Adopted Soldier

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

When Alex heard the mission his father gave him, he started to s.h.i.+ft gears into his mission mode .

"How long is the duration of the mission?"

"Until you graduate, or if there is an extension you will be informed promptly . "

"What weapons can I use?"

"You are permitted to use your specialized handgun, but only use rubber bullets . If the situation truly needs it, inform me first and wait for approval to use deadly force . " Carlo knew that his son wouldn"t really need to use deadly force, since he could subdue most threats without killing anyone . The only reason he said those things is to make what he said seem like a real mission .

"Also is any girl suitable for this mission or do you have anyone in mind?"

"The choice is yours, any girl you deem suitable to be protected will do . "

"Affirmative!" Alex saluted once more and headed towards his room, he needed to prepare for the upcoming mission .

. . .

The following day Alex was walking towards his new school, and was thinking deeply . "Who should I protect? Dad said it must be a girl I find suitable to protect . . . But who could that be? What kind of girl is suitable to protect? . . . I"m getting nowhere with this kind of thinking, better keep it simple . The first girl that I see that is a student of my school will be the girl I protect . "

Once he was done with his own internal dilemma Alex headed to school with a new sense of vigor . Noticing that he was going to be late if he doesn"t hurry, Alex was about to sprint . Yet as if destiny was playing with him, someone b.u.mped him at the back . Before the other party was able to have a crash contact with him, Alex with his fighting reflexes grab hold of the person behind him and threw her .

When Alex finally notices that his body automatically reacted to the surprise hit, he tried to soften the other party"s landing .

The other party that was thrown landed on their b.u.t.tocks . It was a girl wearing a red blazer, a red ribbon tie, and a blue skirt barely reaching her knees . This was the uniform of Huriel Public High School that Alex was attending .

The girl stood up and glared at Alex . She was a beautiful girl with long black hair, that was tied in two messy low pigtails . She had a fringe just above her blue eyes, her body was fair and slim . She seem to be exuding an almost haughty aura .

"Hey you why the h.e.l.l did you throw me?" The girl asked Alex in an irritated tone of voice .

Alex who stood in front of every kind of battlefield without worry on his face, was now extremely worried . He didn"t know what to say for a situation such as this, he didn"t even know how to talk with people his age, much less a girl his age .

"Sorry Ma"am for throwing you . It was an accident . "

"Ma"am? Why are talking that way? Huh s.h.i.+t! I"m going to be late!" The girl wanted to say something more, but suddenly remembered that the she was going to be late for cla.s.s .

"Fine then I"ll accept your apology weirdo, since I have no time . " The girl sprinted away without waiting for Alex"s reply .

Alex stood their dumbfounded by the whole situation, then he remembered what he said before the girl b.u.mped into him . The first girl from the same school he meets would be the target that would need to be protected .

"So that"s the girl who I need to protect at all cost . . . Fine then let the mission start . " Alex sprinted forward, immediately catching up with the girl . He jogged exactly one meter behind her, the girl being in a hurry didn"t notice that Alex already caught up .

When the two reached the school grounds the girl headed towards her cla.s.sroom, Alex tried to follow her but when he saw that her cla.s.sroom was 1-B he stopped and looked at his memo . It was written there that he was a.s.signed to cla.s.sroom 1-A .

Alex then made a call to his father .

"Hey Alex, did you get to school properly?" Those were the first words Carlo asked his son when he picked up the phone .

"Affirmative, I reached the designated place on time . "

"So what"s the matter? Aren"t you suppose to be in cla.s.s right now?"

"Yes, but I ran into a little problem . " When Carlo heard his son say a little problem his face turned serious .

"Did you kill somebody already?"

"Negative, I have not used lethal force as of now . " When Carlo heard his son"s answer he sighed in relief .

"So then what"s the problem?"

"The target I have picked is situated in cla.s.sroom 1-B, while I"m in cla.s.sroom 1-A . Asking permission to threaten the into placing me in cla.s.sroom 1-B . "

"What! No rejected!" Carlo almost dropped the phone shocked at what Alex just said .

"Then can I use force and enter cla.s.sroom 1-B"


"Can I use a drone to monitor cla.s.sroom 1-B"

"No!" Carlo said exasperated at his son"s ideas .

"Then what can I do Dad, how can I protect the target when she"s in another room?"

Carlo sighed, "I will handle that, just give me a minute . "

Carlo then started making some phone calls, and after a few minutes Carlo called Alex back .

"There it"s done, you just need to wait and a teacher will be there . " Just right after Carlo said so, a teacher who was running frantically arrived in front of Alex .

"Alexander Samarita?"

"Yes that is me . "

"Follow me, I"m your new homeroom teacher David Lorand . " The guy calling himself Alex"s homeroom teacher was an average looking person who was a head shorter than Alex, who stood at a 172 cm .

David looked at Alex warily, since the grumpy old actually ran to the teacher"s lounge looking for him, telling him an important student was waiting in the hallway .

David was wondering what kind of ident.i.ty Alex had to make the prideful old grump act that way .

"So please wait here while I introduce you to the cla.s.s . "

David entered the cla.s.sroom, when the door was opened Alex heard the noisy insides of the cla.s.sroom .

"Everyone sit down, I"ll be introducing a new friend to you all . "

When David said those lines the students started whispering .

"A transfer student?"

"I thought Cla.s.s A will be getting a transfer student, were there two of them?"

"I wonder what kind of person the transfer student will be like . "

"Ahem . . . Alexander please come in and introduce yourself . "

Alex entered the room and once he did a female student shouted .

"It"s the weirdo!"

This was the start of Alex"s weird, yet fun High School life .

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