Adolescent Adam

Chapter 7 - Lonely Crying Kitten Schwarze Katze was born three days before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She was the product of research meant to create the ultimate soldier, yet she had been born just as the country escaped conflict. Exhausted from the many human experiments, the researchers of the Schwarze Laboratory welcomed their very first success with a complex mixture of feelings. She had several dozen times the nerves and muscle density of a normal person. She biologically qualified as human, but she was clearly inhuman. She ended up living a life worthy of her origins. Afraid of being questioned on ethical grounds, the Schwarze Laboratory had shut down before she reached the age of one. With nowhere to go, she had been left with the military where she had been a target of research until the age of five. The research had been officially known as “an investigation the habits of cats” and very few people had known she even existed. The military had taught her morals, but they also never gave her a normal life no matter how old she grew. The mix of conscience and calculation surrounding her then may very well have formed the basis for her current personality. By the time she was seven, she had become a superhuman who would do anything she was told and do it perfectly. She acted as a bodyguard, a spy, and an No one was more suited for carrying out the jobs the military and police did not want reaching the public eye., February 20, 2016Adolescent Adam 3: Chapter 7 - Lonely Crying Kitten Schwarze Katze was born three days before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She was the product of research meant to create the ultimate soldier, yet she had been born just as the country escaped conflict. Exhausted from the many human experiments, the researchers of the Schwarze Laboratory welcomed their very first success with a complex mixture of feelings. She had several dozen times the nerves and muscle density of a normal person. She biologically qualified as human, but she was clearly inhuman. She ended up living a life worthy of her origins. Afraid of being questioned on ethical grounds, the Schwarze Laboratory had shut down before she reached the age of one. With nowhere to go, she had been left with the military where she had been a target of research until the age of five. The research had been officially known as “an investigation the habits of cats” and very few people had known she even existed. The military had taught her morals, but they also never gave her a normal life no matter how old she grew. The mix of conscience and calculation surrounding her then may very well have formed the basis for her current personality. By the time she was seven, she had become a superhuman who would do anything she was told and do it perfectly. She acted as a bodyguard, a spy, and an No one was more suited for carrying out the jobs the military and police did not want reaching the public eye. 
 It was much later than a normal person, but at past nine, a sense of self began to grow within her and she gradually became less useful of a tool. On a bodyguard job, she would make a bloodbath out of a thug who got too close. When infiltrating a drug ring, she would torture the buyers for information and send every last one of the dealers to the police. When given an job, she would slaughter everyone, not just her target. She had been taught morals, but she had likely begun to interpret them in her own way. She had settled on living the life of a black cat. For a just cause, anything was permissible. She interpreted her powerful conscience through a lens of cold calculation. She had become a girl made of steel. That excessive sense of justice was not what those using her wanted. She was dismissed from that secret work, so she joined the military as a normal person named Schwarze Katze. At the time, she was only ten. A full decade after her birth, she was finally allowed some semblance of a human life. Every day in the military had been fun. She had spent her days training to protect her country. She had gotten along with her comrades, sometimes competed with them, sometimes played with them, and generally lived a fulfilling life. It was her first time experiencing normal happiness. But she was a born warrior. She had eventually grown sick of only training and had found life with her comrades dull. That was when a man calling himself Doctor Strangelove had appeared to her. He had once been the Board Chairman of the Schwarze Laboratory. Later, that man had introduced her to someone known as Miss A. “A world-changing incident will eventually occur. When that time comes, use your power to help.” Miss A’s uncommon presence had told her animalistic instincts not to defy her. The cat instinctually detected an even greater master. She had naturally nodded. Thus, Schwarze joined FeTUS at the age of fifteen. Afterwards, she had enjoyed simulated battles with Springloaded, remade her body each time a new combat tool was made, and had waited for the inevitable world-changing incident. Once that time came, she had moved to j.a.pan, hidden her ident.i.ty, and infiltrated Megutono Academy as a teacher, but she had been told to wait once more. She had only monitored the Serpent’s Eye boy. That was all. No, waiting alone would have been fine. She had enough self-restraint for that. But even as the angels and demons approached him, Miss A had not allowed her to do anything more than watch. She was only ever told to wait until he made a move himself. It seemed strange to her. If all one did was calmly investigate, they would never be given a dealer’s list of customers. If one did not force it out of them – sometimes by torture – they would never be able to destroy the entire drug ring. She had understood that since she was nine years old. So she had taken action. She could not defy her superior officer, but she had been given some small permission. She would capture Fujita Mutsuki and do what she had to. She did not care what happened to him in the process. She did not even care what happened to herself. Even if the Y Device fully consumed her body, she would have no regrets. It was, though, unfortunate that she had lost to Jiyuuni Ange, that girl who had the same scent as her. She had acted on her conscience. At the very least, she knew she had done the right thing.   “Ugh…?
 She remembered something else. She recalled the most enjoyable and most embarra.s.sing memory in her life. She had been thirteen at the time. She had woken up in the night feeling like this. The barracks were cold at night and she had not wanted to leave the blanket, so she had forced told herself to go back to sleep. Black Cat had very few experiences while young, so she had not gained a habit of waking up when she had to pee. She had wet the bed and all of her comrades had laughed at her. She had of course gained that habit by this point in her life. When she felt like this while asleep, she knew she had to get up and relieve herself. (I need to…get to the bathroom.) The area below her navel tickled, so she tried to get up. “Ah?” She found she could not move. Was that due to the Y Device? Even lifting her eyelids was difficult, but she somehow managed to open her eyes and looked around. She seemed to be in the cla.s.sroom. She saw the familiar blackboard. The chalk tray was at eye level and everything was upside-down. She realized she was lying face-up on the teacher’s desk. She wondered what was going on. “Oh, you’re up. Her personality really could be restored.” “The Y Device only erodes the target’s thoughts. It does not destroy their mind. Raising the target’s vitality as a living creature will reduce the erosion effect.” She could see someone on either side of her. She looked over and saw one of them was Miss E, Ibekusa Machina. And the other… “An angel!? …Gwah.” It was Jiyuuni Ange’s partner named Micha. Black Cat frantically tried to get up because this was an enemy, but then she realized why she could not move: Her arms and legs were tied to the desk’s legs. She looked to Miss E for an explanation. “Currently, I am performing a physical salvage of your mind after the Y Device’s infection,” said Machina quietly. “The work is going well and we should be able to remove those before long.” Machina touched Black Cat’s hair where the devices shaped like cat ears still grew from her head. But they were no longer producing any noise and had stopped running. Removing that ultimate circuit after its parasitism had progressed so far should have taken several days even at FeTUS headquarters. How had she stopped it in such a short time? Black Cat’s eyes widened. “The Serpent’s Eye is incredibly powerful,” said Micha. “Especially for women.” “The Serpent’s Eye…? …Wah!” “It’s going to violate you far deeper than that machine.” A disturbingly strange sensation traced across her crotch. It made her bladder tense, so she let out a cry and looked down to the base of her spread and bound legs. She saw a familiar face there. “Fujita! You…” “I-I’m sorry, sensei.” Mutsuki awkwardly tried to escape her field of vision. She was still dressed but her panties had been removed, so she trembled in embarra.s.sment. Micha watched the two of them with a teasing look on her face. “Keep going, Mutsuki-kun. She might be mad, but it’s for her own good.”
 “…Okay.” “Stop! Wh-what are you-…? Nnah…you…ah, ahhh…” The boy pressed his lips against the fully-exposed layers of flesh and thoroughly stirred up the contents. Even if she was a few years too young to call herself a teacher, she had the scent of a fully-mature adult. Her v.a.g.i.n.a created a deep contrast with her pure white thighs. It had few folds, so the hole deeper inside and the largely swollen c.l.i.toris were both easily visible. The thick hidden hair that seemed at odds with her youthful face stimulated the young boy’s animalistic side, so he used his tongue awfully persistently. “Heh heh. We don’t plan to take your life. This way, FeTUS will owe us one. And once you experience Mutsuki-kun’s power, you’ll never be able to put him in danger again. It’s two birds with one stone.” “Wh-what are you…?” “We’re going to do exactly what I’m sure you’re imagining. Oh, you get the s.e.xiest look on your face when you’re h.o.r.n.y.” “Shut up, you-…ahhhh.” Black Cat had the milky white skin of Northern Europe, but it grew flushed and pink as she writhed on the desk. “His tongue is pretty amazing, isn’t it? I taught him how to do that. He’s my loyal pup Mutsu-chan.” Micha’s proud comment elicited a displeased twitch of the eyebrows from…Machina rather than Schwarze. “He’s the best at sniffing out your weak points. He’s great at this, he’s realllly thorough, and lately even I almost c.u.m the second I let my guard own.” “Kh…khh…” “You look pretty sensitive. You’ll be hooked by the time the night’s over.” “Shut your-…khhhhhhh.” She clenched her teeth, but she could not hold back her voice. Micha was exactly right. The boy had been licking her since before she came to, so her crevice had grown extremely sensitive. The tongue thoroughly crawling across it filled her with a shockingly strange feeling. The tongue would crawl across her inner thighs and then kiss the base of the thighs once her arousal was worked up. He bit softly at the mound of flesh that had loosened into a diamond shape. When he stuck his tongue inside her crevice, he would stretch it out, move it in circles, and scoop up the folds inside. She had experienced s.e.xual intercourse a few times in the military and she had even received c.u.n.n.i.l.i.n.g.u.s. But she reluctantly had to admit she had never before experienced such skill. When the occasional kiss reached her swollen c.l.i.toris, her hips would hop up from the desk. She shamelessly spread her legs and offered her most embarra.s.sing place to him. (Wh-what is this…? Curse you. Ahhh, h-how long is his tongue?) This boy had shamed her once before, but that was because she had tested his power for fun. That power was not in effect now, so she should not have been affected by the Serpent’s Eye. Black Cat bit her lip like mad and her excessive saliva caught in her throat. “Heh heh heh♡ How’s the p.u.s.s.y’s p.u.s.s.y taste, Mutsuki-kun?” “Well, um, it seems a little different. Maybe because she’s white. I’m not sure how to describe it…” Mutsuki pulled his tongue from the loosened layers of flesh and began kissing around the outside. He kissed at her thighs, the boundary of her v.a.g.i.n.a, and her small tightened urethra. He rubbed his saliva between her b.u.t.t cheeks and everywhere else that tended to get sweaty. “So this is my teacher’s smell.” “Nn… Kh…hyaaaah!” Black Cat could not hold back her voice and she sensitively twisted her bound body around. The legs of the desk creaked like they were going to break. But after grasping her situation, she clenched her teeth and… (Hmph. Fine then.) She forced the trembling to stop and calmed the slight convulsions running through her body. She glared at Micha with the vertical pupils of her eyes. “Do as you wish,” she said in a low growl. “But don’t think you can break me just by raping me.” That steel woman was a born warrior and she had been prepared to place herself on the battlefield since the age of ten. If she lost, she could not complain if she was violated. She was prepared for whatever might happen, including her own death. Micha’s eyes widened at this woman’s resolute willingness to destroy herself, both here and in not hesitating to use the Y Device on herself. But then the angel’s s.a.d.i.s.tic smile deepened. “Okay, Mutsuki-kun. You can give her the finishing blow now.” She cut the bonds on Black Cat’s arms and legs and then flipped her over. The very fact that Schwarze had been unable to break those vinyl ropes taken from the school was proof that she was still badly injured. She could not escape even without the bonds. Her feet were lowered to the floor and her body was turned over, so she was leaning face-down onto the desk. “Kh…” The bottom of her gut trembled from a woman’s instinctual fear of being raped. But she suppressed that fear. She was prepared to be raped if she lost and she was not childish enough to fear a f.u.c.king or two. “…!” She stuck her hips out herself, as if to tell him to get started. Her skirt was caught on her hips, so the boy would have been able to see everything from his position behind her. It was embarra.s.sing, but she squeezed her eyes shut to bear with it. Her action seemed to have overwhelmed Mutsuki instead. Earlier this very day, he had seen this woman as his homeroom teacher and now he had a view of even her a.s.shole and was about to f.u.c.k her. Even if she was not resisting, he still thought this sort of thing had to be done with both parties’ consent, so he was having difficulty getting in the mood. Micha noticed, so she walked over and opened the front of his pants. “Do it. It’s to save her, remember?” “…Yes.” She knew what to say given his personality, so he pulled out his half-erect item, gathered his resolve, and grabbed Black Cat’s hips. Her legs were longer, so he had to stretch up to get his erection in position. He started to move his hips forward…but stopped and leaned forward. He brought his mouth to her ear. “I’m sorry, sensei. Um…” He stuck his fingers into the shapely mounds. “You can scold me after we get those ears off of you.” He was not yet fully erect, but he forced it into her fleshy opening. “Kh…ah!” Because it was still a little soft, it felt all the more indecent as it invaded the tightly closed flesh. Black Cat gasped and arched her back. Her tail-like braid bounced behind her. She had experienced this back in the military. She was not a virgin, but it had been years since she had last slept with someone. Her slit had forgotten what it was like to be parted, so her eyes widened behind her Mutsuki deepened their union regardless, and… “Wah… Ahh, it’s really b.u.mpy…inside you, sensei.” As far as he remembered, this was his third v.a.g.i.n.a, but it was unimaginably aggressive. His modest erection was rapidly transformed into a formidable weapon. Her v.a.g.i.n.a was flat, with few folds, but each pointy covered a wide area. However, the flesh itself melted like cream, so it did not hurt and in fact molded itself to perfectly match the shape of his p.e.n.i.s. When she noticed the boy’s arousal, Micha whispered in his ear. “How does it feel to f.u.c.k your teacher in the cla.s.sroom♡?” “Oh…” Because she had changed her appearance with makeup, he had not been thinking much about the fact that Black Cat was Katsue-sensei. The weak-willed student was overcome by intense guilt, but that guilt brought a sense of immorality that increased the pleasure from their union. A powerful tingling ran through his hips and his erection grew. “Don’t hold back. You like your teacher, don’t you? Then you need to pleasure her as much as you can.” “Uuh…” The boy gulped as a wicked laugh reached his ears. He did like Katsue-sensei. He had of course never imagined being in this sort of relationship with her, but… (Th-that’s…too much…inside me… Ow… D-dammit.) As their union was slowly, slowly deepened, Schwarze squeezed the edge of the desk to bear with it. She had seen Fujita Mutsuki’s p.e.n.i.s before and it had not been cruelly large, but his erection had a youthful vigor to it and the head had a habit of swelling out quite thickly. The umbrella-shape was reminiscent of a bullet, so it sank in easily yet was hard to pull out. It almost seemed made to penetrate deep into the female body and stay there. (I won’t lose. Of course I won’t. I can put up with this.) She had not had s.e.x in a long while and her first taste of rape was far more agonizing than she had imagined, but Schwarze kept her pride intact by not screaming. She tensed her unmoving legs and waited for the invasive storm to pa.s.s. To her, Fujita Mutsuki was the target of her observation, not a student. That weakened the sense of immorality inside her to a bearable level. She panicked a little, but mostly maintained her calm despite the sizable p.e.n.i.s inside her. (He’s…only a child. He’ll c.u.m after a few thrusts. This won’t affect me.) She closed up her mind to separate it from her body. She only had to wait for the storm to pa.s.s. But… “Sensei.” The boy bent his upper body while breathing heavily. (…? What? …!) She panicked as a sensation reached her in a truly unexpected place. “Nn… This really is your smell, sensei. …It smells good.” He had pressed his nose to her glossy black hair that had the cat-like ears growing from it. His breaths reached her ear, so a trembling chill ran down her spine. The makeup had changed her looks considerably, but the adult smell much like hot milk was definitely the homeroom teacher he had taken from since spring. After awakening to the immorality of doing it with his teacher, he was truly indulging in it. His face melted as he grabbed at her body. “Eh…? Nnn!? Nn…hh…!” Her skintight suit had melted a little in the battle, so it was now thin enough to perfectly see the shape of her nipples. He grabbed at her bust through it. He continued thrusting his hips toward the flesh pot full of b.u.mps and elasticity. That obscene pace and the sudden caress left Black Cat in a state of confusion. “Sensei…I’m guessing you don’t want this. But…” He would only meet a handful of homeroom teachers in his life and treating one like a woman filled him with a different arousal than with Micha, his first, or Machina, his crush. He was still a little reluctant to violate “Katsue-sensei”, but he grew gradually bolder thanks to the pleasure of their fleshy union and thanks to the excuse that she would be in danger otherwise. He squeezed her bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s and sent his shaft inside her. “I’ll make sure you feel really good.” “Ahhhhh!” The rough ridges of her internal flesh were caught and flattened by the swollen head of his p.e.n.i.s. The sensation brought out the scream Schwarze had been holding in. (I-it’s so deep… Kh, khhh… B-but more than that…) The object rampaging inside her body was far fiercer than she would have expected of that boy. Her slender body hopped up as if from a jolt of electricity. But all of this had been relatively kind. She could still bear with it. “You’re still stiff… Please relax. Don’t tense up like that.” With an intoxicated look in his eyes, the boy slowly moved his hips back and forth to loosen up her tight insides. He also sent his hands across every part of her body. They moved from her skinny waist to her navel, shoulders, and armpits. Her slim build made her b.r.e.a.s.t.s stand out even more and he rubbed them with a focus on the nipples visible through the thin material. All the while, his heavy breathing tickled her scalp, earlobes, and neck that all gave off an adult aroma. (Wh-what is this? What is he…ah…) Even as the center of her body tightened, his gentle caress loosened up her tensed muscles. She was confused and unable to figure out why he was doing this. She failed to notice how her breathing had started to match the rhythm of the boy’s.   “It’s begun♡” Micha narrowed her damp eyes and Machina rubbed her thighs together. (What is this…? M-my body is so hot. It feels like it’s going to melt…) Her mind was being invaded by a horribly pleasant intoxication very different from the Y Device’s control. The steel woman grew puzzled as a strange itching sensation filled her lower stomach. The pulse of friction had grown incredibly sticky. As the ma.s.sage reached her hands, upper arms, and thighs, her tensed inner flesh was loosening up. (O-oh, no… My v.a.g.i.n.a is loosening on its own… Ahhh, my entire body is relaxing.) She suddenly realized her hidden hole had plentiful lubrication and the p.e.n.i.s was sliding much more easily in and out. It frustrated her how strength left her body with each thrust of the thick, curved rod. “Fujita…Fujita, wait. Wa-…ah, ahhhn. Nhaaan.” She was overcome with a fear that the inside of her body was being remade, but when she opened her mouth, she could not believe how sweet her voice had become. The feline eyes behind her widened in surprise. “Heh heh. You can tell, can’t you? If Mutsuki-kun makes love to you even once, you’ll never be able to attack him again.” Micha saw through Black Cat’s concern and peered at the woman’s face. “He tries from the bottom of his heart to pleasure his partner. The deepest layer of your mind will be dyed in his colors.” “Ah…ahhhh.” “You might have been better off just being raped.” Black Cat recalled two weeks before when she had toyed with Jiyuuni Ange. The guardian angel had endured her torture, but she had lost all pride as a warrior once that boy went on the offensive. Black Cat finally realized that she was currently in the same state. This was nothing as kind as torturing the loser. “Nn… You’re sucking at me now, sensei. It’s starting to feel good, isn’t it?” Mutsuki embraced her slender back and started wearing her down with more serious thrusts of his hips. He reached her deepest depths and ma.s.saged her stiff and elastic cervix. The shallower layers of flesh squeezed in response, but that only provided him with a trembling ma.s.sage that was nearly a vibration. “Ah, ah, st-stop… That’s…nnn.” Pleasure reverberated through the core of her body. She could not help but extend her legs from the toes to the thighs. She was pushing her nectar hole toward him. “You like it here, don’t you? You enjoy that while I find some other spots.” He attacked kindly deep inside and carefully at the entrance for two points of attack at once. He provided a rhythm of s.e.xual pleasure that none of her previous partners had noticed and that she herself had not known of. Then he blew onto her earlobe. “Nyahan♡” He never let up on rubbing at her nectary flesh while transforming even her ear into an erogenous zone. She could not hold in her sweet voice and she closed her eyes in embarra.s.sment. But she could not stop her body now that it knew of this pleasure. The boy grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s again and harshly shook up her carnal side. “Ahhnn, ahn, no, stop, Fujita, that’s enou…nyaaaaaaaah! Nooo!” She could not hold back her embarra.s.sing voice as he fondled her bust. Her spine wiggled back and forth with that male stake still growing from the center of her a.s.s. (Wh-why am I…ahh, nhahhn, whyyyy?) She repeatedly shook her head in frustration and embarra.s.sment. Her long braid whipped sharply behind her. (I…can’t believe this. Is this…really s.e.x? I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s like, ah, he’s f.u.c.king my mind too…) If it was only pain and pleasure, she might have been able to seal off her heart and cut herself off from it. But this boy was giving her something else. The strange pleasant sensation seemed to easily soak through the seal on her heart. She did not know how to defend against it. If not for her rational mind, she would have given into it almost immediately. And even with her rational mind, she could only put up a vain resistance as her body and mind were made into his slave. “Ahhn, hneee. N-no. Ah, ah, that’s…too good.” He controlled the pace of her lower body and her breathing matched his. Her flesh was even more obedient. She was filled with a hot sensation of oneness as the b.u.mps inside dug into his erection. At the very least, none of her previous s.e.xual experiences had ended up like this. The pleasure seemed to reach her heart as well as her body. Her feelings seemed full of openings. That was how powerfully and deeply the pleasure filled her. “Nyah♡ Nyah♡” She could no longer fight it. She began pushing her hips out to meet him. This was the behavior of a female cat in heat. It was the proof that she had given even her heart to the male currently penetrating her. “Ha ha. What a lewd a.s.s. Are you about to c.u.m?” Mutsuki knew her ear was sensitive, so he whispered to her while licking along the small hole. “U-uuh…” Black Cat looked accusatorily back at him over her shoulder. The corners of her eyes angled upwards in agony at first, but as her layers were shaken up from the entrance to the deepest depths, she nodded as if hypnotized. Mutsuki smiled in satisfaction and began an even more serious rhythm. “Nn…ah! Ahh, fnyaaah. S-so rough…♡” The precise and gentle movements of his hips suddenly grew much more intense. Sensing masculinity in those movements, her moans rose in tone. Mutsuki continued thrusting his hips with his erection swollen to the limit. When he saw it entering below the valley of her white b.u.t.t, the smile on his face grew wilder than anyone would have expected of him. He seemed to understand the supposedly cold woman’s body better than she did. He sent his hips forward and pulled them back with the head catching at the many folds. “Ha ha. You’re really squeezing on me in there. It’s okay, sensei. You can c.u.m whenever you want. And as often as you want.” “N-no… Ahh, you’re kidding… I’m being raped…I’m being raped, but…nyaah.” Despite how rough he was being, her internal flesh clung to his p.e.n.i.s with surprising obedience. Only Schwarze’s pride and willpower held back the s.e.xual particles preparing to explode inside her. “You can really put up a fight.” Micha gave a scornful bitter smile as she watched and Machina’s eyes widened in admiration. Their reactions were different, but their opinions were the same: her efforts were futile. “Don’t hold back, sensei,” whispered Mustuki while ma.s.saging the deepest part of her body. “Do you hate me?” “Eh?” “Because I love you, sensei.” “…!” It was not so thoroughly stirring up her nectary flesh or digging into her womb’s entrance that did it. It was those words that melted her pride as a born warrior. It remade her heart like magic. Serving and enslaving herself to this male who would love her became more important than her pride or any mission. Her b.u.mpy layers of flesh squeezed tight and sucked in at his item. “Nnah… Ah, ahn, ahhhhn, no, no…” “It’s fine. c.u.m again and again.” “Hic…U-unyaaaaaaahhhhhhhh♡” Schwarze squeezed her eyes shut as a film of tears appeared on them. Countless white flashes ran through the underside of her eyelids. She had s.e.xual experience and she had experienced o.r.g.a.s.m before, but as if this was her first time, she was filled with confusion and hesitation as she gave herself over to the torrent of pleasure. She had never felt such a great surge before. Her cheeks naturally loosened. For the first time in her life, she smiled from something other than combat. “I’m c.u.mming…I’m c.u.mming… I’m c.u.mming c.u.mming c.u.mming c.u.mming c.u.mming c.u.mming!” Her cry of pleasure was as shrill as an alarm. Light scorched her mind as her body tensed and bounced up and down on the desk. The intensity of her movements tore her dress in places and her white flesh bulged out from below. “Kah hah…nyah hee…ha…♡” When the wave finally receded, her slender body rested limply on the desk while on the verge of pa.s.sing out. The cat ears growing from her head stood cutely erect. That seemed to indicate the intensity of her arousal, but it also seemed to indicate the ears were desperately clinging to their host. They had sensed that she had submitted to something far greater than a mere machine.   Over an hour had pa.s.sed since their carnal relations had begun. The cla.s.sroom’s windows were closed, so it had filled with enough s.e.xuality that they could smell it. The temperature was probably a few degrees higher than the hallway. When Micha noticed sweat on her back, she smiled bitterly. Machina was rubbing her thighs together with her knees knocking against each other. (Th-this…isn’t s.e.x. This can’t be s.e.x.) Black Cat had been taken to climax three times from behind and once from the front and she was now sitting on his cross-legged lap. Her mind was hazy as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed up against him like they were lovers. “Eh heh heh. This feels wonderfully ticklish, doesn’t it?” To extend the time until he came, he had pulled out a few times to simply caress her for a bit, but not even that explained his lack of exhaustion after about an hour. “Uuh…ahhhhn♡” “Good.” Mutsuki’s interest was drawn to the upside-down triangle of soft hair that spiraled so pa.s.sionately. Machina’s had barely grown in and Micha’s was not all that thick, so he was fixated on that dark coloration that seemed to stir up a male’s arousal. His own had yet to fully grow in and he moved his hips to rub up against that soft hair. Doing so also rubbed up against his teacher’s floral lips from a variety of angles, driving her to her limit. Their intercourse was hot enough to melt steel, so her consciousness was about to leave her and she was completely at his mercy. With each thrust a wave seemed to run through her sweaty and flushed milk-colored skin. (I…can’t take any more of this. Wh-why? It’s just s.e.x…) She could barely think straight from the obscene pleasure, so she could only weakly wrinkle her brow. The s.e.x she had known was more animalistic and instinctual. In the military, she had learned to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e to suppress her urge to fight. When the desire to go on a rampage had grown too great, she had slept with members of the opposite s.e.x and sometimes the same s.e.x to experience a thrill and some pleasure. But what she was experiencing now was entirely different. “Ha ha. You really react when I poke you here. It feels great the way you rub your t.i.ts against me.” “Fnyah? …Ah, shut up.” “I mean, they’re so big for such a slender body, sensei. And when I thrust into you, you press them against me.” Mutsuki seemed to have gotten used to their intercourse and he embraced her with a grin on his face. The woman on the receiving end pouted her lips but did not brush off his arms. The cat ears looked troubled as they twitched on her head. Black Cat was taller and she was sitting on his lap, so his face came up to her collarbones. He only needed to lower his head a little to reach her ample cleavage. The fabric of her dress had grown weak, so more tears appeared with every motion she made. After writhing for an hour, the white of her skin covered more area than the original dress. After his thorough fondling, over eighty percent of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had spilled out. “It looks like your nipples are a little big too. Nnn~~♪” “They are not big…nnah. Stop that. Don’t suck on-…hh, nhh♡ Don’t suck my nyipples…” It may have been an illusion caused by her pure white skin, but her areolae and the plump, suckable protrusion in the center both seemed somewhat large. He took one into his mouth and rolled it around with his tongue. The corners of Schwarze’s eyes rose in anger, but her body went limp as he pressed against the sensitive protrusion as if to push it inside. And more importantly… (He’s so cute♡) All negative feelings left her when she saw Fujita Mutsuki sucking so happily at it. She arched her back at the sweet stimulation from the tip of her bust. That pushed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, nearly drowning the boy in them. The corners of his eyes lowered when he felt the unique springiness of a white woman on his face. (Fujita…looks so happy. Then I should do this some more.) The look on his face filled her with an unknown throbbing and she strengthened the hands behind his head. She also rubbed her chest against the face buried in her cleavage. And… “…Pwah. Ah ha ha.” (~~♡) When she saw the boy’s happy look, a bittersweet sense of satisfaction squeezed at her heart. His p.e.n.i.s curved back and applied pressure to the internal flesh that was sucking at him as if the consecutive had fused them together. He provided a sticky ma.s.sage for each and every one of the b.u.mps complexly rubbing against him. “Hi-h-hiinnnhnn♡ N-not so…sudden…” “That’s what you get for making a surprise attack like that, sensei.” “Nnn♡ Kyahhh♡ B-but you know…I’m sensitive…there.” “That’s why I’m attacking there.” He seemed to know the exact structure of her v.a.g.i.n.a now, so he kept twisting his hips to press the head of his p.e.n.i.s against the most sensitive places. However, Black Cat was even more bothered by his complete lack of rushing things. “Ahhn, hey, don’t tickle me… Hnyah, nyahhhh.” He stopped his hips and brought his fingers to her body instead. The lines of her hips were easy targets with them so close together, so he rubbed up and down there. He had not let up on his caress for the entire hour. He had fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s so much she had a feeling they would grow a size from today alone and they had grown too red to even see their original white. He had started touching her a.n.u.s at some point and it had been widened enough to easily take in a finger. When he pulled out his finger, it would longingly spit out some a.n.a.l juices. The cat ears twitched on her head as if panicked. “You’re tightening down deep inside. You’re about to c.u.m, aren’t you? …Okay.” Deep inside her, his p.e.n.i.s was wrapped in what felt like agar with tapioca inside. This was the fifth time, so the boy knew this was the sign of her approaching o.r.g.a.s.m. Used to this by now, he strengthened his piston. He moved his hips in a circular motion to thrust at all of the ridges inside. He stopped his hips just before reaching the deepest point, waited for the moment the flesh swelled out as if in protest, and then pushed in with enough pressure to crush her cervix. “H-heeeeee! No…not that…” It was like dealing with a child. In her great pleasure, Schwarze had forgotten her ident.i.ty as a soldier and let drool carelessly drip from her mouth. “I’m c.u.mming…I’m c.u.mming again… Ah, ah, I’m c.u.mming from Fujita’s…Fujita’s thick c.o.c.k!” She expressed her ecstasy by his ear, all of her muscles tensed up, and she writhed in convulsions. (My body…is as h.o.r.n.y as it can get… I’ll do whatever Fujita wants.) Sparks flew through her head from the intense pleasure, but a thought pa.s.sed through one corner of her mind. (Is this what he wanted?) He had raped her and made her body his slave. Had Jiyuuni Micha instructed the boy to violate her because she had known that would happen? (No. That wasn’t it. That wasn’t why he did this.) Even if her mind was barely working, she easily found the answer to that question. She had a.s.sumed at first he was soaking her in pleasure to drive her into a state of confusion, but now she realized what that crafty angel was really after and just how frightening Fujita Mutsuki truly was. “Hmm, they still won’t come off.” Mutsuki frowned worriedly as he embraced her in the throes of her fifth climax. They had stopped moving, but the cat ear devices still grew from within her hair. “…” She could plainly sense that he was worried for her. Their eyes met and she averted her gaze, something she would never have done in the wild. (Th-this is what Jiyuuni Micha was after.) She was implanting Black Cat with the emotion that made humans weaker than any other. The point was not to force her to obey through wild pleasure. It was to rule her heart through love. But it was too late to realize that now. “Sensei, can I kiss you?” Mutsuki brought his face in close. A seductive tingling stroked her chest. Her cheeks, neck, and earlobes were coated with his saliva by this point, but she realized he had yet to do it on her lips. She could not let him do this. Warning bells went off in her mind, telling her to shake her head. But Schwarze actually bent her head back. (Kh…) A shock that seemed to open up each and every pore spread from her mouth to her entire body. The stinging layers of flesh sucked tightly at the boy’s body part penetrating them. Only once she felt that reaction did Black Cat realize she had climaxed. She had skipped straight past the stairway of pleasure and ecstasy dyed her mind white. After reaching her climax, the carnality building up inside her seemed to boil down and her s.e.xy body trembled uncontrollably. But it was not just her body. She felt like her heart had c.u.m as well. This steel woman had been born into an emotionless life, so this was a first for her. “Huh? Um, s-sensei?” Mutsuki panicked when he felt something pressing against the base of his p.e.n.i.s. He looked down and saw golden urine bursting from the depths of the thick hair crushed between their crotches. “Ha ha…ha ha ha. F-Fuji…Fujitaaa♡” Schwarze’s cheeks flushed from the shame and release of wetting herself and light laughter spilled from her lips. It was a defenseless laugh, almost like a newborn baby’s. “That…that’s enough. I…I lose…” “Eh?” “You’ve made me…love you. You’ve made me love you so much♡” She sucked at his mouth like a kitten nestling up against its mother. She felt on the verge of pa.s.sing out from the muddy light in her mind, so all she could perceive was that boy. The two of them were the only things in her world. Love was all the remained for this woman. Mutsuki was a little confused with her urine covering his legs, but… “Y-yes. I love you too, sensei.” “~~ Ha ha♡” That short phrase elicited an emotional enough moan that she scattered drool around her. The o.r.g.a.s.m of her heart would not end. The mere fact that their bodies were joined together seemed to provide enough joyous pleasure to melt her mind. She stuck her tongue between his lips and the boy accepted it with a nasal breath. “…” The atmosphere was clearly changing. The two of them embraced with the coordination of lovers who had been together for years. For once, Machina looked displeased as she watched from the side. Mutsuki and Schwarze did not notice. They were licking at each other’s tongues and entwining them to the base, so they did not have time to move away from each other’s lips. They could only see their partner’s face and their own face reflected in their partner’s eyes. “The look on your face is so s.e.xy, sensei.” “I-is…it?” “You look like a kitty cat that’s gotten into some catnip. …Nn.” The terms “unemotional” and “steel woman” no longer applied. Black Cat’s face had loosened up to an obscene extent and the sight sped up the boy’s nasal breathing. “Pwah, puhah. Your tongue is so wonderfully rough, sensei.” “Nph, khh, nphh♡ Fu-Fujita…lick me even more…♡” He stuck out his tongue and his teacher pecked and sucked at it without saying a word more. Her tongue was just as b.u.mpy as her v.a.g.i.n.a, so it was very rough. Rubbing their tongues together gave him an exquisite sensation of friction that seemed to melt his head from the tongue to the brain. It was a chilly sort of pleasure like having the hole of his ear widened and his shaft gave a roar in response. “Uuuuuuuuhhh!” The nectary flesh he had been working at this whole time was sucking at him all the harder. Black Cat let out a cry as the manly p.e.n.i.s swelled even further and forcibly widened the folds of flesh wrapped around it. She arched her back in surprise. “Kaaaaaanyaaaaaaaaaahhh♡ It’s so biiiiig. You’re…you’re filling me uuuuuuup! No, that’s…that’s too much♡ I-it feels…feels so gooooood! Ahhh♡ Ahhh♡” Her internal flesh had softened up quite a bit and accepted the wild intruder that bent every which way, but Schwarze herself could not last much longer. Just as she felt the layers of flesh being pushed up toward her womb, the thick head would plow through them and stir her up in every direction imaginable. “Hee, nhhhh, nyaha♡ Ha ha. You’re rubbing me…rubbing me so much inside♡” They were reaching the hour and a half mark soon. Her s.e.xual flesh seemed to be burning from the long union and he began even more intense strokes. He dove deep inside, made screw-like motion at the cervix, pulled out, slowly polished the entrance with the head, and then thrust deep inside once more. “Hneeeee. Yes, there, there, there. That’s too good. Hnyaaahh♡ No, no. I can’t stop c.u.mming. I can’t stoooooooop♡” These hip movements had brought her to climax several times already. The obscene pleasure had already been burned deep into her psyche, so she could not stop the deluge of pleasure from swallowing her up. The ferociously swollen head rubbed up against the sensitive folds located directly below her urethra. A rhythmic and obscenely wet sound came from her lower stomach as the pleasure climbed an unending stairway. Amid the never-ending waves of o.r.g.a.s.m, Black Cat shook her head. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s softly shook with a one-tempo delay and her braid swayed a little after that. (Noooo. Fujita…no fair. It’s always me.) “Wah…” Schwarze leaned forward and placed her hands and knees on the floor with him still inside her. She was now on top, so she could move as she wished. The artistic curves of her hips began bouncing greedily up and down. Each movement was intense enough for her skirt to flutter up and reveal her white b.u.t.t. “Nyaha♡ Nyahaaa♡ I love this♡ I love how it rubs deep insiiiide♡” She had been more of a shy cat before, but now that she was enjoying s.e.x with the boy, her true wildness was unleashed. Her braid whipped bewitchingly behind her and she rubbed her folds of flesh along the stake standing skyward. “Wah, waahhhh. Sensei, sensei. Wait, not so sudden!” This situation gave more trouble for Mutsuki. He could go on the offensive thanks to the techniques Micha had taught him, but being on the receiving end fit better with his personality. The weighty b.r.e.a.s.t.s that stood out on her slender frame bounced boldly. Since she was leaning forward on top of him, their great volume slapped him on the cheeks. “Ah, ahh… I can’t…!” His p.e.n.i.s moved back and forth from the deepest part of her narrow and wet flesh tunnel. The area near the womb was so rough it felt like she had beads embedded inside and those b.u.mps reached every part of his p.e.n.i.s. He could not hold back his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n like this. The flesh squeezed at different levels each time and he wrapped his arms around the female body leaning down on him. “Sensei…I’m going to c.u.m. You’re so s.e.xual…that I’m going to c.u.m.” “Nnah…♡” Despite complaining, he began moving his own hips too. He had started this out of a sense of duty to remove the parasitic cat ear devices, but now he was focused on nothing more than planting his seed inside her body. Stirring up her milky flesh produced a scent much like vanilla essence and he savored that aroma of an adult woman. He buried his face in her cleavage to bring their bodies even closer and they both shook their bodies. “Nhan♡ c.u.m, Fujita. I-I want your c.u.m. Fill me up.” “Sensei…sensei…ahhh.” The two were now animals with nothing on their minds but enjoying s.e.x. The woman was in charge of moving up and down while the boy was in charge of moving forward, back, left, and right while adding in twisting movements to dig into her soft nectar-filled pa.s.sageway. Her b.u.t.t slapped loudly against his thighs. Her v.a.g.i.n.a and his erection had been rubbing together for a long time now and they were both fully engorged and throbbing. That nearly painful sensation only helped them enjoy this more in their wild state. (Hyah…hyeh…♡ Th-this is it. This is true s.e.x…) Schwarze realized something as she felt enveloped by a bright light. (This is what it means…to make love to someone…♡) Her rational mind was melting away in the o.r.g.a.s.m, but it gave one last effort to look down at the boy with his face in her chest. She felt a squeezing in her heart when their eyes met. The cat had instinctually found a better master. She had realized the boy in front of her was the greatest existence in the world. They greedily brought their mouths together, stuck their tongues in each other’s mouth, and stickily rubbed them together. “Krrr… Hmhh, hhh! Hhh! Hhh!” That was the last thing Black Cat felt. Just like a cat in heat, she filled his mouth with a meaningless cry of pleasure and abandoned herself to the ecstasy that had been so close by all this time. The erection rubbed in a spiraling pattern along every side of her burning v.a.g.i.n.a and finally arrived at the deepest part. She felt her womb being lifted up.   “Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The pulse of climax felt like miniaturized waves and once they reaching the upper limit, they refused to come back down. She felt a dazzling sensation as if a hole had opened from between her eyes to the back of her head. Her v.a.g.i.n.a burned like a pillar of fire and the flames spread along her spine in a straight shot for her brain. She nearly pa.s.sed out from an intense intoxication that did not clear up even after several seconds. This climax was far greater than five times the previous ones. And this time, it was only the beginning. “Kah…ah. I’m sorry…” He briefly seemed to hesitate before c.u.mming inside her, but the way her soft and sticky v.a.g.i.n.a wriggled in climax overpowered him and pulled his trigger. A thick and powerful surge was fired deep inside her as if to destroy her womb. It struck the donut-shaped cover, but it was powerful enough to force open the small gap in the center. She could feel those clumps of extra-thick liquid bursting into the depths of her body. (Hyaha… I-it’s. .h.i.tting me♡ There’s so much it’s soaking into my womb… Fujita’s c.u.m is marking my womb…♡) The opposite s.e.x was rubbing in the proof that she was his and that overjoyed Schwarze’s feminine instincts. The intoxication was so great that her body formed a habit of o.r.g.a.s.ming and repeatedly climaxed over and over. “Hyah…♡” Her mind was still wandering through a sticky ocean of obscene pleasure, but her brain was at its limit. Everything switched off and she fell limply onto the boy. Mutsuki caught her and gently rubbed her head. The cat ears had long since stopped functioning and now they clattered to the floor.   “Wow, you really did f.u.c.k her brains out.” Micha slapped Black Cat’s cheek to make sure she was unconscious despite the look of ecstasy on her face. Then she shrugged. “Not a problem. My salvage work is complete.” Machina retrieved the cat ears that had fallen from the woman. They were now as motionless as a headband and there was no sign of injury where they had eaten into Schwarze’s skull. They had successfully saved her, so Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief. He then realized his lower body was pathetically exposed, so he quickly pulled up his pants. Micha laughed while rubbing Schwarze’s cheek again. The woman seemed to have risen to a truly deep climax. She would twitch in response to the touch, but she showed no sign of coming to. As an angel, Micha needed to see if this dangerous rampaging cat had calmed down, but that was impossible like this. She looked Machina in the eye. “…” She grinned at the girl’s almost conspicuously expressionless look. She had likely tried to hide it, but Micha had seen through it. The girl had been wrinkling her brow in displeasure and fidgeting her hips while watching Mutsuki’s lovemaking. “Mutsuki-kun. This is an order: restrain this girl.” “What?” “I still have business with FeTUS, so restrain her before she escapes.” “Eh? Eh? But…” “Just. Do. It♪” Mutsuki had no idea why he should do that, but she grabbed his hand and forced him to his feet. He panicked when his pants fell back down, but Micha pushed him toward Machina regardless. “S-sorry, Ibekusa-san.” He panicked further when he ran into the motionless girl. Micha winked at Machina and he saw her blush. “…Oh.” Only then did he notice her damp eyes. Mutsuki alone knew when she made that expression. While she normally tried to hide her feelings, she was easier to read than anyone else at times like this. He scratched at his cheek. “Can I…restrain you?” “…I do not mind.”   He wanted someplace to sit down and it felt wrong using someone else’s desk, so he used his own. His desk had been mysteriously replaced with a new one this morning and Machina gave a complicated look when they sat at it, but he did not notice. He was going to “restrain” her, but he grew awkward when he was reminded this was their cla.s.sroom. Then something unusual happened. “…Nn.” “Wah.” The girl took the initiative and placed her lips on his. The soft and smooth lips pressed against him along with her tongue. He was not yet mentally prepared, but she half-forcibly parted his lips. Her mouth smelled almost like essence of white lilies and the unexpected rush of that scent into his lungs left him feeling dizzy. His tongue had pulled back in surprise, but she sucked at it and wrapped her own seductively malleable muscle around it. “Muhm… I-Ihekuha-han?” They had kissed a few times before, but never from her end and certainly not this forcefully. It was half pleasant and half confusing. She made no attempt to pull back. He was the only one she had ever kissed and thus she was not used to this reverse pattern, but she did her best to lead. She almost seemed to be trying to take something back. “Npkh…f-fwah…” As their tongues stimulated each other and their saliva mixed together, the boy cast aside his confusion and grew more aggressive. He slurped up her pure extract that was as sweet as flower nectar and that he never could get enough of. The corners of Machina’s eyes had been lifted as if she were focused on some kind of mission, but as he tickled at the sensitive underside of her tongue, her eyes softened. “Ah…nh… Fujita-kun…” This was different from the jaw-melting kiss from Schwarze’s rough tongue, but it was enough to hear wet sounds of friction from within their mouths. Their coordinated tongue movements led the girl to breathe a sigh of relief. Even that sigh carried a gentle aroma that tickled at the boy’s nose. “Nn…”
 He squeezed her plump bust. Their lips were still locked, so he saw her narrow eyebrows bending right in front of his eyes. Machina had stuck to kissing, but now that Mutsuki was in the mood, he was much more practical. He ma.s.saged the weighty sensation in his hand and brought his other hand to her b.u.t.t over her skirt. While her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were large to the point of being heavy, her b.u.t.t was much tighter. He started simply by touching it as if brushing it off, but he soon squeezed at it as well. “Ahn.” “Ha ha. I can feel the heat even from the bottom of your a.s.s.” He brought his fingers down the valley and between her thighs. That area was noticeably wet even through the panties. Machina ended the kiss to bite her lower lip. Her expression had not changed, but that was an obvious sign of embarra.s.sment. However, she was oddly aggressive today. ‘Yes… It’s so hot.” With those words, she undid the hook at her waist. She turned her blushing face aside in embarra.s.sment as she lowered her skirt and leaned back on the desk. Her lovely legs were tightly toned from the hips to her feet. The slender feet were accented by black socks and the elegant lines of a model wavered in the moonlight. A fetishistic arousal stirred in Mutsuki’s chest. The cla.s.smate he always saw in the cla.s.sroom now wore only panties on her lower body in that exact same cla.s.sroom. The unrealistic scene sent a tingling through his body and he reached for the cream-colored polka dot panties that seemed out of place on her adult proportions. He poked at the soft mound pressing hotly against the bottom of the delta of fabric and found it was swollen enough for juices to immediately seep out. “Ibekusa-san…” He had been swept along to this point, but when he felt that wet warmth, his own fleshy organ rose back to the angle of a deadly weapon. It raised its head in its desire to enter her. When Machina shifted her panties to the side, Mutsuki obeyed the urge inside him and guided the erection to that holy ground. The fact that he had just been doing it with another girl brought a tickle of self-loathing to his heart, but… “Come…” The girl quietly invited him in. It may have only been the one word, but he knew perfectly well what it meant and what her eyes were telling him she wanted. The head of his p.e.n.i.s sank into that seductively soft garden. “I’m putting it in, Ibekusa-san.” “Okay… Hh…” The young pa.s.sageway was well lubricated, but it was not very soft due to the lack of foreplay. She must have really felt the foreign object because Machina bent her head back, revealing her white throat. Mutsuki helped her by wrapping his arms around her slender back while moving his hips along. He was trying to make sure she did not fall off the limited s.p.a.ce of the desk, but… “…Nn.” She wrapped her own arms around the neck Black Cat had been clinging to earlier. They had only done this a few times, but she acted like they were a couple who had been together for many long years. She breathed a somewhat relieved sigh at his body in her arms, his scent, and his somewhat painful masculinity inside her. “Ha ha. Yours really is…great, Ibekusa-san.” Mutsuki breathed an impressed sigh at the soft flesh that gradually grew stickier and smoothly accepted him. He felt a thick suction like it was a complex rubber labyrinth and that was something he had not felt in Black Cat. This was more like Micha’s, but it stuck to him so much more because it was so much younger. This sense of oneness with Machina was what Mutsuki loved most of all. The three he knew were all different yet all equal. The way Black Cat’s provocatively sucked at him with its rough flesh was just as wonderful, as was the way Micha’s sensually licked at him like dozens of tongues at once. But this girl was special. Ibekusa Machina was the girl he had had a crush on since spring. “It’s in… Nn, it’s all the way in. Ha ha.” The thick wedge reached her baby pot and the boy’s cheeks loosened happily. The girl’s cheeks flushed and her eyes narrowed contentedly. They may have been a perfect match because their flesh fit together so well one would have thought the size and shape had been measured out. The head and curve of his p.e.n.i.s fit right into an indented part and a thick ridge of her pathway. It felt he was shoving his erection into clay. Not only did it fit perfectly, but it also tightened better than average. When he put his p.e.n.i.s inside, it felt like their bodies were melting into soup and mixing together. That dangerous sense of oneness was something he could not feel with the other women. “I’m going to move now.” “O…kay. …Ah, a-ah…khh…” They held each other in their arms and started moving their hips a little. It was not enough to thrust in and out of her, but their perfectly matched genitals were filled with intense friction from the movement they did have. Her feminine flesh twitched and tightened. Machina gave an embarra.s.sed snort at her body’s obscene reaction and the pleasure that seemed to melt the core of her flesh.   “Look at those little lovebirds. Honestly.” Micha did not sound amused as she watched the two of them. If this FeTUS member adored Mutsuki, her job as a guardian angel would be easier. And she had set up this turn of events because Machina had been so adorable, but it p.i.s.sed her off now that she was watching the two children loving each other so pa.s.sionately. For one, she had made a man out of Fujita Mutsuki, so if anyone had dibs on him, it was her. “Uuh…?” “Oh, you’re up.” Black Cat got up. She sat there blankly for a while, but it seemed her brain finally kicked in. She slapped at her head to see if the Y Device had been removed. Micha had prepared for the danger of the woman going on another rampage, but as expected, that proved unnecessary. When she looked to the boy lovingly embracing Machina, her eyes were filled with longing, not hostility. It did not look l

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