Adopted Soldier

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Emily who was thoroughly disappointed by what happened left the scene sad . Kei and the members of the Gaming Club were standing confused as to what happened . Emily simply left them their without saying goodbye, as she wobbly walked away .

Alex on the other hand apologized to the members of the Gaming Club and Kei for Emily"s behavior . "Is she alright?" Blair asked Alex with a bit of worry on her face . Even though awhile ago she was a bit scared of Emily, she knew that Emily was a good person and did what she did out of self defense . So now her fear was leaning more into worry, seeing the bright and cheerful Emily lifelessly walk away like that .

The other members of the Gaming Club and Kei were getting a bit worried too . The sudden change of atmosphere Emily held was all over the place, so it felt weird seeing her like that . They all voiced their concern to Alex, who answered them in a rea.s.suring manner .

"Don"t worry I know how to cheer her up . I am her childhood friend after all . So thank you for doing all of this for her . " Alex bowed his head and left .

The members of the Gaming Club as well as Kei who heard what Alex said, didn"t actually think he could do it . They knew he was her childhood friend and all that but the words cheer up and Alex don"t seem like they could go well together .

That ever stoic guy can actually cheer up somebody? How can he do that, when it seems like he himself doesn"t know how to cheer himself up .

. . .

Alex followed the now lethargic Emily walking directly behind her . In truth Alex didn"t know much about Emily . So at this point it was impossible for him to know how to cheer her up . The only thing Alex knew about Emily, were she was a maid in the mansion . She was good with computers and other such things, and that She enjoys cosplaying that"s all he knows .

So Alex only plan of attack was to ask Emily directly what could make her happy . Since he did owe her, for a lot of things . So doing this for her seems like it was necessary .

"Hey Emily, I know we couldn"t do what you wanted, but I still owe you for that deal we made . So tell me is there anything else I can do to make you happy?"

The moment Alex said those words Emily stopped walking, and turned around to look at Alex . When she turned Alex saw that her eyes were s.h.i.+ning brightly, and her pale complexion had color returned to it . It seem like once again Alex was tricked by Emily"s superb acting .

"Hehehe, I knew it! I knew you would say those words, as long as act sulkily enough . You fell for it hook line and sinker . I can"t believe how easily I get to trick the silent flash . " While Emily was snickering in the inside, she smiled brightly on the outside .

She even rubbed her eyes as if she cried, which she did for a moment . Then she looked at Alex with a bright smile on her face . Alex who saw how drastic her changes were wasn"t fooled, but he still needed to do what he already said .

"I want to watch anime, with you and Lilitth ojou-chan . " Emily excitedly answered . Watching her you would think that she was like a kid . Yet the way she plans and acts, doesn"t feel kid like at all .

"Anime?" In just this one day Alex had learned a lot of things that he had no knowledge of, and it all came from Emily .

"Yes anime! It"s a show you watch on television . You know this costume I"m wearing was also from an anime I like . The character I"m is called Evangeline Cromwell I was acting like her during the tournament . She"s from a show I"m currently in love with called b.l.o.o.d.y Princess . " Emily twirled around emphasizing the dress she was wearing .

"So you want me and Lilitth to watch the show called b.l.o.o.d.y Princess with you?"

"No, not that show . That"s too high level a show to watch for a beginner like you and Lilitth ojou-chan . "

"There are levels in watching anime?"

"Yes there are! For you to understand anime, you need to start at the first level . The first level of anime are works that even laymen like you could understand . Still if I show you a war anime, that would be too boring . Also I need to consider Lilitth ojou-chan while picking an anime . . . Hmm . . . . I wonder what should we watch? . . . I got it! We need to watch Magical Girl Harurun!"

"Magical Girl Harurun?" Alex felt that the name itself was already confusing enough, and this was in a low level? Was the high level anime, something he couldn"t even comprehend?

"Okay now that we picked what to watch we need to head home immediately and get Lilitth ojou-chan!"

Emily was like a roller coaster, with a lots of ups, and downs, sideways, and loopy loops . Yet this was a ride Alex was forced to ride since the beginning . He had no choice at the matter as he was happily dragged away .

. . .

It was a this moment that Rachel and Evangeline felt an ominous feeling attack them at the same time . It felt like there positions were being compromised .

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