ibekusa. And this whoooole time, too.” Lucia kneeled down next to Mutsuki, unzipped Mutsuki’s pants, and pulled out the erection that had yet to fade. “And yet you barely show me any love at all.” Lucia bitterly grabbed the object sticking out at a right angle and rubbed it a little below the head. “Um…” The fact that it felt good only confused Mutsuki. (Is he…jealous?) He looked down at Lucia’s upturned glance and had a feeling it was more sulking than criticizing. The demon boy brought his nose to what he held. “It smells like Ibekusa. I don’t like that.” He puffed out his cheeks again. Machina’s eyebrows twitched at having the boy indirectly smell her b.u.t.t. Mutsuki did not know what to do and he was still confused. “Ahh.” The demon boy showed no mercy against that indecisiveness. He stuck out his wet, coquettish tongue and rubbed it along the head of the p.e.n.i.s. After a short delay, Mutsuki’s hips gave a jerk at the pleasure that was quite different from that of Machina’s a.n.u.s. “Wait…Lucia-kun, what are you-…?”
 “I’m getting off Ibekusa’s juices. …I can’t believe you, Ibekusa. You must have a really naughty a.s.s. There’s way too much love juices and a.n.a.l juices on here. And it looks like it sucked out every last drop of Mutsuki-kun’s c.u.m.” “~~” He was mostly just making it up, but the accused girl still blushed. She seemed to have given up on escaping the Succubus and she glared back at him. “Satowa Lucia. I am aware that you have had, um…carnal contact with Fujita-kun and that he has not rejected that.” “…” This time, Mutsuki was left at a loss for words. Even if it was entirely his own doing, he was shocked to find that the girl he liked knew about his willing acts of h.o.m.os.e.xuality. “But I can deduce that Fujita-kun is rejecting your advances here. If you stoop to nonconsensual acts of obscenity, your position will-…” “Oh, shut up already.” Lucia quickly shot down the girl’s roundabout way of telling him to stop. “You really think this is nonconsensual? Hey, Mutsuki-kun. You love it when I suck your d.i.c.k, don’t you?” “Fwaaaah! Wait, wait! Ahhhh!” The next lick kept Mutsuki from lecturing the boy. “Eh heh heh❤ It’s finally starting to smell like you.” The tongue crawling along his p.e.n.i.s filled Mutsuki with a s.e.xual mood and the remnants of the s.e.m.e.n welled out from within. Only then did Lucia’s usual bewitching smile return. “You love it here, don’t you? Can Ibekusa lick like this?” “Nnah, ah, ah.” With the smile’s return, the movements of his tongue shifted from “jealousy” to his usual “attack”. While either tensing or softening his tongue, he sucked at the head and took his time to lick around the outer edges. The tip of Mutsuki’s p.e.n.i.s felt like it was on fire. So much blood had gathered that he thought it would explode. The head had swollen up just like a ball of fire about to burst. “Neh heh heh heh heh❤ Naughty juices are dripping from your pee hole❤” Eyes filled with a devilishly bewitching light peeked out from the gaps in Lucia’s frayed bangs as he lovingly licked along every contour of the mushroom shape. Seeing such a childlike face sucking a p.e.n.i.s with a look of pure carnality was so indecent that Mutsuki forgot all about the issue of his gender. The boy produced an erotic s.e.x appeal that one would never see in pure Machina and that s.e.x appeal seemed to steal Mutsuki’s soul and set his blood boiling. “S-stop that…ah.” Mutsuki was unable to crumble to the ground while pinned to the wall by his clothes, so his legs only trembled a little. He looked up and his eyes met Machina’s. She too had grown still as if admitting defeat to the intense aura of lewdness coming from Lucia. The h.o.m.os.e.xual desire a.s.saulting his p.e.n.i.s grew so great that he knew he should not be feeling it. It also scared him how the abnormal situation – being seduced by a boy in front of the girl he liked – only seemed to be increasing his arousal. The tongue licked up the shaft and tickled at the hole at the tip. “Ee…ah…n-not there…ah.” “No closing your legs.” Mutsuki had started rubbing his thighs together, but the demon boy would not allow him to protect that precious location. He lowered his tongue and placed the b.a.l.l.s entirely inside his small mouth. He rolled them around with his tongue, providing a ticklish pleasure different from that of the nerve-filled head. Strength left Mutsuki’s entire lower half. Then the tongue reached for a location even more inappropriate than the b.a.l.l.s. “Nn, nnnhh…” It moved back from the dividing line between inner thighs and p.e.n.i.s, and… “~~~~~~! Hh…!” The tongue reached his a.n.u.s and stickily forced its way inside. “~♪ Now this part only tastes like you❤” Lucia narrowed his eyes happily and bent his tongue onto the inner side of the sphincter. A surge of electricity seemed to run through the inside of Mutsuki’s p.e.n.i.s. “Well, Mutsuki-kun? Did Ibekusa do this for you?” The demon boy stroked the p.e.n.i.s with an empty hand while confidently whispering more to Machina than to Mutsuki. The girl bit her lip in frustration. Mutsuki’s shoulders were rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. She knew better than anyone that she had never gotten this much of a reaction out of him with her oral caresses. “Ah…” Mutsuki’s hips gave out below him. The Succubus pinning his shirt to the wall wriggled down, leaving the boy sitting on the floor. “C-c’mon… Stop this, Lucia-kun. I…I…” The far too clever oral caress and the hand continuing to comfort his rod had left Mutsuki near his limit. As proof, he was moaning with drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. Lucia put on a devilish smile and gave Machina a provocative look. “C’mon, Mutsuki-kun… Do me too❤” Lucia rotated his body around the p.e.n.i.s in his grasp to straddle Mutsuki’s stomach. It was a variation of the sixty-nine position. His b.u.t.t, which was even smaller than Machina’s, appeared right in front of Mutsuki’s face. “Ahh…” Lucia removed his belt and pulled down his pants, so the soft white mounds of flesh and seductively colored valley filled Mutsuki’s field of vision. “C’mon, lick it. Make me feel good too❤” Lucia shook his hips back and forth to get Mutsuki to act. Mutsuki shuddered. He gasped at the almost painfully carnal feeling that felt like a cold tongue licking at his heart. As cute as the b.u.t.t was, there were still marshmallow-like b.a.l.l.s between the spread legs, so this was unmistakably a boy’s b.u.t.t. And yet… (Th-there’s got to be something wrong with me.) He was right in front of the girl he liked and yet he was finding himself attracted to the seduction of another boy. Lucia lowered his head and swallowed the p.e.n.i.s he held there. Mutsuki was amazed it could fit in such a small mouth. It reached all the way to the throat and the entire mouth squeezed in on it. “Ahhhhhhh!” Once the true b.l.o.w.j.o.b began, Mutsuki’s entire body jerked around. He was being hit by the pleasure of s.e.x and of a tongue at the same time. The boy’s wet and glittering blond hair was tossed around as he moved his head up and down. Lowering his upper body had also lifted his hips up. His seductive little b.u.t.t was now even further centered in Mutsuki’s vision. “Ah…” As his mind melted with pleasure, Mutsuki found himself entranced by the scene before his eyes and he briefly forgot all about Machina. Ruled by the other boy’s devilish h.o.m.os.e.xuality, he reached his tongue for the warm valley, toward the s.p.a.ce between the springy flesh, and to the flower bud there. “Hyaaahn❤ Fwa, ah, ahhhh❤ Nhhh❤” “Ah…ah, Lucia-kun, you’re so…cute.” He quickly remembered Machina was there, but now that he had placed his mouth on it, he could not escape the seductive h.o.m.os.e.xuality. He licked up the sweaty scent soaking into that valley and stuck his tongue in the wrinkled indentation that had opened slightly. He copied Lucia’s previous actions by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the tip of his tongue along the inside of the sphincter and both kissing and sucking at the entire flower bud. The surrounding wrinkles of flesh loosened up and revealed the pink inner flesh faster than Machina’s had. He was drawn to that carnally wet color, so he moved his tongue all the more. “Nn, hhh❤ Ahnnnhnn❤ ~~~~~~❤❤” Lucia was now in the weaker position. He moaned and squirmed with the erection still in his mouth as Mutsuki’s tongue moved back and forth along his a.n.a.l flesh. “~~” Setting aside the fact that this was two boys, Machina clearly looked displeased as she watched Mutsuki so entranced with someone other than her. She blushed when she suddenly realized this was the second p.e.n.i.s she had ever seen. “Nn, ahh❤ Ahhh, Mutsuki-kun❤ No, my b.u.t.t. My b.u.t.t’s going to melllllt❤” After successfully monopolizing Mutsuki’s attention, Lucia quickly forgot about the third party watching and lost himself in the loving intercourse with this beloved boy. Mutsuki had nowhere to escape with the wall behind him, so Lucia rubbed his b.u.t.t against the boy’s face and provided oral pleasure in return. His long tongue moved obscenely around, his lips tightened, and his cheeks sucked in to constantly caress the cannon as a flexible pleasure device. “Hhh, kh, hhhh…hh.” The intense service naturally strengthened Mutsuki’s love for the demon boy while skipping straight past the taboo of h.o.m.os.e.xuality. This was only possible for another boy, so no girl or woman could copy it. Not Machina, not Micha, and not Schwarze. (Lucia-kun’s so cute. Oh, he likes it when I lick his a.s.shole.) The presence of the girl he liked faded from Mutsuki’s mind as he focused entirely on this immoral a.n.a.l attack. He stuck his tongue in and out of that obscenely red indentation. “Heh heh heh❤ That’s too rough, Mutsuki-kun. My b.u.t.t’s really gonna melt.” Lucia kept his fingers wrapped around the erection as he turned around once more. He brought his face in toward Mutsuki who was so aroused he looked like he was on drugs. “You’re even harder than normal. Did licking my b.u.t.t get you h.o.r.n.y?” A face more adorable than any girl’s smiled in a provocative way. “I’m pretty excited too❤ I feel like my head is melting from sucking a d.i.c.k as hard as yours. Even my b.u.t.t is soaking wet.” He adjusted the position of his hips and guided the erection in his hands to his a.n.u.s. “Hey, how about this? Use my a.s.s-p.u.s.s.y like I’m a girl.” “Eh? Um…” The valley soaked with his own saliva surrounded the head of Mutsuki’s p.e.n.i.s. The entrance had been loosened from the tongue penetration and Mutsuki realized what Lucia wanted when he felt that entrance against his tip. “It’s my first time, but don’t worry. I’ve m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed a whole, whole bunch to loosen it up for you. I widened it a bunch with my fingers so it could be your personal f.u.c.k-hole.” The hole widened like it was melting and sucked at the p.e.n.i.s as if telling him to hurry up. This would be s.e.x with a boy. They had done a few of s.e.xual acts together already, but this was a line they had yet to cross. Mutsuki tensed up as an immoral curiosity and a renewed sense of taboo welled up inside him simultaneously. It had a lot to do with the fact that Lucia was wearing his uniform today. It was the same boys uniform that Mutsuki wore, so even if his face was cuter than any girl’s, he was still noticeably a boy. And most of all… “…” He was worried about how Machina was awkwardly averting her gaze in the corner of his vision. (I’m the worst.) Even ignoring the s.e.x difference, he was doing this in front of the person he had just been making love to. The entire situation had to be painful for her. But despite his self-loathing, Mutsuki’s object stood impressively tall and pressed against the sticky red flower bud. “Ahn…❤” “Ahh…” Even as he hesitated, it slipped inside the melted a.n.u.s. “Ah❤ Ah❤ There it is…❤ My…my but…melted so much…it slipped onto your d.i.c.k…on its own. Ahhhn, your d.i.c.k is too hard❤” Once the sphincter spread to half the width of the head, Lucia’s hips gave out as drool dripped from his mouth, so the speed of their union grew. Mutsuki had not had much trouble with Machina, but he was even more smoothly welcomed in by this virgin a.n.u.s that had been widened just for him. “Ah, ah. It’s so sticky inside you, Lucia-kun.” “Nhh. That’s because it started producing more juices as you teased it❤ My a.s.shole melts right away to become your personal onahole❤” The tip finally pa.s.sed through and the hard shaft would have to go through next, but Lucia was already gasping for breath. “Hyaaah❤ Ahe ahahhh❤ Your d.i.c.k…your d.i.c.k is filling me up❤” His adorable face was covered in tears and drool and he was already starting to tremble from crazed convulsions. Mutsuki could tell he was still an a.n.a.l virgin despite being so used to a.n.a.l pleasure. The ring at the entrance easily allowed the foreign object inside, but the inner flesh beyond the reach of a finger moved about as if in extreme confusion. “Lucia-kun…” Mutsuki felt his heart warming as he realized the boy had given him his first time, even if a little forcefully. The joy in the demon boy’s heart that they were united made him seem just as adorable as Machina had earlier. (Sorry, Ibekusa-san.) For the moment, he wanted to prioritize Lucia, so he followed his heart and thrust his hips upwards. “…❤❤❤ Fwaaaahn, it’s so thick❤ And so deep❤ Hyaaah! The edge❤ The edge of my b.u.t.t is throbbing❤” The hips dropped down and the p.e.n.i.s rose up to meet them. They increased the pace of their union and the springy mounds reached Mutsuki’s hips in no time. “Ahhh❤ Ahhhhh❤”  
 Lucia’s cheeks were so slack he looked only half conscious and a sigh of ecstasy escaped on his breath. His b.u.t.t had less fat than a girl’s, but that made it more elastic. That b.u.t.t was currently rubbing in a circle along Mutsuki’s hips. The p.e.n.i.s being penetrated by a thicker p.e.n.i.s on the other side had swollen and its dark red tip was poking out from the foreskin. “M-Muchuki-kun…how do you like my a.s.s-p.u.s.s.y?” “Its softness…is squeezing down on me…and it feels great.” “Ha ha❤ I’m glad…❤” Lucia’s eyes narrowed in ecstasy as if to say pleasuring the boy with his a.n.u.s made him happier than the physical pleasure or arousal. The white object swaying in front of him must have also reached a state of ecstasy because it began squirting prec.u.m. His hips were trembling without ever settling down, so the fluid scattered everywhere. “Y-yesss❤ Filthy juices are coming from my d.i.c.k❤ Ahhhhn❤ Your d.i.c.k…your d.i.c.k is reverberating in my d.i.c.k❤❤❤” They had not been connected long, but he seemed to have reached a dry o.r.g.a.s.m as a conditioned reflex to the manly p.e.n.i.s. He stared blankly up at the ceiling. He had cut in between lovers, seduced one of them, and stolen him, but the instant he was a.n.a.lly penetrated, he lost his control over the situation. “…” Meanwhile, Mutsuki seemed almost calm as he watched over the writhing boy. Unlike Machina’s flesh-filled a.n.u.s, Lucia’s felt like amorphous jelly. The warmth seemed to be licking across his entire p.e.n.i.s and it reminded him of Lucia’s skillful But the more the pleasure grew, the more a strange emotion rose within him. And that emotion cut off the pleasure needed to bring him to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. He remembered this same thing happening when doing it with Machina, Micha, and Schwarze all at once. He had felt like he could pleasure them for as long as he wanted and he had indeed left all three limp from pleasure. The ability to satisfy everyone began to feel perfectly normal. Yes. (Lucia-kun is mine too.) “…?” Lucia was too far gone to notice, so Machina’s eyes widened instead. Mutsuki freely swung his arms to throw off the black slime still stuck to him. The Succubus that had fused with his clothing had suddenly gone limp, so he was freed from the wall. The boy did not seem to care much. “Lucia-kun, you liked it here, didn’t you?” “Eh? Ah…ahn.” Now that he could move his hand, he placed it on the base of the p.e.n.i.s that felt like burning magma. “Ah, wait. Not there❤ The b.a.l.l.s…the b.a.l.l.s will only make my c.u.m thicker❤” The hairless b.a.l.l.s had already tightened together. Mutsuki gently ma.s.saged that pump that was preparing for e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. The wrinkled skin loosened and the forcibly relaxed lowered. “Heh heh. You’re so cute, Lucia-kun. I’ll make you c.u.m where it feels best.” Mutsuki no longer felt any taboo toward h.o.m.os.e.xuality as he gladly teased Lucia’s male side. He also moved his hips around to mix up the boy’s insides from below. “Hh, hnn❤ More? It already feels so good, but you’re going to make it feel even better?” Lucia was completely at the boy’s mercy and he could only indulge in the ecstasy. With the boys uniform, the p.e.n.i.s, and the approaching e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, this was clearly a boy that Mutsuki was having s.e.x with. And yet that now only provided him with a perverted form of arousal. “I never thought the Serpent’s Eye could do this…” Machina was still shocked that Mutsuki had defeated a demon that humans supposedly had no means of fighting. “Has he taken control of his foundation? Of Satowa Lucia’s chakra? Is this also part of Adam’s-…” “Ibekusa-san.” Mutsuki smiled over at the girl who was thinking aloud to herself. Sensing something depthless in that smile, she quickly looked away, but the boy did not mind and embraced Lucia’s body. He laid the demon boy down while still connected and reached a hand to the restrained girl. “…” With just a gentle touch, the black liquid surrounding her body burst. The Succubus had not died. The black stain covering her shirt was still wriggling around, but it had lost the will to restrain the girl. It obeyed Mutsuki’s command to leave over Lucia’s command to restrain her. Surprised and a little afraid, Machina frowned. “Come here.” But that did not last long. When he beckoned her over, she quickly regained the expression of an obedient possession and had no choice but to approach. As he brought tears to Lucia’s eyes with his erection, he wrapped his arms around Machina’s waist. “Nn…n” He began a gentle caress of her skin. Her stained shirt fell away and the ribbon around her neck stuck to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Watching Mutsuki’s pa.s.sionate relations with Lucia had left her more sensitive than ever before. Her body and heart bent to Mutsuki’s will. He only had to look at her and she would realize what he wanted and do so without even being told. “Ah…ahh.” Lucia was lying on his back, so she circled toward his head and pulled his slender legs back. The barely-conscious demon boy realized that he was being held in place with his legs spread in a V-shape. He frowned. “M-Mutsuki-kun… This is embarra.s.sing.” “Is it? But this part of you seems to like it.” Mutsuki grabbed the object swinging unguarded at the base of the boy’s legs. “It’s like a big c.l.i.toris. …Ha ha. Your a.s.shole reacts when I tease it. Your insides are giving me a sticky kiss.” “Ah❤ Nnnn❤ No…it’s as sensitive…as a c.l.i.t…so don’t rub it so roughly❤” Of course, he continued stirring up their point of connection all the while. The boy’s soft a.n.u.s had almost entirely transformed from an excretory organ to an obscene s.e.x toy, but it was still his first time and the p.e.n.i.s dug almost painfully into the entrance. The way the wriggling internal walls sucked at the p.e.n.i.s felt great, but it was almost too tight, which worked up a masculine aggression. “Take this and this and this.” “Nhan❤ Ah, ahee, ahehn❤ Don’t…f.u.c.k my a.s.s so hard… I can feel it in my d.i.c.k…it’s filling my d.i.c.k❤ I’m…going to c.u.m soon. My p.e.n.i.s milk is going to squirt out❤” Lucia could barely breathe as he was harshly skewered. “Oh, you’re going to c.u.m already?” “Yes, yes. I’m gonna c.u.m. My d.i.c.k…my d.i.c.k’s gonna explode❤” “Heh heh. Not yet it’s not♪” As the demon boy uttered m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic moans at the a.n.a.l pleasure, Mutsuki gave a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile and tightly grasped the base of the small flesh tool that was bouncing around. “You’re not allowed to c.u.m until I do. Let’s c.u.m together, okay?” “Eh…? B-but…I’m…I’m already…” “If you don’t want to wait, that’s fine. I’ll pull out, though.” He pulled his hips back and placed the broad swollen head against the ring-like entrance. “Kh… M-meanie❤ Y-you know I’m already an a.n.a.l m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. You know I can’t say no to your d.i.c.k❤” As Mutsuki stimulated the sphincter from within, Lucia tearfully and obediently nodded his head. Mutsuki gave an approving smile and resumed calmly thrusting his hips. He had little experience with a.n.a.l s.e.x, but it was easy to pump in and out when his partner’s legs were spread wide. Instead of wildly pounding into him, he moved more smoothly using the sticky intestinal fluids. “~~❤❤❤ That’s…ahhhn, not that❤ It feels like I’m… My d.i.c.k…my d.i.c.k is throbbing. The c.u.m’s gonna shoot out❤” “Oh? So should I stop?” “Noo. Don’t stop. You’re the one…that made my b.u.t.t like this❤ You gave me this lewd a.s.s❤So you can’t stop now❤” When Mutsuki pulled his hips back, Lucia used what limited movement he had to raise his b.u.t.t up after him. Even the pink a.n.a.l flesh stuck to the erection and poked a bit out of the darker colored wrinkles to pursue him. “Heh heh. What a naughty a.s.s. Look at this, Ibekusa-san.” Machina had been an a.n.a.l virgin too, but Lucia’s flesh had grown accustomed to the p.e.n.i.s much faster. Mutsuki grinned and showed the girl a.s.sisting him. Machina had been blushing and staring blankly at the obscenely rhythmic movements of Mutsuki’s lower body, but she looked up in surprise when he spoke to her. She followed his instructions by getting down on all fours and peering at the point of connection dripping with intestinal juices below the marshmallow-like b.a.l.l.s. “Ah, wah.” She had of course not seen it when she was on the receiving end, so this was her first time seeing a.n.a.l s.e.x. Even without anything to compare it to, she could tell how “naughty” this was at a glance. The hole resembled the lovely bud of a j.a.panese morning glory and pink petals were poking out as the familiar object penetrated it. However, it did not look painful and the bud itself was twitching joyfully. “Let’s see. Is your weak point here?” The boy softly manipulated his giant p.e.n.i.s. “Ahhhhh❤ Y-yes❤ There❤” The tip had a habit of swelling out even more than a normal person’s and it had likely reached the most pleasurable spot. Lucia’s voice rose an octave. “Oh❤ Oh❤ Oh❤ Oh❤ Ohhhhh, th-that’s amazing❤ I…I can feel it poking at my d.i.c.k❤❤❤I’m gonna die❤ It feel so good I’m gonna die❤❤❤” “Heh heh. Yeah, you really reacted even when it was just my finger.” The thickly swollen head caught at the a.n.a.l G-spot that was Lucia’s prostate and seductively stirred it up. “I’m c.u.mming, I’m c.u.mming❤ Don’t poke so hard at the back of my d.i.c.k❤ The milk…the milk’ll squirt out❤” Each thrust seemed to push at his seminal glands. The demon boy’s marshmallow b.a.l.l.s were tensing up as he continually reached dry o.r.g.a.s.m. “Ahh~♡” Lucia’s arousal as he enjoyed the thick p.e.n.i.s seemed to be contagious. As Machina was leaning over him on all fours, she began fidgeting her b.u.t.t that had been remade into an erogenous zone earlier. While Mutsuki had given himself over to arousal with her, he was clearly much more composed this time. She was certain that had to provide far more m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic pleasure to his partner. The girl let out a heated and envious sigh as she imagined just how much pleasure Lucia was feeling. “Fujita…-kun…nnn.” When he felt the sweet sigh on his lower stomach, Mutsuki realized what she wanted and reached a hand to her cheek. He lifted her head and their lips met. “Nkh…ahh. Fujita-kun…Fujita…-kun…” “Ah… Your mouth tastes so good, Ibekusa-san.” They used their built up saliva to rub their tongues together. That alone was enough to satisfy Machina and the ends of her eyebrows drooped sweetly, but… “Khh…❤ Ahn❤ Nnnn❤ That’s…Mutsuki-kun’s scent.” Lucia lifted his body and found a b.u.t.t right in front of his face. Machina was nearly sitting on her legs, so her heels dug into and spread her b.u.t.t, allowing the white fluid to leak out of the beautiful a.n.u.s in the center. That boy was such a slave to Mutsuki that he could not help but lift his upper body to begin licking it up. “Uhh, wh-what are you…ahhh♡” Machina had been turned into a container to lick Mutsuki’s c.u.m out of, but she could not fight it given the situation. A sweet throbbing had filled her recently-penetrated a.n.u.s as she watched Mutsuki and Lucia’s pa.s.sionate s.e.x. “Nn, nnn…” And Mutsuki did not stop kissing her. Her spine tensed as soft tongues dug into both her entrance and her exit. Her bust bounced below her. Mutsuki smiled bitterly at the complicated triangle they formed and he sped up the piston of his hips. “Ee❤ Nnhhh❤ Ah, m-my b.u.t.t…is melting❤” “Hh…uuhh, ahh. My b.u.t.t is…m-melting…♡” As he sc.r.a.ped at the prostate, Lucia moaned with a blank look of pleasure while nearly disobeying his instructions by ejaculating. He also pa.s.sed on the pleasure to the feminine a.n.u.s wet with Mutsuki’s juices. “Ah❤ Uuh❤ Uuhhhn❤ I-I can’t❤ a.n.a.l…a.n.a.l feels too good. I’m…I’m going to…❤❤❤” “Nn…nnn…” The boy and girl receiving Mutsuki’s attack cried out at almost the same moment. The boy on his back and the girl leaning over him began convulsing simultaneously. Their waists were equally thin and their shoulders equally slender, but the girl’s writhing was more dynamic thanks to the fleshy bouncing of her bust. On the other hand, the boy was more honest about the pleasure, so his small b.u.t.t wiggled even more greedily than before. “Okay, you two… I-I’m going to c.u.m too, so c.u.m with me.” “Ha ha♪” “~~♡” Their reactions were different, but neither of them seemed to fully feel their pleasure until Mutsuki was satisfied. “C-c.u.m❤ c.u.m inside m❤ Fill my a.s.s with your c.u.m❤ Make me into your personal onahole❤ Pump me full❤❤❤” Lucia’s deeply flushed face melted and his a.n.u.s seemed to suck at the p.e.n.i.s both inside and out. As if enjoying his aroused breaths, Machina’s expressionless face crumbled into something just as s.e.xual as the demon’s. The exceptionally beautiful curves of her body wiggled while making sure she never left the lips pressed against her. Mutsuki gently bit his lip as his p.e.n.i.s was tightly squeezed and he joined the two lovely bodies dancing up and down. “I’m c.u.mming… Khhh!” It was the fifth time that day, but he still released enough magma to satisfy the demon’s greedily wriggling insides.    “Ah…❤ Ahhhhh…❤❤❤” The hot sticky liquid spread the squeezed internal pathway. Lucia’s eyes widened at the sensation that could never be felt during masturbation. The swollen sphincter had pasted itself to the shaft, so all of Mutsuki’s seed continued deep into the boy’s guts. “Nhaaahhhhhh❤ Hwah❤ Nn, nkheee❤ What?❤ What is this?❤ Kh, oh❤ Ohhhhh❤❤❤” The pleasure melting Lucia’s body from the inside of his hips transformed into a sharp surge of electricity and the boy’s slender body jerked about. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤” He had been ordered to c.u.m at the same time, so now that he was allowed to, the p.e.n.i.s that had been squirting prec.u.m swelled up especially large. As if to emulate the beloved boy inside him, milky liquid erupted from it with tremendous force. The e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n was so powerful that the small p.e.n.i.s bounced around. More than just his stomach, it got on his throat, his chin, and even Machina’s thighs. “…Hh…” Lucia had removed his tongue from her lovely a.n.u.s because he was too busy with the wildness of his lower body, but Machina’s body continued trembling with almost no change. She looked intoxicated with her cheeks so flushed and she responded in kind as Mutsuki’s kiss strengthened due to the pleasure of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. “Fujita-kun…nn…ah♡” That kiss was enough for her white flesh to tremble all the more. The o.r.g.a.s.m that shook the ribbon around her neck was graceful compared to Lucia’s crazed writhing, but hot juices sprayed from her barely-touched lower lips to demonstrate the great joy within them. They collided with and were deflected by Lucia’s fluids that had reached her thighs, but they finally mixed together.   The rain had only grown worse and the typhoon was reaching its peak. But the three inside did not notice. The pounding of the rain on the roof was drowned out by the sticky sounds coming from their bodies. Their sweat and other bodily fluids had created a steam that clouded up the windows, preventing them from seeing what was going on outside. And most of all, they were only focused on each other. “Ahn❤ Ahahn❤ Mutsuki-kun, Mutsuki-kun…❤” “…Hh, hh…nn, nnn.” Mutsuki had his legs extended along the tatami mats and the other two were leaning up against him. They clung to the boy from either side and rubbed lovingly up against him. Lucia’s hips had entirely given out, so he leaned his entire weight on Mutsuki and asked to be held and kissed. Machina remained in a bit of a daze as she narrowed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. Mutsuki gave them both sweet kisses and rubbed their hair. “Both of you are mine.” “Yeah. I’ll always be yours, Mutsuki-kun❤” “You are my only owner, Fujita-kun.” “Heh heh.” Fujita Mutsuki gave an arrogant laugh no one would have expected of him. Lightning flashed outside the window and the rumble of thunder mixed into the sounds of the storm shaking the outside world.

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